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In this project, we tried to solve Travelling Salesperson Problems with Profits (TSPs with profits) with Tabu Search (TS). Before I start doing anything on the problem, I made a literature survey. There are lots of papers in the literature about TSPs with profits but those papers are generally tries to solve it with some constraints. So actually I couldn't find a good paper to pointing out our problem which has no constraint. But the following paper has some good ideas about the general structer of the problem even it has a constraint on the tour length:
Traveling Salesperson problems with profits (TSPs with profits) are a generalization of the traveling salesman problem (TSP), where it is not necessary to visit all vertices. A profit is associated with each vertex. The overall goal is the simultaneous optimization of the collected profit and the travel costs. (
I used a simple permutation representation. The list [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1] represents the route of the salesperson. All the routes should start with "1" and end with "1" which is the depot.
In this part I will explain the steps of tabu search for the travelling salesperson problems with profits.
After lots of test initial tour length V=N/2 gave the best results. So function runs 5 time and constructs 5 route with length N/2, then chooses the route with best objective.
Dispersion index of a non-emty list R,
Γ(R)={1|R|(|R|−1)∑vi,vj∈Rdijif |R|>10if |R|=1Proximity measure between two non-empty lists R and S,
Δ(R,S)=2|R||S|(∑vi∈R,vj∈Sdij)−Γ(R)−Γ(S)Note that, if R={vi} and S={vj}, then Δ(R,S)=dij
Using this proximity measure, we define several partitions of V∖{v0} within a preprocessing step of the algorithm. Each of these partitions contains clusters of vertices
We calculate all possible N−1 partitions but we only retain partitions Pr corresponding to r={1,int(N/2),int(2∗N/3),int(3∗N/4),int(4∗N/5),int(5∗N/6),int(6∗N/7),int(7∗N/8),int(8∗N/9),int(9∗N/10)} at the begining. One reason for keeping at most 10 partitions is to save memory. Moreover, removing partitions that are very similar to one another will create a diversification effect in the search process. This will become clearer later on.
The value of insertion of a cluster C′rk from the partition Pr is measured by the ratio of added profit over added distance.
The gravity centre ˉvk of C′rk is first computed for all clusters of Pr, and a preliminary move evaluation is made according to the formula
ˉg(C′sk)=∑vh∈C′skphl(T∪{ˉvk})−l(T)The cluster C′sk∗ corresponding to maxk{ˉg(C′sk)} is then selected. The exact move evaluation associated with C′sk∗ is
ˉg(C′sk∗)=∑vh∈C′sk∗phl(T∪C′sk∗)−l(T)The sets of vertices Hij candidate for removal are defined as follows. Consider a solution T={v0,…,vj0,vi1,…,vj1,vi2,…,vjλ−1,vi0,…,v0} are the λ longest edges of the tour and λ is an input parameter randomly selected in the interval [2,δ/2], and δ is the maximum between 4 and the number of vertices appearing on the initial tour. Then the sets Hij are simply Hi1j1,…,Hiλ−1jλ−1
The value of a move associated with the removal of a chain Hij is measured by the ratio of saved distance over lost profit, and is computed as
f(Hij)=l(T)−l(T∖Hij)∑vk∈HijpkCompare the results of the insertion and deletion then apply the best one. If the best move is deletion then declare all vertices of deletion tabu for θ iteration where θ is a random number between (5,25)
If the iteration count is the multiple of 5, apply 2-opt.
The main idea behind it is to take a route that crosses over itself and reorder it so that it does not. To speed up the 2-opt while comparing the new route to the old one, we just compare the added and repoved edges length.Also, at each iteration of 2-opt we are searching for the best update move and apply it.
If newly generated solution has a better objective then the incumbent solution then apply 3-opt to the newly generated solution to improve the tour quality and make it the incumbent solution.
3-opt analysis involves deleting 3 edges in a tour, reconnecting the tour in all other possible ways, and then evaluating each reconnection method to find the optimum one. This process is then repeated for all different set of 3 connections. To speed up 3-opt process, unlike our 2-opt implementation, we don't search for the best move in all the edge pairs, but we take the first move that results in a better tour. To make things stochastic, we select edges randomly.
If there hasn't been an improvement in γ iteration, then assign incumbent solution to the current solution and shuffle the route. Also clear the tabu list.
We have also tried some other extensions to the tabu search to improve the results. However some of them just failed.
Intensification rules intended to bias the search towards promising areas of the search space. If a node is always showing up in the solution then we made this node forbid to be in tabu list.
Diversification rules that drive the search into new regions. If a node is always showing up in the solution then we made this node forbid to enter into the solutions for a longer time than a normal tabu.
After completion of tabu search heuristic, to try to make an improvement in the route length, we shuffle and optimize the route several times.
I have added an extra property to my 2-opt function. You can track the edge changes in the 2-opt algorithm visually by changing sending the function some parameters.
import numpy as np
import math
import time
import random
import itertools
import queue
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display, Markdown
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Reading input from document and initializing variables. You can change dataset by changing variable dataset to 'HP' or 'LP' and variable N to 51, 76 or 101.
# HP or LP
dataset = "HP"
# 51, 76 or 101
N = 51
filename = "dataset-" + dataset + ".xls"
df = pd.read_excel(filename, sheetname = "eil"+str(N), header = None, index_col = 0)
df.columns = ['x', 'y', 'prof']
distances = [-1]
prof = [-1]
for lab, row in df.iterrows():
tempDist = [-1]
for lab2, row2 in df.iterrows():
dist = math.sqrt( math.pow(row['x']-row2['x'], 2) + math.pow(row['y']-row2['y'], 2) )
# dff holds the main data as given from the xls
# Started the indices from 1
dff = [[0,0,0]]
for lab, row in df.iterrows():
x | y | prof | |
0 | |||
1 | 37 | 52 | 0 |
2 | 49 | 49 | 27 |
3 | 52 | 64 | 31 |
4 | 20 | 26 | 26 |
5 | 40 | 30 | 17 |
6 | 21 | 47 | 18 |
7 | 17 | 63 | 32 |
8 | 31 | 62 | 29 |
9 | 52 | 33 | 20 |
10 | 51 | 21 | 18 |
def calculateObj(route):
if len(route) == 0:
return -99999999
objVal = 0
for i in range(1,len(route)):
objVal = objVal + dff[route[i]][2] - distances[route[i-1]][route[i]]
return objVal
def calculateTour(route):
objVal = 0
for i in range(1,len(route)):
objVal = objVal + distances[route[i-1]][route[i]]
return objVal
def updateGraph(G, old_route, route, se, visualize):
G.remove_edge(old_route[se[0]-1], old_route[se[0]])
G.remove_edge(old_route[se[1]], old_route[se[1]+1])
G.add_edge(route[se[0]-1], route[se[0]])
G.add_edge(route[se[1]], route[se[1]+1])
if visualize:
nx.draw(G,pos,with_labels = True)
print(str(old_route[se[0]-1]) + ',' + str(old_route[se[0]]) + ' - ' + str(old_route[se[1]]) + ',' + str(old_route[se[1]+1]))
return G
def twoOpt(route, G=None, visualize = False):
if G != None:
if visualize and G != None:
nx.draw(G,pos,with_labels = True)
se = (0,0)
xx = 0
xx = xx + 1
temp_route = list(route)
old_route = list(route)
route_distance = -999999999
for i in range(1, len(route)-2):
for j in range(i+1, len(route)-1):
new_route = route[:i] + list(reversed(route[i:j+1])) + route[j+1:]
diff_distance = distances[route[i-1]][route[i]] + distances[route[j]][route[j+1]]
diff_distance = diff_distance - distances[new_route[i-1]][new_route[i]] - distances[new_route[j]][new_route[j+1]]
if diff_distance > route_distance:
temp_route = list(new_route)
route_distance = diff_distance
se = (i,j)
if route_distance > 0.01:
route = list(temp_route)
if G != None:
G = updateGraph(G, old_route, route, se, visualize)
return route, G
def threeOptSwap(route, i, j, k):
bestRoute = list(route)
best_diff = 0
a = i
b = j+1
c = k+2
nRoute = route[:a] + list(reversed(route[a:b])) + list(reversed(route[b:c])) + route[c:]
diff = distances[route[a-1]][route[a]] + distances[route[b-1]][route[b]] + distances[route[c-1]][route[c]]
diff = diff - distances[route[a-1]][route[b-1]] - distances[route[a]][route[c-1]] - distances[route[b]][route[c]]
if diff > best_diff:
best_diff = diff
bestRoute = list(nRoute)
nRoute = route[:a] + route[b:c] + route[a:b] + route[c:]
diff = distances[route[a-1]][route[a]] + distances[route[b-1]][route[b]] + distances[route[c-1]][route[c]]
diff = diff - distances[route[a-1]][route[b]] - distances[route[c-1]][route[a]] - distances[route[b-1]][route[c]]
if diff > best_diff:
best_diff = diff
bestRoute = list(nRoute)
nRoute = route[:a] + route[b:c] + list(reversed(route[a:b])) + route[c:]
diff = distances[route[a-1]][route[a]] + distances[route[b-1]][route[b]] + distances[route[c-1]][route[c]]
diff = diff - distances[route[a-1]][route[b]] - distances[route[c-1]][route[b-1]] - distances[route[a]][route[c]]
if diff > best_diff:
best_diff = diff
bestRoute = list(nRoute)
nRoute = route[:a] + list(reversed(route[b:c])) + route[a:b] + route[c:]
diff = distances[route[a-1]][route[a]] + distances[route[b-1]][route[b]] + distances[route[c-1]][route[c]]
diff = diff - distances[route[a-1]][route[c-1]] - distances[route[b]][route[a]] - distances[route[b-1]][route[c]]
if diff > best_diff:
best_diff = diff
bestRoute = list(nRoute)
return bestRoute, best_diff
def threeOpt(route):
xx = 0
xx += 1
temp_route = list(route)
old_route = list(route)
best_diff = 0.01
brk = False
li = list(range(1, len(route)-2))
for i in li:
lj = list(range(i, len(route)-2))
for j in lj:
lk = list(range(j, len(route)-2))
for k in lk:
new_route, new_diff = threeOptSwap(route, i, j, k)
if new_diff > best_diff:
temp_route = list(new_route)
best_diff = new_diff
brk = True
if brk:
if brk:
if not brk:
if best_diff > 0.01:
route = list(temp_route)
return route
def initialization():
''' Construction Heuristic '''
best_objs = []
best_routes = []
for i in [int(N/2)]:
local_obj = -99999999
local_route = []
for t in range(5):
route = [1,1]
for j in range(i):
min_obj = 99999999
k = random.randint(0, len(route)-2)
temp_route = list(route)
for lab in range(1,N+1):
if lab not in route:
new_route = route[:k+1] + [lab] + route[k+1:]
diff_obj = (distances[route[k]][lab] + distances[lab][route[k+1]] - distances[route[k]][route[k+1]]) / prof[lab]
if diff_obj < min_obj:
temp_route = list(new_route)
min_obj = diff_obj
route = list(temp_route)
temp_route = twoOpt(route)[0]
temp_obj = calculateObj(temp_route)
if temp_obj > local_obj:
local_obj = temp_obj
local_route = list(temp_route)
route = list(best_routes[0])
rat = 0
for i in range(len(best_routes)):
if best_objs[i]/len(best_routes[i]) > rat:
rat = best_objs[i]/len(best_routes[i])
route = list(best_routes[i])
return route
def dispersionIndex(cluster):
if len(cluster) == 1:
return 0
sm = 0
for c1 in cluster:
for c2 in cluster:
sm = sm + distances[c1][c2]
return sm / (len(cluster)*(len(cluster)-1))
def proximityMeasure(cluster1, cluster2):
sm = 0
for c1 in cluster1:
for c2 in cluster2:
sm = sm + distances[c1][c2]
return (2/(len(cluster1)*len(cluster2)))*sm - dispersionIndex(cluster1) - dispersionIndex(cluster2)
def insertionCandidates():
candidates = []
rList = [1, int(N/2), int(2*N/3), int(3*N/4), int(4*N/5), int(5*N/6), int(6*N/7), int(7*N/8), int(8*N/9), int(9*N/10)]
Pr = []
Pr = [[x] for x in range(2,N+1)]
for r in range(2,N):
minProx = 99999999
minProxInd = []
for i in range(len(Pr)):
for j in range(i+1, len(Pr)):
pM = proximityMeasure(Pr[i], Pr[j])
if pM < minProx:
minProx = pM
minProxInd = [i, j]
if r in rList:
return candidates
def deletionCandidates(route):
candidates = []
edges = []
K = random.randint(2,int(max(4,len(route))/2))
for i in range(len(route)-1):
edges.append([distances[route[i]][route[i+1]], i, i+1])
edges = list(reversed(sorted(edges)))[:K]
edges.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
for i in range(K-1):
tempList = []
for j in range(edges[i][2], edges[i+1][1]+1):
return candidates
def findBestInsertionCandidate(route, tabuList, insCandidates):
bestInsCandidate = []
bestInsObj = -99999999
for iC in insCandidates:
profitSum = 0
gCenter = [0,0]
for c in iC:
if c not in route and c not in tabuList:
gCenter[0] = gCenter[0] + dff[c][0]/len(iC)
gCenter[1] = gCenter[1] + dff[c][1]/len(iC)
profitSum = profitSum + dff[c][2]
minDist = 99999999
for j in range(len(route)-1):
distAdd1 = calculateDist(dff[route[j]][0],dff[route[j]][1],gCenter[0],gCenter[1])
distAdd2 = calculateDist(gCenter[0],gCenter[1],dff[route[j+1]][0],dff[route[j+1]][1])
distRem = calculateDist(dff[route[j]][0],dff[route[j]][1],dff[route[j+1]][0],dff[route[j+1]][1])
dist = distAdd1 + distAdd2 - distRem
if dist < minDist:
minDist = dist
if profitSum/minDist > bestInsObj:
bestInsObj = profitSum/minDist
bestInsCandidate = list(iC)
return bestInsCandidate
def calculateDist(x1,y1,x2,y2):
return math.sqrt( math.pow(x1-x2, 2) + math.pow(y1-y2, 2) )
# Iteration Count
ITER = 10000
# Start the timer
t1 = time.clock()
# Create the initial route
route = initialization()
# Determine all possible insertion partitions
insCandidatesAll = insertionCandidates()
tabuList = {}
solutionIndex = [0]
bestRoute = list(route)
bestObj = calculateObj(bestRoute)
# Start tabu search
for i in range(ITER):
# Choose one insertion partition ramdompy
insCandidates = list(insCandidatesAll[random.randint(0,len(insCandidatesAll)-1)])
# Determine deletion candidates
if len(route) < 3:
delCandidates = []
delCandidates = deletionCandidates(route)
candidateRoute = []
tabuAddition = []
# Find best insertion candidate from the selected partition
bestInsCandidate = findBestInsertionCandidate(route, tabuList, insCandidates)
# Calculate the gain of inserting the insertion candidate to the route
insertedRoute = list(route)
profitSum = 0
distSum = 0
for c in bestInsCandidate:
if c not in insertedRoute and c not in tabuList:
profitSum = profitSum + dff[c][2]
minDist = 99999999
temp_route = list(insertedRoute)
for j in range(len(insertedRoute)-1):
new_route = insertedRoute[:j+1] + [c] + insertedRoute[j+1:]
diffDist = distances[insertedRoute[j]][c] + distances[c][insertedRoute[j+1]] - distances[insertedRoute[j]][insertedRoute[j+1]]
if diffDist < minDist:
temp_route = list(new_route)
minDist = diffDist
insertedRoute = list(temp_route)
distSum = distSum + minDist
if distSum == 0:
distSum = 99999999
insertedObj = profitSum / distSum
# Choose the best deletion candidate from the selected ones, then calculate its gain
deletedRoute = list(route)
maxDeletedObj = -99999999
for dC in delCandidates:
tempRoute = list(route)
profitSum = 0
distSum = 0
for c in dC:
if c in tempRoute:
cPrev = tempRoute[tempRoute.index(c)-1]
cNext = tempRoute[tempRoute.index(c)+1]
profitSum = profitSum + dff[c][2]
distSum = distances[cPrev][c] + distances[c][cNext] - distances[cPrev][cNext]
if profitSum != 0 and distSum/profitSum > maxDeletedObj:
maxDeletedObj = distSum/profitSum
deletedRoute = list(tempRoute)
tabuAddition = list(dC)
deletedObj = maxDeletedObj
# Compare the insertion and deletion gains, and apply the better one
if insertedObj > deletedObj:
candidateRoute = list(insertedRoute)
chosen = ['I', len(insertedRoute)-len(route)]
candidateRoute = list(deletedRoute)
chosen = ['D', len(route)-len(deletedRoute)]
# Update the tabu list
for key, value in list(tabuList.items()):
tabuList[key] = tabuList[key] - 1
if tabuList[key] == 0:
# If deletion action is performed then add the chosen deletion candidates to the tabu list.
if chosen[0] == 'D':
for tA in tabuAddition:
if tA in route:
tabuList[tA] = random.randint(5,25)
route = list(candidateRoute)
# Improve the route
if i % 5 == 0:
route = twoOpt(route)[0]
# Best solution update
if calculateObj(route) > bestObj:
route = threeOpt(route)
bestRoute = list(route)
bestObj = calculateObj(route)
# Shuffle to Reset
if i - solutionIndex[-1] >= 1000:
tempRoute = bestRoute[1:-1]
tempRoute = [1] + tempRoute + [1]
route = list(tempRoute)
# Stop the timer
t2 = time.clock()
print("Instance: ")
print("eil" + str(N) + "-" + str(dataset))
print("Best Objective Value:")
print("%.2f" %calculateObj(bestRoute))
print("Number of Customers Visited (Depot Excluded):")
print("Sequence of Customers Visited:")
print("CPU Time (s):")
timePassed = (t2-t1)
print("%.2f" %timePassed)
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
for lab, row in df.iterrows():
G.add_node(lab, pos = (row['x'], row['y']))
for i in range(1,len(bestRoute)):
G.add_edge(bestRoute[i-1], bestRoute[i])
nx.draw(G,pos,with_labels = True)
Instance: eil51-HP Best Objective Value: 704.73 Number of Customers Visited (Depot Excluded): 49 Sequence of Customers Visited: [1, 32, 11, 38, 5, 49, 10, 39, 33, 45, 15, 37, 17, 44, 42, 19, 41, 13, 25, 14, 18, 4, 47, 12, 46, 51, 27, 6, 48, 23, 24, 43, 7, 26, 8, 31, 28, 3, 36, 35, 20, 29, 21, 34, 30, 9, 50, 16, 2, 22, 1] CPU Time (s): 40.40
path = [1,2,3,5,6,7,8,12,13,18,28,1]
for lab, row in df.iterrows():
if lab in path:
G.add_node(lab, pos = (row['x'], row['y']))
for i in range(1,len(path)):
G.add_edge(path[i-1], path[i])
path, G = twoOpt(path, G, True)
3,5 - 8,12
6,5 - 18,28
2,3 - 5,28
1,2 - 8,3
6,18 - 13,12