This Jupyter notebook shows some examples for the different functions of the Julia module zaf
- Compute the short-time Fourier transform (STFT).istft
- Compute the inverse STFT.melfilterbank
- Compute the mel filterbank.melspectrogram
- Compute the mel spectrogram using a mel filterbank.mfcc
- Compute the mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) using a mel filterbank.cqtkernel
- Compute the constant-Q transform (CQT) kernel.cqtspectrogram
- Compute the CQT spectrogram using a CQT kernel.cqtchromagram
- Compute the CQT chromagram using a CQT kernel.dct
- Compute the discrete cosine transform (DCT) using the fast Fourier transform (FFT).dst
- Compute the discrete sine transform (DST) using the FFT.mdct
- Compute the modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT) using the FFT.imdct
- Compute the inverse MDCT using the FFT.Other:
- Compute the Hamming window.sigplot
- Plot a signal in seconds.specshow
- Display a spectrogram in dB, seconds, and Hz.melspecshow
- Display a mel spectrogram in dB, seconds, and Hz.mfccshow
- Display MFCCs in seconds.cqtspecshow
- Display a CQT spectrogram in dB, seconds, and Hz.cqtchromshow
- Display a CQT chromagram in seconds.Author:
Compute the short-time Fourier transform (STFT).
audio_stft = zaf.stft(audio_signal, window_function, step_length)
audio_signal: audio signal (number_samples,)
window_function: window function (window_length,)
step_length: step length in samples
audio_stft: audio STFT (window_length, number_frames)
# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Statistics
using Plots
# Read the audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz, and average it over its channels
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")
audio_signal = mean(audio_signal, dims=2)
# Set the window duration in seconds (audio is stationary around 40 milliseconds)
window_duration = 0.04
# Derive the window length in samples (use powers of 2 for faster FFT and constant overlap-add (COLA))
window_length = nextpow(2, ceil(Int, window_duration*sampling_frequency))
# Compute the window function (periodic Hamming window for COLA)
window_function = zaf.hamming(window_length, "periodic")
# Set the step length in samples (half of the window length for COLA)
step_length = convert(Int, window_length/2)
# Compute the STFT
audio_stft = zaf.stft(audio_signal, window_function, step_length)
# Derive the magnitude spectrogram (without the DC component and the mirrored frequencies)
audio_spectrogram = abs.(audio_stft[2:convert(Int, window_length/2)+1, :])
# Display the spectrogram in dB, seconds, and Hz
number_samples = length(audio_signal)
xtick_step = 1
ytick_step = 1000
plot_object = zaf.specshow(audio_spectrogram, number_samples, sampling_frequency, xtick_step, ytick_step)
heatmap!(title = "Spectrogram (dB)", size = (990, 600))
Compute the inverse short-time Fourier transform (STFT).
audio_signal = zaf.istft(audio_stft, window_function, step_length)
audio_stft: audio STFT (window_length, number_frames)
window_function: window function (window_length,)
step_length: step length in samples
audio_signal: audio signal (number_samples,)
# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Plots
# Read the (stereo) audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")
# Set the parameters for the STFT
window_length = nextpow(2, ceil(Int, 0.04*sampling_frequency))
window_function = zaf.hamming(window_length, "periodic")
step_length = convert(Int, window_length/2)
# Compute the STFTs for the left and right channels
audio_stft1 = zaf.stft(audio_signal[:,1], window_function, step_length)
audio_stft2 = zaf.stft(audio_signal[:,2], window_function, step_length)
# Derive the magnitude spectrograms (with DC component) for the left and right channels
audio_spectrogram1 = abs.(audio_stft1[1:convert(Int, window_length/2)+1, :])
audio_spectrogram2 = abs.(audio_stft2[1:convert(Int, window_length/2)+1, :])
# Estimate the time-frequency masks for the left and right channels for the center
center_mask1 = min.(audio_spectrogram1, audio_spectrogram2)./audio_spectrogram1
center_mask2 = min.(audio_spectrogram1, audio_spectrogram2)./audio_spectrogram2
# Derive the STFTs for the left and right channels for the center (with mirrored frequencies)
center_stft1 = [center_mask1; center_mask1[convert(Int, window_length/2):-1:2,:]] .* audio_stft1
center_stft2 = [center_mask2; center_mask2[convert(Int, window_length/2):-1:2,:]] .* audio_stft2
# Synthesize the signals for the left and right channels for the center
center_signal1 = zaf.istft(center_stft1, window_function, step_length)
center_signal2 = zaf.istft(center_stft2, window_function, step_length)
# Derive the final stereo center and sides signals
center_signal = [center_signal1 center_signal2];
center_signal = center_signal[1:size(audio_signal, 1), :]
sides_signal = audio_signal-center_signal;
# Write the center and sides signals
wavwrite(center_signal, "center_signal.wav", Fs=sampling_frequency)
wavwrite(sides_signal, "sides_signal.wav", Fs=sampling_frequency)
# Display the original, center, and sides signals in seconds
xtick_step = 1
plot_object1 = zaf.sigplot(audio_signal, sampling_frequency, xtick_step)
plot!(ylims = (-1, 1), title = "Original signal")
plot_object2 = zaf.sigplot(center_signal, sampling_frequency, xtick_step)
plot!(ylims = (-1, 1), title = "Center signal")
plot_object3 = zaf.sigplot(sides_signal, sampling_frequency, xtick_step)
plot!(ylims = (-1, 1), title = "Sides signal")
plot(plot_object1, plot_object2, plot_object3, layout = (3, 1), size = (990, 600))
Compute the mel filterbank.
mel_filterbank = zaf.melfilterbank(sampling_frequency, window_length, number_filters)
sampling_frequency: sampling frequency in Hz
window_length: window length for the Fourier analysis in samples
number_mels: number of mel filters
mel_filterbank: mel filterbank (sparse) (number_mels, number_frequencies)
# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using Plots
# Compute the mel filterbank using some parameters
sampling_frequency = 44100
window_length = nextpow(2, ceil(Int, 0.04*sampling_frequency))
number_mels = 128
mel_filterbank = zaf.melfilterbank(sampling_frequency, window_length, number_mels)
# Display the mel filterbank
heatmap(Array(mel_filterbank), fillcolor = :jet, legend = false, fmt = :png, size = (990, 300),
title = "Mel filterbank", xlabel = "Frequency index", ylabel = "Mel index")
Compute the mel spectrogram using a mel filterbank.
mel_spectrogram = zaf.melspectrogram(audio_signal, window_function, step_length, mel_filterbank)
audio_signal: audio signal (number_samples,)
window_function: window function (window_length,)
step_length: step length in samples
mel_filterbank: mel filterbank (number_mels, number_frequencies)
mel_spectrogram: mel spectrogram (number_mels, number_times)
# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Statistics
using Plots
# Read the audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz, and average it over its channels
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")
audio_signal = mean(audio_signal, dims=2)
# Set the parameters for the Fourier analysis
window_length = nextpow(2, ceil(Int, 0.04*sampling_frequency))
window_function = zaf.hamming(window_length, "periodic")
step_length = convert(Int, window_length/2)
# Compute the mel filterbank
number_mels = 128
mel_filterbank = zaf.melfilterbank(sampling_frequency, window_length, number_mels)
# Compute the mel spectrogram using the filterbank
mel_spectrogram = zaf.melspectrogram(audio_signal, window_function, step_length, mel_filterbank)
# Display the mel spectrogram in dB, seconds, and Hz
number_samples = length(audio_signal)
xtick_step = 1
plot_object = zaf.melspecshow(mel_spectrogram, number_samples, sampling_frequency, window_length, xtick_step)
heatmap!(title = "Mel spectrogram (dB)", size = (990, 600))
Compute the mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) using a mel filterbank.
audio_mfcc = zaf.mfcc(audio_signal, window_function, step_length, mel_filterbank, number_coefficients)
audio_signal: audio signal (number_samples,)
window_function: window function (window_length,)
step_length: step length in samples
mel_filterbank: mel filterbank (number_mels, number_frequencies)
number_coefficients: number of coefficients (without the 0th coefficient)
audio_mfcc: audio MFCCs (number_times, number_coefficients)
# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Statistics
using Plots
# Read the audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz, and average it over its channels
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")
audio_signal = mean(audio_signal, dims=2)
# Set the parameters for the Fourier analysis
window_length = nextpow(2, ceil(Int, 0.04*sampling_frequency))
window_function = zaf.hamming(window_length, "periodic")
step_length = convert(Int, window_length/2)
# Compute the mel filterbank
number_mels = 40
mel_filterbank = zaf.melfilterbank(sampling_frequency, window_length, number_mels)
# Compute the MFCCs using the filterbank
number_coefficients = 20
audio_mfcc = zaf.mfcc(audio_signal, window_function, step_length, mel_filterbank, number_coefficients)
# Compute the delta and delta-delta MFCCs
audio_dmfcc = diff(audio_mfcc, dims=2)
audio_ddmfcc = diff(audio_dmfcc, dims=2)
# Display the MFCCs, delta MFCCs, and delta-delta MFCCs in seconds
xtick_step = 1
number_samples = length(audio_signal)
plot_object1 = zaf.mfccshow(audio_mfcc, number_samples, sampling_frequency, xtick_step); plot!(title = "MFCCs")
plot_object2 = zaf.mfccshow(audio_dmfcc, number_samples, sampling_frequency, xtick_step); plot!(title = "Delta MFCCs")
plot_object3 = zaf.mfccshow(audio_ddmfcc, number_samples, sampling_frequency, xtick_step); plot!(title = "Delta MFCCs")
plot(plot_object1, plot_object2, plot_object3, layout = (3, 1), size = (990, 600))
Compute the constant-Q transform (CQT) kernel.
cqt_kernel = zaf.cqtkernel(sampling_frequency, octave_resolution, minimum_frequency, maximum_frequency)
sampling_frequency: sampling frequency in Hz
octave_resolution: number of frequency channels per octave
minimum_frequency: minimum frequency in Hz
maximum_frequency: maximum frequency in Hz
cqt_kernel: CQT kernel (sparse) (number_frequencies, fft_length)
# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using Plots
# Set the parameters for the CQT kernel
sampling_frequency = 44100
octave_resolution = 24
minimum_frequency = 55
maximum_frequency = sampling_frequency/2
# Compute the CQT kernel
cqt_kernel = zaf.cqtkernel(sampling_frequency, octave_resolution, minimum_frequency, maximum_frequency)
# Display the magnitude CQT kernel
heatmap(abs.(Array(cqt_kernel)), fillcolor = :jet, legend = false, fmt = :png, size = (990, 300),
title = "Magnitude CQT kernel", xlabel = "FFT index", ylabel = "CQT index")
Compute the constant-Q transform (CQT) spectrogram using a CQT kernel.
cqt_spectrogram = zaf.cqtspectrogram(audio_signal, sampling_frequency, time_resolution, cqt_kernel)
audio_signal: audio signal (number_samples,)
sampling_frequency: sampling frequency in Hz
time_resolution: number of time frames per second
cqt_kernel: CQT kernel (number_frequencies, fft_length)
cqt_spectrogram: CQT spectrogram (number_frequencies, number_times)
# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Statistics
using Plots
# Read the audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz, and average it over its channels
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")
audio_signal = mean(audio_signal, dims=2)
# Compute the CQT kernel
octave_resolution = 24
minimum_frequency = 55
maximum_frequency = 3520
cqt_kernel = zaf.cqtkernel(sampling_frequency, octave_resolution, minimum_frequency, maximum_frequency)
# Compute the CQT spectrogram using the kernel
time_resolution = 25
cqt_spectrogram = zaf.cqtspectrogram(audio_signal, sampling_frequency, time_resolution, cqt_kernel)
# Display the CQT spectrogram in dB, seconds, and Hz
xtick_step = 1
plot_object = zaf.cqtspecshow(cqt_spectrogram, time_resolution, octave_resolution, minimum_frequency, xtick_step)
heatmap!(title = "CQT spectrogram (dB)", size = (990, 600))
Compute the constant-Q transform (CQT) chromagram using a CQT kernel.
cqt_chromagram = zaf.cqtchromagram(audio_signal, sampling_frequency, time_resolution, frequency_resolution, cqt_kernel)
audio_signal: audio signal (number_samples,)
sampling_frequency: sampling frequency in Hz
time_resolution: number of time frames per second
octave_resolution: number of frequency channels per octave
cqt_kernel: CQT kernel (number_frequencies, fft_length)
cqt_chromagram: CQT chromagram (number_chromas, number_times)
# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Statistics
using Plots
# Read the audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz, and average it over its channels
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")
audio_signal = mean(audio_signal, dims=2)
# Compute the CQT kernel
octave_resolution = 24
minimum_frequency = 55
maximum_frequency = 3520
cqt_kernel = zaf.cqtkernel(sampling_frequency, octave_resolution, minimum_frequency, maximum_frequency)
# Compute the CQT chromagram using the kernel
time_resolution = 25
cqt_chromagram = zaf.cqtchromagram(audio_signal, sampling_frequency, time_resolution, octave_resolution, cqt_kernel)
# Display the CQT chromagram in seconds
xtick_step = 1
plot_object = zaf.cqtchromshow(cqt_chromagram, time_resolution, xtick_step)
heatmap!(title = "CQT chromagram", size = (990, 300))
Compute the discrete cosine transform (DCT) using the fast Fourier transform (FFT).
audio_dct = zaf.dct(audio_signal, dct_type)
audio_signal: audio signal (window_length,)
dct_type: dct type (1, 2, 3, or 4)
audio_dct: audio DCT (number_frequencies,)
# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Statistics
using FFTW
using Plots
# Read the audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz, and average it over its channels
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")
audio_signal = mean(audio_signal, dims=2)
# Get an audio segment for a given window length
window_length = 1024
audio_segment = audio_signal[1:window_length]
# Compute the DCT-I, II, III, and IV
audio_dct1 = zaf.dct(audio_segment, 1)
audio_dct2 = zaf.dct(audio_segment, 2)
audio_dct3 = zaf.dct(audio_segment, 3)
audio_dct4 = zaf.dct(audio_segment, 4)
# Compute FFTW's DCT-I, II, III, and IV (orthogonalized)
audio_segment2 = copy(audio_segment)
audio_segment2[[1, end]] = audio_segment2[[1, end]]*sqrt(2)
fftw_dct1 = FFTW.r2r(audio_segment2, FFTW.REDFT00)
fftw_dct1[[1, window_length]] = fftw_dct1[[1, window_length]]/sqrt(2)
fftw_dct1 = fftw_dct1/2 * sqrt(2/(window_length - 1))
fftw_dct2 = FFTW.r2r(audio_segment, FFTW.REDFT10)
fftw_dct2[1] = fftw_dct2[1]/sqrt(2)
fftw_dct2 = fftw_dct2/2 * sqrt(2/window_length)
audio_segment2 = copy(audio_segment)
audio_segment2[1] = audio_segment2[1]*sqrt(2)
fftw_dct3 = FFTW.r2r(audio_segment2, FFTW.REDFT01)
fftw_dct3 = fftw_dct3/2 * sqrt(2/window_length)
fftw_dct4 = FFTW.r2r(audio_segment, FFTW.REDFT11)
fftw_dct4 = fftw_dct4/2 * sqrt(2/window_length)
# Plot the DCT-I, II, III, and IV, FFTW's versions, and their differences (using yformatter because of precision issue in ticks)
dct1_plot = plot(audio_dct1, title = "DCT-I")
dct2_plot = plot(audio_dct2, title = "DCT-II")
dct3_plot = plot(audio_dct3, title = "DCT-III")
dct4_plot = plot(audio_dct4, title = "DCT-IV")
dct1_plot2 = plot(fftw_dct1, title = "FFTW's DCT-I")
dct2_plot2 = plot(fftw_dct2, title = "FFTW's DCT-II")
dct3_plot2 = plot(fftw_dct3, title = "FFTW's DCT-III")
dct4_plot2 = plot(fftw_dct4, title = "FFTW's DCT-IV")
diff1_plot = plot(audio_dct1-fftw_dct1, title = "DCT-I - FFTW's DCT-I")
diff2_plot = plot(audio_dct2-fftw_dct2, title = "DCT-II - FFTW's DCT-II", yformatter = y->string(convert(Int, round(y/1e-16)),"x10⁻¹⁶"))
diff3_plot = plot(audio_dct3-fftw_dct3, title = "DCT-III - FFTW's DCT-III", yformatter = y->string(convert(Int, round(y/1e-16)),"x10⁻¹⁶"))
diff4_plot = plot(audio_dct4-fftw_dct4, title = "DCT-IV - FFTW's DCT-IV", yformatter = y->string(convert(Int, round(y/1e-16)),"x10⁻¹⁶"))
plot(dct1_plot, dct2_plot, dct3_plot, dct4_plot, dct1_plot2, dct2_plot2, dct3_plot2, dct4_plot2,
diff1_plot, diff2_plot, diff3_plot, diff4_plot, xlims = (0, window_length), legend = false, titlefont = 10,
layout = (3,4), size = (990, 600), fmt = :png)
┌ Warning: No strict ticks found └ @ PlotUtils C:\Users\zarafii2001\.julia\packages\PlotUtils\es5pb\src\ticks.jl:283 ┌ Warning: No strict ticks found └ @ PlotUtils C:\Users\zarafii2001\.julia\packages\PlotUtils\es5pb\src\ticks.jl:283
Compute the discrete sine transform (DST) using the fast Fourier transform (FFT).
audio_dst = zaf.dst(audio_signal, dst_type)
audio_signal: audio signal (window_length,)
dst_type: DST type (1, 2, 3, or 4)
audio_dst: audio DST (number_frequencies,)
# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Statistics
using Plots
# Read the audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz, and average it over its channels
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")
audio_signal = mean(audio_signal, dims=2)
# Get an audio segment for a given window length
window_length = 1024
audio_segment = audio_signal[1:window_length]
# Compute the DST-I, II, III, and IV
audio_dst1 = zaf.dst(audio_segment, 1)
audio_dst2 = zaf.dst(audio_segment, 2)
audio_dst3 = zaf.dst(audio_segment, 3)
audio_dst4 = zaf.dst(audio_segment, 4)
# Compute their respective inverses, i.e., DST-I, II, III, and IV
audio_idst1 = zaf.dst(audio_dst1, 1)
audio_idst2 = zaf.dst(audio_dst2, 3)
audio_idst3 = zaf.dst(audio_dst3, 2)
audio_idst4 = zaf.dst(audio_dst4, 4)
# Plot the DST-I, II, III, and IV, their respective inverses, and their differences with the original audio segment
dst1_plot = plot(audio_dst1, title = "DST-I");
dst2_plot = plot(audio_dst2, title = "DST-II");
dst3_plot = plot(audio_dst3, title = "DST-III");
dst4_plot = plot(audio_dst4, title = "DST-IV");
idst1_plot2 = plot(audio_idst1, title = "Inverse DST-I (DST-I)")
idst2_plot2 = plot(audio_idst2, title = "Inverse DST-II (DST-III)")
idst3_plot2 = plot(audio_idst3, title = "Inverse DST-III (DST-II)")
idst4_plot2 = plot(audio_idst4, title = "Inverse DST-IV (DST-IV)")
diff1_plot = plot(audio_idst1-audio_segment, title = "Inverse DST-I - audio segment")
diff2_plot = plot(audio_idst2-audio_segment, title = "Inverse DST-II - audio segment")
diff3_plot = plot(audio_idst3-audio_segment, title = "Inverse DST-III - audio segment")
diff4_plot = plot(audio_idst4-audio_segment, title = "Inverse DST-IV - audio segment")
plot(dst1_plot, dst2_plot, dst3_plot, dst4_plot, idst1_plot2, idst2_plot2, idst3_plot2, idst4_plot2,
diff1_plot, diff2_plot, diff3_plot, diff4_plot, xlims = (0, window_length), legend = false, titlefont = 10,
layout = (3,4), size = (990, 600), fmt = :png)
┌ Warning: No strict ticks found └ @ PlotUtils C:\Users\zarafii2001\.julia\packages\PlotUtils\es5pb\src\ticks.jl:283 ┌ Warning: No strict ticks found └ @ PlotUtils C:\Users\zarafii2001\.julia\packages\PlotUtils\es5pb\src\ticks.jl:283 ┌ Warning: No strict ticks found └ @ PlotUtils C:\Users\zarafii2001\.julia\packages\PlotUtils\es5pb\src\ticks.jl:283 ┌ Warning: No strict ticks found └ @ PlotUtils C:\Users\zarafii2001\.julia\packages\PlotUtils\es5pb\src\ticks.jl:283 ┌ Warning: No strict ticks found └ @ PlotUtils C:\Users\zarafii2001\.julia\packages\PlotUtils\es5pb\src\ticks.jl:283 ┌ Warning: No strict ticks found └ @ PlotUtils C:\Users\zarafii2001\.julia\packages\PlotUtils\es5pb\src\ticks.jl:283 ┌ Warning: No strict ticks found └ @ PlotUtils C:\Users\zarafii2001\.julia\packages\PlotUtils\es5pb\src\ticks.jl:283 ┌ Warning: No strict ticks found └ @ PlotUtils C:\Users\zarafii2001\.julia\packages\PlotUtils\es5pb\src\ticks.jl:283
Compute the modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT) using the fast Fourier transform (FFT).
audio_mdct = zaf.mdct(audio_signal, window_function)
audio_signal: audio signal (number_samples,)
window_function: window function (window_length,)
audio_mdct: audio MDCT (number_frequencies, number_times)
# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Statistics
using Plots
# Add and use the DSP package to get the kaiser window function
using Pkg
using DSP
# Read the audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz, and average it over its channels
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")
audio_signal = mean(audio_signal, dims=2)
# Compute the Kaiser-Bessel-derived (KBD) window as used in the AC-3 audio coding format
window_length = 512
alpha_value = 5
window_function = kaiser(convert(Int, window_length/2)+1, alpha_value*pi)
window_function2 = cumsum(window_function[1:convert(Int, window_length/2)])
window_function = sqrt.([window_function2; window_function2[convert(Int, window_length/2):-1:1]]./sum(window_function))
# Compute the MDCT
audio_mdct = zaf.mdct(audio_signal, window_function)
# Display the MDCT in dB, seconds, and Hz
xtick_step = 1
ytick_step = 1000
plot_object = zaf.specshow(abs.(audio_mdct), length(audio_signal), sampling_frequency, xtick_step, ytick_step)
heatmap!(title = "MDCT (dB)", size = (990, 600))
Updating registry at `C:\Users\zarafii2001\.julia\registries\General` Updating git-repo `` Resolving package versions... No Changes to `C:\Users\zarafii2001\.julia\environments\v1.6\Project.toml` No Changes to `C:\Users\zarafii2001\.julia\environments\v1.6\Manifest.toml`
Compute the inverse modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT) using the fast Fourier transform (FFT).
audio_signal = zaf.imdct(audio_mdct, window_function)
audio_mdct: audio MDCT (number_frequencies, number_times)
window_function: window function (window_length,)
audio_signal: audio signal (number_samples,)
# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Statistics
using Plots
# Read the audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz, and average it over its channels
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")
audio_signal = mean(audio_signal, dims=2)
# Compute the MDCT with a slope function as used in the Vorbis audio coding format
window_length = 2048
window_function = sin.(pi/2*(sin.(pi/window_length*(0.5:window_length-0.5)).^2))
audio_mdct = zaf.mdct(audio_signal, window_function)
# Compute the inverse MDCT
audio_signal2 = zaf.imdct(audio_mdct, window_function)
audio_signal2 = audio_signal2[1:length(audio_signal)]
# Compute the differences between the original signal and the resynthesized one
audio_differences = audio_signal-audio_signal2
y_max = maximum(abs.(audio_differences))
# Display the original and resynthesized signals, and their differences in seconds
xtick_step = 1
plot_object1 = zaf.sigplot(audio_signal, sampling_frequency, xtick_step)
plot!(ylims = (-1, 1), title = "Original signal")
plot_object2 = zaf.sigplot(audio_signal2, sampling_frequency, xtick_step)
plot!(ylims = (-1, 1), title = "Resyntesized signal")
plot_object3 = zaf.sigplot(audio_differences, sampling_frequency, xtick_step)
plot!(ylims = (-y_max, y_max), title = "Original - resyntesized signal")
plot(plot_object1, plot_object2, plot_object3, layout = (3, 1), size = (990, 600))