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We analyzed every aspect of the average_evens()
function in Chapter 2 except for the
-related parts. While it does what we expect it to, there is a whole lot more to learn by taking it apart. In particular, the if
may occur within both a statement or an expression, analogous as to how a noun in a natural language can be the subject of or an object in a sentence. What is common to both usages is that it leads to code being executed for parts of the input only. It is a way of controlling the flow of execution in a program.
After deconstructing if
in the first part of this chapter, we take a close look at a similar concept, namely handling exceptions.
Any expression that is either true or not is called a boolean expression. It is such simple true-or-false observations about the world on which mathematicians, and originally philosophers, base their rules of reasoning: They are studied formally in the field of propositional logic .
A trivial example involves the equality operator ==
that evaluates to either True
or False
depending on its operands "comparing equal" or not.
42 == 42
42 == 123
The ==
operator handles objects of different types: Because of that, it implements a notion of equality in line with how humans think of things being equal or not. After all, 42
and 42.0
are different 0s and 1s for a computer and other programming languages may say False
here! Technically, this is yet another example of operator overloading.
42 == 42.0
There are, however, cases where the ==
operator seems to not work intuitively. Chapter 5 provides more insights into this "bug."
42 == 42.000000000000001
and False
are built-in objects of type bool
Let's not confuse the boolean False
with None
, another built-in object! We saw the latter before in Chapter 2 as the implicit return value of a function without a
We might think of None
indicating a "maybe" or even an "unknown" answer; however, for Python, there are no "maybe" or "unknown" objects, as we see further below!
Whereas False
is of type bool
, None
is of type NoneType
. So, they are unrelated! On the contrary, as both True
and False
are of the same type, we could call them "siblings."
, False
, and None
have the property that they each exist in memory only once. Objects designed this way are so-called singletons. This design pattern was originally developed to keep a program's memory usage at a minimum. It may only be employed in situations where we know that an object does not mutate its value (i.e., to reuse the bag analogy from Chapter 1
, no flipping of 0s and 1s in the bag is allowed). In languages "closer" to the memory like C, we would have to code this singleton logic ourselves, but Python has this built in for some types.
We verify this with either the is
operator or by comparing memory addresses.
a = True
b = True
a is b
To contrast this, we create two 789
a = 789
b = 789
a is b
So the following expression regards four objects in memory: One list
object holding six references to three other objects.
[True, False, None, True, False, None]
[True, False, None, True, False, None]
The equality operator is only one of several relational (i.e., "comparison") operators who all evaluate to a bool
42 == 123
42 != 123
The "less than" <
or "greater than" >
operators mean "strictly less than" or "strictly greater than" but may be combined with the equality operator into just <=
and >=
. This is a shortcut for using the logical or
operator as described in the next section.
42 < 123
42 <= 123
42 > 123
42 >= 123
Boolean expressions may be combined or negated with the logical operators and
, or
, and not
to form new boolean expressions. This may be done repeatedly to obtain boolean expressions of arbitrary complexity.
Their usage is similar to how the equivalent words are used in everyday English:
evaluates to True
if both operands evaluate to True
and False
evaluates to True
if either one or both operands evaluate to True
and False
otherwise, andnot
evaluates to True
if its only operand evaluates to False
and vice versa.a = 42
b = 87
Relational operators have higher precedence over logical operators. So the following expression means what we intuitively think it does.
a > 5 and b <= 100
However, sometimes, it is good to use parentheses around each operand for clarity.
(a > 5) and (b <= 100)
This is especially so when several logical operators are combined.
a <= 5 or not b > 100
(a <= 5) or not (b > 100)
(a <= 5) or (not (b > 100)) # no need to "over do" it
For even better readability, some practitioners suggest to never use the >
and >=
operators (cf., source; note that the included example is written in Java where
means and
and ||
means or
We may chain operators if the expressions that contain them are combined with the and
operator. For example, the following two cells implement the same logic, where the second is a lot easier to read.
5 < a and a < 87
5 < a < 87
The operands of a logical operator do not need to be boolean expressions but may be any expression. If an operand does not evaluate to an object of type bool
, Python automatically casts it as such. Then, Pythonistas say that the expression is evaluated in a boolean context.
For example, any non-zero numeric object is cast as True
. While this behavior allows writing more concise and thus more "beautiful" code, it may also be a source of confusion.
So, (a - 40)
is cast as True
and then the overall expression evaluates to True
as well.
(a - 40) and (b < 100)
bool(a - 40)
bool(a - 42)
Let's keep in mind that negative numbers also evaluate to True
bool(a - 44)
In a boolean context, None
is cast as False
! So, None
is not a "maybe" answer but a "no."
Another good rule to know is that container types (e.g., list
) evaluate to False
whenever they are empty and True
if they hold at least one element.
With str
objects, the empty ""
evaluates to False
, and any other to True
bool("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.")
Pythonistas use the terms truthy or falsy to describe a non-boolean expression's behavior when evaluated in a boolean context.
When evaluating expressions involving the and
and or
operators, Python follows the short-circuiting strategy: Once it is clear what the overall truth value is, no more operands are evaluated, and the result is immediately returned.
Also, if such expressions are evaluated in a non-boolean context, the result is returned as is and not cast as a bool
The two rules can be summarized as:
a or b
: If a
is truthy, it is returned without evaluating b
. Otherwise, b
is evaluated and returned.a and b
: If a
is falsy, it is returned without evaluating b
. Otherwise, b
is evaluated and returned.The rules may also be chained or combined.
Let's look at a couple of examples below. To visualize which operands are evaluated, we define a helper function expr()
that prints out the only argument it is passed before returning it.
def expr(arg):
"""Print and return the only argument."""
print("Arg:", arg)
return arg
With the or
operator, the first truthy operand is returned.
0 or 1
expr(0) or expr(1) # both operands are evaluated
Arg: 0 Arg: 1
1 or 2
expr(1) or expr(2) # 2 is not evaluated
Arg: 1
0 or 1 or 2
expr(0) or expr(1) or expr(2) # 2 is not evaluated
Arg: 0 Arg: 1
If all operands are falsy, the last one is returned.
False or [] or 0
expr(False) or expr([]) or expr(0) # all operands are evaluated
Arg: False Arg: [] Arg: 0
With the and
operator, the first falsy operand is returned.
0 and 1
expr(0) and expr(1) # 1 is not evaluated
Arg: 0
1 and 0
expr(1) and expr(0) # both operands are evaluated
Arg: 1 Arg: 0
1 and 0 and 2
expr(1) and expr(0) and expr(2) # 2 is not evaluated
Arg: 1 Arg: 0
If all operands are truthy, the last one is returned.
1 and 2 and 3
expr(1) and expr(2) and expr(3)
Arg: 1 Arg: 2 Arg: 3
The crucial takeaway is that Python does not necessarily evaluate all operands and, therefore, our code should never rely on that assumption.
Statement¶To write useful programs, we need to control the flow of execution, for example, to react to user input. The logic by which a program follows the rules from the "real world" is referred to as business logic .
One language feature to do so is the if
statement (cf., reference ). It consists of:
-clauses (i.e., "else if"), andelse
-clause.The if
- and elif
-clauses each specify one boolean expression, also called condition here, while the else
-clause serves as the "catch everything else" case.
In contrast to our intuitive interpretation in natural languages, only the code in one of the alternatives, also called branches, is executed. To be precise, it is always the code in the first clause whose condition evaluates to True
In terms of syntax, the header lines end with a colon, and the code blocks are indented. Formally, any statement that is written across several lines is called a compound statement , the code blocks are called suites and belong to one header line, and the term clause refers to a header line and its suite as a whole. So far, we have seen three compound statements:
, if
, and def
. On the contrary, simple statements , for example,
, del
, or return
, are written on one line.
As an example, let's write code that checks if a randomly drawn number is divisible by 2
, 3
, both, or none. The code should print out a customized message for each of the four cases.
numbers = [7, 11, 8, 5, 3, 12, 2, 6, 9, 10, 1, 4]
import random
, 3
, both, or none?¶It turns out that translating this task into code is not so trivial. Whereas the code below looks right, it is incorrect. The reason is that the order of the if
-, elif
-, and else
-clauses matters.
number = random.choice(numbers)
if number % 2 == 0:
print(number, "is divisible by 2 only")
elif number % 3 == 0:
print(number, "is divisible by 3 only")
elif number % 2 == 0 and number % 3 == 0:
print(number, "is divisible by 2 and 3")
print(number, "is divisible by neither 2 nor 3")
6 is divisible by 2 only
, 3
, both, or none?¶As a number divisible by both 2
and 3
is always a special (i.e., narrower) case of a number being divisible by either 2
or 3
on their own, we must check for that condition first. The order of the two latter cases is not important as they are mutually exclusive. Below is a correct implementation of the program.
number = random.choice(numbers)
if number % 3 == 0 and number % 2 == 0:
print(number, "is divisible by 2 and 3")
elif number % 3 == 0:
print(number, "is divisible by 3 only")
elif number % 2 == 0:
print(number, "is divisible by 2 only")
print(number, "is divisible by neither 2 nor 3")
6 is divisible by 2 and 3
, 3
, both, or none?¶A minor improvement could be to replace number % 3 == 0 and number % 2 == 0
with the conciser number % 6 == 0
. However, this has no effect on the order that is still essential for the code's correctness.
number = random.choice(numbers)
if number % 6 == 0:
print(number, "is divisible by 2 and 3")
elif number % 3 == 0:
print(number, "is divisible by 3 only")
elif number % 2 == 0:
print(number, "is divisible by 2 only")
print(number, "is divisible by neither 2 nor 3")
6 is divisible by 2 and 3
-clause is mandatory¶Often, we only need a reduced form of the if
For example, below we inject code to print a message at random.
if random.random() > 0.5:
print("You read this as often as you see heads when tossing a coin")
You read this as often as you see heads when tossing a coin
More often than not, we model a binary choice. Then, we only need to write an if
- and an else
number = random.choice(numbers)
if number % 2 == 0:
print(number, "is even")
print(number, "is odd")
6 is even
To write the condition even conciser, we may take advantage of Python's implicit casting and leave out the == 0
. However, then we must exchange the two suits! The if
-clause below means "If the number
is odd" in plain English. That is the opposite of the if
-clause above.
number = random.choice(numbers)
if number % 2: # Note the opposite meaning!
print(number, "is odd")
print(number, "is even")
6 is even
Statements¶We may nest if
statements to control the flow of execution in a more granular way. Every additional layer, however, makes the code less readable, in particular, if we have more than one line per code block.
For example, the code cell below implements an A/B Testing strategy where half the time a "complex" message is shown to a "user" while in the remaining times an "easy" message is shown. To do so, the code first "tosses a coin" and then checks a randomly drawn
number = random.choice(numbers)
# Coin is heads.
if random.random() > 0.5:
if number % 2 == 0:
print(number, "can be divided by 2 without a rest")
print(number, "divided by 2 results in a non-zero rest")
# Coin is tails.
if number % 2 == 0:
print(number, "is even")
print(number, "is odd")
6 can be divided by 2 without a rest
Statements¶A way to make this code more readable is to introduce temporary variables in combination with the and
operator to flatten the branching logic. The if
statement then reads almost like plain English. In contrast to many other languages, creating variables is a computationally cheap operation in Python (i.e., only a reference is created) and also helps to document the code inline with meaningful variable names.
Flattening the logic without temporary variables could lead to more sub-expressions in the conditions be evaluated than necessary. Do you see why?
number = random.choice(numbers)
coin_is_heads = random.random() > 0.5
number_is_even = number % 2 == 0
if coin_is_heads and number_is_even:
print(number, "can be divided by 2 without a rest")
elif coin_is_heads and not number_is_even:
print(number, "divided by 2 results in a non-zero rest")
elif not coin_is_heads and number_is_even:
print(number, "is even")
print(number, "is odd")
6 can be divided by 2 without a rest
Expression¶When an if
statement assigns an object to a variable according to a true-or-false condition (i.e., a binary choice), there is a shortcut: We assign the variable the result of a so-called conditional expression , or
expression for short, instead.
Think of a situation where we evaluate a piece-wise functional relationship y=f(x) at a given x, for example:
y=f(x)={0, if x≤0x, otherwise
Of course, we could use an if
statement as above to do the job. Yet, this is rather lengthy.
x = 3
if x <= 0:
y = 0
y = x
On the contrary, the if
expression fits into one line. The main downside is a potential loss in readability, in particular, if the functional relationship is not that simple. Also, some practitioners do not like that the condition is in the middle of the expression.
x = 3
y = 0 if x <= 0 else x
In this example, however, the most elegant solution is to use the built-in max() function.
x = 3
y = max(0, x)
Statement¶In the previous two chapters, we encountered a couple of runtime errors. A natural urge we might have after reading about conditional statements is to write code that somehow reacts to the occurrence of such exceptions.
Consider a situation where we are given some user input that may contain values that cause problems. To illustrate this, we draw a random integer between 0
and 5
, and then divide by this number. Naturally, we see a ZeroDivisionError
in 16.6% of the cases.
user_input = random.choice([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
1 / user_input
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZeroDivisionError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[78], line 3 1 user_input = random.choice([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) ----> 3 1 / user_input ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
With the compound try
statement (cf., reference ), we can handle any runtime error.
In its simplest form, it comes with just two clauses: try
and except
. The following tells Python to execute the code in the try
-clause, and if anything goes wrong, continue in the except
-clause instead of raising an error to us. Of course, if nothing goes wrong, the except
-clause is not executed.
user_input = random.choice([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
print("The result is", 1 / user_input)
print("Something went wrong")
Something went wrong
However, it is good practice not to handle any possible exception but only the ones we may expect from the code in the try
-clause. The reason for that is that we do not want to risk suppressing an exception that we do not expect. Also, the code base becomes easier to understand as we communicate what could go wrong during execution in an explicit way to the (human) reader. Python comes with a lot of built-in exceptions that we should familiarize ourselves with.
Another good practice is to always keep the code in the try
-clause short to not accidentally handle an exception we do not want to handle.
In the example, we are dividing numbers and may expect a ZeroDivisionError
user_input = random.choice([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
print("The result is", 1 / user_input)
except ZeroDivisionError:
print("Something went wrong")
Something went wrong
Often, we may have to run some code independent of an exception occurring, for example, to close a connection to a database. To achieve that, we add a finally
-clause to the try
Similarly, we may have to run some code only if no exception occurs, but we do not want to put it in the try
-clause as per the good practice mentioned above. To achieve that, we add an else
-clause to the try
To showcase everything together, we look at one last example. It is randomized: So, run the cell several times and see for yourself.
user_input = random.choice([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
result = 1 / user_input
except ZeroDivisionError:
print("Oops. Division by 0. How does that work?")
print("The result is", result)
print("I am always printed")
Oops. Division by 0. How does that work? I am always printed