The questions below assume that you have read Chapter 0 .
Be concise in your answers! Most questions can be answered in one sentence.
Q1: Describe the difference between the terms programming and computer science!
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Q2: Explain what is a pull request and elaborate on how this concept fits a distributed organization of work!
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Q3: In what sense are open-source communities democracies? How are they near-perfect meritocracies ? How is open-source software development similar to academia?
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Q4: What is a significant advantage of a "slow" programming language like Python over a faster one like C?
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Motivate your answer with one short sentence!
Q5: Python has been the fastest-growing major programming language in recent years.
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Q6: Python is named after a snake to emphasize its agility and fast development speed right in its name.
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Q7: Python was initially designed for highly intensive numerical computing, in particular for use cases from physics and astronomy.
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Q8: JavaScript is a subset of the Java language.
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Q9: Python is free software. That means it does not cost anything.
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Q10: The primary purpose of PEPs is to regulate how code should be documented and styled.
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