Code should execute sequentially if run in a Jupyter notebook
Co-authored with Arnav Sood
An essential part of modern software engineering is using version control
We use version control because
In this lecture, we’ll discuss how to use Git and GitHub
First, make sure you create an account on
If you are a student, be sure to use the GitHub Student Developer Pack
Otherwise, see if you qualify for a free Non-Profit/Academic Plan
These come with things like unlimited private repositories, testing support, etc.
Next, install git
and the GitHub Desktop application
Optionally (but strongly recommended): On Windows, change the default line-ending by
git config --global core.eol lf
git config --global core.autocrlf false
To understand the relationship
Later, you may find yourself using alternatives
Since these lecture notes are intended to provide a minimal path to using the technologies, here we will conflate the workflow of these distinct products
The fundamental object in GitHub is a repository (or “repo.”) This is the master directory for a project
One example of a repo is the QuantEcon Expectations.jl package
On the machine, a repo is a normal directory, along with a subdirectory called .git
which contains the history of changes
GitHub stores history as a sequence of changes to text, called commits
Here is an example of a commit, which revises the style guide in a QuantEcon repo (link)
In particular, commits have the following features
It is crucial to remember that commits represent differences in text, as opposed to repository states
The ideal commit is small enough to be scanned by a human being in this window
In addition, each GitHub repository typically comes with a few standard text files
file, which lists files/extensions/directories that GitHub shouldn’t try to track (e.g., LaTeX compilation byproducts)
file, which is a Markdown file which GitHub puts on the repository websiteLICENSE.txt
file, which describes the terms under which the repository’s contents are made availableFor an example of all three, see the Expectations.jl repo linked above
Of these, the
is the most important, as GitHub will display it as Markdown when accessing the repository online
In this section, we’ll describe how to use GitHub to version your own projects
Much of this will carry over to the collaborative section
In general, we will always want to make new repos using the following dropdown
We can then configure repository options as such
In this case, we’re making a public repo
, which will come with a
, is licensed under the MIT License, and will ignore Julia compilation byproducts
The next step is to get this to our local machine
This dropdown gives us a few options
git clone
Now that we have the repository, we can start working with it
For example, let’s say that we’ve amended the
(using our editor of choice), and also added a new file economics.jl
which we’re still working on
Returning to GitHub Desktop, we should see something like
To select individual files for commit, we can use the check boxes to the left of each file
Let’s say you select only the README to commit. Going to the history tab should show you our change
The Julia file is unchanged
As of now, this commit lives only on our local machine. To upload it to the server, you can simply click the “Push Origin” button atop the screen
The small “1^” to the right of the text indicates we have one commit to upload
As mentioned, one of the key features of GitHub is the ability to scan through history
By clicking the “commits” tab on the repo front page, for example, we see this page
Clicking an individual commit gives us the granular view, (e.g., example commit)
Sometimes, however, we want to not only inspect what happened before, but go back to it
Oftentimes, you will want to work on the same project across multiple machines (e.g., a home laptop and a lab workstation)
The key is to push changes from one machine, and then to pull changes from the other machine
Pushing can be done as above. To pull, simply click pull under the “repository” dropdown at the top of the screen
First, let’s add a collaborator to the quanteconuser/example_repository
lecture we created earlier
We can do this by clicking “settings => collaborators,” as follows
GitHub’s website also comes with project management tools to coordinate work between people
The main one is an issue, which we can create from the issues tab. You should see something like this
Let’s unpack the different components
For an example of an issue, see example issue
The checkbox idiom is a common one to manage projects in GitHub
You can see open issues at a glance from the general issues tab
Any project management tool needs to figure out how to reconcile conflicting changes between people
In GitHub, this event is called a “merge conflict,” and occurs whenever people make conflicting changes to the same line of code
Note that this means that two people touching the same file is OK, so long as the differences are compatible
A common use case is when we try to push changes to the server, but someone else has pushed conflicting changes. GitHub will give us the following window
To fix the conflict, we can go into a text editor (such as Atom or VS Code). Here’s an image of what we see in Atom
Let’s say we click the first “use me” (to indicate that my changes should win out), and then save the file. Returning to GitHub Desktop gives us a pre-formed commit to accept
One of the defining features of GitHub is that it is the dominant platform for open-source code, which anyone can access and use
However, while anyone can make a copy of the source-code, not everyone has access to modify the particular version stored on GitHub
A maintainer (i.e. someone with “write” access to directly modify a repository) might consider different contributions and “merge” the changes into the main repository if the changes meet her criteria
To make it possible for any outsiders to suggest changes to open-source repositories, GitHub introduced the pull request (“PR”)
The PR is a request for a project maintainer to merge (“pull”) changes you’ve worked on into their repository
There are a few different workflows for creating and handling PRs, which we’ll walk through below
Note: If the changes are for a Julia Package, you will need to follow a different workflow–described in the testing lecture <testing_>
GitHub’s website provides an online editor for quick-and-dirty changes, such as fixing typos in documentation
To use it, open a file in GitHub and click the small pencil to the upper right
Here, we’re trying to add the QuantEcon link to the Julia project’s README
After making our changes, we can then describe them and propose them for review by maintainers
But what if we want to make more in-depth changes?
A common problem is when we don’t have write access (i.e. we can’t directly modify) the repo in question
In that case, click the “Fork” button that lives in the top-right of every repo’s main page
This will create a repo under account with the same name, contents, and history as the original. For example, this repo is a fork of our original git setup
Clone this fork to our desktop and work with it in exactly the same way as we would a repo we own (because a fork is a repo on our account we have write access to)
That is, click the “clone” button on our fork
You’ll see a new repo with the same name but different URL in your GitHub Desktop repo list, along with a special icon to indicate that it’s a fork
Commit some changes by selecting the files and writing a commit message
And push by using the dropdown
Below, for example, we’ve committed and pushed some changes to the fork that we want to upstream into the main repo
We should make confirm that these changes are on the server (which we can get to by going to the fork webpage and clicking “commits”)
Next, go to the pull requests menu and click “New Pull Request.” You’ll see something like
This gives us a quick overview of the commits we want to merge in, as well as the end-to-end differences
Fill in the details and hit create. This opens a form like this on the main repo
The key pieces are
Here’s an example pull request
To edit a PR, simply push changes to the fork you cloned to your desktop
For example, let’s say we commit a new change to the README after we create the PR
After pushing to the server, the change is reflected in the PR webpage
That is, creating a pull request is not like bundling up your changes and delivering them, but rather like opening an ongoing connection between two repositories, that is only severed when the PR is closed or merged
As you become more familiar with github, and work on larger projects, you will find yourself making PRs even when it isn’t strictly required
If you are a maintainer of the repo (e.g. you created it or are a collaborator) then you don’t need to create a fork, but will rather work with a git branch
Branches in git represent parallel development streams (i.e., sequences of commits) that the PR is trying to merge
First, load the repo in GitHub Desktop and use the branch dropdown
Click “New Branch” and choose an instructive name (make sure there are no spaces or special characters)
This will “check out” a new branch with the same history as the old one (but new commits will be added only to this branch)
We can see the active branch in the top dropdown
For example, let’s say we add some stuff to the Julia code file and commit it
To put this branch (with changes) on the server, we simply need to click “Publish Branch”
Navigating to the repo page, we will see a suggestion about a new branch
At which point the process of creating a PR is identical to the previous case
One special case is when the repo in question is actually a Julia project or package
We cover that (along with package workflow in general) in the testing lecture
You may want to go beyond the scope of this tutorial when working with GitHub. For example, perhaps you run into a bug, or you’re working with a setup that doesn’t have GitHub Desktop installed
Here are some resources to help
Git also comes with a set of command-line tools. They’re optional, but many people like using them
Furthermore, in some environments (e.g. JupyterHub installations) you may only have access to the commandline
will have installed a program called git bash
, which installs these tools along with a general Linux-style shellTo open the terminal in a directory, either right click and hit “open git bash” (in Windows), or use Linux commands like cd
and ls
to navigate
See here for a short introduction to the command line
As above, you can clone by grabbing the repo URL (say, GitHub’s site-policy repo) and running git clone
This won’t be connected to your GitHub Desktop, so you’d need to use it manually (File => Add Local Repository
) or drag-and-drop from the file explorer onto the GitHub Desktop
From here, you can get the latest files on the server by cd
-ing into the directory and running git pull
When you pull
from the server, it will never overwrite your modified files, so it is impossible to lose local changes
Instead, to do a hard reset of all files and overwrite any of your local changes, you can run git reset --hard origin/master
Follow the instructions to create a new repository for one of your github accounts In this repository
Newton’s method in Julia by example (either as a .jl
file or a Jupyter notebook)
with some text.gitignore
file, ignoring the Jupyter files .ipynb_checkpoints
and the project files, .projects
Pair-up with another student who has done Exercise 1a and find out their github ID, and each do the following
Pair-wise with the results of Exercise 1b examine a merge-conflict by editing the
file for your repository that you have both setup as collaborators
Start by ensuring there are multiple lines in the file so that some changes may have conflicts, and some may not
Just using the GitHub’s web interface, submit a Pull Request for a simple change of documentation to a public repository
The easiest may be to submit a PR for a typo in the source repository for these notes, i.e.
Note: The source for that repository is in .rst
files, but you should be able to find spelling mistakes/etc. without much effort
Following the instructions for forking and cloning a public repository to your local desktop, submit a Pull Request to a public repository
Again, you could submit it for a typo in the source repository for these notes, i.e.
, but you are also encouraged to instead look for a small change that could help the documentation in another repository.
If you are ambitious, then go to the Exercise Solutions for one of the Exercises in these lecture notes and submit a PR for your own modified version (if you think it is an improvement!)