sumendar's repositories
0001 Using Python pandas Series.ipynb
0002 Using Python pandas DataFrame.ipynb
0003 Data Alignment with Python pandas DataFrame.ipynb
0004 Apply functions to Python Pandas DataFrame.ipynb
0005 Matplotlib Styling Options.ipynb
0006 Baby Name Diversity with Pandas.ipynb
0007 Mean, Median and Mode with Garmin Vivofit Data.ipynb
0008 Exploring the Variance and Standard Deviation.ipynb
0009 NumPy Dot Matrix Multiplication.ipynb
0010 Exploring the Standard Normal Distribution.ipynb
0011 Using the Probability Density Function.ipynb
0012 Exploring the Central Limit Theorem.ipynb
0013 Confidence Interval of a Klout Score sample.ipynb
0014 Hypothesis Testing with Bird Strike Incidents.ipynb
0015 Exploring t-test and Cohen's d effect size.ipynb
0016 Paired Samples t-Test on Women's Shoes.ipynb
0017 Independent Samples t-test on Wine Prices.ipynb
0018 Pooled Variance t-Test Recipe.ipynb
0019 Welch's t-Test on Baseball Batting Average.ipynb
0020 Shapiro-Wilk test for Normality.ipynb
0021 Multivariate Linear Regression with Gradient Descent.ipynb
0022 One-Way ANOVA Analysis of Variance.ipynb
0023 Calculus - Functions and Limits.ipynb
0024 Gaussian Naive Bayes Classification in Python.ipynb
0025 Independent Events and Compound Probability.ipynb
0026 Bayes Theorem and Conditional Probability.ipynb
0027 SVM Classifier Example on Recognizing Twitter Users.ipynb
0028 Using TF-IDF for Text Mining in Python.ipynb
0029 Solving a Linear System with Numpy and Matrix Algebra.ipynb
0030 Binary One-Hot Feature Extraction for Machine Learning in Python.ipynb
0031 Decision Tree Classifier on Guitar Models.ipynb
0032 Shannon's Entropy and Information Gain for Decision Trees.ipynb