The following example is based on the Bachelor thesis Sampling from conditional distributions with GANs of Frederic Boesel (2019, University of Freiburg).
We want to compare the performance of conditional sampling in deep Boltzmann machines (DBMs) and conditional generative adversarial networks (CGANs) on a simulated example data set, which consists of artificial binary SNP and gene expression data. The gene expression and SNP data is correlated with a certain pattern. The goal for both models will be to generate new gene expression data based on given SNP data.
At first we simulate data using the following function. It simulates two linked data sets, one containing SNPs, and the other gene expression data. The data sets are generated as two matrices, with the samples in the columns and the variables in the rows.
The variables in the SNP data set simulate binary SNP data (e.g. homozygote SNPs) and the variables in the gene expression data set binary gene expression data (e. g. high expression vs. low expression).
The number of variables in the SNP data set is specified by nsnpvars
, the number of variables in the gene expression data set is given by ngepvars
In one quarter of the samples, the SNPs are absent with high probability (p = 1- setsnpnoiselevel
for each independent SNP to be present), in one quarter they are present with a high probability (p = setsnpnoiselevel
) and in the rest they are randomly distributed with the noiselevel
The expression of the genes 11-50 is also randomly distributed with probability noiselevel
. Gene expression values 1 - 10, on the other hand, depend on the SNP data: The gene expression level of genes 1 - 10 is high (= 1) with probability gepactivationprob
if the corresponding SNP is present.
The next steps show how the data is generated and visualize it.
function simulate_binary_snpgepdata(;
nsamples::Int = 300,
nsnpvars::Int = 10,
ngepvars::Int = 50,
setsnpnoiselevel::Float64 = 0.05,
noiselevel::Float64 = 0.15,
gepactivationprob::Float64 = 0.7,
nrandomsamples::Int = 150)
sample_bernoulli!(x, p) = map!(xi -> Float32(rand(Float32) < p), x, x)
# simulate SNPs
snps = zeros(Float32, nsnpvars, nsamples)
# first quarter noisy 0s
firstquarterofsnps = view(snps, 1:nsnpvars, 1:div(nsamples, 4))
sample_bernoulli!(firstquarterofsnps, setsnpnoiselevel)
# second quarter noisy 1s
secondquarterofsnps = view(snps, 1:nsnpvars, ((div(nsamples, 4) + 1):div(nsamples, 2)))
sample_bernoulli!(secondquarterofsnps, 1 - setsnpnoiselevel)
# second half only noise
secondhalfofsnps = view(snps, 1:nsnpvars, (div(nsamples, 2) + 1):nsamples)
sample_bernoulli!(secondhalfofsnps, noiselevel)
# simulate gene expression
geps = zeros(Float32, ngepvars, nsamples)
# Uncorrelated gene expressions are filled with noise
sample_bernoulli!(geps, noiselevel)
# gene expression for the first 10 genes depends on the SNPs
# (high gene expression has a higher probability if the corresponding SNP is present)
activated = (snps[1:nsnpvars, 1:(nsamples - nrandomsamples)] .== 1)
activatedgeps = view(view(geps, 1:nsnpvars, 1:(nsamples - nrandomsamples)), activated)
sample_bernoulli!(activatedgeps, gepactivationprob)
notactivatedgeps = view(view(geps, 1:nsnpvars, 1:(nsamples - nrandomsamples)), .!activated)
sample_bernoulli!(notactivatedgeps, 1 - gepactivationprob)
snps, geps
simulate_binary_snpgepdata (generic function with 1 method)
using Random
snps, geps = simulate_binary_snpgepdata(nsamples = 300, nrandomsamples = 150)
test_snps, test_geps = simulate_binary_snpgepdata(nsamples = 200, nrandomsamples = 100)
(Float32[0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0; … ; 0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0], Float32[1.0 0.0 … 1.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0 … 0.0 0.0; … ; 0.0 1.0 … 0.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0 … 1.0 0.0])
We will use the following function for having a nice view of the data sets:
using SparseArrays
using Gadfly
function binspy(M::AbstractMatrix) # code adapted from Gadfly.spy()
is, js, values = findnz(sparse(M))
n,m = size(M)
Gadfly.plot(x=js, y=is, color=values,
Coord.cartesian(yflip=true, fixed=true, xmin=0.5, xmax=m+.5, ymin=0.5, ymax=n+.5),
Guide.xlabel(""), Guide.ylabel(""),
Theme(key_position = :none,
binspy (generic function with 1 method)
The simulated SNP test dataset:
The simulated test gene expression data:
Now we have the simulated data and can train a CGAN on it.
We use the Julia machine learning package Flux
for fitting the model. The architecture can be specified via a chain of neural network layers there. The CGAN consists of two separately trained networks, the generator
, and the discriminator
. For more information about the model, see Mirza and Isondero, Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets (2014).
In the implementation below, we weakened the discriminator by adding some noise to its loss function. For our purpose, the SNP data is used as labels (y
) for the gene expression data (x
struct ConditionalGAN
using Flux # version 0.8
using Statistics
function fitcgan(x::AbstractMatrix{Float32}, y::AbstractMatrix{Float32};
epochs::Int = 100,
nnoisevars::Int = 10,
batchsize::Int = 5,
optimizer = ADAM(0.001),
monitoring::Bool = true)
discmonitor = monitoring ? Vector{Float32}(undef, epochs) : Vector{Float32}()
genmonitor = monitoring ? Vector{Float32}(undef, epochs) : Vector{Float32}()
nyvars = size(y, 1)
nxvars, nsamples = size(x)
nyzvars = nyvars + nnoisevars
nxyvars = nxvars + nyvars
generator = Chain(
Dense(nyzvars, nyzvars, NNlib.leakyrelu),
Dense(nyzvars, nxvars, NNlib.σ))
discriminator = Chain(
Dense(nxyvars, nxyvars, NNlib.leakyrelu),
Dense(nxyvars, 40),
Dense(40, 20, NNlib.leakyrelu),
Dense(20, 1, NNlib.σ))
untracked(m) = Flux.mapleaves(, m)
generator_untracked = untracked(generator)
discriminator_untracked = untracked(discriminator)
disclosses = 0.0f0
genlosses = 0.0f0
function discloss(xy, zy, y)
addnoise = 2 .* randn(Float32, size(
ret = - 0.5f0 * (mean(log.(discriminator(xy + addnoise) .+ eps(Float32))) +
mean(log.(1 .- discriminator(vcat(generator_untracked(zy),y) + addnoise)
.+ eps(Float32))))
disclosses += / size(y, 2)
function genloss(zy, y)
ret = - mean(log.(discriminator_untracked(vcat(generator(zy), y))) .+ eps(Float32))
genlosses += / size(y, 2)
batchmasks = Iterators.partition(shuffle(1:nsamples), batchsize)
for epoch = 1:epochs
for batchmask in batchmasks
xbatch = x[:, batchmask]
ybatch = y[:, batchmask]
actualbatchsize = size(xbatch, 2)
zy = vcat(randn(Float32, nnoisevars, actualbatchsize), ybatch)
xy = vcat(xbatch, ybatch)
# discriminator training
Flux.train!(discloss, params(discriminator), [(xy, zy, ybatch)], optimizer)
# generator training
Flux.train!(genloss, params(generator), [(zy, ybatch)], optimizer)
if monitoring
genmonitor[epoch] = genlosses
genlosses = 0.0
discmonitor[epoch] = disclosses
disclosses = 0.0
ConditionalGAN(discriminator, generator, nnoisevars, discmonitor, genmonitor)
fitcgan (generic function with 1 method)
cgan = fitcgan(geps, snps;
epochs = 2500,
optimizer = ADAM(0.001),
batchsize = 32)
ConditionalGAN(Chain(Dense(60, 60, NNlib.leakyrelu), Dense(60, 40), Dense(40, 20, NNlib.leakyrelu), Dense(20, 1, NNlib.σ)), Chain(Dense(20, 20, NNlib.leakyrelu), Dense(20, 50, NNlib.σ)), 10, Float32[0.287929, 0.254502, 0.242942, 0.236249, 0.236924, 0.235449, 0.231655, 0.236123, 0.24495, 0.237322 … 0.252112, 0.252498, 0.252559, 0.252676, 0.252325, 0.2524, 0.252577, 0.25261, 0.252815, 0.252339], Float32[0.271989, 0.315719, 0.360708, 0.382722, 0.391396, 0.387784, 0.392073, 0.386191, 0.387623, 0.390575 … 0.293935, 0.294736, 0.294202, 0.293039, 0.292703, 0.291614, 0.290474, 0.290639, 0.291201, 0.291876])
The monitoring of the loss functions, which we collected during the training, indicates that we reached a point of convergence in the training:
using DataFrames
function monitoringplot(cgan)
DataFrame(x = 1:length(cgan.discmonitor), y = cgan.discmonitor,
Loss = "Discriminator"),
DataFrame(x = 1:length(cgan.genmonitor), y = cgan.genmonitor,
Loss = "Generator")),
x = :x, y = :y, color = :Loss, Geom.line)
After the conditional GAN is trained, we can use it to generate new data. To check whether it was possible to capture the original distribution of the data, we generate data that is conditional on the test data. We observe that the CGAN we trained before is able to reproduce the pattern of the gene expression data, thereby recognizing the links between the simulated SNP and gene expression data.
function generate(cgan::ConditionalGAN, y::Matrix{Float32}, nsamples::Int)
round.(, cgan.nnoisevars, nsamples), y))))
generatedgeps = generate(cgan, test_snps, 200)
In contrast to Flux
, which expects the samples in the columns and works with Float32
, the BoltzmannMachines
package expects the samples in the rows and operates with Float64
Unlike the CGAN, we do not have to give the SNP data a specific role as "labels" to use it conditional sampling later on. We simply paste the data together and let the DBM learn the joint distribution.
x = Array{Float64}(vcat(geps, snps)')
testx = Array{Float64}(vcat(test_geps, test_snps)')
using BoltzmannMachines # version 1.1
dbm = fitdbm(x;
# network architecture
nhiddens = [30, 10, 2],
# layerwise pre-training
learningratepretraining = 0.002, epochspretraining = 300,
# fine-tuning (i. e. joint training of all weights as DBM)
epochs = 100, learningrate = 0.003);
We sample conditioned on the test SNP data and visualize the result:
ntestsamples = size(testx, 1)
particles = initparticles(dbm, ntestsamples)
snprange = 51:60
particles[1][:, snprange] .= test_snps'
gibbssamplecond!(particles, dbm, snprange, 50)
We saw that we could train a CGAN and a DBM with the data. Both models could learn the association between SNPs and gene expression: In both cases we could sample from the conditional distributions of the SNPs to get data that is visually very close to the test gene expression data.
Both models were not able to detect the slightly higher probabilities in the first quarter of the gene expression data with the given sample size, but got the block with the high probabilities right.
We could see some advantages of DBMs here: