Here we attempt at reproducing the Figure 1 of Nolte et al. 2008
This work was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the project ALICE III under grant ref. 01IS18049B.
Robustly Estimating the Flow Direction of Information in Complex Physical Systems paper, by Guido Nolte, Andreas Ziehe, Vadim V. Nikulin, Alois Schlögl, Nicole Krämer, Tom Brismar, and Klaus-Robert Müller, (Nolte et al. 2008).
using TimeSeriesCausality
using Distributions: MvNormal
using Plots: plot, bar
order = 1
n_samples = 1024 # number of data points per channel
segment_length = 128
epoch_length = 128
noise_scale = 0.25
# data generation
rand_data = randn(Float64, (n_samples + order))
signal = zeros(Float64, (n_samples, 2))
white_noise = noise_scale * randn(n_samples, 2)
signal[:, 1] = rand_data[order+1:end]
signal[:, 2] = rand_data[1:n_samples]
signal += white_noise
# Causal estimation
psi, psi_std = psi_est(signal, segment_length; method="jackknife", eplen=epoch_length)
granger_idx, err_std = granger_est(signal, segment_length; method="jackknife")
p1 = plot(
signal[1:plot_slice, :];
title="Unidirectional Flux with white noise",
label=["Channel 1" "Channel 2"],
linecolor=["red" "blue"],
xlabel="Time [bins]",
lw = 2,
p2 = bar(
["Granger" "PSI"],
[psi[1, 2] granger_idx];
title="Granger vs PSI",
yerror=[psi_std[1, 2] err_std],
plot(p1, p2; layout=(1, 2), size=(800, 300))
# data generation
signal = zeros(Float64, (n_samples, 2))
signal[:, 1] = TimeSeriesCausality.pink_noise(n_samples, 1.0)
signal[:, 2] = TimeSeriesCausality.pink_noise(n_samples, 1.0)
# Causal estimation
psi, psi_std = psi_est(signal, segment_length; method="jackknife", eplen=epoch_length)
granger_idx, err_std = granger_est(signal, segment_length; method="jackknife")
p1 = plot(
signal[1:plot_slice, :];
title="Correlated noise",
label=["Channel 1" "Channel 2"],
linecolor=["red" "blue"],
xlabel="Time [bins]",
lw = 2,
p2 = bar(
["Granger" "PSI"],
[psi[1, 2] granger_idx];
title="Granger vs PSI",
yerror=[psi_std[1, 2] err_std],
plot(p1, p2; layout=(1, 2), size=(800, 300))
This notebook was generated using Literate.jl.