# Loading Credentials from local file;
# this cell is meant to be deleted before publishing
import yaml
with open("../creds.yml", 'r') as ymlfile:
cfg = yaml.safe_load(ymlfile)
uri = cfg["sonar_creds"]["uri"]
user = cfg["sonar_creds"]["user"]
password = cfg["sonar_creds"]["pass"]
SoNAR (IDH) - HNA Curriculum
Notebook 5: Example Case - Analyzing Gustav von Schmoller
In this notebook, we follow a more hypothesis driven and ego-centered graph approach to work with the SoNAR (IDH) data for historical network analysis. In this notebook, we investigate an example case in the field of economics. We are going to analyze the network of the German economist Gustav von Schmoller.
We want to investigate two main questions:
import networkx as nx
from neo4j import GraphDatabase
from helper_functions.helper_fun import to_nx_graph
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from itertools import count
from matplotlib.colors import rgb2hex
from matplotlib.colors import rgb2hex
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
We start off by gathering some general information about Schmoller. What was his profession? Where did he come from? Where did he work?
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
query = """
MATCH (n:PerName)
WHERE n.Id = "(DE-588)118609378"
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
G = to_nx_graph(neo4j_driver=driver,
print("Date of Birth of Schmoller:", list(nx.get_node_attributes(G, "DateStrictBegin").values())[0])
print("Date of Death of Schmoller:", list(nx.get_node_attributes(G, "DateStrictEnd").values())[0])
Date of Birth of Schmoller: 24.06.1838 Date of Death of Schmoller: 27.06.1917
Gustav von Schmoller lived in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century and was 79 years old when he died.
Now we know when Schmoller lived, but what was his profession? To answer this question, we need to retrieve the connected topic terms of Schmoller. Topic terms connected to persons usually represent the profession of the respective person.
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
query = """
MATCH (n:PerName)-[rel:RelationToTopicTerm]-(t:TopicTerm)
WHERE n.Id = "(DE-588)118609378"
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
G = to_nx_graph(neo4j_driver=driver,
topicterms = [x for x, y in G.nodes(data=True) if y['type'] == "TopicTerm"]
for term in topicterms:
Volkswirt Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Sozialwissenschaftler Hochschullehrer
Schmoller was an academic, he was (macro) economist, social scientist and university professor.
What are the places Schmoller has connections to? Where did he work? Where was he born, and where did he die?
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
query = """
MATCH (n:PerName)-[rel:RelationToGeoName]-(g:GeoName)
WHERE n.Id = "(DE-588)118609378"
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
G = to_nx_graph(neo4j_driver=driver,
place_of_birth = [target for source, target, attribute in G.edges(
data=True) if attribute['SourceType'] == 'placeOfBirth']
place_of_death = [target for source, target, attribute in G.edges(
data=True) if attribute['SourceType'] == 'placeOfDeath']
places_of_activity = [[source, target] for source, target, attribute in G.edges(
data=True) if attribute['SourceType'] == 'placeOfActivity']
# we need to refine the result of the places of activity a little further
# currently there can be the node (2923000) of Schmoller in the results. Therefor we need to filter out the node of him
places_of_activity = [
place for sublist in places_of_activity for place in sublist if place != 2923000]
# let's print the results:
print("Place of Birth:", G.nodes(data=True)[place_of_birth[0]]["Name"])
print("Place of Death:", G.nodes(data=True)[place_of_death[0]]["Name"])
print("Places of Activity:")
for place in places_of_activity:
Place of Birth: Heilbronn Place of Death: Bad Harzburg Places of Activity: Straßburg Halle (Saale) Berlin
He was born in Heilbronn and he died in Bad Harzburg. He has professional connections to Straßburg, Halle (Saale) and Berlin. Let's also query with which corporations Schmoller is directly connected
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
query = """
MATCH (n:PerName)-[rel:RelationToCorpName]-(c:CorpName)
WHERE n.Id = "(DE-588)118609378"
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
G = to_nx_graph(neo4j_driver=driver,
[y["Name"] for x, y in G.nodes(data=True) if y["type"] == "CorpName"]
['Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaften']
Schmoller was member of the Royal Academy of Sciences.
Alright, in the next section we go on with his personal relations.
Schmoller was an academic, he was a university professor, and he lived in different places during his life. This sounds like he was able to build quite some connections during his life.
Let's see if this assumption is true. To which persons did Schmoller have direct connections according to the SoNAR database?
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
query = """
MATCH (n:PerName)-[rel:SocialRelation]-(n2:PerName)-[rel2]-(t:TopicTerm)
WHERE n.Id = "(DE-588)118609378" AND rel.SourceType = "correspondedRelation"
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
G = to_nx_graph(neo4j_driver=driver,
In the query above, we also retrieve the topic terms of the people Schmoller has a social relation to. These topic terms tell us the respective profession of the retrieved nodes again.
Furthermore we apply a filter for rel.SourceType = "correspondedRelation"
. This way we only retrieve people that Schmoller corresponded with.
node_labels = nx.get_node_attributes(G, "label")
# defining general variables
## we start off by setting the position of nodes and edges again
pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G)
## set the color map to be used
color_map = plt.cm.plasma
# setup node_colors
node_color_attribute = "type"
groups = set(nx.get_node_attributes(G, node_color_attribute).values())
group_ids = np.array(range(len(groups)))
if len(group_ids) > 1:
group_ids_norm = (group_ids - np.min(group_ids))/np.ptp(group_ids)
group_ids_norm = group_ids
mapping = dict(zip(groups, group_ids_norm))
node_colors = [mapping[G.nodes()[n][node_color_attribute]] for n in G.nodes()]
# defining the graph options & styling
## dictionary for node options:
node_options = {
"pos": pos,
"alpha": 1,
"node_size": 150,
"alpha": 0.5,
"node_color": node_colors, # here we set the node_colors object as an option
"cmap": color_map # this cmap defines the color scale we want to use
## dictionary for edge options:
edge_options = {
"pos": pos,
"width": 1.5,
"alpha": 0.2,
## dictionary for node label options:
node_label_options = {
"pos": pos,
"labels": node_labels,
"font_size": 11
## set plot size and plot margins
plt.figure(figsize=[20, 20])
plt.margins(x=0.1, y = 0.1)
# draw the graph
## draw the nodes
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, **node_options)
## draw the labels
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, **node_label_options)
## draw the edges
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, **edge_options)
# create custom legend according to color_map
geom_list = [Circle([], color = rgb2hex(color_map(float(mapping[term])))) for term in groups]
plt.legend(geom_list, groups)
# show the plot
We can tell from the network visualization that Schmoller had a lot of connections to a lot of academics from a wide range of different scientific fields.
Now we want to get a more precise overview of his connections by aggregating the connected topicTerms
of the persons he had relationships with.
Let's create a data frame that provides us the information about the node type and the node label (name) of each of the nodes:
types_dict = nx.get_node_attributes(G, "type")
label_dict = nx.get_node_attributes(G, "label")
types_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(types_dict, orient="index", columns=["type"])
label_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
label_dict, orient="index", columns=["label"])
schmoller_contacts_df = pd.concat([types_df, label_df], axis=1)
type | label | |
2923000 | PerName | Schmoller, Gustav von |
2834694 | PerName | Liesegang, Erich |
51586460 | TopicTerm | Bibliothekar |
51565992 | TopicTerm | Schriftsteller |
51623002 | TopicTerm | Philologe |
... | ... | ... |
51560168 | TopicTerm | Autor |
2854581 | PerName | Weicher, Theodor |
3005380 | PerName | Steiner, Kilian von |
51745298 | TopicTerm | Mäzen |
51583256 | TopicTerm | Bankier |
125 rows × 2 columns
The next step we need to do is filtering for all TopicTerm
nodes and calculating the degree centrality for each of the nodes.
# create new df with those rows only that have a type of "TopicTerm"
topicterms_df = schmoller_contacts_df[schmoller_contacts_df["type"] == "TopicTerm"]
# create a dictionary that contains all the degree values of the topic terms
degree_dict = dict(G.degree(topicterms_df.index.tolist()))
# make a dataframe out of the degree dictionary
degree_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
degree_dict, orient="index", columns=["degree"])
# add the degree values as a new variable to the topicterms_df
connections_degree_df = pd.concat([topicterms_df, degree_df], axis=1)
# sort the data frame by degree in descending order
connections_degree_df.sort_values("degree", ascending=False)
type | label | degree | |
51562647 | TopicTerm | Historiker | 14 |
51562669 | TopicTerm | Hochschullehrer | 13 |
51565992 | TopicTerm | Schriftsteller | 10 |
51563092 | TopicTerm | Jurist | 9 |
51617740 | TopicTerm | Volkswirt | 7 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
51601402 | TopicTerm | Kunstsammler | 1 |
51629389 | TopicTerm | Romanist | 1 |
51689269 | TopicTerm | Staatswissenschaftler | 1 |
51587285 | TopicTerm | Botaniker | 1 |
51583256 | TopicTerm | Bankier | 1 |
69 rows × 3 columns
Gustav von Schmoller was in contact with quite some historians. Who are these historians?
# get the node id of the topicterm node "Historiker"
historian_term_id = topicterms_df.loc[topicterms_df["label"]
== "Historiker"].index[0]
# get all neighbors (connected nodes) of the historian node
historians_node_ids = [n for n in G.neighbors(historian_term_id)]
# Print the name of the historians Schmoller was in contact with
[y["Name"] for x, y in G.nodes(data=True) if x in historians_node_ids]
['Heyck, Eduard', 'Lamprecht, Karl', 'Schulte, Aloys', 'Lang, Wilhelm', 'Koser, Reinhold', 'Zeller, Eduard', 'Schwegler, Albert', 'Lenz, Max', 'Hampe, Karl', 'Gothein, Eberhard', 'Fechner, Hermann Adolph', 'Ermisch, Hubert', 'Brinkmann, Carl', 'Sybel, Heinrich von']
Awesome, this could be an interesting starting point for the investigation of his academic network. But more on that in Chapter 3.
At first, we jump into his connections to Berlin politics.
In this chapter we ask ourselves the question if Schmoller was connected to Berlin politics and with whom he was in contact with.
Our approach to retrieve the relevant data from the SoNAR (IDH) database is to query every person that is connected to either the TopicTerm
"Politikerin" or the male counterpart "Politiker". We can use this result afterwards to keep only those persons that also have a relationship to Schmoller and Berlin.
The query below uses the same structure as the query we used in Chapter 1.1 in Notebook 4 of this curriculum. Please read up the explanation in Notebook 4 in case you are confused how the Cypher query in the code block below works.
The politics related topic terms we need are the following ones:
TopicTerm Id
for "Politiker": (DE-588)4046517-2
TopicTerm Id
for "Politikerin": (DE-588)4175019-6
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
query = """
MATCH (n:PerName)--(t:TopicTerm)
WHERE t.Id IN ["(DE-588)4046517-2", "(DE-588)4175019-6"]
WITH DISTINCT [x in collect(n)|id(x)] as collectedIds
MATCH (n:PerName)-[rel:SocialRelation]-(n2:PerName)-[rel2:RelationToGeoName]-(g:GeoName)
WHERE (n.Id = "(DE-588)118609378") AND (id(n2) IN collectedIds) AND (g.Name CONTAINS "Berlin")
RETURN n, rel, n2
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
G = to_nx_graph(neo4j_driver=driver,
Alright, let's have a look at the network we just queried:
node_labels = nx.get_node_attributes(G, "label")
# defining general variables
## we start off by setting the position of nodes and edges again
pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
## set the color map to be used
color_map = plt.cm.plasma
# setup node_colors
node_color_attribute = "type"
groups = set(nx.get_node_attributes(G, node_color_attribute).values())
group_ids = np.array(range(len(groups)))
if len(group_ids) > 1:
group_ids_norm = (group_ids - np.min(group_ids))/np.ptp(group_ids)
group_ids_norm = group_ids
mapping = dict(zip(groups, group_ids_norm))
node_colors = [mapping[G.nodes()[n][node_color_attribute]] for n in G.nodes()]
# defining the graph options & styling
## dictionary for node options:
node_options = {
"pos": pos,
"alpha": 1,
"node_size": 150,
"alpha": 0.5,
"node_color": node_colors, # here we set the node_colors object as an option
"cmap": color_map # this cmap defines the color scale we want to use
## dictionary for edge options:
edge_options = {
"pos": pos,
"width": 1.5,
"alpha": 0.2,
## dictionary for node label options:
node_label_options = {
"pos": pos,
"labels": node_labels,
"font_size": 11
## set plot size and plot margins
plt.margins(x=0.1, y = 0.1)
# draw the graph
## draw the nodes
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, **node_options)
## draw the labels
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, **node_label_options)
## draw the edges
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, **edge_options)
# create custom legend according to color_map
geom_list = [Circle([], color = rgb2hex(color_map(float(mapping[term])))) for term in groups]
plt.legend(geom_list, groups)
# show the plot
Schmoller is directly connected to 15 politicians that have a connection to Berlin. Now we can investigate what these relationships are about.
We can use the SourceType
attribute of the edges to get a better understanding of how the nodes are connected:
edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(
G, "SourceType") # retrieve the edge labels
# defining general variables
## we start off by setting the position of nodes and edges again
pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
## set the color map to be used
color_map = plt.cm.plasma
# setup node_colors
node_color_attribute = "type"
groups = set(nx.get_node_attributes(G, node_color_attribute).values())
group_ids = np.array(range(len(groups)))
if len(group_ids) > 1:
group_ids_norm = (group_ids - np.min(group_ids))/np.ptp(group_ids)
group_ids_norm = group_ids
mapping = dict(zip(groups, group_ids_norm))
node_colors = [mapping[G.nodes()[n][node_color_attribute]] for n in G.nodes()]
# defining the graph options & styling
## dictionary for node options:
node_options = {
"pos": pos,
"alpha": 1,
"node_size": 150,
"alpha": 0.5,
"node_color": node_colors, # here we set the node_colors object as an option
"cmap": color_map # this cmap defines the color scale we want to use
## dictionary for edge options:
edge_options = {
"pos": pos,
"width": 1.5,
"alpha": 0.2,
## dictionary for node label options:
node_label_options = {
"pos": pos,
"labels": node_labels,
"font_size": 11
## set plot size and plot margins
plt.margins(x=0.1, y = 0.1)
# draw the graph
## draw the nodes
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, **node_options)
## draw the labels
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, **node_label_options)
## draw the edges
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, **edge_options)
## draw edge labels
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos = pos, edge_labels=edge_labels)
# create custom legend according to color_map
geom_list = [Circle([], color = rgb2hex(color_map(float(mapping[term])))) for term in groups]
plt.legend(geom_list, groups)
# show the plot
We are analyzing the SocialRelations
of Schmoller. The social relations in the SoNAR (IDH) database have very specific characteristics since they are derived from resources like diaries or letters. We retrieved three different types of social relations for Schmoller, namely knows
, associatedRelation
and correspondedRelation
. The table below provides some information on what these relationship types mean:
Type | Meaning |
knows |
Derived from diary entries, albums or family registers |
associatedRelation |
Inference of a social relation |
correspondedRelation |
Derived from letters and other correspondences |
We can use the attribute Source
of SocialRelations
to get the ID of the node the SocialRelation
was derived from.
Let's check two examples in more detail. In the network visualization above, we can see that Schmoller knows
Hans Hermann von Berlepsch. Berlepsch was an administrative lawyer and politician in the Kingdom of Prussia. How do Schmoller and Berlepsch know each other?
At first, we extract the Source
attribute from the relation between Schmoller and Berlepsch. We can use this source attribute now as a filter for the next database query. The knows
attribute is derived from a diary or a family album. So we need to query Resource
nodes to find the document that connects Schmoller and Berlepsch.
[y["Name"] for x, y in G.nodes(data=True)]
['Schmoller, Gustav von', 'Berlepsch, Hans Hermann von', 'Hoetzsch, Otto', 'Naumann, Friedrich', 'Treitschke, Heinrich von', 'Liszt, Franz von', 'Duncker, Maximilian Wolfgang', 'Braun, Heinrich', 'Bismarck, Otto von', 'Droysen, Johann Gustav', 'Delbrück, Hans', 'Schmidt-Ott, Friedrich', 'Thiel, Hugo', 'Münsterberg, Emil', 'Arendt, Otto', 'Borght, Richard van der']
Let's investigate the relationship of Schmoller with Hans Hermann von Berlepsch. We know, there is a relationship between Schmoller and Berlepsch. This relationship links to a Resource
node that connects both people. When we want to investigate their relationship further, we need to identify this Resource
node at first.
# the line below defines the target person's name
target_person = "Berlepsch, Hans Hermann von"
# Now we can extract the "Source" attribute from the relationship between Schmoller (the source) and Berlepsch (the target)
source = [attribute["Source"] for source, target, attribute in G.edges(data=True) if (G.nodes(
data=True)[source]["Id"] == "(DE-588)118609378") and (G.nodes(data=True)[target]["Name"] == target_person)]
Now we run a query against the database to get all relevant nodes and their relationships with the resource we identified above.
query = """
MATCH (res:Resource)-[rel:SocialRelation|RelationToPerName|RelationToTopicTerm]-(n)
WHERE res.id = "{source}"
WITH DISTINCT [x in collect(res)+collect(n)|id(x)] as collectedIds
MATCH (n)-[rel:SocialRelation|RelationToPerName|RelationToTopicTerm]-(n2)
WHERE ID(n) in collectedIds AND ID(n2) in collectedIds
RETURN n,n2,rel
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
schmoller_berlepsch_graph = to_nx_graph(neo4j_driver=driver,
Let's visualize the graph:
edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(
schmoller_berlepsch_graph, "TypeAddInfo") # retrieve the edge labels
node_labels_names = nx.get_node_attributes(schmoller_berlepsch_graph, "Name")
node_labels_titles = nx.get_node_attributes(schmoller_berlepsch_graph, "Title")
node_labels = {**node_labels_names, **node_labels_titles}
# defining general variables
## we start off by setting the position of nodes and edges again
pos = nx.spring_layout(schmoller_berlepsch_graph)
## set the color map to be used
color_map = plt.cm.plasma
# setup node_colors
node_color_attribute = "type"
groups = set(nx.get_node_attributes(schmoller_berlepsch_graph, node_color_attribute).values())
group_ids = np.array(range(len(groups)))
if len(group_ids) > 1:
group_ids_norm = (group_ids - np.min(group_ids))/np.ptp(group_ids)
group_ids_norm = group_ids
mapping = dict(zip(groups, group_ids_norm))
node_colors = [mapping[schmoller_berlepsch_graph.nodes()[n][node_color_attribute]] for n in schmoller_berlepsch_graph.nodes()]
# defining the graph options & styling
## dictionary for node options:
node_options = {
"pos": pos,
"alpha": 1,
"node_size": 150,
"alpha": 0.5,
"node_color": node_colors, # here we set the node_colors object as an option
"cmap": color_map # this cmap defines the color scale we want to use
## dictionary for edge options:
edge_options = {
"pos": pos,
"width": 1.5,
"alpha": 0.2,
## dictionary for node label options:
node_label_options = {
"pos": pos,
"labels": node_labels,
"font_size": 11
## set plot size and plot margins
plt.margins(x=0.1, y = 0.1)
# draw the graph
## draw the nodes
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(schmoller_berlepsch_graph, **node_options)
## draw the labels
nx.draw_networkx_labels(schmoller_berlepsch_graph, **node_label_options)
## draw the edges
nx.draw_networkx_edges(schmoller_berlepsch_graph, **edge_options)
## draw edge labels
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(schmoller_berlepsch_graph, pos = pos, edge_labels=edge_labels)
# create custom legend according to color_map
geom_list = [Circle([], color = rgb2hex(color_map(float(mapping[term])))) for term in groups]
plt.legend(geom_list, groups)
# show the plot
This graph visualization of the connection between Schmoller and Berlepsch gives us quite some interesting information. Let's go through it real quick:
The central resource the graph is based on is a letter from Schmoller to Stieda. More information onn this specific letter can be found in the Kalliope Catalogue. The node of this resource contains the "Uri" attribute - this URI is pointing to detailed source information.
Schmoller is the author ("Verfasser") of a letter to Wilhelm Stieda ("Brief von Gustav von Schmoller an Wilhelm Stieda"). So Wilhelm Stieda is the receiver of the letter ("Adressat"). This is why there is a directed relation between Schmoller and Stieda - Schmoller wrote (at least) one letter to Stieda.
We also have a lot of information derived from the content of the letter. The letter is about Franz Schädler ("behandelt") but also Berlepsch is mentioned ("erwähnt") in the letter. And thus we know that Schmoller knows about Berlepsch and Schädler because he explicitly wrote about them in the letter to Stieda and hence his relations to Berlepsch and Schädler are directed. Wilhelm Stieda (probably) read the letter, and thus he also indirectly (undirected) knows about the existence of Berlepsch and Schädler.
Now, let's check what information we have about Franz Schädler in the database. He seems to be of importance to Schmoller.
query = """
MATCH (n:PerName {Id: "(DE-588)134102126"})-[rel:RelationToTopicTerm]-(t:TopicTerm)
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
schaedler_graph = to_nx_graph(neo4j_driver=driver,
node_labels = nx.get_node_attributes(schaedler_graph, "label")
edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(schaedler_graph, "TypeAddInfo")
# defining general variables
## we start off by setting the position of nodes and edges again
pos = nx.spring_layout(schaedler_graph)
## set the color map to be used
color_map = plt.cm.plasma
# setup node_colors
node_color_attribute = "type"
groups = set(nx.get_node_attributes(schaedler_graph, node_color_attribute).values())
group_ids = np.array(range(len(groups)))
if len(group_ids) > 1:
group_ids_norm = (group_ids - np.min(group_ids))/np.ptp(group_ids)
group_ids_norm = group_ids
mapping = dict(zip(groups, group_ids_norm))
node_colors = [mapping[schaedler_graph.nodes()[n][node_color_attribute]] for n in schaedler_graph.nodes()]
# defining the graph options & styling
## dictionary for node options:
node_options = {
"pos": pos,
"alpha": 1,
"node_size": 150,
"alpha": 0.5,
"node_color": node_colors, # here we set the node_colors object as an option
"cmap": color_map # this cmap defines the color scale we want to use
## dictionary for edge options:
edge_options = {
"pos": pos,
"width": 1.5,
"alpha": 0.2,
## dictionary for node label options:
node_label_options = {
"pos": pos,
"labels": node_labels,
"font_size": 11
## set plot size and plot margins
plt.margins(x=0.1, y = 0.1)
# draw the graph
## draw the nodes
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(schaedler_graph, **node_options)
## draw the labels
nx.draw_networkx_labels(schaedler_graph, **node_label_options)
## draw the edges
nx.draw_networkx_edges(schaedler_graph, **edge_options)
## draw edge labels
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(schaedler_graph, pos = pos, edge_labels=edge_labels)
# create custom legend according to color_map
geom_list = [Circle([], color = rgb2hex(color_map(float(mapping[term])))) for term in groups]
plt.legend(geom_list, groups)
# show the plot
As we can see, Franz Schädler was theologian, teacher and also politician and member of the Reichstag. This could be a good starting point to investigate this trace further by looking up the original letter from Schmoller to Stieda and see what he actually wrote about Berlepsch and Schädler.
Similarly, we could now go on and investigate Schmollers relations to the other people in his network. But let's move on to the next topic for now.
We could proceed to investigate the question of Schmollers academic relations in a similar way we did with politicians. The difficulty in the academic field however is the presence of plenty of different field names, people can be working in. So it's not as simple as defining one or two TopicTerms
we are interested in but we would need to create a big list of TopicTerms
we want to cover in the network.
This is why we use a slightly different focus in the following analysis. We want to know the relations of Schmoller to other university Professors. The following questions will guide our analysis:
In Chapter 1.4 we created a data frame of all TopicTerms
that are connected to people schmoller knows. Let's check this table once more for "Professor:in" or "Hochschullehrer:in" (male or female professors).
Empty DataFrame Columns: [type, label] Index: [] type label 51562669 TopicTerm Hochschullehrer 51613384 TopicTerm Staatsrechtslehrer
The only relevant term in the general contacts Graph of Schmoller for university professors is "Hochschullehrer" so we go on with this term. In the next step, we query every person that is connected to the TopicTerm
"Hochschullehrer" and that has a connection to Schmoller.
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
query = """
MATCH (t:TopicTerm)--(n:PerName)-[rel]-(n2:PerName {Id: "(DE-588)118609378"})
WHERE t.Name CONTAINS "Hochschullehrer"
WITH DISTINCT [x in collect(n)+collect(n2)|id(x)] as collectedIds
MATCH (n:PerName)-[rel:RelationToCorpName]-(c:CorpName)
WHERE ID(n) in collectedIds
RETURN n,rel,c
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
G = to_nx_graph(neo4j_driver=driver,
We need to extract the node IDs of all GeoName
nodes and afterwards we can calculate the degree values of these nodes to see how many people are attached to each place.
university_names = {x: y["Name"]
for x, y in G.nodes(data=True) if y["type"] == "CorpName"}
university_names_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
university_names, orient="index", columns=["university"])
university_degrees = dict(G.degree(university_names_df.index.tolist()))
university_degrees_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
university_degrees, orient="index", columns=["degree"])
university_degrees_df = pd.concat(
[university_names_df, university_degrees_df], axis=1).sort_values("degree", ascending=False)
university | degree | |
156599 | Monumenta Germaniae Historica | 5 |
145536 | Universität Heidelberg | 5 |
145390 | Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel | 5 |
95582 | Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin | 3 |
145530 | Universität Leipzig | 3 |
At the top places we see the universities of Heidelberg, Berlin and Kiel. Schmoller has work related relations in the database to Straßburg, Halle and Berlin - so his academic networks spreads over different places in Germany.
Now, let's investigate further in what academic fields the other professors are working in:
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
query = """
MATCH (t:TopicTerm)--(n:PerName)-[rel]-(n2:PerName {Id: "(DE-588)118609378"})
WHERE t.Name CONTAINS "Hochschullehrer"
WITH DISTINCT [x in collect(n)+collect(n2)|id(x)] as collectedIds
MATCH (n:PerName)-[rel:RelationToTopicTerm]-(t:TopicTerm)
WHERE ID(n) in collectedIds
RETURN n,rel,t
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
G = to_nx_graph(neo4j_driver=driver,
profession_names = {x: y["Name"]
for x, y in G.nodes(data=True) if y["type"] == "TopicTerm"}
profession_names_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
profession_names, orient="index", columns=["term"])
profession_degrees = dict(G.degree(profession_names_df.index.tolist()))
profession_degrees_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
profession_degrees, orient="index", columns=["degree"])
profession_degrees_df = pd.concat(
[profession_names_df, profession_degrees_df], axis=1).sort_values("degree", ascending=False)
term | degree | |
51562669 | Hochschullehrer | 50 |
51617740 | Volkswirt | 17 |
51562647 | Historiker | 16 |
51567773 | Wirtschaftswissenschaftler | 9 |
51565198 | Politiker | 7 |
51689269 | Staatswissenschaftler | 7 |
Schmoller is very well connected with economists ("Volkswirt", "Wirtschaftswissenschaftler"), historians as well as political scientists ("Staatswissenschaftler").
The last analysis is this notebook is the investigation of the network around the works he published. We will query the resources only, since this is the kind of publications Schmoller predominantly has relations to. When you investigate another person, make sure to check the UniTitle
nodes as well.
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
query = """
MATCH (r:Resource)-[rel]-(n:PerName {Id: "(DE-588)118609378"})
WITH DISTINCT [x in collect(r)|id(x)] as collectedIds
MATCH (r:Resource)-[rel2:RelationToPerName]-(n2:PerName)
WHERE ID(r) IN collectedIds
RETURN r, rel2, n2
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
G = to_nx_graph(neo4j_driver=driver,
How many resources and how many people are in the graph?
print("Number of Resources: ", len(
[x for x, y in G.nodes(data=True) if y["type"] == "Resource"]))
print("Number of Persons: ", len(
[x for x, y in G.nodes(data=True) if y["type"] == "PerName"]))
Number of Resources: 763 Number of Persons: 558
Let's take a look at the resources in the graph that have a genre attribute. This can tell us something about what Schmoller wrote most.
genres = [y["Genre"] for x, y in G.nodes(data=True) if "Genre" in y]
genres_df = pd.DataFrame(genres, columns=["genre"])
genre | |
0 | Zeitschrift;;;Zeitschrift |
1 | Zeitschrift |
2 | Zeitschrift;;;Zeitschrift |
3 | Aufsatzsammlung |
4 | Bildnis;;;Einblattdruck |
As we can see, the genre variable contains a special character format to provide multiple information (e.g. "Bildnis;;;Einblattdruck"
). It's easier for us to clean this variable up a little, so we get a better idea of what genres are in the graph.
In the code cell below, we apply some regex to the genre-variable to extract only the very first word when there are semicolons in the genre name. This is a very simplistic approach to clean this variable, it might be necessary to use a more complex data cleaning approach for other tasks.
genres_df["genre"] = genres_df["genre"].str.extract(r"(^[a-zA-Z]*)")
# and now we can aggregate the frame to get the total count per genre
genre Brief 449 Dokument 55 Quelle 23 Hochschulschrift 9 Bildnis 8 Korrespondenz 7 Werk 6 Aufsatzsammlung 6 Zeitschrift 6 Briefe 4 dtype: int64
As we can see, letters are the biggest group of Schmollers resources that connect him to other academics. But there are other genres that can be interesting to analyze, too.
We can take a look into the correspondences Schmoller had for example:
documents_ids = [x for x, y in G.nodes(
data=True) if "Genre" in y and y["Genre"].startswith("Korrespondenz")]
documents_neighbors = []
for i in range(len(documents_ids)):
[node for node in nx.all_neighbors(G, documents_ids[i])])
documents_subgraph = G.subgraph(documents_neighbors)
node_labels = nx.get_node_attributes(documents_subgraph, "label")
edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(documents_subgraph, "TypeAddInfo")
# defining general variables
## we start off by setting the position of nodes and edges again
pos = nx.spring_layout(documents_subgraph)
## set the color map to be used
color_map = plt.cm.plasma
# setup node_colors
node_color_attribute = "type"
groups = set(nx.get_node_attributes(documents_subgraph, node_color_attribute).values())
group_ids = np.array(range(len(groups)))
if len(group_ids) > 1:
group_ids_norm = (group_ids - np.min(group_ids))/np.ptp(group_ids)
group_ids_norm = group_ids
mapping = dict(zip(groups, group_ids_norm))
node_colors = [mapping[documents_subgraph.nodes()[n][node_color_attribute]] for n in documents_subgraph.nodes()]
# defining the graph options & styling
## dictionary for node options:
node_options = {
"pos": pos,
"alpha": 1,
"node_size": 150,
"alpha": 0.5,
"node_color": node_colors, # here we set the node_colors object as an option
"cmap": color_map # this cmap defines the color scale we want to use
## dictionary for edge options:
edge_options = {
"pos": pos,
"width": 1.5,
"alpha": 0.2,
## dictionary for node label options:
node_label_options = {
"pos": pos,
"labels": node_labels,
"font_size": 11
## set plot size and plot margins
plt.margins(x=0.1, y = 0.1)
# draw the graph
## draw the nodes
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(documents_subgraph, **node_options)
## draw the labels
nx.draw_networkx_labels(documents_subgraph, **node_label_options)
## draw the edges
nx.draw_networkx_edges(documents_subgraph, **edge_options)
## draw edge labels
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(documents_subgraph, pos = pos, edge_labels=edge_labels)
# create custom legend according to color_map
geom_list = [Circle([], color = rgb2hex(color_map(float(mapping[term])))) for term in groups]
plt.legend(geom_list, groups)
# show the plot
Congratulations! 🎉 You reached the end of the SoNAR (IDH) Curriculum. Now you should be able to conduct your own HNA with the SoNAR data. This curriculum provided an overview of methods and code snippets to conduct simple to more complex analyses. Still, this is just an introduction and there are many more things for you to discover in the field of network analysis.
# the line below defines the target person's name
target_person = "Bismarck, Otto von"
# Now we can extract the "Source" attribute from the target relationship
source = [attribute["Source"] for source, target, attribute in G.edges(data=True) if (G.nodes(
data=True)[source]["Id"] == "(DE-588)118609378") and (G.nodes(data=True)[target]["Name"] == target_person)]
query = """
MATCH (res:Resource)-[rel:SocialRelation|RelationToPerName|RelationToTopicTerm]-(n)
WHERE res.id = "{source}"
WITH DISTINCT [x in collect(res)+collect(n)|id(x)] as collectedIds
MATCH (n)-[rel:SocialRelation|RelationToPerName|RelationToTopicTerm]-(n2)
WHERE ID(n) in collectedIds AND ID(n2) in collectedIds
RETURN n,n2,rel
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
schmoller_bismarck_graph = to_nx_graph(neo4j_driver=driver,
edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(
schmoller_bismarck_graph, "TypeAddInfo") # retrieve the edge labels
node_labels_names = nx.get_node_attributes(schmoller_bismarck_graph, "Name")
node_labels_titles = nx.get_node_attributes(schmoller_bismarck_graph, "Title")
node_labels = {**node_labels_names, **node_labels_titles}
# defining general variables
## we start off by setting the position of nodes and edges again
pos = nx.spring_layout(schmoller_bismarck_graph)
## set the color map to be used
color_map = plt.cm.plasma
# setup node_colors
node_color_attribute = "type"
groups = set(nx.get_node_attributes(schmoller_bismarck_graph, node_color_attribute).values())
group_ids = np.array(range(len(groups)))
if len(group_ids) > 1:
group_ids_norm = (group_ids - np.min(group_ids))/np.ptp(group_ids)
group_ids_norm = group_ids
mapping = dict(zip(groups, group_ids_norm))
node_colors = [mapping[schmoller_bismarck_graph.nodes()[n][node_color_attribute]] for n in schmoller_bismarck_graph.nodes()]
# defining the graph options & styling
## dictionary for node options:
node_options = {
"pos": pos,
"alpha": 1,
"node_size": 150,
"alpha": 0.5,
"node_color": node_colors, # here we set the node_colors object as an option
"cmap": color_map # this cmap defines the color scale we want to use
## dictionary for edge options:
edge_options = {
"pos": pos,
"width": 1.5,
"alpha": 0.2,
## dictionary for node label options:
node_label_options = {
"pos": pos,
"labels": node_labels,
"font_size": 11
## set plot size and plot margins
plt.margins(x=0.1, y = 0.1)
# draw the graph
## draw the nodes
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(schmoller_bismarck_graph, **node_options)
## draw the labels
nx.draw_networkx_labels(schmoller_bismarck_graph, **node_label_options)
## draw the edges
nx.draw_networkx_edges(schmoller_bismarck_graph, **edge_options)
## draw edge labels
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(schmoller_bismarck_graph, pos = pos, edge_labels=edge_labels)
# create custom legend according to color_map
geom_list = [Circle([], color = rgb2hex(color_map(float(mapping[term])))) for term in groups]
plt.legend(geom_list, groups)
# show the plot
documents_ids = [x for x, y in G.nodes(
data=True) if "Genre" in y and y["Genre"].startswith("Hochschulschrift")]
documents_neighbors = []
for i in range(len(documents_ids)):
[node for node in nx.all_neighbors(G, documents_ids[i])])
documents_subgraph = G.subgraph(documents_neighbors)
edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(
documents_subgraph, "TypeAddInfo") # retrieve the edge labels
node_labels_names = nx.get_node_attributes(documents_subgraph, "Name")
node_labels_titles = nx.get_node_attributes(documents_subgraph, "Title")
node_labels = {**node_labels_names, **node_labels_titles}
# defining general variables
## we start off by setting the position of nodes and edges again
pos = nx.spring_layout(documents_subgraph)
## set the color map to be used
color_map = plt.cm.plasma
# setup node_colors
node_color_attribute = "type"
groups = set(nx.get_node_attributes(documents_subgraph, node_color_attribute).values())
group_ids = np.array(range(len(groups)))
if len(group_ids) > 1:
group_ids_norm = (group_ids - np.min(group_ids))/np.ptp(group_ids)
group_ids_norm = group_ids
mapping = dict(zip(groups, group_ids_norm))
node_colors = [mapping[documents_subgraph.nodes()[n][node_color_attribute]] for n in documents_subgraph.nodes()]
# defining the graph options & styling
## dictionary for node options:
node_options = {
"pos": pos,
"alpha": 1,
"node_size": 150,
"alpha": 0.5,
"node_color": node_colors, # here we set the node_colors object as an option
"cmap": color_map # this cmap defines the color scale we want to use
## dictionary for edge options:
edge_options = {
"pos": pos,
"width": 1.5,
"alpha": 0.2,
## dictionary for node label options:
node_label_options = {
"pos": pos,
"labels": node_labels,
"font_size": 11
## set plot size and plot margins
plt.margins(x=0.1, y = 0.1)
# draw the graph
## draw the nodes
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(documents_subgraph, **node_options)
## draw the labels
nx.draw_networkx_labels(documents_subgraph, **node_label_options)
## draw the edges
nx.draw_networkx_edges(documents_subgraph, **edge_options)
## draw edge labels
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(documents_subgraph, pos = pos, edge_labels=edge_labels)
# create custom legend according to color_map
geom_list = [Circle([], color = rgb2hex(color_map(float(mapping[term])))) for term in groups]
plt.legend(geom_list, groups)
# show the plot