This jupyter notebook workflow has been designed for applying finite-size correction schemes to charged defects when calculating the formation energy for a charged point defect with the supercell method and outputs from the all-electron electronic structure software package FHI-aims. This notebook provides a step-by-step explanation of the processing of the defect data when applying the correction schemes utilised in this workflow as the notebook progresses.
This notebook can be used to perform corrections for one defect at a time. However, if the user has a large set of defect calculations to process, another script has been made available called This uses the NotebookScripter library to run this notebook over a set of defect calculations from the terminal. It is still advisable to first step through the workflow in this notebook to be aware of the steps and assumptions made during the processing of the data. The entire notebook can also be run by selecting 'Kernel --> Restart & Run All'. Outputs generated by this workflow are stored in a directory 'ProcessedDefects' in the same directory as this notebook.
For background reading on electronic structure calculations for defects in solids, doi: 10.1103/RevModPhys.86.253 provides a thorough review on the topic where it is the 'supercell approach' that is utilised in this workflow. Other important background reading includes doi: 10.1088/0965-0393/17/8/084002, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.016402, doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2018.01.011 and doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.195205. Methods described in all of these works are relevant for this workflow.
The formation energy of a charged defect is given by:
Where ED,q is the total energy for a defect in charge state q embedded in a supercell from electronic structure calculations, Ecorrq are finite-size corrections to this defect supercell, Ehost is the calculated total energy of an equivalent perfect host lattice supercell, ni is the number of atoms of species i added to (ni>0) or removed from (ni<0) the chemical reservoir when the defect is formed. μi is the chemical potential of species i, referenced to the total energy of the pure element in its standard state, Ei, ϵF is the position of the Fermi level in the band gap, qϵν (energy of bulk VBM) and Δν0/b (term used to align the electrostatic potential of the VBM for the bulk and defect supercells). Please refer to papers listed in the 'background reading' section for more details.
In this workflow, it is possible to obtain the Ecorrq term for a charged defect in periodic DFT calculations with dielectric screening from the host lattice with either the LZ (doi: 10.1088/0965-0393/17/8/084002) or FNV (doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.016402) finite-size correction schemes. The FNV scheme is implemented here by using the CoFFEE python code (doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2018.01.011) and in this workflow functions from pylada-defects (doi: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2016.12.040) are utilised to obtain the Ecorrq term within the LZ scheme. The option to implement either or both of these schemes to obtain values for Ecorrq is determined in the user inputs cell by setting 'LZ' or 'FNV' to 'True'. Note that the FNV scheme involves an alignment-like step and this can be performed using either the planar average of the electrostatic potential or averaged atom-site potentials with the sampling region proposed by Kumagai and Oba (doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.195205), see Fig. 2(a) in the publication. The option to implement either or both of these methods is determined in the user inputs cell by setting 'atom_centered_pa' or 'planar_av_pa' to 'True'.
Currently, band filling corrections to Ecorrq (descriptions of which can be found in in doi: 10.1103/physrevb.72.035211, 10.1103/PhysRevB.78.235104 and 10.1088/0965-0393/17/8/084002) that are most relevant for shallow defects with delocalised defect-induced charge, are not currently available in this workflow (but would make for a nice extension!).
The potential alignment step (towards the end of the workflow) to obtain Δν0/b can also use either planar averages of the electrostatic potential or averaged atom-site potentials with the sampling region proposed by Kumagai and Oba. The option to implement either or both of these methods is determined in the user inputs cell, also by setting 'atom_centered_pa' or 'planar_av_pa' to 'True'.
Note: For potential alignment, it can be difficult to generate clear plots with planar averages of potentials if the defect supercells have been relaxed. Using averaged atom-site potentials by setting 'atom_centered_pa' to 'True' is usually more robust for this.
Components of the static dielectric tensor of the host crystal (calculated electronic + ionic contributions). This must be added to the user inputs cell. It is best to use computed values for dielectric constants for consistent corrections.
Relaxed structures for charged defect supercells, neutral defect supercells and equivalent perfect supercell. (Supercells have all been relaxed and then a single one-shot is performed where tags for geometry relaxation have been removed or commented out and the tag for atom site potentials and the planar average has been included output on-site esp
and output realspace_esp 100 100 100
The VOLUME of the supercells has NOT been relaxed so lattice vectors are the same for the perfect and defect supercells (this is appropriate for simulating defects in the dilute limit).
DFT data being processed is for INTRINSIC defects only (there are no atom types present in the defect supercell that are not also present in the perfect supercell)... but modifying the workflow to allow for extrinsic defects would be a nice extension!
A maximum of one point defect is present in each supercell.
When vacancies are created in the supercell, the line for the vacancy site has been removed (not just commented out).
The supercells have orthogonal axes for the lattice vectors (a small amount of numerical noise in the off-diagonals is okay).
Geometry files can be either in fractional or Cartesian coordinates as they are automatically all converted into Cartesian coordinates in the workflow.
The above assumptions are necessary for the methods used to locate the defects in this workflow using functions in
All output filenames from FHI-aims calculations still have their original default names: '', 'On-site_ESP.dat' and 'plane_average_realspace_ESP.out'.
The data from all final one-shot calculations of the perfect and defect supercells are stored in one directory. Sub-directories for the different defects within this directory are fine (will be searched through by this notebook) and are to be expected to keep data organised!
As no relaxation steps were performed on the final structures, the only geometry files in these directories should be '' files (i.e. no '' files) and these correspond to the final relaxed structure for each supercell.
The calculation of Ecorr,LZq in this workflow makes the approximation of isotropic dielectric screening from the host lattice (from the use of the isotropic average of the static dielectric constant). Extending this workflow to allow for anisotropic dielectric screening with all components of the static dielectric tensor of the host lattice is another good option for future development.
See CoFFEE paper (doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2018.01.011) and later cells in this notebook for more details on the role of the Gaussian charge model used in this correction scheme. Assumptions made in this workflow:
The same sigma value is used for the Gaussian charge model implemented in the CoFFEE package for all defects in the same set for consistency. The maximum sigma is assumed to be the minimum distance of all defects in the set to the supercell boundary, but note that in reality the charge associated with some defects may be more or less disperse than others.
This workflow sets the cutoff for the plane waves used in CoFFEE's Poisson solver. Smaller sigma values require more plane waves to achieve convergence and the more plane waves the slower the solver will be. If it turns out that you are unable to achieve convergence with the cutoff value set in the notebook based on sigma, there is also the option to override the value and set this manually. This is the 'manual_cutoff' variable. Tests so far have not shown this to be necessary.
This workflow does not currently include band filling corrections. It is assumed that the charge associated with a defect is contained within the supercell.
The cell below is the only cell that must be modified by the user before running the notebook. All subsequent cells do not require user inputs. They just need to be run in order and there is an explanation of the analysis being performed before each cell. The only exception is if manual overrides of certain parameters turn out to be necessary for certain defects, but instructions for how to implement this will be contained in the '' file if necessary. Otherwise, the user may also want to modify the plots generated by the workflow and instructions on how to do this are contained in the cell with the code to generate each plot. Note that some cells will take longer to run than others.
To run this analysis for a full set of defects data, this information can be inputted as a list in the script and the cell below is replaced by an argument list when processing a set of defects with (using the NotebookScripter library). Additional instructions are contained in
# Put here to allow notebook to be run externally for full defect dataset without stalls from interactive plots
%matplotlib inline
# Function used to allow user inputs in notebook to be overwritten when running over full dataset
from NotebookScripter import receive_parameter
# Dielectric properties of host crystal: electronic+ionic dielectric constants
dielectric_xx = receive_parameter(dielectric_xx = 5.76)
dielectric_yy = receive_parameter(dielectric_yy = 5.76)
dielectric_zz = receive_parameter(dielectric_zz = 5.76)
# Outputs from FHI-aims calculation: dir with all data for final one-shots of all defect supercells (inc. perfect supercell)
path_to_all_defects = receive_parameter(path_to_all_defects = './sample_data/unrelaxed_defects/V_C_diamond/')
# Outputs from FHI-aims calculation: dir with data for perfect host supercell
path_to_host = receive_parameter(path_to_host = './sample_data/unrelaxed_defects/V_C_diamond/perfect/')
# Choose name for directory (dir) to store output files for defect currently being processed
defect_outputs_dir = receive_parameter(defect_outputs_dir = 'V_C_diamond')
# Outputs from FHI-aims calculation: dir with defect you want to perform correction for
path_to_defect = receive_parameter(path_to_defect = './sample_data/unrelaxed_defects/V_C_diamond/charged_q=-2/')
# Outputs from FHI-aims calculation: dir with neutral version of defect you want to correct
path_to_neutral = receive_parameter(path_to_neutral = './sample_data/unrelaxed_defects/V_C_diamond/neutral/')
# Enter charge state of defect you want to perform the correction for
defect_charge = receive_parameter(defect_charge = -2)
# Options to calculate E_corr with LZ and/ or FNV schemes
LZ = receive_parameter(LZ = True)
FNV = receive_parameter(FNV = True)
# Options to perform potential alignment with KO atom potentials or planar averages (see intro for more details)
atom_centered_pa = receive_parameter(atom_centered_pa = True)
planar_av_pa = receive_parameter(planar_av_pa = True)
# Below allows for pre-compution of LZ image-charge correction for datasets with multiple defects with the same charge
# If set to None this will be computed by the notebook, if a number is supplied this will be used instead
IC = receive_parameter(IC = None)
import re
import glob
import subprocess
import os
import string
import numpy as np
from numpy import dot,cross,pi
from shutil import copyfile
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors
from IPython.core.pylabtools import figsize
# Custom functions for workflow:
import DefectSupercellAnalyses as dsa
import CoffeeConvenienceFunctions as ccf
import LogFileSetup as lfs
import PlottingFunctions as ptt
import AtomPotentialAlignment as apa
import PyladaDefectsImageCharge as pdic
# Make directory for outputs from processing of this defect
defect_outputs_dir = os.path.join("ProcessedDefects", defect_outputs_dir)
os.makedirs(defect_outputs_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Define paths to inputs with default FHI-aims filenames
host_geom = os.path.join(path_to_host, "")
defect_geom = os.path.join(path_to_defect, "")
host_atom_pot = os.path.join(path_to_host, "On-site_ESP.dat")
charged_defect_atom_pot = os.path.join(path_to_defect, "On-site_ESP.dat")
neutral_defect_atom_pot = os.path.join(path_to_neutral, "On-site_ESP.dat")
host_planeAv_pot = os.path.join(path_to_host, "plane_average_realspace_ESP.out")
charged_defect_planeAv_pot = os.path.join(path_to_defect, "plane_average_realspace_ESP.out")
neutral_defect_planeAv_pot = os.path.join(path_to_neutral, "plane_average_realspace_ESP.out")
# Setting filenames and paths for outputs from workflow
charge_model_file = os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir,"CoFFEE_charge_model.dat")
FNV_planar_pa_FNV_file = os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir,"FNV_planar_pa_Frey.png")
FNV_planar_pa_C1_file = os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir,"FNV_planar_pa_C1.png")
FNV_planar_pa_C2_file = os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir,"FNV_planar_pa_C2.png")
FNV_atom_pa_file = os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir,"FNV_atom_pa.png")
LZ_planar_pa_file = os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir,"LZ_planar_pa.png")
LZ_atom_pa_file = os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir,"LZ_atom_pa.png")
final_outputs_file = os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir,"corrections_summary.dat")
# Initialise log file
logger = lfs.configure_logging(os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir, "log"))
It has been assumed that the volume of defect supercells has not been relaxed, therefore the lattice vectors of the perfect host supercell are the same as those of the defect supercells. (This was listed in the assumptions list earlier in the notebook)
# Read in geometry information for perfect host crystal
host_coords = dsa.read_atom_coords(host_geom)
host_coords_frac = dsa.read_atom_coords_frac(host_geom)
host_atom_num = dsa.count_atoms(host_geom)
# Read in supercell dimensions from perfect crystal (should be same for defect supercells if volume fixed)
supercell_dims = dsa.get_supercell_dimensions(host_geom)
# Read in lattice vectors from perfect supercell (should be same for defect supercells if volume fixed)
lattice_vec_array = dsa.lattice_vectors_array(host_geom)
This script locates the coordinates of the defect by comparing the defect supercell to the perfect host supercell and using the functions defined in The defect position is referenced to the species that would be in the perfect host in the case of a vacancy, e.g. the S atom removed from the host to make a S vacancy. The position is referenced to the atom added to the defect supercell in the case of an interstitial or antisite.
These coordinates will be used to define the centre of the Gaussian used in the charge model for the FNV method in the input 'in' file used with the Poisson solver in The z-position of the defect will also be used when generating plots for the potential alignment (pa) correction step towards the end of this workflow.
defect_coords = dsa.read_atom_coords(defect_geom)
defect_coords_frac = dsa.read_atom_coords_frac(defect_geom)
defect_atom_num = dsa.count_atoms(defect_geom)
defect_type = dsa.find_defect_type(host_coords, defect_coords)
if (defect_type == 'vacancy'):
species_vac, defect_x, defect_y, defect_z, defect_line = dsa.vacancy_coords(host_coords, defect_coords)'Defect is a '+str(species_vac)+' vacancy with charge '+str(defect_charge))'Defect coordinates in host supercell (Angstroms): '+str(defect_x)+', '+str(defect_y)+', '+str(defect_z))
elif (defect_type == 'interstitial'):
species_int, defect_x, defect_y, defect_z, defect_line = dsa.interstitial_coords(host_coords, defect_coords)'Defect is a '+str(species_int)+' interstitial with charge '+str(defect_charge))'Defect coordinates in defect supercell (Angstroms): '+str(defect_x)+', '+str(defect_y)+', '+str(defect_z))
elif (defect_type == 'antisite'):
species_in, species_out, defect_x, defect_y, defect_z, defect_line = dsa.antisite_coords(host_coords, defect_coords)'Defect is a '+str(species_in)+'-on-'+str(species_out)+' antisite with charge '+str(defect_charge))'Defect coordinates in defect supercell (Angstroms): '+str(defect_x)+', '+str(defect_y)+', '+str(defect_z))'Defect atom line number:' + str(defect_line))
else:"Error identifying defect type")
[INFO] [Cell line num: 9] Defect is a C vacancy with charge -2 [INFO] [Cell line num: 10] Defect coordinates in host supercell (Angstroms): 7.036557155953541, 7.036557155953541, 7.036557155953541
In the script below the minimum distance of the defect to the supercell boundary is computed. In the plot of the defect supercell, the volume of the region used to represent the defect location is arbitrary and not representative of atomic radii.
min_x, min_y, min_z = dsa.defect_to_boundary(defect_x, defect_y, defect_z, supercell_dims[0], supercell_dims[1], supercell_dims[2])"Nearest defect distances to supercell boundaries (Angstroms): "+str(min_x)+", "+str(min_y)+", "+str(min_z))
figsize(8, 8)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100)
# Radius of sphere is sigma of Gaussian charge model converted back into Angstroms
x = 0.5 * np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v)) + defect_x
y = 0.5 * np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v)) + defect_y
z = 0.5 * np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v)) + defect_z
ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, color='b')
ax.set_xlabel('Supercell x ($\AA$)')
ax.set_ylabel('Supercell y ($\AA$)')
ax.set_zlabel('Supercell z ($\AA$)')
plt.title('Location of defect within supercell')
plt.savefig(os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir, "defect_location.png"))
[INFO] [Cell line num: 2] Nearest defect distances to supercell boundaries (Angstroms): 7.036557155953541, 7.036557155953541, 7.036557155953541
For more information on the LZ scheme, please see doi: 10.1088/0965-0393/17/8/084002. This workflow uses modified functions from pylada-defects. For more information on this implementation of this correction scheme, please see doi: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2016.12.040.
As a reminder, the formation energy of a charged defect is given by:
For this correction scheme, we will first obtain Ecorrq as the 'image charge correction' in the LZ scheme (but note that this workflow does not include band filling corrections as mentioned already in the assumptions cell in this notebook). After that, we perform potential alignment to obtain the ν0/b term.
The Ecorrq term for the defect formation energy is first obtained in this workflow using the LZ correction scheme (see doi: 10.1088/0965-0393/17/8/084002 and doi: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2016.12.040 for more information). Here it is just the 'image-charge correction' that is being computed first and is denoted as Ecorrq, while sometimes in the literature Ecorrq is used to refer to this correction, band filling corrections and the potential alignment that is performed towards the end of this workflow. To avoid confusion with the term calculated next with the FNV scheme, Ecorr,LZq is how this term will be denoted in this workflow. Within the LZ scheme, this correction term is given by:
Where L=Ω−13 is the linear supercell dimension, which has volume Ω, ϵ is the isotropic average of the calculated static dielectric constant inputed in the 'user inputs' cell, αM is the Madelung constant and csh is the shape factor. The latter two terms are related to the supercell geometry. The approximation of isotropic dielectric screening from the host lattice has been made here, this was listed in the assumptions cell earlier in this notebook.
Note: The cell below may take a while to run.
#Need to Check, the LZ image correction should always be positive according to the equation, as far as I known.
if LZ == True and IC is None:
# Isotropic average of dielectric constant from notebook
dielectric_av = (dielectric_xx+dielectric_yy+dielectric_zz)/3.0
# Using modified function from pylada-defects to compute LZ image charge correction
Madelung_energy, ThirdOrder, csh, scaling_f, E_corr_LZ = pdic.get_imagecharge(np.transpose(lattice_vec_array), charge=defect_charge, epsilon=dielectric_av,cutoff=50.)"LZ image-charge correction, E_corr_LZ = "+str(E_corr_LZ))
# To allow for pre-computation of LZ IC for datasets with multiple defects in same charge state
elif IC is not None:
E_corr_LZ = IC"LZ image-charge correction, E_corr_LZ = "+str(E_corr_LZ))
else:"Error in entry of LZ image-charge correction term in user inputs cell.")
[INFO] [Cell line num: 7] LZ image-charge correction, E_corr_LZ = 0.699
As a reminder, the formation energy of a charged defect is given by:
In the cell above, Ecorrq was calculated within the LZ finite-size correction schemes. This part of the workflow obtains the Δν0/b potential alignment term for the expression above for ΔHD,q by comparing the electrostatic potentials from electronic structure calculations of a perfect host supercell to that of a charge neutral defect, in a region far from the defect.
Here, this term can be obtained by either using planar averages of the electrostatic potential or averaged atom-site potentials with the sampling region proposed by Kumagai and Oba, depending on settings specified in the user inputs cell.
Note: The atom corresponding to the defect is omitted in the following potential alignment plots.
The script below is used to generate a potential alignment plot between the perfect host supercell and the charge neutral defect supercell using potentials from the electronic structure calculations and the sampling region proposed by Kumagai and Oba for performing the potential alignment step with averaged atom centre potentials. For more information see doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.195205) and Fig. 2(a) in the paper.
if LZ == True and atom_centered_pa == True:
LZ potential alignment: q(V_0 - V_host)
#Changing the LZ potential according to the definition shown in the Komsa paper.
# Reading the atom locations of the Host and defect supercell
# The defect location is referenced to defect supercell later in apa.fhiaims_atomic_pot function
host_coords_array = dsa.coords_to_array(host_coords_frac)
defect_coords_array = dsa.coords_to_array(defect_coords_frac)
# For aligning perfect host supercell potential with charge neutral defect potential
#defect_atom_pot = neutral_defect_atom_pot
defect_atom_pot = neutral_defect_atom_pot
# Average free atom potentials read in from header of planar average potential FHI-aims output
# (Additional shift term necessary for FHI-aims)
shift_H = apa.read_free_atom_pot(host_planeAv_pot)
shift_D = apa.read_free_atom_pot(neutral_defect_planeAv_pot)
aims_atom_pots = apa.fhiaims_atomic_pot(defect_type,host_atom_num,defect_atom_num,defect_line,lattice_vec_array,host_coords_array, defect_coords_array, host_atom_pot, defect_atom_pot,shift_H,shift_D)
aims_atom_pots[:,1] = -1.0*aims_atom_pots[:,1]
#plot the atom-average plot
# Testing adding user options to function plots, options:
# user_ymin, user_ymax, user_xlabel, user_ylabel, user_title
# Set to None by default but should override in functions if users set values for these
#pa_atom_LZ=ptt.plot_atom_average_alignment(lattice_vec_array,defect_charge,aims_atom_pots,None,False,LZ_atom_pa_file, user_ymax=0.2, user_title='Suzy test', user_xlabel='r ($\AA$)')
#log info"LZ potential alignment correction with atom centres: "+str(pa_atom_LZ))"See "+str(LZ_atom_pa_file)+" for plot of LZ alignment with atom potentials.")
<Figure size 576x576 with 0 Axes>
[INFO] [Cell line num: 34] LZ potential alignment correction with atom centres: 0.113 [INFO] [Cell line num: 35] See ProcessedDefects/V_C_diamond/LZ_atom_pa.png for plot of LZ alignment with atom potentials.
Here the alignment term for the LZ scheme is obtained by aligning planar averages of the potentials from electronic structure calculations of the perfect host supercell and charge neutral defect supercell in a region far from the defect.
Note: It is usually better to use atom potentials to align the potential if the defect supercell has been relaxed.
if LZ == True and planar_av_pa == True:
LZ potential alignment: q(V_0 - V_host)
#same as the discussion in the on-site atom potential alignment term.
#According to the Lany Zunger correction, the potential alignment is according to the atoms potential.
#We can still do that via plane-average potential, however, the range to determine the potential alignmetn term is unknown.
# Unit conversion
Ha_eV = 27.2116 # hartree to eV
b_A = 0.529177249 # bohr to angstrom
# Set parameters to those calculated in notebook
charge = defect_charge
lattice_constant_z = supercell_dims[2]
Defect_pos = defect_z
# Locations from FHI-aims output files
Origin_F = host_planeAv_pot
Defect_neutral_F = neutral_defect_planeAv_pot
# Check FHI-aims outputs exist before trying to generate plot
if not os.path.exists(Origin_F) or not os.path.exists(Defect_neutral_F):
raise Exception("Required FHI-aims output file not found")
offset_o, origin = ptt.read_file(Origin_F)
offset_d, defect_neutral_pot = ptt.read_file(Defect_neutral_F)
X = defect_neutral_pot[:,0]
Y = defect_neutral_pot[:,1]*Ha_eV - offset_d - (origin[:,1]*Ha_eV-offset_o)
Y = -1.0*Y
# Plot the plane-average plots
# log info"LZ potential alignment correction with planar average: "+str(pa_planAv_LZ))"See "+str(LZ_planar_pa_file)+" for plot of LZ alignment with planar average of the potential.")
<Figure size 576x576 with 0 Axes>
[INFO] [Cell line num: 33] LZ potential alignment correction with planar average: 0.108 [INFO] [Cell line num: 34] See ProcessedDefects/V_C_diamond/LZ_planar_pa.png for plot of LZ alignment with planar average of the potential.
For further reading on this finite size correction scheme see doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.016402. The FNV scheme is implemented here by using the CoFFEE python code. For further information on this specific implementation see doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2018.01.011.
As a reminder, the formation energy of a charged defect is given by:
The finite-size electrostatic correction term from the FNV correction scheme is given by: Ecorrq=Elatq−qΔVq−0/m
Elatq is obtained from a Gaussian charge model and the next term is determined later in this workflow through a 'potential alignment like' procedure which compares the model potential to the difference in potentials for the defect in a charged and neutral states from the electronic structure calculations. This will be discussed more in later cells when this procedure is applied.
This workflow uses the CoFFEE software package when implementing the FNV correction scheme (doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.016402) for finite-size corrections to charged defect supercells. This correction scheme involves solving the Poisson equation for a charge model system (to infer the electrostatic interactions between the defect and its periodic images) and aligning potentials to derive the correction to the formation energy. The model system used to simulate defect charge interactions with periodic images is a Gaussian within a periodicly repeated supercell where the calculated static dielectric tensor of the host lattice is used to represent the dielectric screening of the defect charge by the host lattice. The schematic below shows a charge model used to simulate the interaction between the defect charge in the central supercell and some of its periodic images. For more details on the charge model used when performing corrections to charged defect supercells with the scheme used in this workflow, please refer to the CoFFEE paper (doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2018.01.011).
The purpose here is to determine the value of sigma for the Gaussian charge model that is small enough to ensure that the charge is contained within the supercell for all supercells in the defect set, including the ones where the defect is closest to the boundary of the supercell. For consistency, the same value of sigma is used for all defects in the set of calculations. As stated in the CoFFEE paper (doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2018.01.011): 'For bulk systems, it is not necessary that the width of the Gaussian model charge match the defect wavefunction charge density. It suffices if the width is appropriately small to keep the model charge inside the cell.' As already mentioned, band-filling corrections are not currently applied in this workflow. All of these assumptions were listed earlier in the notebook in the assumptions cell.
This step needs to only be run once for your set of defects, so if it turns out to be slow for a large set of defects just run it once and for subsequent runs replace the cell below with a cell that just contains:
sigma = computed_value_from_first_run
However, tests so far have not shown this to be necessary.
if FNV == True:"The following parameters were calculated for obtaining E_cor_FNV:")
# Determining min distance of any defect to supercell boundary in set of defects
all_distances_to_boundaries = []
for geom_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(path_to_all_defects,'**/'), recursive=True):
if not os.path.samefile(geom_file, host_geom):
defect_coords_tmp = dsa.read_atom_coords(geom_file)
defect_type_tmp = dsa.find_defect_type(host_coords, defect_coords)
if (defect_type == 'vacancy'):
species_vac_tmp, defect_x_tmp, defect_y_tmp, defect_z_tmp, defect_line_tmp = dsa.vacancy_coords(host_coords, defect_coords)
elif (defect_type == 'interstitial'):
species_int_tmp, defect_x_tmp, defect_y_tmp, defect_z_tmp, defect_line_tmp = dsa.interstitial_coords(host_coords, defect_coords)
elif (defect_type == 'antisite'):
species_in_tmp, species_out_tmp, defect_x_tmp, defect_y_tmp, defect_z_tmp, defect_line_tmp = dsa.antisite_coords(host_coords, defect_coords)
else:"Error identifying defect type in "+str(geom_file))
all_distances_to_boundaries.append(min(dsa.defect_to_boundary(defect_x_tmp, defect_y_tmp, defect_z_tmp, supercell_dims[0], supercell_dims[1], supercell_dims[2])))
closest_defect_to_boundary = abs(min(all_distances_to_boundaries))
# Define sigma for Gaussian as a 10% less than closest defect distance to boundary in dataset (in Angstroms)
sigma = closest_defect_to_boundary-(0.1*closest_defect_to_boundary)
# Add in condition to ensure sigma is small enough relative to supercell dimensions to avoid charge spilling over
if (sigma >= 0.2*min(supercell_dims)):
sigma = 0.2*min(supercell_dims)"Sigma used for Gaussian charge model = "+str(sigma))
[INFO] [Cell line num: 3] The following parameters were calculated for obtaining E_cor_FNV: [INFO] [Cell line num: 29] Sigma used for Gaussian charge model = 2.8146228623814165
if (FNV == True):
#sigma = MANUAL_OVERRIDE"Sigma used for Gaussian charge model overwritten with sigma = "+str(sigma))
[INFO] [Cell line num: 6] Sigma used for Gaussian charge model overwritten with sigma = 2.614
The script below sets the cutoff for the plane waves used in CoFFEE's Poisson solver. Smaller sigma values require more plane waves to achieve convergence and the more plane waves the slower the solver will be.
If it turns out that you are unable to achieve convergence with the cutoff value set based on sigma, there is also the option to override the value and set this manually.
if FNV == True:
# Script to compute plane wave cutoff based on sigma (20.0 Hartree was fine for sigma=1.4)
cutoff_ratio = 20.0/1.4 # Found to converge well in tests
cutoff = cutoff_ratio/sigma
# Override computed value if user has set a manual cutoff
#cutoff = MANUAL_OVERRIDE"Cutoff used for Gaussian charge model = "+str(cutoff))
[INFO] [Cell line num: 10] Cutoff used for Gaussian charge model = 20.0
The CoFFEE software package has been developed to be compatible with 1D, 2D and 3D systems. The long range model potential for bulk (3D) systems can be analytically derived, but in the case of spatially varying dielectric profiles (in 1D and 2D systems) it is practical to solve the Poisson equation numerically and extrapolate the electrostatic energy to the isolated limit Eiso,mq. Although this workflow is for 3D defect supercells, it follows the general formalism in the CoFFEE workflow that is applicable to 1D, 2D and 3D systems. Therefore, the electrostatic energy is determined for a supercell that is the same size as that used in the electronic structure calculations with FHI-aims (this is denoted by Eper,mq) and also for 2x2x2 and 3x3x3 supercells (Eper,2mq and Eper,3mq respectively) of that supercell to allow Eiso,mq to be determined by extrapolating the fit to the energies for the three supercell sizes. Elatq is then obtained from the equation below.
See the CoFFEE paper for more details.
This is used to obtain Eper,mq for the charge model that is the same size as the supercell used in the DFT defect calculation and also to calculate Eper,2mq and Eper,3mq for 2x2x2 and 3x3x3 supercells of the DFT supercell.
The values computed for all three supercells will be used to obtain Eiso,mq for the charge model from a fit to the three data points and extrapolating to the limit of an infinite supercell.
Note: The cell below may take a while to run.
if FNV == True:
# Charge model for 3x3x3 supercell of the supercell used in DFT calculations, use to obtain E_q^{per,3m}
ccf.run_CoFFEE_solver("./", defect_outputs_dir, 3, 3, 3, defect_geom, sigma, cutoff, defect_charge, defect_x, defect_y, defect_z, dielectric_xx, dielectric_yy, dielectric_zz)
# Charge model for 2x2x2 supercell of the supercell used in DFT calculations, use to obtain E_q^{per,3m}
ccf.run_CoFFEE_solver("./", defect_outputs_dir, 2, 2, 2, defect_geom, sigma, cutoff, defect_charge, defect_x, defect_y, defect_z, dielectric_xx, dielectric_yy, dielectric_zz)
# The 1x1x1 supercell (i.e. same as original defect supercell size) is run last
# This is to ensure V_r.npy left in the directory is for this system for subsequent analysis
# Charge model for same size supercell as used in DFT calculations, use to obtain E_q^{per,m}
ccf.run_CoFFEE_solver("./", defect_outputs_dir, 1, 1, 1, defect_geom, sigma, cutoff, defect_charge, defect_x, defect_y, defect_z, dielectric_xx, dielectric_yy, dielectric_zz)
for output_name in "V_r.npy", "G1.npy", "G2.npy", "G3.npy", "V_G-model.npy":
copyfile(output_name, os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir,output_name))
if FNV == True:
# Do python re equivalent of (grep ! ${charge_model_file}) to get E_q^per,m from output
E_q_per_m = []
for dim in range (1,4,1):
with open(os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir,"cm_"+str(dim)+"x"+str(dim)+"x"+str(dim)+".out"), 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if'!', line):
words = line.split()
if (words[3:6] == ['Sigma', 'too', 'large,']):'Looks like sigma is too large try setting a smaller value than '+str(sigma)+'. See notebook cell (User option: manually override sigma value).')
if (words[1:4] == ['Total', 'Energy', '(eV):']):
if (line == None):'Warning! - Error finding E_q^{per,m} from '+str(os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir,"cm_"+str(dim)+"x"+str(dim)+"x"+str(dim)+".out")))' may still be calculating E_q^{per,m}, check inside file: '+str(os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir,"cm_"+str(dim)+"x"+str(dim)+"x"+str(dim)+".out")))
if (words[1:4] != ['Total', 'Energy', '(eV):']):'Check '+str(os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir,"cm_"+str(dim)+"x"+str(dim)+"x"+str(dim)+".out"))+' for error messages')
except IOError:"Could not open "+str(os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir,"cm_"+str(dim)+"x"+str(dim)+"x"+str(dim)+".out")))
# E_q_per_m, E_q_per_2m, E_q_per_3m
if (len(E_q_per_m) == 3):"E_q_per_m = "+str(E_q_per_m[0])+", E_q_per_2m = "+str(E_q_per_m[1])+", E_q_per_3m = "+str(E_q_per_m[2]))
else:"Error in extracting E_q for charge models.")
# These values are inputted into the coffee plotting script below to obtain E_iso
[INFO] [Cell line num: 24] E_q_per_m = 1.0744, E_q_per_2m = 1.5407, E_q_per_3m = 1.7049
Below is a plotting script adapted from from the CoFFEE_1.1 'Examples' directory. It uses a fit to Eper,mq, Eper,2mq, Eper,3mq to extrapolate to the infinite supercell limit to get obtain Eiso,mq.
Eiso,mq from this fit is used after to compute Elatq.
if FNV == True:
# alat is used as scaling parameter for lattice vectors of supercell: (supercell_vol)**(1/3) in Angstrom
alat =**(1/3.)
# The Model energies go in here: # Replace with those calculated in cell above
E_m = np.array([E_q_per_m[0], E_q_per_m[1], E_q_per_m[2]])
# 1/\Omega^{1/3} for volumes of 1x1x1, 2x2x2, 3x3x3 supercells of original defect supercell
one_by_V = np.array([1./(1.**3),1/(2.**3),1/(3.**3)])
one_by_A = (one_by_V)**(1/3.)*(1/alat) # alat used to scale by lattice vectors?
# Compute the fit: p(\Omega) = f_1 + f_2/(\Omega^(1/3)) + f_3/(\Omega)
X = ptt.compute_fit([E_m[0], E_m[1], E_m[2]],one_by_A[0],one_by_A[1],one_by_A[2])
# Use the coefficient obtained above to generate the fitting curve
x_limit = 0.1*(max(one_by_A)-min(one_by_A))+max(one_by_A)
Linv = np.arange(0,x_limit,0.005)
Y = []
for x in Linv:
Y.append(X[0]*x + X[1]*x**3 + X[2])
E_m_iso = X[2]"E_m_iso from extrapolation = "+str(X[2]))
#print("Fitting parameters (f_1,f_2,f_3):", X[2],X[0],X[1])
value = E_m_iso - E_m[0]
value = '%.2f' % value
title = r'$E_q^{lat} = E_q^{m,iso} - E_q^{m,per}$'+' = '+str(value) + ' eV'
matplotlib.rc('font',family='Times New Roman')
plt.title(title,fontsize=15,fontname = "Times New Roman")
plt.plot(one_by_A, E_m,'ok',ms=10,label = r'E$^{m,per}$')
plt.text(one_by_A[0],E_m[0],r'$1\times1\times1$',color='black',ha="right",fontsize=15,fontname = "Times New Roman")
plt.text(one_by_A[1],E_m[1],r'$2\times2\times2$',color='black',ha="left",fontsize=15,fontname = "Times New Roman")
plt.text(one_by_A[2],E_m[2],r'$3\times3\times3$',color='black',ha="left",fontsize=15,fontname = "Times New Roman")
plt.xlabel(r'$\Omega^{-1/3}$ ($\AA^{-1}$)',fontsize=15,fontname = "Times New Roman")
plt.ylabel(r'E$^{m,per}_q$ (eV)',fontsize=15,fontname = "Times New Roman")
[INFO] [Cell line num: 22] E_m_iso from extrapolation = 2.039277272727272
<Figure size 576x576 with 0 Axes>
if FNV == True:
# Compute E_q^{lat}
E_q_lat = E_m_iso - E_q_per_m[0]"E_q_lat (in eV) = E_m_iso - E_q_per_m = "+str(E_q_lat))
# Save all E_q^{lat} data to defect_outputs_dir/charge_model.dat
# Write top line as E_q^{iso,m} = ???
# Next lines: supercell size, E_q^{per,m}
charge_model_data = open(charge_model_file, "w")
charge_model_data.write("E_q^{iso,m} = "+str(E_m_iso)+"\n")
charge_model_data.write("Supercell of defect supercell, E_q_per_m\n")
charge_model_data.write("1x1x1, "+str(E_q_per_m[0])+"\n")
charge_model_data.write("2x2x2, "+str(E_q_per_m[1])+"\n")
charge_model_data.write("3x3x3, "+str(E_q_per_m[2])+"\n")
[INFO] [Cell line num: 5] E_q_lat (in eV) = E_m_iso - E_q_per_m = 0.9648772727272721
As a reminder, the finite-size electrostatic correction term from the FNV correction scheme is given by: Ecorrq=Elatq−qΔVq−0/m
This step is used to calculate qΔVq−0/m to obtain the full expression for Ecorrq within the FNV finite-size correction scheme (not accounting for any band filling effects for shallow defects). A 'potential alignment like' procedure is used to obtain qΔVq−0/m where the potential of the charge model is compared to the difference in potentials for the defect in a charged and neutral states from the electronic structure calculations.
As a reminder, the formation energy of a charged defect is given by:
When implementing the FNV scheme, it is possible to obtain Ecorrq and Δν0/b at the same time by also aligning the potentials of the perfect host supercell to the charge neutral defect in the region far from the defect. All terms will be generated in the plots below.
Note: The atom corresponding to the defect is omitted in the following potential alignment plots.
The script below is used to generate the sampling region proposed by Kumagai and Oba for performing the potential alignment step with averaged atom centre potentials. For more information see doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.195205) and Fig. 2(a) in the paper.
if FNV == True and atom_centered_pa == True:
# Generate file for average atom centred potentials for CoFFEE charge model:
# (Adapted from bottom of Tong's original APA_script/
hartree = 27.2116
# Defect location is referenced to perfect host supercell for antisite or vacancy
host_coords_array = dsa.coords_to_array(host_coords_frac)
# Defect location is referenced to defect supercell for interstitial
defect_coords_array = dsa.coords_to_array(defect_coords_frac)
grid_t, model = ptt.py_read('V_G-model.npy')
grid_g1, G1 = ptt.py_read('G1.npy')
grid_g2, G2 = ptt.py_read('G2.npy')
grid_g3, G3 = ptt.py_read('G3.npy')
grid = np.array(grid_t)
model = model*hartree
model_atom_pots = apa.model_atomic_pot(defect_type,host_atom_num,defect_line,grid,lattice_vec_array,host_coords_array,defect_coords_array,model,sigma,G1,G2,G3)
model_atom_pots[:,1] = -1.0*model_atom_pots[:,1]
if FNV == True and atom_centered_pa == True:
Full alignment (for E_corr and pa): q(V_0 - V_host) and q((V_charge-V_0) - V_model)
host_coords_array = dsa.coords_to_array(host_coords_frac)
defect_coords_array = dsa.coords_to_array(defect_coords_frac)
# For aligning potential of charge model to charged defect supercell potential
defect_atom_pot = charged_defect_atom_pot
# Average free atom potentials read in from header of planar average potential FHI-aims output
# (Additional shift term necessary for FHI-aims)
shift_H = apa.read_free_atom_pot(host_planeAv_pot)
shift_D = apa.read_free_atom_pot(neutral_defect_planeAv_pot)
aims_atom_pots = apa.fhiaims_atomic_pot(defect_type,host_atom_num,defect_atom_num,defect_line,lattice_vec_array,host_coords_array, defect_coords_array, host_atom_pot, defect_atom_pot,shift_H,shift_D)
aims_atom_pots[:,1] = -1.0*aims_atom_pots[:,1]
Model = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir,'atom_potentials_FNV_model.txt'))
Model[:,1] = -1.0*Model[:,1]
# Ploting the alignment plot
pa_atom_FNV=ptt.plot_atom_average_alignment(lattice_vec_array,defect_charge,aims_atom_pots,Model,True,FNV_atom_pa_file)"FNV potential alignment correction with atom centres: "+str(pa_atom_FNV))"See "+str(FNV_atom_pa_file)+" for plot of FNV alignment with atom potentials.")
[INFO] [Cell line num: 26] FNV potential alignment correction with atom centres: 0.091 [INFO] [Cell line num: 27] See ProcessedDefects/V_C_diamond/FNV_atom_pa.png for plot of FNV alignment with atom potentials.
<Figure size 576x576 with 0 Axes>
This is the default method for performing the potential aligment step in the CoFFEE implementation of the FNV scheme.
Note: It is usually better to use atom potentials to align the potential if the defect supercell has been relaxed.
This is needed to align potentials between the charge model and the defect supercells when using planar averages for the alignment method. This is used with planar averaged potentials along the z-direction (referred to as 'a3' in CoFFEE) from FHI-aims calculations for the perfect host, charged defect and neutral defect supercells.
First we write an 'in_V' file for the supercell to use with the utility script from CoFFEE_1.1/PotentialAlignment/Utilities/
if FNV == True and planar_av_pa == True:
# Write in_V file for CoFFEE, convert supercell dims from Angstrom to Bohr
The script below uses V_r.npy generated from the Poisson solver for the charge model with the same supercell size as the DFT calculations with the in_V file written in cell above to obtain planar average of potential for the charge model along the z-direction.
This produces to following file: plavg_a3.plot, which is in units of Bohr.
if FNV == True and planar_av_pa == True:
# Script adapted from written by Mit Naik (March 2017) found in the CoFFEE_1.1 package at
# 'PotentialAlignment/Utilities/', parts of the original script not used in this workflow have been omitted below
# And functions from the script have been included in ''.
# This is used to obtain the planar average of the potential of the charge model along the z-direction:
# plavg_a3.plot
# Computes planar average of 3D data
# written by Mit Naik (March 2017)
bohr = 0.52917721092
rydberg = 13.60569253
hartree = 27.21138505
inf9 = 1.0e+9
# Parameters from in_V and checking all are valid
file_inp,file_type,direction,factor,cell_dim = ptt.read_input("in_V")
if direction != "a1" and direction != "a2" and direction != "a3":
print("Please specify plt_dir in the input file. It takes a1/a2/a3")
if file_type != "cube" and file_type != "xsf" and file_type != "python":
print("Please specify file_type in the input file. It takes cube/xsf/python")
if file_type == "cube":
ierr, na, aspecies, acharge, aposition, grid, origin, step, vol = cub_read(file_inp)
elif file_type == "xsf":
na, primcoord, grid, origin, step, vol = xsf_read(file_inp)
elif file_type == "python":
grid,vol = ptt.py_read(file_inp)
vol = np.array(vol)
#print("Shape of the data in the file:", np.shape(vol))
if direction == "a3":
if file_type == "python":
step_l = cell_dim/grid[2]
step_l = np.sqrt([2],step[2]))
vol_a3, A3 = ptt.pl_avg_a3(vol,grid[0],grid[1],grid[2], step_l,factor, hartree, rydberg)
/Users/suzannewallace/PhD/git_repos/DefectCorrectionsNotebook/ ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part vol_a3[k] = Sum1/(a2_dim*a1_dim)
The final plotting script below uses plavg_a3.plot for the planar average of the charge model from CoFFEE with 'plane_average_realspace_ESP.out' files from FHI-aims calculations for the perfect host, neutral defect and charged defect supercells.
TZ: Potential Alignment from planar avearge of potentials
CoFFEE format: divided into two plots:
q((V_Charge-V_0) - V_model) (FNV_planar_pa_C2.png) q(V_0-V_host) (FNV_planar_pa_C1.png)
In the Original Freysoldt Correction PRL paper:
Just q((V_charge-V_host) - V_model) (FNV_planar_pa_Frey.png)
TZ: Several Enhancement. We can either contact Mit Naik or change that by ourself.
1. The plane average electrostatic potential of the model from CoFFEE seems not correct, the center are not exact in the defect position, a little shift.
2. The grids of plane average electrostatic potential of the model from the CoFFEE are not the same as that in the FHI-aims.
It's easy to let the user input the grids they want to produce the electrostatic potential, so that it can produce the Model potential at the exact same grids as that in the FHI-aims. Based on these Model potential, we can plot the Difference easily (V(Defect) -V(Host)) - V(Model). Otherwise, it's not easy to plot this Diff. directly in the plot.
if FNV == True and planar_av_pa == True:
Full alignment (for E_corr and pa): q(V_0 - V_host) and q((V_charge-V_0) - V_model)
#unit conversion
Ha_eV = 27.2116 # hartree to eV
b_A = 0.529177249 # bohr to angstrom
# Set parameters to those calculated in notebook
charge = defect_charge
lattice_constant_z = supercell_dims[2]
Defect_pos = defect_z
# Locations from FHI-aims output files
Origin_F = host_planeAv_pot
Defect_neutral_F = neutral_defect_planeAv_pot
Defect_charge_F = charged_defect_planeAv_pot
Defect_model_F = "plavg_a3.plot"
# Check FHI-aims outputs exist before trying to generate plot
if not os.path.exists(Origin_F) or not os.path.exists(Defect_neutral_F) or not os.path.exists(Defect_charge_F):
raise Exception("Required FHI-aims output file not found")
# begin generating alignment plots in the CoFFEE Format
# begin ploting q*(V(Defect,0) - V(Host))
offset_o, origin = ptt.read_file(Origin_F)
offset_d, defect_neutral_pot = ptt.read_file(Defect_neutral_F)
X = defect_neutral_pot[:,0]
Y = defect_neutral_pot[:,1]*Ha_eV - offset_d - (origin[:,1]*Ha_eV-offset_o)
Y = -1.0*Y
pa_planAv_C1=ptt.plot_planar_average_alignment(lattice_constant_z,Defect_pos,charge,X,Y,None,False,'CoFFEE',FNV_planar_pa_C1_file)"FNV potential alignment correction with planar average(COFFEE term One): "+str(pa_planAv_C1))"See "+str(FNV_planar_pa_C1_file)+" for plot of FNV alignment with planar average of the potential.")
# begin ploting V(Defect,charge) - V(Defect,0) and V_Model
offset_d2, defect_charge_pot = ptt.read_file(Defect_charge_F)
Model = np.loadtxt(Defect_model_F)
X1 = defect_charge_pot[:,0]
Y1 = defect_charge_pot[:,1]*Ha_eV-offset_d2 - (defect_neutral_pot[:,1]*Ha_eV-offset_d)
Y1 = -1.0*Y1
X_model = Model[:,0]*b_A
Y_model = Model[:,1]
pa_planAv_CF = pa_planAv_C1 + pa_planAv_C2"FNV potential alignment correction with planar average(COFFEE term two): "+str(pa_planAv_C2))"FNV potential alignment correction with planar average(COFFEE term one+two): "+str(pa_planAv_CF))"See "+str(FNV_planar_pa_C2_file)+" for plot of FNV alignment with planar average of the potential.")
# begin generating alignment plots in the Format of original Freysoldt Paper.
offset_d2, defect_charge_pot = ptt.read_file(Defect_charge_F)
Model = np.loadtxt(Defect_model_F)
X2 = defect_charge_pot[:,0]
Y2 = defect_charge_pot[:,1]*Ha_eV-offset_d2 - (origin[:,1]*Ha_eV-offset_o)
Y2 = -1.0*Y2
pa_planAv_Frey=ptt.plot_planar_average_alignment(lattice_constant_z,Defect_pos,charge,X2,Y2,Model,True,'Frey',FNV_planar_pa_FNV_file)"FNV potential alignment correction with planar average(Freysoldt Format): "+str(pa_planAv_Frey))"See "+str(FNV_planar_pa_FNV_file)+" for plot of FNV alignment with planar average of the potential.")
<Figure size 576x576 with 0 Axes>
[INFO] [Cell line num: 34] FNV potential alignment correction with planar average(COFFEE term One): 0.108 [INFO] [Cell line num: 35] See ProcessedDefects/V_C_diamond/FNV_planar_pa_C1.png for plot of FNV alignment with planar average of the potential.
<Figure size 576x576 with 0 Axes>
[INFO] [Cell line num: 49] FNV potential alignment correction with planar average(COFFEE term two): -0.015 [INFO] [Cell line num: 50] FNV potential alignment correction with planar average(COFFEE term one+two): 0.108-0.015 [INFO] [Cell line num: 51] See ProcessedDefects/V_C_diamond/FNV_planar_pa_C2.png for plot of FNV alignment with planar average of the potential.
<Figure size 576x576 with 0 Axes>
[INFO] [Cell line num: 62] FNV potential alignment correction with planar average(Freysoldt Format): 0.093 [INFO] [Cell line num: 63] See ProcessedDefects/V_C_diamond/FNV_planar_pa_Frey.png for plot of FNV alignment with planar average of the potential.
final_outputs = open(final_outputs_file, "w")
if (LZ == False):
final_outputs.write("You did not request the LZ scheme.\n")
if (LZ == True):
final_outputs.write("Here are the outputs from the Lany-Zunger (LZ) finite-size correction scheme:\n")
final_outputs.write("LZ image-charge correction, E_corr_LZ = "+str(E_corr_LZ)+"\n")
if (LZ == True) and (atom_centered_pa == True):
final_outputs.write("LZ potential alignment correction with atom centres: "+str(pa_atom_LZ)+"\n")
final_outputs.write("Please check "+str(LZ_atom_pa_file)+" to ensure that the sampling region far from the defect has a converged potential.\n")
if (LZ == True) and (planar_av_pa == True):
final_outputs.write("LZ potential alignment correction with planar average: "+str(pa_planAv_LZ)+"\n")
final_outputs.write("Please check "+str(LZ_planar_pa_file)+" to ensure that the sampling region far from the defect has a converged potential.\n")
if (FNV == False):
final_outputs.write("You did not request the FNV scheme.\n")
if (FNV == True):
final_outputs.write("Here are the settings for the Freysoldt-Neugebauer-Van de Walle (FNV) finite-size correction scheme:\n")
final_outputs.write("cutoff (in eV) = "+str(cutoff)+"\n")
final_outputs.write("sigma = "+str(sigma)+"\n")
final_outputs.write("Here are the outputs from the Freysoldt-Neugebauer-Van de Walle (FNV) finite-size correction scheme:\n")
final_outputs.write("E_q_lat (in eV) = E_m_iso - E_q_per_m = "+str(E_q_lat)+"\n")
if (FNV == True) and (atom_centered_pa == True):
final_outputs.write("FNV potential alignment correction with atom centres: "+str(pa_atom_FNV)+"\n")
final_outputs.write("Please check "+str(FNV_atom_pa_file)+" to ensure that the sampling region far from the defect has a converged potential.\n")
if (FNV == True) and (planar_av_pa == True):
final_outputs.write("FNV potential alignment correction with planar average (in CoFFEE format,term I): "+str(pa_planAv_C1)+"\n")
final_outputs.write("Please check "+str(FNV_planar_pa_C1_file)+" to ensure that the sampling region far from the defect has a converged potential.\n")
final_outputs.write("FNV potential alignment correction with planar average (in CoFFEE format,term II): "+str(pa_planAv_C2)+"\n")
final_outputs.write("Please check "+str(FNV_planar_pa_C2_file)+" to ensure that the sampling region far from the defect has a converged potential.\n")
final_outputs.write("FNV potential alignment correction with planar average (in Freysoldt format): "+str(pa_planAv_Frey)+"\n")
final_outputs.write("Please check "+str(FNV_planar_pa_FNV_file)+" to ensure that the sampling region far from the defect has a converged potential.\n")
The cell below removes unnecessary output files. See '' for an overview of the outputs from this notebook and 'corrections_summary.dat' for the final correction terms that have been computed. Have a nice day!
# Clean up defect_outputs dir
for cm_output in glob.glob(os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir,"cm_*")):
for coffee_outputs in glob.glob(os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir,"*.npy")):
# Clean up main dir
for coffee_outputs in glob.glob("*.npy"):
' CURRENTLY KEEPING ALL FILES DURING TEST PHASE\n\n# Clean up defect_outputs dir\nfor cm_output in glob.glob(os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir,"cm_*")):\n os.remove(cm_output)\nfor coffee_outputs in glob.glob(os.path.join(defect_outputs_dir,"*.npy")):\n os.remove(coffee_outputs)\n\n# Clean up main dir\nos.remove("plavg_a3.plot")\nos.remove("in_V")\nfor coffee_outputs in glob.glob("*.npy"):\n os.remove(coffee_outputs)\n'