# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # #Genomic Prediction in Livestock Short Course #Department of Animal Science,Iowa State University #May 11-15, 2015 # First create the testdata using Distributions function simDat(nObs,nLoci,bMean,bStd,resStd) X=[ones(nObs,1) sample([0,1,2],(nObs,nLoci))] b=rand(Normal(bMean,bStd),size(X,2)) y=X*b+rand(Normal(0.0,resStd),nObs) return(y,X,b) end nObs =100; nLoci =5; bMean =0.0; bStd =0.5; resStd =1.0; res=simDat(nObs,nLoci,bMean,bStd,resStd); resVar=resStd^2; y=res[1]; X=res[2]; b=res[3]; # Now do the analysis using MCMC # Provide all the parameters with starting values niter=10000; # define the length of the Markov chain numParms=size(X,2); # Find out how many parameters need sampling allSamples=zeros(niter,numParms+1);# Reserve space for storing the samples thisSample=zeros(numParms); # Set initial samples to plausible values diagXpX=diag(X'X); # Form the elements need for the var(b-hat) sigmaSqE=1; # In this example we know the residual variance burnIn=10; # Optionally discard the first few samples dfPrior=5; # Strength of my prior information scaleResVar=resVar; # Set my prior dfPosterior=nObs+dfPrior; # Combine the 2 sources of information # Remember the model equation y = Xb + e work = y - X*thisSample; # Create a work vector of phenotypes adjusted for everything for (iter in 1:niter) for (thisParm in 1:numParms) work = work + X[:,thisParm]*thisSample[thisParm] # unadjust for the current sample leastSq = dot(X[:,thisParm],work)/diagXpX[thisParm] # get OLS value thisSample[thisParm]=rand(Normal(leastSq, sqrt(sigmaSqE/diagXpX[thisParm]))) work = work - X[:,thisParm]*thisSample[thisParm] # adjust for the new sample end # loop over all the parameters SSE=dot(work,work) sigmaSqE = (SSE + dfPrior*scaleResVar)/rand(Chisq(dfPosterior)) allSamples[iter,:]= [thisSample, sigmaSqE] # Store the current samples if iter%100 == 0 work = y - X*thisSample # Avoid rounding errors end end # loop over the number of iterations # Calculate the OLS solutions for comparison ols=X'X\X'y; XpXinv = inv(X'X); MSE=(y'y-ols'*X'y)/(nObs-numParms); for (thisParm in 1:numParms) betaHat=mean(allSamples[burnIn:end,thisParm]) # Compute posterior mean varBetaHat=var(allSamples[burnIn:end,thisParm]) # Compute posterior variance @printf " %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f \n" betaHat varBetaHat ols[thisParm] diag(XpXinv)[thisParm]*sigmaSqE end @printf "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f \n" MSE[1] mean(allSamples[burnIn:end,numParms+1]) var(allSamples[burnIn:end,numParms+1])