Example to demonstrate using the CRAB [1][2] algorithm in the control library to determine control pulses using the ctrlpulseoptim.create_pulse_optimizer function to generate an Optimizer object, through which the configuration can be manipulated before running the optmisation algorithm. In this case it is demonstrated by modifying the CRAB pulse parameters to show how pulse constraints for controls can be applied. The system in this example is two qubits in constant fields in x, y and z with a variable independant controls fields in x and y acting on each qubit The target evolution is the QFT gate. The user can experiment with the different: phase options - phase_option = SU or PSU propagtor computer type prop_type = DIAG or FRECHET fidelity measures - fid_type = UNIT or TRACEDIFF The user can experiment with the timeslicing, by means of changing the number of timeslots and/or total time for the evolution. Different guess and ramping pulse parameters can be tried. The initial and final pulses are displayed in a plot
References: 3. Doria, P., Calarco, T. & Montangero, S. Optimal Control Technique for Many-Body Quantum Dynamics. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 1–4 (2011). 4. Caneva, T., Calarco, T. & Montangero, S. Chopped random-basis quantum optimization. Phys. Rev. A - At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 84, (2011).