This guide will cover the CPPNImage class in visual. This is a simple implementation of a Compositional Pattern Producing Network (CPPN) based on the tensorflow version from the lucid tutorial xy2rgb.
Note: The easiest way to use this tutorial is as a colab notebook, which allows you to dive in with no setup. We recommend you enable a free GPU with
Runtime → Change runtime type → Hardware Accelerator: GPU
First we install visual if needed.
import visual
!pip install -q git+
import visual
We first load a model, for more info about this step have a look at the quickstart guide.
from visual.models import IntermediateLayerGetter
from visual import RedirectReLUs
from torchvision.models import resnet18
model = IntermediateLayerGetter(RedirectReLUs(resnet18(pretrained=True)))
['model', 'model_conv1', 'model_bn1', 'model_relu', 'model_relu_redirected_module', 'model_relu_old_module', 'model_maxpool', 'model_layer1', 'model_layer1_0', 'model_layer1_0_conv1', 'model_layer1_0_bn1', 'model_layer1_0_relu', 'model_layer1_0_conv2', 'model_layer1_0_bn2', 'model_layer1_1', 'model_layer1_1_conv1', 'model_layer1_1_bn1', 'model_layer1_1_relu', 'model_layer1_1_conv2', 'model_layer1_1_bn2', 'model_layer2', 'model_layer2_0', 'model_layer2_0_conv1', 'model_layer2_0_bn1', 'model_layer2_0_relu', 'model_layer2_0_conv2', 'model_layer2_0_bn2', 'model_layer2_0_downsample', 'model_layer2_0_downsample_0', 'model_layer2_0_downsample_1', 'model_layer2_1', 'model_layer2_1_conv1', 'model_layer2_1_bn1', 'model_layer2_1_relu', 'model_layer2_1_conv2', 'model_layer2_1_bn2', 'model_layer3', 'model_layer3_0', 'model_layer3_0_conv1', 'model_layer3_0_bn1', 'model_layer3_0_relu', 'model_layer3_0_conv2', 'model_layer3_0_bn2', 'model_layer3_0_downsample', 'model_layer3_0_downsample_0', 'model_layer3_0_downsample_1', 'model_layer3_1', 'model_layer3_1_conv1', 'model_layer3_1_bn1', 'model_layer3_1_relu', 'model_layer3_1_conv2', 'model_layer3_1_bn2', 'model_layer4', 'model_layer4_0', 'model_layer4_0_conv1', 'model_layer4_0_bn1', 'model_layer4_0_relu', 'model_layer4_0_conv2', 'model_layer4_0_bn2', 'model_layer4_0_downsample', 'model_layer4_0_downsample_0', 'model_layer4_0_downsample_1', 'model_layer4_1', 'model_layer4_1_conv1', 'model_layer4_1_bn1', 'model_layer4_1_relu', 'model_layer4_1_conv2', 'model_layer4_1_bn2', 'model_avgpool', 'model_fc']
Now that we have a model, we can define and generate a CPPNImage. A CPPN is a network which maps a grid of co-ordinates to an image. The CPPNImage in visual is a network of 1×1 convolutions which can be controlled by setting the number of layers, the number of filters per layer and the activation function. We include a few normalised activation functions following those defined in xy2rgb. First we'll generate an imgae using the defaults, then have a look at what happens when we change the activation function.
%matplotlib inline
from torch import optim
from visual import CPPNImage, Channel, Ascent
from visual import transforms
transform = transforms.Compose([
transforms.RandomScale([1.1 ** (n / 10.) for n in range(-10, 11)]),
transforms.RandomRotate(list(range(-5, 6)))
image = CPPNImage((3, 224, 224), transform=transform, correlate=True).sigmoid()
optimizer = optim.Adam(filter(lambda x: x.requires_grad, image.parameters()), lr=0.005)
criterion = Channel(15, 'model_layer4_0_conv1')
Ascent(image, criterion, optimizer=optimizer, steps=512).to_pyplot().run(model, device='cuda', verbose=0)
image = CPPNImage((3, 224, 224), transform=transform, correlate=True, activation=CPPNImage.UnbiasedComposite()).sigmoid()
optimizer = optim.Adam(filter(lambda x: x.requires_grad, image.parameters()), lr=0.005)
criterion = Channel(15, 'model_layer4_0_conv1')
Ascent(image, criterion, optimizer=optimizer, steps=512).to_file('out.png').to_pyplot().run(model, device='cuda', verbose=0)
image = CPPNImage((3, 224, 224), transform=transform, correlate=True, activation=CPPNImage.NormalisedReLU()).sigmoid()
optimizer = optim.Adam(filter(lambda x: x.requires_grad, image.parameters()), lr=0.005)
criterion = Channel(15, 'model_layer4_0_conv1')
Ascent(image, criterion, optimizer=optimizer, steps=512).to_pyplot().run(model, device='cuda', verbose=0)
image = CPPNImage((3, 224, 224), transform=transform, correlate=True, activation=CPPNImage.NormalisedLeakyReLU()).sigmoid()
optimizer = optim.Adam(filter(lambda x: x.requires_grad, image.parameters()), lr=0.005)
criterion = Channel(15, 'model_layer4_0_conv1')
Ascent(image, criterion, optimizer=optimizer, steps=512).to_pyplot().run(model, device='cuda', verbose=0)
In this section we'll have a look at generating images at an arbitrary resolution using a trained CPPN. Specifically, we'll generate a hummingbird image like the one in the torchbearer website. Let's first create a hummingbird (class 94, find more here) at the right aspect ratio but scaled down:
image = CPPNImage((3, int(1080 / 8.), int(1920 / 4.)), transform=transform, correlate=True).sigmoid()
optimizer = optim.Adam(filter(lambda x: x.requires_grad, image.parameters()), lr=0.005)
criterion = Channel(94, 'model')
Ascent(image, criterion, optimizer=optimizer, steps=512).to_pyplot().run(model, device='cuda', verbose=0)
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
_ = image.resize(int(1080 / 2.), 1920).to_file('hummingbird.png').to_pyplot()