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``` Plotly Express currently includes the following functions: * **Basics**: [`scatter`](/python/line-and-scatter/), [`line`](/python/line-charts/), [`area`](/python/filled-area-plots/), [`bar`](/python/bar-charts/), [`funnel`](/python/funnel-charts/), [`timeline`](https://plotly.com/python/gantt/) * **Part-of-Whole**: [`pie`](/python/pie-charts/), [`sunburst`](/python/sunburst-charts/), [`treemap`](/python/treemaps/), [`icicle`](/python/icicle-charts/), [`funnel_area`](/python/funnel-charts/) * **1D Distributions**: [`histogram`](/python/histograms/), [`box`](/python/box-plots/), [`violin`](/python/violin/), [`strip`](/python/strip-charts/), [`ecdf`](/python/ecdf-plots/) * **2D Distributions**: [`density_heatmap`](/python/2D-Histogram/), [`density_contour`](/python/2d-histogram-contour/) * **Matrix or Image Input**: [`imshow`](/python/imshow/) * **3-Dimensional**: [`scatter_3d`](/python/3d-scatter-plots/), [`line_3d`](/python/3d-line-plots/) * **Multidimensional**: [`scatter_matrix`](/python/splom/), [`parallel_coordinates`](/python/parallel-coordinates-plot/), [`parallel_categories`](/python/parallel-categories-diagram/) * **Tile Maps**: [`scatter_mapbox`](/python/scattermapbox/), [`line_mapbox`](/python/lines-on-mapbox/), [`choropleth_mapbox`](/python/mapbox-county-choropleth/), [`density_mapbox`](/python/mapbox-density-heatmaps/) * **Outline Maps**: [`scatter_geo`](/python/scatter-plots-on-maps/), [`line_geo`](/python/lines-on-maps/), [`choropleth`](/python/choropleth-maps/) * **Polar Charts**: [`scatter_polar`](/python/polar-chart/), [`line_polar`](/python/polar-chart/), [`bar_polar`](/python/wind-rose-charts/) * **Ternary Charts**: [`scatter_ternary`](/python/ternary-plots/), [`line_ternary`](/python/ternary-plots/) ### High-Level Features The Plotly Express API in general offers the following features: * **A single entry point into `plotly`**: just `import plotly.express as px` and get access to [all the plotting functions](https://plotly.com/python-api-reference/plotly.express.html), plus [built-in demo datasets under `px.data`](https://plotly.com/python-api-reference/generated/plotly.data.html#module-plotly.data) and [built-in color scales and sequences under `px.color`](https://plotly.com/python-api-reference/generated/plotly.colors.html#module-plotly.colors). Every PX function returns a `plotly.graph_objects.Figure` object, so you can edit it using all the same methods like [`update_layout` and `add_trace`](https://plotly.com/python/creating-and-updating-figures/#updating-figures). * **Sensible, Overridable Defaults**: PX functions will infer sensible defaults wherever possible, and will always let you override them. * **Flexible Input Formats**: PX functions [accept input in a variety of formats](/python/px-arguments/), from `list`s and `dict`s to [long-form or wide-form `DataFrame`s](/python/wide-form/) to [`numpy` arrays and `xarrays`](/python/imshow/) to [GeoPandas `GeoDataFrames`](/python/maps/). * **Automatic Trace and Layout configuration**: PX functions will create one [trace](/python/figure-structure) per animation frame for each unique combination of data values mapped to discrete color, symbol, line-dash, facet-row and/or facet-column. Traces' [`legendgroup` and `showlegend` attributes](https://plotly.com/python/legend/) are set such that only one legend item appears per unique combination of discrete color, symbol and/or line-dash. Traces are automatically linked to a correctly-configured [subplot of the appropriate type](/python/figure-structure). * **Automatic Figure Labelling**: PX functions [label axes, legends and colorbars](https://plotly.com/python/figure-labels/) based in the input `DataFrame` or `xarray`, and provide [extra control with the `labels` argument](/python/styling-plotly-express/). * **Automatic Hover Labels**: PX functions populate the hover-label using the labels mentioned above, and provide [extra control with the `hover_name` and `hover_data` arguments](/python/hover-text-and-formatting/). * **Styling Control**: PX functions [read styling information from the default figure template](/python/styling-plotly-express/), and support commonly-needed [cosmetic controls like `category_orders` and `color_discrete_map`](/python/styling-plotly-express/) to precisely control categorical variables. * **Uniform Color Handling**: PX functions automatically switch between [continuous](/python/colorscales/) and [categorical color](/python/discrete-color/) based on the input type. * **Faceting**: the 2D-cartesian plotting functions support [row, column and wrapped facetting with `facet_row`, `facet_col` and `facet_col_wrap` arguments](/python/facet-plots/). * **Marginal Plots**: the 2D-cartesian plotting functions support [marginal distribution plots](/python/marginal-plots/) with the `marginal`, `marginal_x` and `marginal_y` arguments. * **A Pandas backend**: the 2D-cartesian plotting functions are available as [a Pandas plotting backend](/python/pandas-backend/) so you can call them via `df.plot()`. * **Trendlines**: `px.scatter` supports [built-in trendlines with accessible model output](/python/linear-fits/). * **Animations**: many PX functions support [simple animation support via the `animation_frame` and `animation_group` arguments](/python/animations/). * **Automatic WebGL switching**: for sufficiently large scatter plots, PX will automatically [use WebGL for hardware-accelerated rendering](https://plotly.com/python/webgl-vs-svg/). ### Plotly Express in Dash [Dash](https://plotly.com/dash/) is the best way to build analytical apps in Python using Plotly figures. To run the app below, run `pip install dash`, click "Download" to get the code and run `python app.py`. Get started with [the official Dash docs](https://dash.plotly.com/installation) and **learn how to effortlessly [style](https://plotly.com/dash/design-kit/) & [deploy](https://plotly.com/dash/app-manager/) apps like this with Dash Enterprise.** ```python hide_code=true from IPython.display import IFrame snippet_url = 'https://python-docs-dash-snippets.herokuapp.com/python-docs-dash-snippets/' IFrame(snippet_url + 'plotly-express', width='100%', height=1200) ``` ### Gallery The following set of figures is just a sampling of what can be done with Plotly Express. #### Scatter, Line, Area and Bar Charts **Read more about [scatter plots](/python/line-and-scatter/) and [discrete color](/python/discrete-color/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.iris() fig = px.scatter(df, x="sepal_width", y="sepal_length", color="species") fig.show() ``` **Read more about [trendlines](/python/linear-fits/) and [templates](/python/templates/) and [marginal distribution plots](https://plotly.com/python/marginal-plots/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.iris() fig = px.scatter(df, x="sepal_width", y="sepal_length", color="species", marginal_y="violin", marginal_x="box", trendline="ols", template="simple_white") fig.show() ``` **Read more about [error bars](/python/error-bars/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.iris() df["e"] = df["sepal_width"]/100 fig = px.scatter(df, x="sepal_width", y="sepal_length", color="species", error_x="e", error_y="e") fig.show() ``` **Read more about [bar charts](/python/bar-charts/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.tips() fig = px.bar(df, x="sex", y="total_bill", color="smoker", barmode="group") fig.show() ``` ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.medals_long() fig = px.bar(df, x="medal", y="count", color="nation", pattern_shape="nation", pattern_shape_sequence=[".", "x", "+"]) fig.show() ``` **Read more about [facet plots](/python/facet-plots/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.tips() fig = px.bar(df, x="sex", y="total_bill", color="smoker", barmode="group", facet_row="time", facet_col="day", category_orders={"day": ["Thur", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"], "time": ["Lunch", "Dinner"]}) fig.show() ``` **Read more about [scatterplot matrices (SPLOMs)](/python/splom/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.iris() fig = px.scatter_matrix(df, dimensions=["sepal_width", "sepal_length", "petal_width", "petal_length"], color="species") fig.show() ``` **Read more about [parallel coordinates](/python/parallel-coordinates-plot/) and [parallel categories](/python/parallel-categories-diagram/), as well as [continuous color](/python/colorscales/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.iris() fig = px.parallel_coordinates(df, color="species_id", labels={"species_id": "Species", "sepal_width": "Sepal Width", "sepal_length": "Sepal Length", "petal_width": "Petal Width", "petal_length": "Petal Length", }, color_continuous_scale=px.colors.diverging.Tealrose, color_continuous_midpoint=2) fig.show() ``` ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.tips() fig = px.parallel_categories(df, color="size", color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.Inferno) fig.show() ``` **Read more about [hover labels](/python/hover-text-and-formatting/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.gapminder() fig = px.scatter(df.query("year==2007"), x="gdpPercap", y="lifeExp", size="pop", color="continent", hover_name="country", log_x=True, size_max=60) fig.show() ``` **Read more about [animations](/python/animations/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.gapminder() fig = px.scatter(df, x="gdpPercap", y="lifeExp", animation_frame="year", animation_group="country", size="pop", color="continent", hover_name="country", facet_col="continent", log_x=True, size_max=45, range_x=[100,100000], range_y=[25,90]) fig.show() ``` **Read more about [line charts](/python/line-charts/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.gapminder() fig = px.line(df, x="year", y="lifeExp", color="continent", line_group="country", hover_name="country", line_shape="spline", render_mode="svg") fig.show() ``` **Read more about [area charts](/python/filled-area-plots/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.gapminder() fig = px.area(df, x="year", y="pop", color="continent", line_group="country") fig.show() ``` **Read more about [timeline/Gantt charts](/python/gantt/).** ```python import plotly.express as px import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame([ dict(Task="Job A", Start='2009-01-01', Finish='2009-02-28', Resource="Alex"), dict(Task="Job B", Start='2009-03-05', Finish='2009-04-15', Resource="Alex"), dict(Task="Job C", Start='2009-02-20', Finish='2009-05-30', Resource="Max") ]) fig = px.timeline(df, x_start="Start", x_end="Finish", y="Resource", color="Resource") fig.show() ``` **Read more about [funnel charts](/python/funnel-charts/).** ```python import plotly.express as px data = dict( number=[39, 27.4, 20.6, 11, 2], stage=["Website visit", "Downloads", "Potential customers", "Requested price", "Invoice sent"]) fig = px.funnel(data, x='number', y='stage') fig.show() ``` ### Part to Whole Charts **Read more about [pie charts](/python/pie-charts/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.gapminder().query("year == 2007").query("continent == 'Europe'") df.loc[df['pop'] < 2.e6, 'country'] = 'Other countries' # Represent only large countries fig = px.pie(df, values='pop', names='country', title='Population of European continent') fig.show() ``` **Read more about [sunburst charts](/python/sunburst-charts/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.gapminder().query("year == 2007") fig = px.sunburst(df, path=['continent', 'country'], values='pop', color='lifeExp', hover_data=['iso_alpha']) fig.show() ``` **Read more about [treemaps](/python/treemaps/).** ```python import plotly.express as px import numpy as np df = px.data.gapminder().query("year == 2007") fig = px.treemap(df, path=[px.Constant('world'), 'continent', 'country'], values='pop', color='lifeExp', hover_data=['iso_alpha']) fig.show() ``` **Read more about [icicle charts](/python/icicle-charts/).** ```python import plotly.express as px import numpy as np df = px.data.gapminder().query("year == 2007") fig = px.icicle(df, path=[px.Constant('world'), 'continent', 'country'], values='pop', color='lifeExp', hover_data=['iso_alpha']) fig.show() ``` #### Distributions **Read more about [histograms](/python/histograms/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.tips() fig = px.histogram(df, x="total_bill", y="tip", color="sex", marginal="rug", hover_data=df.columns) fig.show() ``` **Read more about [box plots](/python/box-plots/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.tips() fig = px.box(df, x="day", y="total_bill", color="smoker", notched=True) fig.show() ``` **Read more about [violin plots](/python/violin/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.tips() fig = px.violin(df, y="tip", x="smoker", color="sex", box=True, points="all", hover_data=df.columns) fig.show() ``` **Read more about [Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF) charts](https://plotly.com/python/ecdf-plots/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.tips() fig = px.ecdf(df, x="total_bill", color="sex") fig.show() ``` **Read more about [strip charts](https://plotly.com/python/strip-charts/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.tips() fig = px.strip(df, x="total_bill", y="time", orientation="h", color="smoker") fig.show() ``` **Read more about [density contours, also known as 2D histogram contours](/python/2d-histogram-contour/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.iris() fig = px.density_contour(df, x="sepal_width", y="sepal_length") fig.show() ``` **Read more about [density heatmaps, also known as 2D histograms](/python/2D-Histogram/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.iris() fig = px.density_heatmap(df, x="sepal_width", y="sepal_length", marginal_x="rug", marginal_y="histogram") fig.show() ``` ### Images and Heatmaps **Read more about [heatmaps and images](/python/imshow/).** ```python import plotly.express as px data=[[1, 25, 30, 50, 1], [20, 1, 60, 80, 30], [30, 60, 1, 5, 20]] fig = px.imshow(data, labels=dict(x="Day of Week", y="Time of Day", color="Productivity"), x=['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday'], y=['Morning', 'Afternoon', 'Evening'] ) fig.update_xaxes(side="top") fig.show() ``` ```python import plotly.express as px from skimage import io img = io.imread('https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/00/Crab_Nebula.jpg/240px-Crab_Nebula.jpg') fig = px.imshow(img) fig.show() ``` #### Tile Maps **Read more about [tile maps](/python/mapbox-layers/) and [point on tile maps](/python/scattermapbox/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.carshare() fig = px.scatter_mapbox(df, lat="centroid_lat", lon="centroid_lon", color="peak_hour", size="car_hours", color_continuous_scale=px.colors.cyclical.IceFire, size_max=15, zoom=10, mapbox_style="carto-positron") fig.show() ``` **Read more about [tile map GeoJSON choropleths](/python/mapbox-county-choropleth/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.election() geojson = px.data.election_geojson() fig = px.choropleth_mapbox(df, geojson=geojson, color="Bergeron", locations="district", featureidkey="properties.district", center={"lat": 45.5517, "lon": -73.7073}, mapbox_style="carto-positron", zoom=9) fig.show() ``` ### Outline Maps **Read more about [outline symbol maps](/python/scatter-plots-on-maps/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.gapminder() fig = px.scatter_geo(df, locations="iso_alpha", color="continent", hover_name="country", size="pop", animation_frame="year", projection="natural earth") fig.show() ``` **Read more about [choropleth maps](/python/choropleth-maps/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.gapminder() fig = px.choropleth(df, locations="iso_alpha", color="lifeExp", hover_name="country", animation_frame="year", range_color=[20,80]) fig.show() ``` #### Polar Coordinates **Read more about [polar plots](/python/polar-chart/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.wind() fig = px.scatter_polar(df, r="frequency", theta="direction", color="strength", symbol="strength", color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.sequential.Plasma_r) fig.show() ``` **Read more about [radar charts](https://plotly.com/python/radar-chart/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.wind() fig = px.line_polar(df, r="frequency", theta="direction", color="strength", line_close=True, color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.sequential.Plasma_r) fig.show() ``` **Read more about [polar bar charts](/python/wind-rose-charts/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.wind() fig = px.bar_polar(df, r="frequency", theta="direction", color="strength", template="plotly_dark", color_discrete_sequence= px.colors.sequential.Plasma_r) fig.show() ``` #### 3D Coordinates **Read more about [3D scatter plots](/python/3d-scatter-plots/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.election() fig = px.scatter_3d(df, x="Joly", y="Coderre", z="Bergeron", color="winner", size="total", hover_name="district", symbol="result", color_discrete_map = {"Joly": "blue", "Bergeron": "green", "Coderre":"red"}) fig.show() ``` #### Ternary Coordinates **Read more about [ternary charts](/python/ternary-plots/).** ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.election() fig = px.scatter_ternary(df, a="Joly", b="Coderre", c="Bergeron", color="winner", size="total", hover_name="district", size_max=15, color_discrete_map = {"Joly": "blue", "Bergeron": "green", "Coderre":"red"} ) fig.show() ```