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This kind of visualization (and the related [2D histogram, or density heatmap](/python/2d-histogram/)) is often used to manage over-plotting, or situations where showing large data sets as [scatter plots](/python/line-and-scatter/) would result in points overlapping each other and hiding patterns. ## Density Contours with Plotly Express [Plotly Express](/python/plotly-express/) is the easy-to-use, high-level interface to Plotly, which [operates on a variety of types of data](/python/px-arguments/) and produces [easy-to-style figures](/python/styling-plotly-express/). The Plotly Express function `density_contour()` can be used to produce density contours. ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.tips() fig = px.density_contour(df, x="total_bill", y="tip") fig.show() ``` Marginal plots can be added to visualize the 1-dimensional distributions of the two variables. Here we use a marginal [`histogram`](/python/histograms/). Other allowable values are `violin`, `box` and `rug`. ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.tips() fig = px.density_contour(df, x="total_bill", y="tip", marginal_x="histogram", marginal_y="histogram") fig.show() ``` Density contours can also be [faceted](/python/facet-plots/) and [discretely colored](/python/discrete-color/): ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.tips() fig = px.density_contour(df, x="total_bill", y="tip", facet_col="sex", color="smoker") fig.show() ``` Plotly Express density contours can be [continuously-colored](/python/colorscales/) and labeled: ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.tips() fig = px.density_contour(df, x="total_bill", y="tip") fig.update_traces(contours_coloring="fill", contours_showlabels = True) fig.show() ``` ### Other aggregation functions than `count` By passing in a `z` value and a `histfunc`, density contours can perform basic aggregation operations. Here we show average Sepal Length grouped by Petal Length and Petal Width for the Iris dataset. ```python import plotly.express as px df = px.data.iris() fig = px.density_contour(df, x="petal_length", y="petal_width", z="sepal_length", histfunc="avg") fig.show() ``` ### 2D Histograms with Graph Objects To build this kind of figure with [graph objects](/python/graph-objects/) without using Plotly Express, we can use the `go.Histogram2d` class. #### Basic 2D Histogram Contour ```python import plotly.graph_objects as go import numpy as np np.random.seed(1) x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=500) y = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=500) fig = go.Figure(go.Histogram2dContour( x = x, y = y )) fig.show() ``` #### 2D Histogram Contour Colorscale ```python import plotly.graph_objects as go import numpy as np x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=500) y = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=500) fig = go.Figure(go.Histogram2dContour( x = x, y = y, colorscale = 'Blues' )) fig.show() ``` #### 2D Histogram Contour Styled ```python import plotly.graph_objects as go import numpy as np x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=500) y = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=500) fig = go.Figure(go.Histogram2dContour( x = x, y = y, colorscale = 'Jet', contours = dict( showlabels = True, labelfont = dict( family = 'Raleway', color = 'white' ) ), hoverlabel = dict( bgcolor = 'white', bordercolor = 'black', font = dict( family = 'Raleway', color = 'black' ) ) )) fig.show() ``` #### 2D Histogram Contour Subplot ```python import plotly.graph_objects as go import numpy as np t = np.linspace(-1, 1.2, 2000) x = (t**3) + (0.3 * np.random.randn(2000)) y = (t**6) + (0.3 * np.random.randn(2000)) fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Histogram2dContour( x = x, y = y, colorscale = 'Blues', reversescale = True, xaxis = 'x', yaxis = 'y' )) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x = x, y = y, xaxis = 'x', yaxis = 'y', mode = 'markers', marker = dict( color = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)', size = 3 ) )) fig.add_trace(go.Histogram( y = y, xaxis = 'x2', marker = dict( color = 'rgba(0,0,0,1)' ) )) fig.add_trace(go.Histogram( x = x, yaxis = 'y2', marker = dict( color = 'rgba(0,0,0,1)' ) )) fig.update_layout( autosize = False, xaxis = dict( zeroline = False, domain = [0,0.85], showgrid = False ), yaxis = dict( zeroline = False, domain = [0,0.85], showgrid = False ), xaxis2 = dict( zeroline = False, domain = [0.85,1], showgrid = False ), yaxis2 = dict( zeroline = False, domain = [0.85,1], showgrid = False ), height = 600, width = 600, bargap = 0, hovermode = 'closest', showlegend = False ) fig.show() ``` #### Reference See https://plotly.com/python/reference/histogram2dcontour/ for more information and chart attribute options!