(requires logging in with ARM account and directing Jupyter to a notebook within the cloned repo)
# This file is a part of PyPartMC licensed under the GNU General Public License v3
# Copyright (C) 2023 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
# Authors:
# - https://github.com/compdyn/partmc/graphs/contributors
# - https://github.com/open-atmos/PyPartMC/graphs/contributors
This simulation shows the evolution of carbonaceous aerosols from different emission types in an idealized urban plume case representative of a large urban area. This notebook also provides a step-by-step description of how to set up and run other user-defined PyPartMC simulations.
import sys
import os
if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
!pip --quiet install open-atmos-jupyter-utils
from open_atmos_jupyter_utils import pip_install_on_colab
elif 'JUPYTER_IMAGE' in os.environ and '.arm.gov' in os.environ['JUPYTER_IMAGE']:
!pip --quiet install PyPartMC open_atmos_jupyter_utils
_pypartmc_path = !pip show PyPartMC | fgrep Location | cut -f2 -d' '
sys.path.extend(_pypartmc_path if _pypartmc_path[0] not in sys.path else [])
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
from open_atmos_jupyter_utils import show_plot
import PyPartMC as ppmc
from PyPartMC import si
The ppmc.GasData
object contains information regarding the tracked gas species.
Here an example gas_data
is the set of gas species from the CBMZ gas-phase mechanism
as PartMC is often coupled to the Model for Simulating Aerosol Interactions and Chemistry (MOSAIC)
which uses the CBM-Z gas-phase mechanism such as was the case in Riemer et al. 2009.
gas_data = ppmc.GasData(("H2SO4","HNO3","HCl","NH3","NO","NO2", "NO3",
"N2O5", "HONO", "HNO4", "O3", "O1D", "O3P", "OH",
"HO2", "H2O2", "CO", "SO2", "CH4", "C2H6", "CH3O2",
"ALD2", "HCOOH", "RCOOH", "C2O3", "PAN", "ARO1", "ARO2",
"ALK1", "OLE1", "API1", "API2", "LIM1", "LIM2", "PAR", "AONE",
"MGLY", "ETH", "OLET", "OLEI", "TOL", "XYL", "CRES", "TO2",
"CRO", "OPEN", "ONIT", "ROOH", "RO2", "ANO2", "NAP", "XO2",
"LIM", "DMS", "MSA", "DMSO", "DMSO2", "CH3SO2H", "CH3SCH2OO",
The ppmc.AeroData
object contains the set of tracked aerosol species and their physical
properties. Here aero_data
contains 20 different aerosol species with their specified physical properties such as density, molecular weight and hygroscopicity parameter κ.
aero_data = ppmc.AeroData(
# density ions in soln (1) molecular weight kappa (1)
# | | | |
{"SO4": [1800 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 96.0 * si.g / si.mol, 0.65]},
{"NO3": [1800 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 62.0 * si.g / si.mol, 0.65]},
{"Cl": [2200 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 35.5 * si.g / si.mol, 1.28]},
{"NH4": [1800 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 18.0 * si.g / si.mol, 0.65]},
{"MSA": [1800 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 95.0 * si.g / si.mol, 0.53]},
{"ARO1": [1400 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 150.0 * si.g / si.mol, 0.10]},
{"ARO2": [1400 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 150.0 * si.g / si.mol, 0.10]},
{"ALK1": [1400 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 140.0 * si.g / si.mol, 0.10]},
{"OLE1": [1400 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 140.0 * si.g / si.mol, 0.10]},
{"API1": [1400 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 184.0 * si.g / si.mol, 0.10]},
{"API2": [1400 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 184.0 * si.g / si.mol, 0.10]},
{"LIM1": [1400 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 200.0 * si.g / si.mol, 0.10]},
{"LIM2": [1400 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 200.0 * si.g / si.mol, 0.10]},
{"CO3": [2600 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 60.0 * si.g / si.mol, 0.53]},
{"Na": [2200 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 23.0 * si.g / si.mol, 1.28]},
{"Ca": [2600 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 40.0 * si.g / si.mol, 0.53]},
{"OIN": [2600 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 1.0 * si.g / si.mol, 0.10]},
{"OC": [1400 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 1.0 * si.g / si.mol, 0.001]},
{"BC": [1800 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 1.0 * si.g / si.mol, 0.00]},
{"H2O": [1000 * si.kg / si.m**3, 0, 18.0 * si.g / si.mol, 0.00]},
The ppmc.GasState
object tracks the current state of the gas mixing ratios (units: ppb).
The size and order of species in gas_state
are defined by gas_data
Here all non-zero gas species values in a tuple have be set to gas_state.mix_rats
, which is the full list of gas mixing ratios. The initial condition of gases mixing ratios can be found in Table 1.
gas_state = ppmc.GasState(gas_data)
gas_state.mix_rats = (
{"NO": [0.1E+00]},
{"NO2": [1.0E+00]},
{"HNO3": [1.0E+00]},
{"O3": [5.0E+01]},
{"H2O2": [1.1E+00]},
{"CO": [2.1E+02]},
{"SO2": [0.8E+00]},
{"NH3": [0.5E+00]},
{"HCl": [0.7E+00]},
{"CH4": [2.2E+03]},
{"C2H6": [1.0E+00]},
{"HCHO": [1.2E+00]},
{"CH3OH": [1.2E-01]},
{"CH3OOH": [0.5E+00]},
{"ALD2": [1.0E+00]},
{"PAR": [2.0E+00]},
{"AONE": [1.0E+00]},
{"ETH": [0.2E+00]},
{"OLET": [2.3E-02]},
{"OLEI": [3.1E-04]},
{"TOL": [0.1E+00]},
{"XYL": [0.1E+00]},
{"ONIT": [0.1E+00]},
{"PAN": [0.8E+00]},
{"RCOOH": [0.2E+00]},
{"ROOH": [2.5E-02]},
{"ISOP": [0.5E+00]}
The initial, background, and emitted number distributions are superpositions of lognormal distributions, each defined by:
where N is the total number concentration, Dgn is the geometric mean diameter and σg is the geometric standard deviation.
The initial aerosol distribution consists of two lognormal modes as follows (from Table 2)
Mode | N (m−3) | Dgn (\microm) | σg | Composition |
Aitken | 3.2×109 | 0.02 | 1.45 | 50% (NH4)2SO4, 50% POA |
Accumulation | 2.9×109 | 0.116 | 1.65 | 50% (NH4)2SO4, 50% POA |
Emissions consist of three lognormal modes as follows (from Table 2)
Mode | E (m−2) | Dgn (\microm) | σg | Composition |
Meat cooking | 3.2×109 | 0.086 | 1.9 | 100% POA |
Diesel vehicles | 2.9×109 | 0.05 | 1.7 | 30% POA, 70% BC |
Gasoline vehicles | 2.9×109 | 0.05 | 1.7 | 80% POA, 20% BC |
where E is the area emission source strength. The emission process in PartMC takes emissions into the box are scaled by an emission scale factor as well as divided by boundary layer height.
"init_small": {
"mass_frac": [{"SO4": [1]}, {"OC": [1.375]}, {"NH4": [0.375]}],
"diam_type": "geometric",
"mode_type": "log_normal",
"num_conc": 3.2e9 / si.m**3,
"geom_mean_diam": 0.02 * si.um,
"log10_geom_std_dev": 0.161,
"init_large": {
"mass_frac": [{"SO4": [1]}, {"OC": [1.375]}, {"NH4": [0.375]}],
"diam_type": "geometric",
"mode_type": "log_normal",
"num_conc": 2.9e9 / si.m**3,
"geom_mean_diam": 0.16 * si.um,
"log10_geom_std_dev": 0.217,
aero_dist_init = ppmc.AeroDist(aero_data, AERO_DIST_INIT)
"gasoline": {
"mass_frac": [{"OC": [0.8]}, {"BC": [0.2]}],
"diam_type": "geometric",
"mode_type": "log_normal",
"num_conc": 5e7 / si.m**3,
"geom_mean_diam": 5e-8 * si.m,
"log10_geom_std_dev": 0.24,
"diesel": {
"mass_frac": [{"OC": [0.3]}, {"BC": [0.7]}],
"diam_type": "geometric",
"mode_type": "log_normal",
"num_conc": 1.6e8 / si.m**3,
"geom_mean_diam": 5e-8 * si.m,
"log10_geom_std_dev": 0.24,
"cooking": {
"mass_frac": [{"OC": [1]}],
"diam_type": "geometric",
"mode_type": "log_normal",
"num_conc": 9e6 / si.m**3,
"geom_mean_diam": 8.64e-8 * si.m,
"log10_geom_std_dev": 0.28,
gas_emit_times = [0, 3600, 7200, 10800, 14400, 18000, 21600, 25200, 28800, 32400, 36000,
39600, 43200, 46800, 50400, 54000, 57600, 61200, 64800, 68400, 72000,
75600, 79200, 82800, 90000, 93600, 97200, 100800, 104400, 108000]
gas_emit_rates = np.zeros(len(gas_emit_times))
gas_emit_rates[0:12] = .5
SO2 = [4.234E-09, 5.481E-09, 5.089E-09, 5.199E-09, 5.221E-09, 5.284E-09, 5.244E-09,
5.280E-09, 5.560E-09, 5.343E-09, 4.480E-09, 3.858E-09, 3.823E-09, 3.607E-09,
3.533E-09, 3.438E-09, 2.866E-09, 2.667E-09, 2.636E-09, 2.573E-09, 2.558E-09,
2.573E-09, 2.715E-09, 3.170E-09, 4.2344E-09, 5.481E-09, 5.089E-09, 5.199E-09,
5.221E-09, 5.284E-09]
NO2 = [3.024E-09, 3.334E-09, 3.063E-09, 3.281E-09, 3.372E-09, 3.523E-09, 3.402E-09,
3.551E-09, 3.413E-09, 3.985E-09, 3.308E-09, 2.933E-09, 2.380E-09, 1.935E-09,
1.798E-09, 1.537E-09 , 9.633E-10, 8.873E-10, 7.968E-10, 6.156E-10, 5.920E-10,
6.320E-10, 9.871E-10, 1.901E-09, 3.024E-09, 3.334E-09, 3.063E-09, 3.281E-09,
3.372E-09, 3.523E-09]
NO = [5.749E-08, 6.338E-08, 5.825E-08, 6.237E-08, 6.411E-08, 6.699E-08, 6.468E-08,
6.753E-08, 6.488E-08, 7.575E-08, 6.291E-08, 5.576E-08, 4.524E-08, 3.679E-08,
3.419E-08, 2.924E-08, 1.832E-08, 1.687E-08, 1.515E-08, 1.171E-08, 1.125E-08,
1.202E-08, 1.877E-08, 3.615E-08, 5.749E-08, 6.338E-08, 5.825E-08, 6.237E-08,
6.411E-08, 6.699E-08]
CO = [7.839E-07, 5.837E-07, 4.154E-07, 4.458E-07, 4.657E-07, 4.912E-07, 4.651E-07,
4.907E-07, 6.938E-07, 8.850E-07, 8.135E-07, 4.573E-07, 3.349E-07, 2.437E-07,
2.148E-07, 1.662E-07, 8.037E-08, 7.841E-08, 6.411E-08, 2.551E-08, 2.056E-08,
3.058E-08, 1.083E-07, 3.938E-07, 7.839E-07, 5.837E-07, 4.154E-07, 4.458E-07,
4.657E-07, 4.912E-07]
NH3 = [8.93E-09, 8.705E-09, 1.639E-08, 1.466E-08, 1.6405E-08, 1.8805E-08, 1.65E-08,
1.8045E-08, 1.347E-08, 6.745E-09, 5.415E-09, 2.553E-09, 2.087E-09, 2.2885E-09,
2.7265E-09, 2.7338E-09, 9.96E-10, 2.707E-09, 9.84E-10, 9.675E-10, 9.905E-10,
1.0345E-09, 1.0825E-09, 2.7465E-09, 8.93E-09, 8.705E-09, 1.639E-08, 1.466E-08,
1.6405E-08, 1.8805E-08]
HCHO = [4.061E-09, 3.225E-09, 2.440E-09, 2.639E-09, 2.754E-09, 2.888E-09, 2.741E-09,
2.885E-09, 4.088E-09, 5.186E-09, 4.702E-09, 2.601E-09, 1.923E-09, 1.412E-09,
1.252E-09, 9.776E-10, 4.687E-10, 4.657E-10, 3.836E-10, 1.717E-10, 1.448E-10,
1.976E-10, 6.193E-10, 2.090E-09, 4.061E-09, 3.225E-09, 2.440E-09, 2.639E-09,
2.754E-09, 2.888E-09]
ALD2 = [1.702E-09, 1.283E-09, 9.397E-10, 1.024E-09, 1.076E-09, 1.132E-09, 1.068E-09,
1.130E-09, 1.651E-09, 2.132E-09, 1.985E-09, 1.081E-09, 7.847E-10, 5.676E-10,
5.003E-10, 3.838E-10, 1.784E-10, 1.766E-10, 1.430E-10, 5.173E-11, 4.028E-11,
6.349E-11, 2.428E-10, 8.716E-10, 1.7022E-09, 1.283E-09, 9.397E-10, 1.024E-09,
1.076E-09, 1.132E-09]
ETH = [1.849E-08, 1.391E-08, 1.010E-08, 1.095E-08, 1.148E-08, 1.209E-08, 1.142E-08,
1.205E-08, 1.806E-08, 2.320E-08, 2.149E-08, 1.146E-08, 8.384E-09, 6.124E-09,
5.414E-09, 4.119E-09, 1.953E-09, 1.927E-09, 1.575E-09, 6.164E-10, 4.973E-10,
7.420E-10, 2.653E-09, 9.477E-09, 1.849E-08, 1.391E-08, 1.010E-08, 1.095E-08,
1.148E-08, 1.209E-08]
OLEI = [5.948E-09, 4.573E-09, 3.374E-09, 3.668E-09, 3.851E-09, 4.050E-09, 3.841E-09,
4.052E-09, 6.094E-09, 7.795E-09, 7.215E-09, 3.738E-09, 2.718E-09, 1.973E-09,
1.729E-09, 1.338E-09, 6.333E-10, 6.394E-10, 5.126E-10, 2.089E-10, 1.708E-10,
2.480E-10, 8.947E-10, 3.057E-09, 5.948E-09, 4.573E-09, 3.374E-09, 3.668E-09,
3.851E-09, 4.050E-09]
OLET = [5.948E-09, 4.573E-09, 3.374E-09, 3.668E-09, 3.851E-09, 4.050E-09, 3.841E-09,
4.052E-09, 6.094E-09, 7.795E-09, 7.215E-09, 3.738E-09, 2.718E-09, 1.973E-09,
1.729E-09, 1.338E-09, 6.333E-10, 6.394E-10, 5.126E-10, 2.089E-10, 1.708E-10,
2.480E-10, 8.947E-10, 3.057E-09, 5.948E-09, 4.573E-09, 3.374E-09, 3.668E-09,
3.851E-09, 4.050E-09]
TOL = [6.101E-09, 8.706E-09, 7.755E-09, 8.024E-09, 8.202E-09, 8.410E-09, 8.218E-09,
8.407E-09, 1.020E-08, 1.139E-08, 7.338E-09, 4.184E-09, 3.078E-09, 2.283E-09,
2.010E-09, 1.575E-09, 8.966E-10, 6.705E-10, 5.395E-10, 2.462E-10, 2.106E-10,
2.852E-10, 9.300E-10, 3.144E-09, 6.101E-09, 8.706E-09, 7.755E-09, 8.024E-09,
8.202E-09, 8.410E-09]
XYL = [5.599E-09, 4.774E-09, 3.660E-09, 3.909E-09, 4.060E-09, 4.239E-09, 4.060E-09,
4.257E-09, 6.036E-09, 7.448E-09, 6.452E-09, 3.435E-09, 2.525E-09, 1.859E-09,
1.650E-09, 1.302E-09, 6.852E-10, 6.773E-10, 5.437E-10, 2.697E-10, 2.358E-10,
3.059E-10, 8.552E-10, 2.861E-10, 5.599E-09, 4.774E-09, 3.660E-09, 3.909E-09,
4.060E-09, 4.239E-09]
AONE = [7.825E-10, 2.858E-09, 2.938E-09, 2.947E-09, 2.948E-09, 2.951E-09, 2.947E-09,
2.954E-09, 3.032E-09, 2.766E-09, 1.313E-09, 1.015E-09, 8.363E-10, 7.040E-10,
6.404E-10, 6.264E-10, 5.661E-10, 1.538E-10, 1.500E-10, 1.395E-10, 1.476E-10,
1.503E-10, 2.256E-10, 4.244E-10, 7.825E-10, 2.858E-09, 2.938E-09, 2.947E-09,
2.948E-09, 2.951E-09]
PAR = [1.709E-07, 1.953E-07, 1.698E-07, 1.761E-07, 1.808E-07, 1.865E-07, 1.822E-07,
1.8599E-07, 2.412E-07, 2.728E-07, 2.174E-07, 1.243E-07, 9.741E-08, 7.744E-08,
6.931E-08, 5.805E-08, 3.900E-08, 3.317E-08, 2.956E-08, 2.306E-08, 2.231E-08,
2.395E-08, 4.284E-08, 9.655E-08, 1.709E-07, 1.953E-07, 1.698E-07, 1.761E-07,
1.808E-07, 1.865E-07]
ISOP = [2.412E-10, 2.814E-10, 3.147E-10, 4.358E-10, 5.907E-10, 6.766E-10, 6.594E-10,
5.879E-10, 5.435E-10, 6.402E-10, 5.097E-10, 9.990E-11, 7.691E-11, 5.939E-11,
5.198E-11, 4.498E-11, 3.358E-11, 2.946E-11, 2.728E-11, 2.183E-11, 1.953E-11,
1.890E-11, 2.948E-11, 1.635E-10, 2.412E-10, 2.814E-10, 3.147E-10, 4.358E-10,
5.907E-10, 6.766E-10]
CH3OH = [2.368E-10, 6.107E-10, 6.890E-10, 6.890E-10, 6.890E-10, 6.889E-10, 6.886E-10,
6.890E-10, 6.890E-10, 5.414E-10, 3.701E-10, 2.554E-10, 1.423E-10, 6.699E-11,
2.912E-11, 2.877E-11, 2.825E-11, 2.056E-12, 2.056E-12, 2.056E-12, 2.435E-12,
2.435E-12, 4.030E-11, 1.168E-10, 2.368E-10, 6.107E-10, 6.890E-10, 6.890E-10,
6.890E-10, 6.889E-10]
ANOL = [5.304E-09, 7.960E-09, 7.649E-09, 7.649E-09, 7.432E-09, 7.428E-09,
7.431E-09, 7.434E-09, 7.434E-09, 6.979E-09,5.666E-09, 4.361E-09, 4.148E-09,
3.289E-09, 2.858E-09, 2.856E-09, 1.127E-09, 9.615E-10, 9.616E-10, 9.616E-10,
9.654E-10, 9.654E-10, 1.397E-09, 2.264E-09, 5.304E-09, 7.960E-09, 7.649E-09,
7.649E-09, 7.432E-09, 7.428E-09]
emit_gas = [
{"time": gas_emit_times},
{"rate": list(gas_emit_rates)},
{"SO2": SO2},
{"NO": NO},
{"NO2": NO2},
{"CO": CO},
{"NH3": NH3},
{"ALD2": ALD2},
{"ETH": ETH},
{"TOL": TOL},
{"XYL": XYL},
{"PAR": PAR},
{"CH3OH": CH3OH},
consists of environmental values for the current time of the simulation,
some of which are fixed and some of which are time varying.
env_state = ppmc.EnvState(
"rel_humidity": 0.95,
"latitude": 0,
"longitude": 0,
"altitude": 0 * si.m,
"start_time": 21600 * si.s,
"start_day": 200,
PartMC requires time series of pressure, temperature and boundary layer heights. Water mixing ratio is kept constant and the relative humidity is updated accordingly.
time_timeseries = list(np.linspace(0,24*3600,25))
pressure_timeseries = list(np.ones(25) * 1e5)
temp_timeseries = [290.016,292.5, 294.5, 296.112, 297.649, 299.049, 299.684, 299.509,299.002,
298.432, 296.943, 295.153, 293.475, 292.466, 291.972, 291.96, 291.512,
291.481, 290.5, 290.313, 290.317, 290.362, 290.245, 290.228, 291.466]
height_timeseries = [171.045, 228.210, 296.987, 366.002, 410.868, 414.272, 417.807,414.133,
397.465, 376.864, 364.257, 352.119, 338.660, 322.028, 305.246, 258.497,
240.478, 187.229, 145.851, 128.072, 110.679, 97.628, 93.034, 93.034, 93.034]
Background air is mixed in due to dillution effects both by the prescribed rate of dillution and changes in boundary layer height. In Riemer et al 2009, the gas mixing ratios and aerosol distributions are identical to those of the initial conditions.
"back_small": {
"mass_frac": [{"SO4": [1]}, {"OC": [1.375]}, {"NH4": [0.375]}],
"diam_type": "geometric",
"mode_type": "log_normal",
"num_conc": 3.2e9 / si.m**3,
"geom_mean_diam": 0.02 * si.um,
"log10_geom_std_dev": 0.161,
"back_large": {
"mass_frac": [{"SO4": [1]}, {"OC": [1.375]}, {"NH4": [0.375]}],
"diam_type": "geometric",
"mode_type": "log_normal",
"num_conc": 2.9e9 / si.m**3,
"geom_mean_diam": 0.16 * si.um,
"log10_geom_std_dev": 0.217,
times = [0 * si.s]
back_gas = [{"time": times},
{"rate": [1.5e-5 / si.s]},
{"NO": [0.1E+00]},
{"NO2": [1.0E+00]},
{"HNO3": [1.0E+00]},
{"O3": [5.0E+01]},
{"H2O2": [1.1E+00]},
{"CO": [2.1E+02]},
{"SO2": [0.8E+00]},
{"NH3": [0.5E+00]},
{"HCl": [0.7E+00]},
{"CH4": [2.2E+03]},
{"C2H6": [1.0E+00]},
{"HCHO": [1.2E+00]},
{"CH3OH": [1.2E-01]},
{"CH3OOH": [0.5E+00]},
{"ALD2": [1.0E+00]},
{"PAR": [2.0E+00]},
{"AONE": [1.0E+00]},
{"ETH": [0.2E+00]},
{"OLET": [2.3E-02]},
{"OLEI": [3.1E-04]},
{"TOL": [0.1E+00]},
{"XYL": [0.1E+00]},
{"ONIT": [0.1E+00]},
{"PAN": [0.8E+00]},
{"RCOOH": [0.2E+00]},
{"ROOH": [2.5E-02]},
{"ISOP": [0.5E+00]}
The ppmc.Scenario
object contains all information necessary for the time evolution of the values
in the simulation. As time advances in the simulation, PyPartMC updates env_state
based on
these prescribed environmental time series and emits gases and aerosols accordingly.
scenario = ppmc.Scenario(
"temp_profile": [{"time": time_timeseries}, {"temp": temp_timeseries}],
"pressure_profile": [
{"time": time_timeseries},
{"pressure": pressure_timeseries},
"height_profile": [{"time": time_timeseries}, {"height": height_timeseries}],
"gas_emissions": emit_gas,
"gas_background": back_gas,
"aero_emissions": [
{"time": [0 * si.s, 12 * 3600 * si.s]},
{"rate": [1 / si.s, 0 / si.s]},
"aero_background": [
{"time": [0 * si.s]},
{"rate": [1.5e-5 / si.s]},
"loss_function": "none",
Here, the initial values of the environment is set based on the ppmc.Scenario
object scenario
scenario.init_env_state(env_state, T_INITIAL)
Simulation parameters are contained in the ppmc.RunPartOpt
Options include simulation length (t_max
), time step size (del_t
as well as other numerical settings. Additionally, model processes can be enabled or disabled.
In this simulation, Brownian coagulation is enabled with do_coagulation": True
and "coag_kernel": "brown"
run_part_opt = ppmc.RunPartOpt(
"output_prefix": "urban_plume",
"do_coagulation": True,
"coag_kernel": "brown",
"t_max": 86400 * si.s,
"del_t": 60 * si.s,
Before beginning the simulation, the initial condition for aerosols must be sampled.
N_PART = 1000
aero_state = ppmc.AeroState(aero_data, N_PART, 'nummass_source')
camp_core = ppmc.CampCore()
photolysis = ppmc.Photolysis()
N_STEPS = int(run_part_opt.t_max / run_part_opt.del_t)
num_conc = np.zeros(N_STEPS + 1)
num_conc[0] = aero_state.total_num_conc
mass_conc = np.zeros(N_STEPS + 1)
mass_conc[0] = aero_state.total_mass_conc
time = np.zeros(N_STEPS + 1)
gas_mix_rat = np.zeros((N_STEPS + 1, gas_state.n_spec))
gas_mix_rat[0, :] = gas_state.mix_rats
height = np.zeros((N_STEPS + 1))
temperature = np.zeros((N_STEPS + 1))
rh = np.zeros((N_STEPS + 1))
height[0] = env_state.height
temperature[0] = env_state.temp
rh[0] = env_state.rh
diam_grid = ppmc.BinGrid(30, "log", 1e-9, 1e-6)
dists = []
dry_diameters = aero_state.dry_diameters
num_concs = aero_state.num_concs
dists.append(ppmc.histogram_1d(diam_grid, dry_diameters, num_concs))
last_output_time = 0.
last_progress_time = 0.
i_output = 1
for i_time in range(1,N_STEPS + 1):
(last_output_time, last_progress_time, i_output) = ppmc.run_part_timestep(
num_conc[i_time] = aero_state.total_num_conc
mass_conc[i_time] = aero_state.total_mass_conc
time[i_time] = env_state.elapsed_time
gas_mix_rat[i_time, :] = gas_state.mix_rats
height[i_time] = env_state.height
temperature[i_time] = env_state.temp
rh[i_time] = env_state.rh
if np.mod(i_time * run_part_opt.del_t, 3600.0) == 0:
dry_diameters = aero_state.dry_diameters
num_concs = aero_state.num_concs
dists.append(ppmc.histogram_1d(diam_grid, dry_diameters, num_concs))
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 9})
plt.rcParams.update({'figure.figsize': (3.08,2.5)})
plt.rcParams.update({"axes.grid" : True})
plt.ylabel('Temperature (K)', color='r')
plt.xticks(np.linspace(0, time[-1], 5))
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Relative humidity (%)', color='g')
HBox(children=(HTML(value="<a href='./tmph6o2frx4.pdf' target='_blank'>./tmph6o2frx4.pdf</a><br>"), HTML(value…
plt.xticks(np.linspace(0, time[-1], 5))
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Boundary layer height (m)')
HBox(children=(HTML(value="<a href='./tmpff4f0fhr.pdf' target='_blank'>./tmpff4f0fhr.pdf</a><br>"), HTML(value…
def set_tickmarks(axes, n_ticks):
ylims = axes.get_ylim()
if np.log10(ylims[0]) > 1:
val = -int(np.ceil(np.abs(np.log10(ylims[0])))) + 1
val = int(np.ceil(np.abs(np.log10(ylims[0])))) + 1
ymin = round(ylims[0] - .1 * ylims[0], val)
ymax = round(ylims[1] + .1 * ylims[1], val)
plt.ylim([ymin, ymax])
plt.yticks(np.linspace(ymin, ymax, n_ticks))
#### Evolution of gas-phase species
gases = ["NO", "NO2", "O3", "HNO3", "SO2", "NH3"]
for i_spec, spec in enumerate(gases):
i_spec = gas_data.spec_by_name(spec)
l, = plt.plot(time, gas_mix_rat[:, i_spec], label=spec)
plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
plt.ylabel("Mixing ratio (ppb)")
plt.xticks(np.linspace(0, time[-1], 5))
HBox(children=(HTML(value="<a href='./tmp20sh_hvz.pdf' target='_blank'>./tmp20sh_hvz.pdf</a><br>"), HTML(value…
plt.plot(time, mass_conc, "b", label="mass conc")
plt.ylabel("Mass concentration (kg m$^{-3}$)", color='b')
plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
set_tickmarks(plt.gca(), 5)
plt.plot(time, num_conc, "g", label="num conc")
plt.xticks(np.linspace(0, time[-1], 5))
set_tickmarks(plt.gca(), 5)
plt.ylabel(r"Number concentration ($\#$ m$^{-3}$)", color='g')
HBox(children=(HTML(value="<a href='./tmp0gk79ve0.pdf' target='_blank'>./tmp0gk79ve0.pdf</a><br>"), HTML(value…
plt.plot(diam_grid.centers, dists[0],label='$t = 0$ h')
plt.plot(diam_grid.centers, dists[6],label='$t = 6$ h')
plt.plot(diam_grid.centers, dists[12],label='$t = 12$ h')
plt.plot(diam_grid.centers, dists[24],label='$t = 24$ h')
plt.xlabel("Dry diameter (m)")
plt.ylabel(r"Number concentration $n(D)$ ($\#$ m$^{-3}$)")
HBox(children=(HTML(value="<a href='./tmptsqb3a0x.pdf' target='_blank'>./tmptsqb3a0x.pdf</a><br>"), HTML(value…
While the previous aerosol figures give an overview of aerosol size distribution and composition just like traditional size-distribution-based models, they do not address the issue of mixing state. To show how the mixing state evolved over the course of the simulation we display the data, where the two-dimensional number distribution is plotted as a function of dry diameter and dry mass fraction of BC.
mass_frac_grid = ppmc.BinGrid(100, "linear", 0, 1)
mass_frac_histogram = []
num_concs = aero_state.num_concs
dry_diameters = aero_state.dry_diameters
bc_masses = aero_state.masses(include=["BC"])
dry_masses = aero_state.masses(exclude=["H2O"])
species_mass_frac = np.array(bc_masses) / np.array(dry_masses)
vals = ppmc.histogram_2d(
diam_grid, dry_diameters, mass_frac_grid, species_mass_frac, num_concs
np.array(vals).T / 1e6,
plt.xlim([1e-8, 1e-6])
plt.colorbar(label=r"Number concentration ($\#$ cm$^{-3}$)")
plt.xlabel("Dry diameter (m)")
plt.ylabel("BC mass fraction (%)")
HBox(children=(HTML(value="<a href='./tmp0qfhiah8.pdf' target='_blank'>./tmp0qfhiah8.pdf</a><br>"), HTML(value…