For this assignment we are going to use our Mongo database of Elon Musk tweets to identify whether Elon is more/less active on twitter during the weeks leading up to a major event.
To accomplish this, we will need to implement the following:
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient(host='', #host is the hostname for the database
port=27017, #port is the port number that mongo is running on
username='student', #username for the db
password='emse6992pass', #password for the db
authSource='emse6992') #Since our user only exists for the emse6992 db, we need to specify this
db = client.emse6992
stats_coll = db.twitter_statuses
Write a function, *get_tweets_daterange(screen_name, date, days_before, days_after), that takes a user's screen_name* and will pull all tweets that occur x days_before and y days_after the provided date from the *twitter_statuses* collection for the given user.
get_tweets_daterange('elonmusk', "2020-10-28", 14, 14)
would get all tweets made by elonmusk between 2020-10-14 - 2020-11-11 from the *twitter_statuses* collection, which should return 33 tweets.
def get_tweets_daterange(screen_name, date, days_before, days_after):
"""This function returns a list of tweets that fall inbetween date-days_before
and date + days_after
screen_name (str): screen name of twitter user
date (str): Date in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format
days_before (int): number of days prior to `date` to consider
days_after (int): number of days after `date` to consider
list: A list of all the tweets that meet the conditions
# Your code
date_input = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d')
date_start = date_input - timedelta(days=days_before)
date_end = date_input + timedelta(days=days_after)
doc_date = stats_coll.find({
"$and": [
{'user.screen_name': screen_name},
{"created_at": {"$gte": date_start}},
{"created_at": {"$lte": date_end}}
return doc_date
fi = get_tweets_daterange('elonmusk', "2020-10-28", 14, 14)
<ipython-input-3-9ddbe4438f08>:2: DeprecationWarning: count is deprecated. Use Collection.count_documents instead. fi.count()
Write a function, *get_random_date(min_date, max_date), that will generate a random date that falls within min_date* and max_date.
Ensure the output of this function conforms to the "YYYY-MM-DD" format used for the get_tweets_daterange().
import random
# Space work
random.seed(10) # To provide consistent randomness
def get_random_date(min_date, max_date):
"""This function returns a random date inbetween min_date and max_date
min_date (str): Earliset date to consider - in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format
max_date (str): Latest date to consider - in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format
str: Random date - in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format
# Your code
start_date = datetime.strptime(min_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
end_date = datetime.strptime(max_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
num_dates = (end_date - start_date).days
random_number = random.randrange(num_dates)
random_date = start_date + timedelta(days=random_number)
date_str = random_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
return date_str
b = get_random_date("2020-10-28", "2020-12-28")
Using the two functions from task 1 & 2, create two datasets using days_before = 14
, dayse_after = 7
and screen_name = 'elonmusk'
- a collection of get_tweets_daterange() for the provided major_eventsrandom_events_dataset
- a collection of get_tweets_daterange() for at least 10 randomly generated datsmin_date = "2020-01-01"
and max_date = "2021-01-01"
for all calls to get_random_date()Each dataset should be a python list where each element in the list is a result from get_tweets_daterange()
major_events_dataset = [
major_events = ["2020-10-28", "2020-05-30", "2021-01-07"]
for i in major_events:
major_events_dataset += get_tweets_daterange('elonmusk', i, 14, 7)
list_date = []
for i in range(10):
list_date.append(get_random_date("2020-01-01", "2021-01-01"))
for i in list_date:
random_events_dataset += get_tweets_daterange('elonmusk', i, 14, 7)
['2020-10-22', '2020-01-08', '2020-04-15', '2020-08-24', '2020-09-08', '2020-05-22', '2020-11-30', '2020-03-23', '2020-01-18', '2020-09-23']
From each dataset, create a histogram of the average tweets/week for each daterange.
This means the histogram for the major_events_dataset would only comprise of 3 values:
For the major events you should get [5.666666666666667, 14.333333333333334, 7.666666666666667]
Note: For this you are welcome to use matplotlib, seaborn, or any other python plotting package.
avg_tweet_final = []
for i in major_events:
avg_tweet_num = get_tweets_daterange('elonmusk', i, 14, 7)
avg_tweet_final += [avg_tweet_num.count()/3]
<ipython-input-9-af041dd35f86>:4: DeprecationWarning: count is deprecated. Use Collection.count_documents instead. avg_tweet_final += [avg_tweet_num.count()/3]
[5.666666666666667, 14.333333333333334, 7.666666666666667]
avg_tweet_final_2 = []
for i in list_date:
avg_tweet_num_2 = get_tweets_daterange('elonmusk', i, 14, 7)
avg_tweet_final_2 += [avg_tweet_num_2.count()/3]
<ipython-input-10-7e82e139db28>:4: DeprecationWarning: count is deprecated. Use Collection.count_documents instead. avg_tweet_final_2 += [avg_tweet_num_2.count()/3]
[6.0, 0.0, 9.333333333333334, 13.666666666666666, 11.333333333333334, 16.666666666666668, 9.333333333333334, 11.0, 0.0, 10.333333333333334]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
avg_tweet_final = []
avg_tweet_final_2 = []
for i in major_events:
avg_tweet_num = get_tweets_daterange('elonmusk', i, 14, 7)
avg_tweet_final += [avg_tweet_num.count()/3]
for i in list_date:
avg_tweet_num_2 = get_tweets_daterange('elonmusk', i, 14, 7)
avg_tweet_final_2 += [avg_tweet_num_2.count()/3]
data_major = [major_events, avg_tweet_final]
column_names_m = data_major.pop(0)
df_major_event = pd.DataFrame(data_major, columns=column_names_m)
df_lists_major = df_major_event.unstack().apply(pd.Series),, fontsize=8, width=0.7, figsize=(8,4))
data_random = [list_date, avg_tweet_final_2]
column_names_r = data_random.pop(0)
df_random_event = pd.DataFrame(data_random, columns=column_names_r)
df_lists_random = df_random_event.unstack().apply(pd.Series),, fontsize=8, width=0.7, figsize=(8,4))
<ipython-input-11-2072104b1784>:8: DeprecationWarning: count is deprecated. Use Collection.count_documents instead. avg_tweet_final += [avg_tweet_num.count()/3] <ipython-input-11-2072104b1784>:12: DeprecationWarning: count is deprecated. Use Collection.count_documents instead. avg_tweet_final_2 += [avg_tweet_num_2.count()/3]
Repeat the steps for Task 4, but this time plot the data based on average characters/week for each daterange.
For the major events you should get [435.0, 1259.0, 575.6666666666666]
def count_chars(txt):
result = 0
for char in txt:
result += 1
return result
avg_tweet_char_num = []
for i in major_events:
avg_tweet_char = []
avg_tweet_char += get_tweets_daterange('elonmusk', i, 14, 7)
num_char = 0
for doc in range(len(avg_tweet_char)):
ab = count_chars(avg_tweet_char[doc]['text'])
num_char += ab
avg_tweet_char_num += [num_char/3]
[435.0, 1259.0, 575.6666666666666]
avg_tweet_char_num_ran = []
for i in list_date:
avg_tweet_char_ran = []
avg_tweet_char_ran += get_tweets_daterange('elonmusk', i, 14, 7)
num_char_ran = 0
for doc in range(len(avg_tweet_char_ran)):
ab_ran = count_chars(avg_tweet_char_ran[doc]['text'])
num_char_ran += ab_ran
avg_tweet_char_num_ran += [num_char_ran/3]
[608.0, 0.0, 736.0, 1007.0, 950.3333333333334, 1489.0, 642.3333333333334, 1045.6666666666667, 0.0, 970.0]
data_major_char = [major_events, avg_tweet_char_num]
column_names_m_char = data_major_char.pop(0)
df_major_event_char = pd.DataFrame(data_major_char, columns=column_names_m_char)
df_lists_major_char = df_major_event_char.unstack().apply(pd.Series),, fontsize=8, width=0.7, figsize=(8,4))
data_random_char = [list_date, avg_tweet_char_num_ran]
column_names_r_char = data_random_char.pop(0)
df_random_event_char = pd.DataFrame(data_random_char, columns=column_names_r_char)
df_lists_random_char = df_random_event_char.unstack().apply(pd.Series),, fontsize=8, width=0.7, figsize=(8,4))
Answer the following questions in the cell below using markdown.
Your response: Base on the comparison with the ten random daterange's average tweet counts, Elon Musk's tweeting patterns do not change much. Since the major event dates have the count of (4, 14, 8) is in the range of (0 - 17), there is no clear sign of changing in his behavior.
From the data both on the average tweets count and range_date count, it is hard to dertermine if he is more active or not during the major events. Since only using the data from the 10 random datarange is not sufficient to support any conclusion, we will need to have more data of the year to discover if he tweets more on major events. For example, we can calculate the average number of tweets' count of one week instead of three weeks. Then we can compare the figures to see if the average tweet count on the major event weeks have a much bigger numbers than other normal weeks. Similarly, we can also collect the tweet count on daily bases from a year range to discover Elon Musk's tweeting pattern.