The NOAA HRRR is a real-time 3km resolution, hourly updated, cloud-resolving, convection-allowing atmospheric model, initialized by 3km grids with 3km radar assimilation.
This notebook provides an example of accessing HRRR data from blob storage on Azure, including (1) finding the data file corresponding to a date and time, (2) retrieving a portion of that file from blob storage which includes the surface temperature variable, (3) opening the file using the xarray
library, and (4) rendering an image of the forecast.
This dataset is stored in the East US Azure region, so this notebook will run most efficiently on Azure compute located in the same region. If you are using this data for environmental science applications, consider applying for an AI for Earth grant to support your compute requirements.
This dataset is documented at
We're using xarray
with the cfgrib
engine to open the GRIB2 data into an xarray Dataset. cfgrib
has some binary dependencies so it's easiest to install with Conda.
import io
from datetime import date, timedelta
import xarray as xr
import requests
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cmocean
# Not used directly, but used via xarray
import cfgrib
HRRR model data are in files named by date and sector (either CONUS or Alaska). We'll load up yesterday's 2D surface levels model forecast for CONUS run from 12pm UTC. The URL will be assembled based on the path parameters outlined in our documentation.
# Constants for creating the full URL
blob_container = ""
sector = "conus"
yesterday = - timedelta(days=1)
cycle = 12 # noon
forecast_hour = 1 # offset from cycle time
product = "wrfsfcf" # 2D surface levels
# Put it all together
file_path = f"hrrr.t{cycle:02}z.{product}{forecast_hour:02}.grib2"
url = f"{blob_container}/hrrr.{yesterday:%Y%m%d}/{sector}/{file_path}"
The GRIB2 file format stacks binary representations of 2D arrays under a top-level header. This means that instead of downloading and opening the whole file of 170+ variables (150MB+), we can read from a byte offset of just a single variable (or several). The NOAA HRRR data comes with a sidecar index file that specifies start-byte positions for each variable. These files have the same name as the HRRR file, suffixed with .idx
Let's use this to calculate the offset of the variable we want, before making the data request.
# Fetch the idx file by appending the .idx file extension to our already formatted URL
r = requests.get(f"{url}.idx")
idx = r.text.splitlines()
# Take a peek at the content of the index
print(*idx[0:10], sep="\n")
1:0:d=2021051312:REFC:entire atmosphere:1 hour fcst: 2:268018:d=2021051312:RETOP:cloud top:1 hour fcst: 3:332124:d=2021051312:var discipline=0 center=7 local_table=1 parmcat=16 parm=201:entire atmosphere:1 hour fcst: 4:647930:d=2021051312:VIL:entire atmosphere:1 hour fcst: 5:827629:d=2021051312:VIS:surface:1 hour fcst: 6:2299330:d=2021051312:REFD:1000 m above ground:1 hour fcst: 7:2394442:d=2021051312:REFD:4000 m above ground:1 hour fcst: 8:2461417:d=2021051312:REFD:263 K level:1 hour fcst: 9:2526225:d=2021051312:GUST:surface:1 hour fcst: 10:3730138:d=2021051312:UGRD:250 mb:1 hour fcst:
# You can see it has a 1-indexed base line number, staring byte position, date, variable, atmosphere level,
# and forecast description. The lines are colon-delimited.
# Let's grab surface temperature `TMP:surface`.
sfc_temp_idx = [l for l in idx if ":TMP:surface" in l][0].split(":")
print("Surface temp line:", sfc_temp_idx)
# Pluck the byte offset from this line, plus the beginning offset of the next line
line_num = int(sfc_temp_idx[0])
range_start = sfc_temp_idx[1]
# The line number values are 1-indexed, so we don't need to increment it to get the next list index,
# but check we're not already reading the last line
next_line = idx[line_num].split(':') if line_num < len(idx) else None
# Pluck the start of the next byte offset, or nothing if we were on the last line
range_end = next_line[1] if next_line else None
print(f"Byte range: {range_start}-{range_end}")
Surface temp line: ['64', '38448330', 'd=2021051312', 'TMP', 'surface', '1 hour fcst', ''] Byte range: 38448330-39758083
Now that we have the byte range of the single variable we want, we can make a traditional GET request to the Azure Blob Storage container, which supports HTTP range headers. We'll have to save this file to disk since cfgrib does not currently support reading file-like objects.
import tempfile
file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="tmp_", delete=False)
headers = {"Range": f"bytes={range_start}-{range_end}"}
resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers, stream=True)
with file as f:
The downloaded file subset is a valid GRIB2 file. Open it with the cfgrib
engine for xarray
and we can do traditional xarray
operations. Setting indexpath
here to an empty string tells cfgrib
to open the file without an associated .idx
file (which doesn't exist, since we just created this subset file).
ds = xr.open_dataset(, engine='cfgrib',
Let's do a quick check of the distribution of temperature values across the country to make sure things look right.
First, let's create a Cartopy CRS (coordinate reference system) specification from the attributes in the dataset. The HRRR data comes in the Lambert conformal projection. See this example for more information.
attrs = ds.t.attrs
assert attrs['GRIB_gridType'] == 'lambert'
# Define the CRS with attributes from the temperate DataArray
prj_kwargs = dict(
prj = ccrs.LambertConformal(**prj_kwargs)
Now we can plot the entire CONUS with some overlaid context from cartopy
and a nice thermal colormap from cmocean
# Ignore some matplotlib deprecation warnings
import warnings; warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,8))
ax = plt.axes(projection=prj)
plt_kwargs = dict(x='longitude', y='latitude',,
ds.t.plot(**plt_kwargs, ax=ax)
ax.add_feature(cfeature.STATES.with_scale('50m'), linewidth=0.5)
Lastly, let's convert Kelvin to Centigrade, and zoom in on the Southwest where there is the most temperature variation.
# Increase the dpi a bit for some crisper text
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,8), dpi=100)
ax = plt.axes(projection=prj)
# K to C
with xr.set_options(keep_attrs=True):
t_c = ds.t - 273.15
t_c.attrs["units"] = "C"
# Add some context and zoom to the SW
ax.add_feature(cfeature.STATES.with_scale('50m'), linewidth=0.5)
ax.set_extent([-121, -108, 33, 39], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
t_c.plot(**plt_kwargs, ax=ax)
d = ds.coords['valid_time'].values
plt.title(f"HRRR Surface Temperatures Valid {yesterday} {cycle + forecast_hour:02}:00 UTC")
Check out the HRRR Archive Download repo for a great collection of utility functions and more documentation about accessing and using this dataset.