The Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) product includes data from the Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 satellites, aligned to a common tiling system at 30m resolution, from 2013 to the present for Landsat and 2015 to the present for Sentinel-2. HLS is administered by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
This notebook provides an example of accessing HLS (Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2) data from blob storage on Azure, extracting image metadata using GDAL, and displaying an image using GDAL and rasterio.
This dataset is stored in the East US 2 Azure region, so this notebook will run most efficiently on Azure compute located in the same region. If you are using this data for environmental science applications, consider applying for an AI for Earth grant to support your compute requirements.
This dataset is documented at
HLS data on Azure are managed by Ag-Analytics. Ag-Analytics also provides an API which allows the caller to query to perform spatial queries over the HLS archive, as well as querying for additional data such as cloud cover and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Ag-Analytics also provides an API to retrieve tile IDs matching spatial queries.
import requests
import numpy as np
import io
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import rasterio
from import ContainerClient
container_name = 'hls'
storage_account_name = 'hlssa'
storage_account_url = 'https://' + storage_account_name + ''
hls_blob_root = storage_account_url + container_name
# This file is provided by NASA; it indicates the lat/lon extents of each
# hls tile.
# The file originally comes from:
# ...but as of 8/2019, there is a bug with the column names in the original file, so we
# access a copy with corrected column names.
hls_tile_extents_url = ''
# Load this file into a table, where each row is:
# Tile ID, Xstart, Ystart, UZ, EPSG, MinLon, MaxLon, MinLon, MaxLon
s = requests.get(hls_tile_extents_url).content
hls_tile_extents = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(s.decode('utf-8')),delimiter=r'\s+')
print('Read tile extents for {} tiles'.format(len(hls_tile_extents)))
hls_container_client = ContainerClient(account_url=storage_account_url,
Read tile extents for 56686 tiles
def list_available_tiles(prefix):
List all blobs in an Azure blob container matching a prefix.
We'll use this to query tiles by location and year.
files = []
generator = hls_container_client.list_blobs(name_starts_with=prefix)
for blob in generator:
return files
def lat_lon_to_hls_tile_id(lat,lon):
Get the hls tile ID for a given lat/lon coordinate pair.
found_matching_tile = False
for i_row,row in hls_tile_extents.iterrows():
found_matching_tile = lat >= row.MinLat and lat <= row.MaxLat \
and lon >= row.MinLon and lon <= row.MaxLon
if found_matching_tile:
if not found_matching_tile:
return None
return row.TilID
# Near Bear Lake, UT
lat = 41.89655047211277; lon = -111.4132464403312
tile_id = lat_lon_to_hls_tile_id(lat,lon)
print('Using Tile ID {}'.format(tile_id))
year = '2019'
daynum = '001' # 1-indexed day-of-year
product = 'S30' # 'S30' for Sentinel, 'L30' for Landsat
sband = '_01'
version = 'v1.4' # Currently always v1.4
blob_name = product + '/HLS.' + product + '.T' + tile_id + '.' + year + daynum + '.' + version \
+ sband + '.tif'
sentinel_url = hls_blob_root + '/' + blob_name
print('Constructed tile URL:\n{}'.format(sentinel_url))
Using Tile ID 12TVM Constructed tile URL:
# Bands 2, 3, and 4 are B, G, and R in Sentinel-2 HLS images
composite_bands = [4,3,2]
urls = [sentinel_url.replace(sband,'_' + str(b).zfill(2)) for b in composite_bands]
print('Rendering URLs:')
for s in urls:
image_data = []
composite_downsample_factor = 5
composite_norm_value = 15000
for fn in urls:
with,'r') as raster:
h = int(raster.height/composite_downsample_factor)
w = int(raster.width/composite_downsample_factor)
band_array =, out_shape=(1, h, w))
band_array = band_array / composite_norm_value
rgb = np.dstack((image_data[0],image_data[1],image_data[2]))
dpi = 100; fig = plt.figure(frameon=False,figsize=(w/dpi,h/dpi),dpi=dpi)
ax = plt.Axes(fig,[0., 0., 1., 1.]); ax.set_axis_off(); fig.add_axes(ax)
Rendering URLs:
i_daynum = int(daynum)
product = 'L30'
# Try days sequentially until we find one where there's a Landsat image for this day
while True:
daynum = str(i_daynum).zfill(3)
prefix = product + '/HLS.' + product + '.T' + tile_id + '.' + year + daynum
print('Finding tiles with prefix {}'.format(prefix))
matches = list_available_tiles(prefix)
if len(matches) == 0:
print('No matching tiles')
i_daynum += 1
blob_name = matches[0]
landsat_url = hls_blob_root + '/' + blob_name
print('Found {} matching tiles, e.g.:\n{}'.format(len(matches),landsat_url))
Finding tiles with prefix L30/HLS.L30.T12TVM.2019001 Found 11 matching tiles, e.g.:
urls = [landsat_url.replace(sband,'_' + str(b).zfill(2)) for b in composite_bands]
print('Rendering URLs:')
for s in urls:
image_data = []
for fn in urls:
with,'r') as raster:
h = int(raster.height/composite_downsample_factor)
w = int(raster.width/composite_downsample_factor)
band_array =, out_shape=(1, h, w))
band_array = band_array / composite_norm_value
rgb = np.dstack((image_data[0],image_data[1],image_data[2]))
dpi = 100; fig = plt.figure(frameon=False,figsize=(w/dpi,h/dpi),dpi=dpi)
ax = plt.Axes(fig,[0., 0., 1., 1.]); ax.set_axis_off(); fig.add_axes(ax)
Rendering URLs:
That looks a lot like the Sentinel-2 image! That's thanks to all the hard work the HLS folks did to do spectral and geometric correction.