The NOAA Global Hydro Estimator (GHE) program produces estimates of global (between -60° and +60° latitude) precipitation every 15 minutes, at ~4km resolution. Estimates are derived from satellite imagery and data from NOAA's Global Forecast System; details about the GHE algorithm are available here.
This notebook provides an example of accessing GHE data from blob storage on Azure.
This dataset is stored in the East US Azure region, so this notebook will run most efficiently on Azure compute located in the same region. If you are using this data for environmental science applications, consider applying for an AI for Earth grant to support your compute requirements.
This dataset is documented at
import os
import gzip
import tempfile
import numpy as np
import shutil
import urllib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from tqdm import tqdm
import netCDF4
from import ContainerClient
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
# The grid spacing for all GHE files is defined in a separate NetCDF file.
grid_file_url = ''
temp_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),'ghe')
storage_account_name = 'ghe'
container_name = 'noaa-ghe'
storage_account_url = 'https://' + storage_account_name + ''
ghe_blob_root = storage_account_url + '/' + container_name + '/'
ghe_container_client = ContainerClient(account_url=storage_account_url,
# Download a URL to a temporary file
def download_url(url):
url_as_filename = url.replace('://', '_').replace('/', '_')
destination_filename = os.path.join(temp_dir,url_as_filename)
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, destination_filename)
return destination_filename
# This file is ~150MB, so best to cache this
grid_filename_gz = download_url(grid_file_url)
with as gz:
grid_dataset = netCDF4.Dataset('dummy', mode='r',
lat_grid_raw = grid_dataset['latitude']
lon_grid_raw = grid_dataset['longitude']
{'latitude': <class 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Variable'> float32 latitude(lines, elems) long_name: latitude of GHE (positive North) units: degrees parameter_type: GHE rain valid_range: [-65. 65.] _FillValue: -9999.0 unlimited dimensions: current shape = (4800, 10020) filling on, 'longitude': <class 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Variable'> float32 longitude(lines, elems) long_name: longitude of GHE (positive East) units: degrees parameter_type: GHE rain valid_range: [-180. 180.] _FillValue: -9999.0 unlimited dimensions: current shape = (4800, 10020) filling on}
# Data are stored as product/year/month/day/filename
product = 'rain_rate'
# Grab data from April 9, 2020
syear = '2020'; smonth = '04'; sday = '09'
# Filenames look like:
# ...where the last four digits represent time, n increments of 15 minutes from 0000
# We can either sum over a whole day, or take a single 15-minute window
single_time_point = False
if single_time_point:
# Pick an arbitrary time of day to plot
stime = '0200'
filename = 'NPR.GEO.GHE.v1.S' + syear + smonth + sday + stime + '.nc.gz'
blob_urls = [ghe_blob_root + product + '/' + syear + '/' + smonth + '/' + sday + '/' \
+ filename]
prefix = product + '/' + syear + '/' + smonth + '/' + sday
print('Finding blobs matching prefix: {}'.format(prefix))
generator = ghe_container_client.list_blobs(name_starts_with=prefix)
blob_urls = []
for blob in generator:
blob_urls.append(ghe_blob_root +
print('Found {} matching scans'.format(len(blob_urls)))
Finding blobs matching prefix: rain_rate/2020/04/09 Found 96 matching scans
rainfall = None
variable_description = None
n_valid = np.zeros(lat_grid_raw.shape)
rainfall = np.zeros(lat_grid_raw.shape)
for i_blob,blob_url in tqdm(enumerate(blob_urls),total=len(blob_urls)):
# Typical files are ~3MB compressed
filename = download_url(blob_url)
# NetCDF4 can read directly from gzip without unzipping the file to disk
with as gz:
dataset = netCDF4.Dataset('dummy', mode='r',
rainfall_sample = dataset['rain'][:]
# There are fill values in here where data isn't available. If we were really trying to
# produce global rainfall estimates over a fixed time period, we would think carefully
# about what we want to do with those invalid values, e.g. averaging over all the *valid*
# values at each grid cell, instead of summing.
rainfall_sample[rainfall_sample < 0] = 0
variable_description = str(dataset.variables)
rain_units = dataset['rain'].units
rainfall = rainfall + rainfall_sample
min_rf = np.min(rainfall)
max_rf = np.max(rainfall)
print('Ranfall ranges from {}{} to {}{}'.format(min_rf,rain_units,max_rf,rain_units))
# Make a 'backup' so we can tinker, as one does in notebooks
rainfall_raw = rainfall.copy();
# Take a look at what's in each NetCDF file
100%|██████████| 96/96 [04:58<00:00, 3.11s/it]
Ranfall ranges from 0.0mm to 1110.815962344408mm {'rain': <class 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Variable'> float32 rain(lines, elems) long_name: GHE Global Instantaneous rain total for 202004092345 grid_range: Lat 65 to -65, Lon -180 to +180 units: mm parameter_type: GHE rain valid_range: [ 0. 508.] _FillValue: -9999.0 unlimited dimensions: current shape = (4800, 10020) filling on}
image_size = np.shape(rainfall_raw)
nlat = image_size[0]; nlon = image_size[1]
# Downsample by decimation
ds_factor = 10
lon_grid = lon_grid_raw[::ds_factor,::ds_factor,]
lat_grid = lat_grid_raw[::ds_factor,::ds_factor,]
rainfall = rainfall_raw[::ds_factor,::ds_factor,]
# Prepare a matplotlib Basemap so we can render coastlines and borders
m = Basemap(projection='merc',
# Convert lat/lon to a 2D grid
# lon_grid,lat_grid = np.meshgrid(lon,lat)
x,y = m(lon_grid,lat_grid)
# Clip our plot values to an upper threshold, and leave anything
# below the lower threshold as white (i.e., unplotted)
n_files = len(blob_urls)
upper_plot_threshold = n_files*10
lower_plot_threshold = n_files*0.01
Z = rainfall.copy()
Z[Z > upper_plot_threshold] = upper_plot_threshold
Z[Z < lower_plot_threshold] = np.nan
Z =,Z)
# Choose normalization and color mapping
norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=Z.min(), vmax=Z.max(), clip=True)
cmap =
# Plot as a color mesh
cs = m.pcolormesh(x,y,Z,norm=norm,cmap=cmap,shading='auto')
# Draw extra stuff to make our plot look fancier... sweeping clouds on a plain background
# are great, but sweeping clouds on contentinal outlines are *very* satisfying.
plt.title('Global rainfall ({})'.format(rain_units))