using LinearAlgebra using CuArrays function davidson(A, SS::AbstractArray; maxiter=100, prec=I, tol=20size(A,2)*eps(eltype(A)), maxsubspace=8size(SS, 2)) m = size(SS, 2) for i in 1:100 Ass = A * SS rvals, rvecs = eigen(Hermitian(SS' * Ass)) rvals = rvals[1:m] rvecs = rvecs[:, 1:m] Ax = Ass * rvecs R = Ax - SS * rvecs * Diagonal(rvals) if norm(R) < tol return rvals, SS * rvecs end if size(SS, 2) + m > maxsubspace SS = typeof(R)(qr(hcat(SS * rvecs, prec * R)).Q) else SS = typeof(R)(qr(hcat(SS, prec * R)).Q) end end error("not converged.") end # Workaround because this interface is not yet implemented ... using CuArrays.CUSOLVER function LinearAlgebra.eigen(A::Hermitian{T, CuArray{T, 2, Nothing}}) where {T <: Real} CUSOLVER.syevd!('V', 'U', end function test_cuda(N, nev=2, T=Float32) A = randn(T, N, N) A = A + A' - I x0 = randn(T, size(A, 2), nev) x0 = Array(qr(x0).Q) println("Conventional") @time davidson(A, x0) println() println() println("GPU") Ad = cu(A) # Put on the device x0d = cu(x0) # Put also on the device @time davidson(Ad, x0d) end