This tutorial aims to be a quick guide to get you started using messari's python library.
The first thing is to authenticate your account. You can create an API key by first creating a messari account and then navigating to
After generating an API, import the library and add your key by running:
from messari.messari import Messari
messari = Messari('your_api_key')
The library is structured in three main sections represented by three separate modules:
The assets module contains all the functions to pull asset specific data. The functions follow a get_* convention for simplicity of use. The available data functions are:
If you are interested in getting bulk data for all assets that Messari supports use the get_all_assets function. The function returns lots of data so the default returned value is a python dictionary with asset slugs as keys and the asset data as the values.
The parameters of the function are:
page: Page number starting at 1. Increment value to paginate through results.
limit: Limit of assets to return. Default is 20, max value is 500.
asset_fields: Single filter string or list of fields to filter data. Available fields include:
asset_metric: Single metric string to filter metric data. Available asset metrics include:
asset_profile_metric: Single profile metric string to filter profile data.
to_dataframe: Return data as pandas DataFrame or JSON. Default is set to JSON.
response_data = messari.get_all_assets()
You can turned the results to a nice pandas DataFrame if the only information you are requesting is metric data.
NOTE: If you include any other asset fields or pass an asset profile metric the function will return an error.
response_data_df = messari.get_all_assets(asset_fields=['metrics'], to_dataframe=True)
metrics_market_data_price_usd | metrics_market_data_price_btc | metrics_market_data_price_eth | metrics_market_data_volume_last_24_hours | metrics_market_data_real_volume_last_24_hours | metrics_market_data_volume_last_24_hours_overstatement_multiple | metrics_market_data_percent_change_usd_last_1_hour | metrics_market_data_percent_change_btc_last_1_hour | metrics_market_data_percent_change_eth_last_1_hour | metrics_market_data_percent_change_usd_last_24_hours | ... | metrics_supply_distribution_supply_in_contracts_usd | metrics_supply_distribution_supply_in_contracts_native_units | metrics_supply_distribution_supply_shielded | metrics_supply_distribution_supply_in_top_100_addresses | metrics_supply_distribution_supply_in_top_10_percent_addresses | metrics_supply_distribution_supply_in_top_1_percent_addresses | metrics_supply_distribution_supply_in_utxo_in_loss | metrics_supply_distribution_supply_in_utxo_in_profit | metrics_alert_messages | slug | |
bitcoin | 63549.138557 | 1.000000 | 14.000438 | 6.696020e+09 | 5.615102e+09 | 1.192502 | -0.827104 | 0.000000 | -0.262311 | -1.232825 | ... | NaN | NaN | None | 2.791041e+06 | 1.869062e+07 | 1.729667e+07 | 272579.562794 | 1.860070e+07 | None | bitcoin |
ethereum | 4551.458697 | 0.071621 | 1.000000 | 5.426996e+09 | 4.641549e+09 | 1.169221 | -0.566278 | 0.263001 | 0.000000 | -0.543660 | ... | 1.367004e+11 | 2.965612e+07 | None | 4.592305e+07 | 1.169773e+08 | 1.142389e+08 | NaN | NaN | None | ethereum |
binance-coin | 631.461714 | 0.009937 | 0.138997 | 1.027663e+09 | 9.102840e+08 | 1.128948 | -0.784175 | 0.043287 | -0.219138 | -2.646269 | ... | NaN | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | binance-coin |
tether | 1.002894 | 0.000016 | 0.000221 | 3.636292e+10 | 2.092726e+10 | 1.737586 | -0.070167 | 0.763250 | 0.498937 | -0.773392 | ... | 7.379604e+09 | 7.377586e+09 | None | 1.730566e+10 | 3.745281e+10 | 3.609309e+10 | NaN | NaN | None | tether |
solana | 234.662429 | 0.003693 | 0.051645 | 1.589884e+09 | 1.178056e+09 | 1.349582 | -2.070842 | -1.254111 | -1.513132 | -0.639508 | ... | NaN | NaN | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | solana |
5 rows × 370 columns
Additionally, you can filter the metric data by passing an asset metric. For example you can get all the mining statistics for all the assets in the first page.
metric = 'mining_stats'
response_data_df_market_data = messari.get_all_assets(asset_metric=metric, to_dataframe=True)
slug | metrics_mining_stats_mining_algo | metrics_mining_stats_network_hash_rate | metrics_mining_stats_available_on_nicehash_percent | metrics_mining_stats_1_hour_attack_cost | metrics_mining_stats_24_hours_attack_cost | metrics_mining_stats_attack_appeal | metrics_mining_stats_hash_rate | metrics_mining_stats_hash_rate_30d_average | metrics_mining_stats_mining_revenue_per_hash_usd | metrics_mining_stats_mining_revenue_per_hash_native_units | metrics_mining_stats_mining_revenue_per_hash_per_second_usd | metrics_mining_stats_mining_revenue_per_hash_per_second_native_units | metrics_mining_stats_mining_revenue_from_fees_percent_last_24_hours | metrics_mining_stats_mining_revenue_native | metrics_mining_stats_mining_revenue_usd | metrics_mining_stats_mining_revenue_total | metrics_mining_stats_average_difficulty | |
bitcoin | bitcoin | SHA-256 | 175785 PH/s | 0.204757 | None | None | None | 1.753464e+08 | 1.578817e+08 | 0.000004 | 6.500000e-11 | 0.367195 | 0.000006 | 0.890598 | 990.067517 | None | 3.554869e+10 | 2.246731e+13 |
ethereum | ethereum | Ethash | 812 TH/s | 3.804177 | None | None | None | 8.070931e+02 | NaN | 0.959108 | 2.080714e-04 | 82866.973737 | 17.977368 | 78.515707 | 14509.409289 | None | 2.431323e+10 | 1.099016e+16 |
binance-coin | binance-coin | None | None | NaN | None | None | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | NaN | NaN |
tether | tether | None | None | NaN | None | None | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | NaN | NaN |
solana | solana | None | None | NaN | None | None | None | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | NaN | NaN |
Lastly, if you are interested in getting metrics for all available assets, you can loop through all pages creating a pandas DataFrame per page then merging them all together!
import pandas as pd
dfs = [] # list to hold metric DataFrames
for i in range(1, 5, 1):
df = messari.get_all_assets(page=1, limit=500, asset_metric='marketcap', to_dataframe=True)
merged_df = pd.concat(dfs)
print(f'Number of assets in DataFrame {len(merged_df)}')
Number of assets in DataFrame 2000
slug | metrics_marketcap_rank | metrics_marketcap_marketcap_dominance_percent | metrics_marketcap_current_marketcap_usd | metrics_marketcap_y_2050_marketcap_usd | metrics_marketcap_y_plus10_marketcap_usd | metrics_marketcap_liquid_marketcap_usd | metrics_marketcap_volume_turnover_last_24_hours_percent | metrics_marketcap_realized_marketcap_usd | metrics_marketcap_outstanding_marketcap_usd | |
bitcoin | bitcoin | 1 | 43.232673 | 1.208326e+12 | 1.343606e+12 | 1.322402e+12 | 1.208853e+12 | 0.475198 | 4.571419e+11 | 1.227371e+12 |
ethereum | ethereum | 2 | 19.194453 | 5.364731e+11 | 6.177026e+11 | 5.600073e+11 | 5.305415e+11 | 0.896623 | 2.662798e+11 | 5.414160e+11 |
binance-coin | binance-coin | 3 | 3.788568 | 1.058881e+11 | 6.348166e+10 | 6.877961e+10 | 6.877961e+10 | 1.355334 | NaN | NaN |
tether | tether | 4 | 2.651714 | 7.411376e+10 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 3.784762e+10 | 3.784412e+10 |
solana | solana | 5 | 2.572619 | 7.190312e+10 | 2.241007e+11 | 1.759675e+11 | 1.188495e+11 | 1.020476 | NaN | NaN |
The get_asset function is very useful when you are trying to get the metadata of an asset. The default value back from this functions is a pandas DataFrame
The paremeters of the function are:
assets = ['bitcoin', 'ethereum', 'tether']
asset_metadata = messari.get_asset(asset_slugs=assets)
id | symbol | name | slug | contract_addresses | _internal_temp_agora_id | |
bitcoin | 1e31218a-e44e-4285-820c-8282ee222035 | BTC | Bitcoin | bitcoin | [] | 9793eae6-f374-46b4-8764-c2d224429791 |
ethereum | 21c795f5-1bfd-40c3-858e-e9d7e820c6d0 | ETH | Ethereum | ethereum | [{'platform': 'avalanche', 'contract_address':... | 263d8b01-5a96-41f0-85d5-09687bbbf7ca |
tether | 51f8ea5e-f426-4f40-939a-db7e05495374 | USDT | Tether | tether | [{'platform': 'arbitrum-one', 'contract_addres... | 1eaf063a-b8dd-4cfb-95dd-a06338565720 |
If you are only interested in some fields, you filter the data by passing the asset fields of interest.
fields = ['id', 'name']
asset_metadata_filtered = messari.get_asset(asset_slugs=assets, asset_fields=fields)
id | name | slug | |
bitcoin | 1e31218a-e44e-4285-820c-8282ee222035 | Bitcoin | bitcoin |
ethereum | 21c795f5-1bfd-40c3-858e-e9d7e820c6d0 | Ethereum | ethereum |
tether | 51f8ea5e-f426-4f40-939a-db7e05495374 | Tether | tether |
The get_asset_profile function can be used to get profile information about an asset. The default value back from this functions is a python dictionary due to the high number of text fileds.
The paremeters of the function are:
asset_profile_data = messari.get_asset_profile(asset_slugs=assets)
'Bitcoin is the first <a href="">distributed consensus-based</a>, censorship-resistant, permissionless, peer-to-peer payment settlement network with a provably scarce, programmable, native currency. Bitcoin (BTC), the native asset of the Bitcoin blockchain, is the world\'s first digital currency without a central bank or administrator. The Bitcoin network is an emergent decentralized monetary institution that exists through the interplay between <a href="">full nodes</a>, <a href="">miners</a>, and developers. It is set by a social contract that is created and opted into by the users of the network and hardened through <a href="">game theory</a> and <a href="">cryptography</a>. Bitcoin is the first, oldest, and largest cryptocurrency in the world.'
You can filter the results by passing an asset profile metric. For example, if you are interested in looking at the investor list of Uniswap, you can get it by running:
asset = 'Uniswap'
profile_metric = 'investors'
governance_data = messari.get_asset_profile(asset_slugs=asset, asset_profile_metric=profile_metric)
{'Uniswap': {'id': '1d51479d-68f6-4886-8644-2a55ea9007bf', 'slug': 'uniswap', 'profile_investors_individuals': [], 'profile_investors_organizations': [{'slug': 'coinbase-ventures', 'name': 'Coinbase Ventures', 'logo': '', 'description': 'Coinbase Ventures invests in companies building the open financial system. It provides financing to early-stage companies that have the teams and ideas that can move the cryptoasset industry forward.'}, {'slug': 'defiance-capital', 'name': 'Defiance Capital', 'logo': '', 'description': 'Leading DeFi focused Cryptoasset Fund combining fundamental research and activist investment strategy.'}, {'slug': 'paradigm', 'name': 'Paradigm', 'logo': '', 'description': 'A digital asset investment firm'}, {'slug': 'three-arrows-capital', 'name': 'Three Arrows Capital', 'logo': '', 'description': 'Three Arrows Capital Pte. Ltd. is a hedge fund manager established in 2012 and focused on providing superior risk-adjusted returns, founded by Su Zhu and Kyle Davies.'}, {'slug': 'parafi-capital', 'name': 'ParaFi Capital', 'logo': '', 'description': None}, {'slug': 'delphi-digital', 'name': 'Delphi Digital', 'logo': '', 'description': 'Delphi Digital is an independent research and consulting boutique specializing in the digital asset market.'}]}}
The get_asset_metric function allows you to pull quantitative data for an asset. The default value back from this function is a pandas DataFrame.
The paremeters of the function are:
asset_slugs: Single asset slug string or list of asset slugs (i.e. bitcoin).
asset_metric: Single metric string to filter metric data. Available metrics include:
to_dataframe: Return data as DataFrame or JSON. Default is set to DataFrame.
The function will return all avaiable metrics for the assets supplied.
asset_metric_df = messari.get_asset_metrics(asset_slugs=assets)
id | symbol | name | slug | contract_addresses | _internal_temp_agora_id | market_data_price_usd | market_data_price_btc | market_data_price_eth | market_data_volume_last_24_hours | ... | supply_distribution_supply_in_addresses_balance_greater_1_native_units | supply_distribution_supply_in_contracts_usd | supply_distribution_supply_in_contracts_native_units | supply_distribution_supply_shielded | supply_distribution_supply_in_top_100_addresses | supply_distribution_supply_in_top_10_percent_addresses | supply_distribution_supply_in_top_1_percent_addresses | supply_distribution_supply_in_utxo_in_loss | supply_distribution_supply_in_utxo_in_profit | alert_messages | |
bitcoin | 1e31218a-e44e-4285-820c-8282ee222035 | BTC | Bitcoin | bitcoin | [] | 9793eae6-f374-46b4-8764-c2d224429791 | 63877.744122 | 1.000000 | 14.003232 | 6.696020e+09 | ... | 1.787605e+07 | NaN | NaN | None | 2.791041e+06 | 1.869062e+07 | 1.729667e+07 | 272579.562794 | 1.860070e+07 | None |
ethereum | 21c795f5-1bfd-40c3-858e-e9d7e820c6d0 | ETH | Ethereum | ethereum | [{'platform': 'avalanche', 'contract_address':... | 263d8b01-5a96-41f0-85d5-09687bbbf7ca | 4572.992315 | 0.071590 | 1.000000 | 5.426996e+09 | ... | 1.153521e+08 | 1.367004e+11 | 2.965612e+07 | None | 4.592305e+07 | 1.169773e+08 | 1.142389e+08 | NaN | NaN | None |
tether | 51f8ea5e-f426-4f40-939a-db7e05495374 | USDT | Tether | tether | [{'platform': 'arbitrum-one', 'contract_addres... | 1eaf063a-b8dd-4cfb-95dd-a06338565720 | 1.003057 | 0.000016 | 0.000220 | 3.636292e+10 | ... | 3.783364e+10 | 7.379604e+09 | 7.377586e+09 | None | 1.730566e+10 | 3.745281e+10 | 3.609309e+10 | NaN | NaN | None |
3 rows × 375 columns
Also, you can provide an asset metric to filter the metrics data.
metric = 'marketcap'
asset_metric_df_marketcap = messari.get_asset_metrics(asset_slugs=assets, asset_metric=metric)
id | symbol | marketcap_rank | marketcap_marketcap_dominance_percent | marketcap_current_marketcap_usd | marketcap_y_2050_marketcap_usd | marketcap_y_plus10_marketcap_usd | marketcap_liquid_marketcap_usd | marketcap_volume_turnover_last_24_hours_percent | marketcap_realized_marketcap_usd | marketcap_outstanding_marketcap_usd | |
bitcoin | 1e31218a-e44e-4285-820c-8282ee222035 | BTC | 1 | 43.218651 | 1.206339e+12 | 1.341395e+12 | 1.320226e+12 | 1.206865e+12 | 0.475864 | 4.571419e+11 | 1.227371e+12 |
ethereum | 21c795f5-1bfd-40c3-858e-e9d7e820c6d0 | ETH | 2 | 19.189260 | 5.356194e+11 | 6.167196e+11 | 5.591161e+11 | 5.296972e+11 | 0.897591 | 2.662798e+11 | 5.414160e+11 |
tether | 51f8ea5e-f426-4f40-939a-db7e05495374 | USDT | 4 | 2.655952 | 7.413415e+10 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 3.784762e+10 | 3.784412e+10 |
The get_asset_market_data function pull the latest market data for an asset. The default value back from this function is a pandas DataFrame.
The paremeters of the function are:
market_data = messari.get_asset_market_data(asset_slugs=assets)
id | symbol | market_data_price_usd | market_data_price_btc | market_data_price_eth | market_data_volume_last_24_hours | market_data_real_volume_last_24_hours | market_data_volume_last_24_hours_overstatement_multiple | market_data_percent_change_usd_last_1_hour | market_data_percent_change_btc_last_1_hour | ... | market_data_ohlcv_last_1_hour_high | market_data_ohlcv_last_1_hour_low | market_data_ohlcv_last_1_hour_close | market_data_ohlcv_last_1_hour_volume | market_data_ohlcv_last_24_hour_open | market_data_ohlcv_last_24_hour_high | market_data_ohlcv_last_24_hour_low | market_data_ohlcv_last_24_hour_close | market_data_ohlcv_last_24_hour_volume | market_data_last_trade_at | |
bitcoin | 1e31218a-e44e-4285-820c-8282ee222035 | BTC | 63895.998103 | 1.000000 | 14.003232 | 6.696020e+09 | 5.743741e+09 | 1.165794 | -0.109754 | 0.000000 | ... | 64143.421918 | 63387.991540 | 63897.011656 | 3.345042e+08 | 64197.144700 | 66395.435549 | 63387.152997 | 63895.998103 | 6.741573e+09 | 2021-11-15T21:06:13.498Z |
ethereum | 21c795f5-1bfd-40c3-858e-e9d7e820c6d0 | ETH | 4574.191597 | 0.071588 | 1.000000 | 5.426996e+09 | 4.757243e+09 | 1.140786 | 0.057229 | 0.166956 | ... | 4579.045515 | 4542.824040 | 4574.409617 | 2.546684e+08 | 4550.062092 | 4771.906982 | 4539.207138 | 4574.191597 | 5.409993e+09 | 2021-11-15T21:06:13.976Z |
tether | 51f8ea5e-f426-4f40-939a-db7e05495374 | USDT | 1.003025 | 0.000016 | 0.000220 | 3.636292e+10 | 2.145719e+10 | 1.694673 | -0.040783 | 0.066726 | ... | 1.007714 | 0.998665 | 1.003238 | 1.195032e+09 | 1.010482 | 1.016971 | 0.993462 | 1.003025 | 2.631996e+10 | 2021-11-15T21:06:13.889Z |
3 rows × 25 columns
The get_all_markets function pulls all information of all the exchanges and pairs supported by Messari's API. The default return value of this function is a pandas DataFrame.
The paremeters of the function are:
markets_df = messari.get_all_markets()
id | exchange_id | base_asset_id | quote_asset_id | class | trade_start | trade_end | version | excluded_from_price | exchange_name | base_asset_symbol | quote_asset_symbol | pair | price_usd | vwap_weight | volume_last_24_hours | has_real_volume | deviation_from_vwap_percent | last_trade_at | |
exchange_slug | |||||||||||||||||||
uniswap | 0006addf-d3d2-491a-8a66-36236445c527 | 6efbfc8a-18c9-4c6f-aa78-feea100521cf | 3f548a16-866f-4e2c-b3e9-5df6d32d9083 | 51f8ea5e-f426-4f40-939a-db7e05495374 | spot | 2020-08-30T16:40:06Z | None | 1 | False | Uniswap (v2) | UOS | USDT | UOS-USDT | NaN | 0.0 | NaN | False | NaN | None |
yobit | 000bd377-28be-488c-80cc-cd18e90ba3ff | 2087a29e-6a27-4d51-ba3b-d9f112f93c38 | c10e0960-9175-4c44-9390-86a8de17c2a1 | 1e31218a-e44e-4285-820c-8282ee222035 | spot | 2019-04-12T10:49:20Z | 2019-04-25T18:24:16Z | 1 | True | YoBit | LUC | BTC | LUC-BTC | NaN | 0.0 | NaN | False | NaN | None |
binance | 000de500-0515-4d00-8e73-be8b327cc298 | d8b0ea44-1963-451e-ac37-aead4ba3b4c7 | 6d667f96-24f2-420b-9a22-73f5cd594bcf | 1e31218a-e44e-4285-820c-8282ee222035 | spot | 2019-09-24T18:58:30Z | None | 1 | False | Binance | XTZ | BTC | XTZ-BTC | 5.720711 | 1.0 | 3.398368e+06 | True | 0.002639 | 2021-11-15T21:06:00Z |
binance | 000ef1f2-89e2-4096-b02f-feaa11b7467d | d8b0ea44-1963-451e-ac37-aead4ba3b4c7 | 577bebe9-f569-44a1-aed8-0484325fddf2 | 7dc551ba-cfed-4437-a027-386044415e3e | spot | 2020-09-15T20:51:42Z | 2021-09-30T08:59:59Z | 1 | False | Binance | SWRV | BNB | SWRV-BNB | NaN | 0.0 | NaN | False | NaN | None |
binance | 000f7f7c-5994-4c18-92f2-1ff37f167665 | d8b0ea44-1963-451e-ac37-aead4ba3b4c7 | 362f0140-ecdd-4205-b8a0-36f0fd5d8167 | 74cc014e-d925-496a-928b-b43c0393c455 | spot | 2021-03-19T08:00:00Z | None | 1 | False | Binance | ADA | RUB | ADA-RUB | NaN | 0.0 | NaN | False | NaN | None |
The get_metric_timeseries function allows you to pull time series data for a number of metrics. The default return value of this function is a pandas DataFrame.
The paremeters of the function are:
asset_slugs: Single asset slug string or list of asset slugs (i.e. bitcoin).
asset_metric: Single metric string to filter timeseries data. Available metrics include:
start: Starting date string for timeseries data. A default start date will provided if not specified.
end: Ending date string for timeseries data. A default end date will provided if not specified.
interval: Interval of timeseries data. Default value is set to 1d. For any given interval, at most 2016 points will be returned. For example, with interval=5m, the maximum range of the request is 2016 * 5 minutes = 7 days. With interval=1h, the maximum range is 2016 * 1 hour = 84 days. Exceeding the maximum range will result in an error, which can be solved by reducing the date range specified in the request. Interval options include:
to_dataframe: Return data as DataFrame or JSON. Default is set to DataFrame.
metric = 'price'
start = '2020-06-01'
end = '2021-01-01'
timeseries_df = messari.get_metric_timeseries(asset_slugs=assets, asset_metric=metric, start=start, end=end)
bitcoin | ethereum | tether | |||||||||||||
open | high | low | close | volume | open | high | low | close | volume | open | high | low | close | volume | |
timestamp | |||||||||||||||
2020-06-01 | 9446.359337 | 10411.368446 | 9415.969996 | 10207.837560 | 2.546875e+09 | 231.418675 | 251.880973 | 230.555621 | 248.420898 | 8.967023e+08 | 0.999376 | 1.031920 | 0.992700 | 1.001592 | 4.317591e+09 |
2020-06-02 | 10207.170730 | 10235.407915 | 9247.901259 | 9519.293396 | 4.445485e+09 | 247.088209 | 253.667458 | 224.949475 | 237.718348 | 1.048456e+09 | 1.002874 | 1.008979 | 0.982826 | 1.000406 | 5.734804e+09 |
2020-06-03 | 9528.264497 | 9694.116996 | 9376.263171 | 9665.937361 | 1.789072e+09 | 237.857362 | 245.205872 | 233.249205 | 244.559197 | 4.947757e+08 | 0.998064 | 1.011970 | 0.992956 | 1.000404 | 2.841139e+09 |
2020-06-04 | 9656.485925 | 9883.971306 | 9449.824258 | 9788.178936 | 2.183610e+09 | 244.445697 | 246.610619 | 235.973443 | 243.221280 | 6.650226e+08 | 1.001681 | 1.011502 | 0.983112 | 1.000884 | 3.353472e+09 |
2020-06-05 | 9790.242751 | 9856.404984 | 9586.252232 | 9617.090421 | 1.965504e+09 | 243.344371 | 247.945284 | 239.014255 | 239.974526 | 5.535803e+08 | 1.001512 | 1.005469 | 0.988998 | 1.000122 | 3.036441e+09 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2020-12-28 | 26248.564564 | 27469.396137 | 26069.019129 | 27032.289152 | 5.653047e+09 | 684.007261 | 747.146848 | 680.802699 | 729.225118 | 4.131698e+09 | 0.998800 | 1.009537 | 0.988917 | 0.998043 | 1.323048e+10 |
2020-12-29 | 27036.832984 | 27387.310760 | 25832.269524 | 27360.005185 | 5.558736e+09 | 729.372510 | 739.503440 | 688.494556 | 731.413028 | 2.731104e+09 | 0.998220 | 1.009277 | 0.982313 | 0.998654 | 1.281210e+10 |
2020-12-30 | 27363.633892 | 28999.010850 | 27337.600922 | 28886.315853 | 7.442424e+09 | 731.617969 | 758.444774 | 716.975766 | 752.458953 | 2.537980e+09 | 1.000533 | 1.008489 | 0.986462 | 1.000573 | 1.245562e+10 |
2020-12-31 | 28893.616815 | 29304.876699 | 27852.684695 | 28961.164191 | 7.007439e+09 | 752.636151 | 756.208116 | 722.118872 | 737.255391 | 2.125796e+09 | 1.000973 | 1.013499 | 0.980359 | 1.002135 | 1.049599e+10 |
2021-01-01 | 28963.116282 | 29674.366390 | 28692.320100 | 29402.176951 | 5.206879e+09 | 737.183725 | 750.432877 | 716.538809 | 730.756766 | 1.702361e+09 | 1.001124 | 1.013243 | 0.991402 | 1.002321 | 1.136276e+10 |
215 rows × 15 columns