Authors: Marlin M. Mueller and Jonas Ziemer (marlin.markus.mueller, jonas.ziemer)
This section is used to import all necessary modules and packages to run the example code
import os
import numpy as np
from skimage import exposure
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from BanDiTS import preprocessing, apply_along_axis, export_arr
from BanDiTS.statistical_functions import *
from BanDiTS.filter_functions import *
from BanDiTS.breakpoint_functions import *
from pathos import multiprocessing as mp
The main function contains all the user input to run the following functions to create the desired outputs
raster folder is used to specify the input folder location
raster_filename is used to specify the input folder location
This could also be enclosed in a for loop with multiple raster files to work through multiple files automaticly
filter_functions is used to specify the desired filter functions to apply
this can contain multiple functions in a list
filter_args contains the arguments for the filter functions (e.g.: [{"kernel": 9}])
statistical_functions is used to declare the statistical functions to execute, syntax ist equivalent to filter_functions
statistical_args is also equivalent to the filter_args with the difference, that most statistical functions don't require arguments to run. This can be determined by looking at
The breakpoint_functions module can be used to access further functionionalty for breakpoint detection, it can mostly be applied in a similar fashion as the statistical functions.
output_folder is used to specify the output folder location
def main():
################################### INPUT ########################################
# Input Folder:
raster_folder = ""
# Input File Name
raster_filename = ""
################################### OUTPUT ########################################
# Output Folder:
output_folder = ""
####################### USER-DEPENDENT FILTER-FUNCTIONS TO BE USED #######################
# Example for mean filter:
# filter_functions = [mean_filter, mean_filter, mean_filter]
# filter_args = [{"kernel": 3}, {"kernel": 9}, {"kernel": 13}]
# Example for median filter:
# filter_functions = [median_filter, median_filter, median_filter]
# filter_args = [{"kernel": 3}, {"kernel": 9}, {"kernel": 13}]
# Example for Sobel filter:
filter_functions = [sobel_filter, sobel_filter, sobel_filter]
filter_args = [{"kernel": [-5, 0, 5]}, {"kernel": [-5, -5, 0, 5, 5]}, {"kernel": [-5, -5, -5, -5, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5]}]
################### USER-DEPENDENT STATISTICAL FUNCTIONS TO BE USED ######################
# Example for statistical function:
statistical_functions = [median]
statistical_args = [{}]
###################### USER-DEPENDENT BREAKPOINT FUNCTIONS TO BE USED ####################
# Example for breakpoint functions (APPLY ONLY AFTER MEDIAN- AND SOBEL-FILTER!!!):
breakpoint_functions = [count_breakpoint]
breakpoint_args = [{"threshold": 120}]
###################### NO USER INPUT BEYOND THIS POINT ###############################
return raster_folder, raster_filename, output_folder, filter_functions, filter_args, statistical_functions, \
statistical_args, breakpoint_functions, breakpoint_args
This function is used for filtering of the time series and returns a filtered 3D stack of time series.
def filter_func(raster_folder, raster_filename, output_folder, filter_functions, filter_args):
start_time =
input_raster = os.path.join(raster_folder, raster_filename)
hdr_file = "" # only used for ENVI stacks
outname = os.path.join(output_folder, raster_filename)
if outname.find(".tif") != -1:
outname = outname[0:len(outname) - 4]
# arr: full size numpy array 3D XxYxZ 200x300x100
arr = preprocessing.rio_array(input_raster, hdr_file=hdr_file)
# activate to get list of dates from .hdr file (.hdr file needs to be specified above)
# dates = arr[1]
result_filt_list = []
for i, func in enumerate(filter_functions):
kernel_size = str(filter_args[i]['kernel'])
filtered_arr = apply_along_axis.parallel_apply_along_axis(func1d=func, arr=arr[0], axis=0, cores=mp.cpu_count(),
filtered_arr = np.rollaxis(filtered_arr, 2)
filtered_arr = np.rollaxis(filtered_arr, 1)
filtered_arr = np.rollaxis(filtered_arr, 2)
dtype = type(filtered_arr[0][0][0])
func_name_end = str(func).find(" at")
func_name_start = 10
func_name = str(func)[func_name_start:func_name_end]
# exporting result to new raster
export_arr.functions_out_array(outname=outname + "_" + func_name + str(kernel_size), arr=filtered_arr,
input_file=input_raster, dtype=dtype)
return result_filt_list
# print time to this point
filter_time =
print("filter-time = ", filter_time - start_time, "Hr:min:sec")
This function is used to extract statistical parameters from the time series and returns the statistical time series values for each pixel in the x- and y-dimension of the stack.
def statistics_func(raster_folder, raster_filename, output_folder, statistical_functions, statistical_args):
start_time =
input_raster = os.path.join(raster_folder, raster_filename)
hdr_file = "" # input_raster + ".hdr" # only used for ENVI stacks
outname = os.path.join(output_folder, raster_filename)
if outname.find(".tif") != -1:
outname = outname[0:len(outname) - 4]
# arr: full size numpy array 3D XxYxZ 200x300x100
arr = preprocessing.rio_array(input_raster, hdr_file=hdr_file)
# activate to get list of dates from .hdr file (.hdr file needs to be specified above)
# dates = arr[1]
result_stat_list = []
for i, func in enumerate(statistical_functions):
# creating results with calling wanted algorithm in parallel_apply_along_axis for quick runtime
result = apply_along_axis.parallel_apply_along_axis(func1d=func, arr=arr[0], axis=0,
cores=mp.cpu_count(), **statistical_args[i])
# selecting dtype based on result
dtype = type(result[0][0])
func_name_end = str(func).find(" at")
func_name_start = 10
func_name = str(func)[func_name_start:func_name_end]
# exporting result to new raster
export_arr.functions_out_array(outname=outname + "_" + func_name + str(i), arr=result, input_file=input_raster,
return result_stat_list
# print time to this point
statistics_time =
print("breakpoint-time = ", statistics_time - start_time, "Hr:min:sec")
This function is used to execute the functions implemented in
def breakpoint_func(raster_folder, raster_filename, output_folder, breakpoint_functions, breakpoint_args):
start_time =
input_raster = os.path.join(raster_folder, raster_filename)
hdr_file = "" # only used for ENVI stacks
outname = os.path.join(output_folder, raster_filename)
if outname.find(".tif") != -1:
outname = outname[0:len(outname) - 4]
# arr: full size numpy array 3D XxYxZ 200x300x100
arr = preprocessing.rio_array(input_raster, hdr_file=hdr_file)
# activate to get list of dates from .hdr file (.hdr file needs to be specified above)
# dates = arr[1]
result_br_list = []
for i, func in enumerate(breakpoint_functions):
threshold_size = str(breakpoint_args[i]['threshold'])
result = apply_along_axis.parallel_apply_along_axis(func1d=func, arr=arr[0], axis=0, cores=mp.cpu_count(),
# selecting dtype based on result
dtype = type(result[0][0])
func_name_end = str(func).find(" at")
func_name_start = 10
func_name = str(func)[func_name_start:func_name_end]
# exporting result to new raster
export_arr.functions_out_array(outname=outname + "_" + func_name + str(threshold_size), arr=result,
input_file=input_raster, dtype=dtype)
return result_br_list
# print time to this point
filter_time =
print("filter-time = ", filter_time - start_time, "Hr:min:sec")
This function is used to call the executable functions
if __name__ == '__main__':
start_time =
in_variables = main()
# call this function to execute filter functions:
# filter_func(raster_folder=str(in_variables[0]), raster_filename=str(in_variables[1]),
# output_folder=str(in_variables[2]), filter_functions=in_variables[3],
# filter_args=in_variables[4])
# call this function to execute statistics functions:
# statistics_result = statistics_func(raster_folder=str(in_variables[0]), raster_filename=str(in_variables[1]),
# output_folder=str(in_variables[2]), statistical_functions=in_variables[5],
# statistical_args=in_variables[6])
# call this function to execute breakpoint functions:
breakpoint_result = breakpoint_func(raster_folder=str(in_variables[0]), raster_filename=str(in_variables[1]),
output_folder=str(in_variables[2]), breakpoint_functions=in_variables[7],
%matplotlib notebook
img1 = statistics_result[0]
p10, p90 = np.percentile(img1, (10, 90))
img_rescale1 = exposure.rescale_intensity(img1, in_range=(p10, p90))
plt.imshow(img_rescale1, cmap="binary")
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x16eefbe1700>
%matplotlib notebook
# plt.imshow(breakpoint_result[0], cmap="plasma")
img2 = breakpoint_result[0]
img_rescale2 = exposure.rescale_intensity(img2, in_range=(0, 6))
plt.imshow(img_rescale2, cmap="plasma")
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x16efcc81d60>