This notebook contains code to pre-process signature images and to obtain feature-vectors using the learned feature representation on the GPDS dataset
import torch
# Functions to load and pre-process the images:
from import imread
from skimage import img_as_ubyte
from sigver.preprocessing.normalize import (
normalize_image, resize_image,
crop_center, preprocess_signature)
# Functions to load the CNN model
from sigver.featurelearning.models import SigNet
# Functions for plotting:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'Greys'
def load_signature(path):
return img_as_ubyte(imread(path, as_gray=True))
original = load_signature('data/some_signature.png')
# Manually normalizing the image following the steps provided in the paper.
# These steps are also implemented in preprocess.normalize.preprocess_signature
normalized = 255 - normalize_image(original, (952, 1360))
resized = resize_image(normalized, (170, 242))
cropped = crop_center(resized, (150,220))
# Visualizing the intermediate steps
f, ax = plt.subplots(4,1, figsize=(6,15))
ax[0].imshow(original, cmap='Greys_r')
ax[1].set_title('Background removed/centered')
ax[3].set_title('Cropped center of the image')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Cropped center of the image')
user1_sigs = [load_signature('data/a{}.png'.format(i)) for i in [1,2]]
user2_sigs = [load_signature('data/b{}.png'.format(i)) for i in [1,2]]
canvas_size = (952, 1360)
processed_user1_sigs = torch.tensor([preprocess_signature(sig, canvas_size) for sig in user1_sigs])
processed_user2_sigs = torch.tensor([preprocess_signature(sig, canvas_size) for sig in user2_sigs])
# Shows pre-processed samples of the two users
f, ax = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(10,6))
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f0fe0549a90>
# Inputs need to have 4 dimensions (batch x channels x height x width), and also be between [0, 1]
processed_user1_sigs = processed_user1_sigs.view(-1, 1, 150, 220).float().div(255)
processed_user2_sigs = processed_user2_sigs.view(-1, 1, 150, 220).float().div(255)
# If GPU is available, use it:
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
print('Using device: {}'.format(device))
Using device: cuda
# Load the model
state_dict, _, _ = torch.load('models/signet.pth')
base_model = SigNet().to(device).eval()
# Obtain the features. Note that you can process multiple images at the same time
with torch.no_grad():
user1_features = base_model(
user2_features = base_model(
The feature vectors have size 2048:
torch.Size([2, 2048])
print('Euclidean distance between signatures from the same user')
print(torch.norm(user1_features[0] - user1_features[1]))
print(torch.norm(user2_features[0] - user2_features[1]))
Euclidean distance between signatures from the same user tensor(15.3825, device='cuda:0') tensor(15.1752, device='cuda:0')
print('Euclidean distance between signatures from different users')
dists = [torch.norm(u1 - u2).item() for u1 in user1_features for u2 in user2_features]
Euclidean distance between signatures from different users [24.930553436279297, 26.879125595092773, 24.48989486694336, 26.906810760498047]
# Other models:
# model_weight_path = 'models/signetf_lambda0.95.pkl'