This notebook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# related to time steps
sim_time = 5.0 # s
delta_t = 0.01 # s
sim_steps = int(sim_time / delta_t)
# related to spring weight
mass = 0.2 # kg
spring_constant = 10 # N/m
gravity_acceleration = -9.81 # m/s^2
weight = mass * gravity_acceleration # N
# related to spring length
unweighted_length = 1.000 # m
weight_displacement = 1.962 / 10 # m
weighted_length = unweighted_length + weight_displacement # m
init_displacement = 0.3 # m
# initialize stocks
length = weighted_length + init_displacement # m
velocity = 0 # m/s
trace = [[0, length, 0]] # step_index, length, velocity
for step_index in range(1, sim_steps + 1):
restoring_spring_force = spring_constant * (length - unweighted_length)
total_force = restoring_spring_force + weight
acceleration = total_force / mass
length += -velocity * delta_t
velocity += delta_t * acceleration
trace.append([step_index, length, velocity])
simulation_df = pd.DataFrame({
"time": [x[0] * delta_t for x in trace],
"length": [x[1] for x in trace],
"velocity": [x[2] for x in trace],
"method": "forward_euler",
figwidth = 5 # inches
figheight = 0.618 * figwidth # golden ratio
figsize = (figwidth, 1.5 * figheight)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=figsize, dpi=120, sharex=True)
ax[0].plot(simulation_df["time"], simulation_df["length"], "-")
ax[1].plot(simulation_df["time"], simulation_df["velocity"], "-")
ax[0].set_xlabel("time (s)")
ax[0].set_ylabel("length (m)")
ax[1].set_xlabel("time (s)")
ax[1].set_ylabel("velocity (m/s)");
sim_time = 5.0 # s
delta_t = 0.01 # s
sim_steps = int(sim_time / delta_t)
mass = 0.2 # kg
spring_constant = 10 # N/m
gravity_acceleration = -9.81 # m/s^2
weight = mass * gravity_acceleration
unweighted_length = 1.000 # m
weight_displacement = 1.962 / 10 # m
weighted_length = unweighted_length + weight_displacement
init_displacement = 0.3 # m
length = weighted_length + init_displacement # m
velocity = 0
trace = [[0, length, 0]]
for step_index in range(1, sim_steps + 1):
velocity_old = velocity
acceleration = (spring_constant * (length - unweighted_length) + weight) / mass
velocity_half_step = velocity_old + acceleration * (delta_t / 2)
length_half_step = length - velocity_old * (delta_t / 2)
acceleration_half_step = (spring_constant * (length_half_step - unweighted_length) + weight) / mass
velocity += acceleration_half_step * delta_t
length += -velocity_half_step * delta_t
trace.append([step_index, length, velocity])
simulation_df_midpoint = pd.DataFrame({
"time": [x[0] * delta_t for x in trace],
"length": [x[1] for x in trace],
"velocity": [x[2] for x in trace],
"method": "midpoint_euler",
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, dpi=120, sharex = True)
ax[0].plot(simulation_df_midpoint["time"], simulation_df_midpoint["length"], "-")
ax[1].plot(simulation_df_midpoint["time"], simulation_df_midpoint["velocity"], "-")
ax[0].set_xlabel("t (s)")
ax[0].set_ylabel("l (m)")
ax[1].set_xlabel("t (s)")
ax[1].set_ylabel("v (m/s)");
sim_time = 5.0 # s
delta_t = 0.01 # s
sim_steps = int(sim_time / delta_t)
mass = 0.2 # kg
spring_constant = 10 # N/m
gravity_acceleration = -9.81 # m/s^2
weight = mass * gravity_acceleration
unweighted_length = 1.000 # m
weight_displacement = 1.962 / 10 # m
weighted_length = unweighted_length + weight_displacement
init_displacement = 0.3 # m
length = weighted_length + init_displacement # m
acceleration = (spring_constant * (length - unweighted_length) + weight) / mass
velocity = 0 - acceleration * delta_t / 2
trace_length = [[0, length]]
trace_velocity = [[0, velocity]]
for step_index in range(1, sim_steps + 1):
restoring_spring_force = spring_constant * (length - unweighted_length)
total_force = restoring_spring_force + weight
acceleration = total_force / mass
velocity += delta_t * acceleration
length += -velocity * delta_t
trace_length.append([step_index, length])
trace_velocity.append([step_index, velocity])
simulation_df_leapfrog = pd.merge(
"time": [x[0] * delta_t for x in trace_length],
"length": [x[1] for x in trace_length],
"method": "leapfrog",
"time": [(x[0] - 0.5) * delta_t for x in trace_velocity],
"velocity": [x[1] for x in trace_velocity],
"method": "leapfrog",
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, dpi=120, sharex = True)
ax[0].plot(simulation_df_leapfrog["time"], simulation_df_leapfrog["length"], "-")
ax[1].plot(simulation_df_leapfrog["time"], simulation_df_leapfrog["velocity"], "-")
ax[0].set_xlabel("t (s)")
ax[0].set_ylabel("l (m)")
ax[1].set_xlabel("t (s)")
ax[1].set_ylabel("v (m/s)");
Join tables
simulation_df_new = pd.concat(
[simulation_df[["time", "length", "velocity", "method"]],
simulation_df_midpoint[["time", "length", "velocity", "method"]],
simulation_df_leapfrog[["time", "length", "velocity", "method"]]],
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, dpi=120, sharex=True)
sns.lineplot(x="time", y="length", hue="method", data=simulation_df_new, ax=ax[0], legend=False)
sns.lineplot(x="time", y="velocity", hue="method", data=simulation_df_new, ax=ax[1])
ax[1].legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1.1));
We update some of the constants to better match the real-life situation of a person performing a bungee jump.
sim_time = 60.0 # s
delta_t = 0.01 # s
sim_steps = int(sim_time / delta_t)
mass = 80 # kg
spring_constant = 6 # N/m
gravity_acceleration = -9.81 # m/s^2
weight = mass * gravity_acceleration
unweighted_length = 30 # m
weight_displacement = np.abs(mass * gravity_acceleration) / spring_constant # m
weighted_length = unweighted_length + weight_displacement
init_displacement = 0.0 # m
length = 0 # m
acceleration = (spring_constant * (length - unweighted_length) + weight) / mass
velocity = 0 - acceleration * delta_t / 2
trace_length = [[0, length]]
trace_velocity = [[0, velocity]]
for step_index in range(1, sim_steps + 1):
if length > unweighted_length:
restoring_spring_force = spring_constant * (length - unweighted_length)
restoring_spring_force = 0
total_force = restoring_spring_force + weight
acceleration = total_force / mass
velocity += delta_t * acceleration
length += -velocity * delta_t
trace_length.append([step_index, length])
trace_velocity.append([step_index, velocity])
simulation_df_bungee = pd.merge(
"time": [x[0] * delta_t for x in trace_length],
"length": [x[1] for x in trace_length],
"simulation": "bungee",
"time": [(x[0] - 0.5) * delta_t for x in trace_velocity],
"velocity": [x[1] for x in trace_velocity],
"simulation": "bungee",
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, dpi=120, sharex = True)
ax[0].plot(simulation_df_bungee["time"], simulation_df_bungee["length"], "-")
ax[1].plot(simulation_df_bungee["time"], simulation_df_bungee["velocity"], "-")
ax[0].set_xlabel("t (s)")
ax[0].set_ylabel("l (m)")
ax[1].set_xlabel("t (s)")
ax[1].set_ylabel("v (m/s)");
For comparison, we first run the simulation as an undamped oscillator. We will visualize this alongside the bungee model.
import undamped_oscillator
simulation_df_undamped = undamped_oscillator.simulation(
Join tables
simulation_df_undamped["simulation"] = "undamped spring"
simulation_df_new = pd.concat(
[simulation_df_bungee[["time", "length", "velocity", "simulation"]],
simulation_df_undamped[["time", "length", "velocity", "simulation"]]],
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, dpi=120, sharex=True)
sns.lineplot(x="time", y="length", hue="simulation", data=simulation_df_new, ax=ax[0], legend=False)
sns.lineplot(x="time", y="velocity", hue="simulation", data=simulation_df_new, ax=ax[1])
ax[1].legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1.1));