Intro ===== Schedule -------- +--------------+--------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Date | Session | Title | Description | +==============+==============+======================+==============================================+ | Day 1 | Lecture 1 | Intro and Setup | *Why Python, Setup, etc* | +--------------+--------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Day 1 | Lecture 2 | Basic Python | *Syntax, data structures, control flow, etc* | +--------------+--------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Day 2 | Lecture 3 | Numpy + Pandas I | *Numpy basics, series + dataframe basics* | +--------------+--------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Day 2 | Lecture 4 | Pandas II | *Joining, advanced indexing, reshaping, etc* | +--------------+--------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Day 3 | Lecture 5 | Pandas III | *Grouping, apply, transform, etc* | +--------------+--------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Day 3 | Lecture 6 | Plotting | *Intro to plotting in Python* | +--------------+--------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Day 3 | Lecture 7 | Regression Intro | *Intro to regressions with Statsmodels* | +--------------+--------------+----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ Getting started =============== Clone this repo --------------- First, you're going to want to get a copy of this repository onto your machine. Simply fire up ``git`` and clone it: 1. Open up a shell (e.g. ``cmd.exe`` or ````). 2. Navigate to where you'd like to save this. We recommend ``~/repos/`` (e.g. ``C:/Users//repos/`` on Windows, ``/Users//repos/`` on Mac, or ``/home//repos/`` on Unix). 3. Clone this repo: :: git clone Saving local changes -------------------- You probably want to take notes, etc in your notebooks, so it's best to either fork this repo or just make a local branch to work off of: 1. Use `git checkout` to make a new branch :: git checkout -b my_branch_name 2. Save any changes using `git add` and then `git commit` :: git add . git commit -m "describe your change" 3. To get updates from the master branch, first fetch them: :: git fetch 4. Then apply the changes from master to your personal branch: :: git merge origin/master Installing Anaconda ------------------- The easy way ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go to the `Anaconda download page `_ and download the installer for Python 3.5 (64-bit) and simply click through to follow the instructions The fancy way ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you'd like to setup a `Docker container with Anaconda `_ check out the `Docker setup instructions <./Docker-Instructions.rst>`_. But be warned that it doesn't play terribly nicely with Windows 7 or 8... Additional modules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `seaborn `_ :: conda install -c conda-forge seaborn - `ggplot `_ :: conda install -c bokeh ggplot - `bokeh `_ :: conda install -c bokeh bokeh - `statsmodels `_ :: conda install -c conda-forge statsmodels Viewing slideshows ================== The lectures are all Jupyter notebooks built with the [RISE]( live notebook presentation plugin. If you install RISE, you can view them as interactive slideshows (instead of just notebooks). See the RISE page for more info, or simply: :: conda install -c damianavila82 rise Acknowledgments =============== Significant portions of this course were adapted from the following sources, all of which are licensed under Creative Commons: - `swcarpentry/python-novice-gapminder `_ - `TomAugspurger/pydata-chi-h2t `_ - `fonnesbeck/HealthPolicyPython `_ - `jrjohansson/scientific-python-lectures `_ License ======= This work is licensed under a `Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License `_.