@Author: Jian Huang
@pictures: partly from weikun.wu@xtalpi.com
对于一个大分子构象而言,例如一个简单的含有一个蛋白Model的PDB文件,Rosetta对其中构象的处理主要分为全原子描述(Full atom representation)和质心描述(centriod representation)。
全原子描述,即对蛋白的所有原子都采用精确(x, y, z)坐标进行描述的方法。相比之下,质心描述保留骨架部分的精确全原子描述,但简化了氨基酸残基的侧链,通过对残基整体性质(坐标、原子质量、体积等)计算构建出一个假原子(pseudo atom,又称CEN原子),以该假原子作为原本侧链剩余部分的描述。侧链质心的位置基于侧链整体的质心决定,而假原子的大小由侧链的平均大小决定。可见,这种处理方式简化了蛋白构象,或者说丢失了部分信息,是一种“粗粒化”的描述。
前文提过,质心描述以牺牲分辨率、丢失信息为代价而获得较快的构象空间搜索效率。这种信息的丢失,主要是侧链,例如侧链的氢键作用、侧链范式作用等细节,就没有被显式捕获到。相比之下,rosetta中会通过成对的统计学势能(pair-wise statistical potenhtial)和范式作用的范围型近似(VdW sphere approximation)去隐式捕获这些作用,但是这种处理是近似的、不精确的。
这种两种原子模型在rosetta大部分protocal中都会涉及到。基本思路:首先通过质心粗颗粒描述快速搜索大量的构象空间,称为“low-resolution/Coarse-grain phase”,这样可以快速在能量面上找到能量较低的范围;然后通过全原子描述在该范围内进一步精确、优化地寻找低能构象的细节,称为“high-resolution refinement phase”。
(图片来源: google搜索拼接)
from pyrosetta import init, pose_from_sequence
PyRosetta-4 2021 [Rosetta PyRosetta4.conda.mac.cxx11thread.serialization.python37.Release 2021.26+release.b308454c455dd04f6824cc8b23e54bbb9be2cdd7 2021-07-02T13:01:54] retrieved from: http://www.pyrosetta.org (C) Copyright Rosetta Commons Member Institutions. Created in JHU by Sergey Lyskov and PyRosetta Team. core.init: {0} Checking for fconfig files in pwd and ./rosetta/flags core.init: {0} Rosetta version: PyRosetta4.conda.mac.cxx11thread.serialization.python37.Release r288 2021.26+release.b308454c455 b308454c455dd04f6824cc8b23e54bbb9be2cdd7 http://www.pyrosetta.org 2021-07-02T13:01:54 core.init: {0} command: PyRosetta -ex1 -ex2aro -database /opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyrosetta/database basic.random.init_random_generator: {0} 'RNG device' seed mode, using '/dev/urandom', seed=-850433861 seed_offset=0 real_seed=-850433861 thread_index=0 basic.random.init_random_generator: {0} RandomGenerator:init: Normal mode, seed=-850433861 RG_type=mt19937
# 按照rosetta标准库模板,创建一个Trp氨基酸的pose
pose = pose_from_sequence('W')
# 判断一个pose是否为全原子描述
print("Is the pose a full-atom description?\n", pose.is_fullatom())
# 同样地,pose.is_centroid()可以判断是否为质心描述
# 我们先将该构象储存为PDB文件
core.chemical.GlobalResidueTypeSet: {0} Finished initializing fa_standard residue type set. Created 984 residue types core.chemical.GlobalResidueTypeSet: {0} Total time to initialize 0.692792 seconds. Is the pose a full-atom description? True
# TODO:转化全原子描述为质心描述
from pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.simple_moves import SwitchResidueTypeSetMover
# 初始化一个SwitchResidueTypeSetMover对象用来操作我们的pose
to_centroid = SwitchResidueTypeSetMover('centroid')
# print(type(to_centroid))
# 对pose进行操作
# 储存质心描述的pose为PDB文件
core.chemical.GlobalResidueTypeSet: {0} Finished initializing centroid residue type set. Created 69 residue types core.chemical.GlobalResidueTypeSet: {0} Total time to initialize 0.023072 seconds.
左:全原子描述; 右:质心描述
ATOM 1 N TRP A 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 2 CA TRP A 1 1.458 0.000 0.000 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 3 C TRP A 1 2.009 1.420 0.000 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 4 O TRP A 1 2.058 2.045 1.023 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 5 CB TRP A 1 1.991 -0.769 -1.210 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 6 **CEN** TRP A 1 2.937 -2.180 -1.648 1.00 0.00 X
ATOM 7 H TRP A 1 -0.500 -0.433 -0.750 1.00 0.00 H
from pyrosetta.toolbox.rcsb import pose_from_rcsb
from pyrosetta import pose_from_pdb
from pyrosetta.toolbox import cleanATOM
origin_pose = pose_from_rcsb('1ubq')
cleanATOM("./data/1ubq.pdb", out_file="./data/1ubq_clean.pdb")
core.import_pose.import_pose: {0} File '1UBQ.clean.pdb' automatically determined to be of type PDB
# 查看pose的信息
# 简要描述
# print("Brief description about the origin_pose:", origin_pose.pdb_info().short_desc())
# 该输出打印了非常详细的信息,总的残基数、序列、Foldtree。
# 初始化两个SwitchResidueTypeSetMover对象
to_centroid = SwitchResidueTypeSetMover('centroid')
to_fullatom = SwitchResidueTypeSetMover('full_atom')
# 读取pose,转化为质心描述
pose_1ubq = pose_from_pdb("./data/1ubq_clean.pdb")
core.import_pose.import_pose: {0} File './data/1ubq_clean.pdb' automatically determined to be of type PDB
# 是否是质心描述呢?
# 此时进行第三步,将质心描述转化为全原子描述
# 可以直接从已经变成centroid描述的pose_1ubq开始操作
# 也可以从./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb重新读入
pose_1ubq_centroid = pose_from_pdb("./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb")
core.import_pose.import_pose: {0} File './data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb' automatically determined to be of type PDB core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 1 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: MET:NtermProteinFull core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 2 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: GLN core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 3 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ILE core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 4 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: PHE core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 5 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: VAL core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 6 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: LYS core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 7 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: THR core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 8 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: LEU core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 9 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: THR core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 10 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: GLY core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 11 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: LYS core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 12 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: THR core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 13 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ILE core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 14 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: THR core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 15 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: LEU core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 16 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: GLU core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 17 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: VAL core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 18 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: GLU core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 19 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: PRO core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 20 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: SER core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 21 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ASP core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 22 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: THR core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 23 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ILE core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 24 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: GLU core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 25 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ASN core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 26 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: VAL core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 27 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: LYS core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 28 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ALA core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 29 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: LYS core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 30 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ILE core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 31 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: GLN core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 32 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ASP core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 33 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: LYS core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 34 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: GLU core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 35 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: GLY core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 36 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ILE core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 37 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: PRO core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 38 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: PRO core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 39 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ASP core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 40 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: GLN core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 41 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: GLN core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 42 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ARG core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 43 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: LEU core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 44 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ILE core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 45 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: PHE core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 46 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ALA core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 47 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: GLY core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 48 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: LYS core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 49 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: GLN core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 50 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: LEU core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 51 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: GLU core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 52 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ASP core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 53 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: GLY core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 54 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ARG core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 55 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: THR core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 56 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: LEU core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 57 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: SER core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 58 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ASP core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 59 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: TYR core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 60 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ASN core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 61 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ILE core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 62 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: GLN core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 63 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: LYS core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 64 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: GLU core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 65 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: SER core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 66 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: THR core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 67 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: LEU core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 68 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: HIS core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 69 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: LEU core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 70 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: VAL core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 71 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: LEU core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 72 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ARG core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 73 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: LEU core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 74 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: ARG core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 75 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: GLY core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 76 in file ./data/1ubq_clean_centroid.pdb. Best match rsd_type: GLY:CtermProteinFull core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue MET:NtermProteinFull 1 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: SD on residue MET:NtermProteinFull 1 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CE on residue MET:NtermProteinFull 1 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue GLN 2 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue GLN 2 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OE1 on residue GLN 2 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NE2 on residue GLN 2 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG1 on residue ILE 3 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG2 on residue ILE 3 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD1 on residue ILE 3 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue PHE 4 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD1 on residue PHE 4 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD2 on residue PHE 4 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CE1 on residue PHE 4 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CE2 on residue PHE 4 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CZ on residue PHE 4 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG1 on residue VAL 5 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG2 on residue VAL 5 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue LYS 6 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue LYS 6 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CE on residue LYS 6 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NZ on residue LYS 6 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OG1 on residue THR 7 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG2 on residue THR 7 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue LEU 8 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD1 on residue LEU 8 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD2 on residue LEU 8 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OG1 on residue THR 9 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG2 on residue THR 9 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue LYS 11 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue LYS 11 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CE on residue LYS 11 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NZ on residue LYS 11 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OG1 on residue THR 12 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG2 on residue THR 12 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG1 on residue ILE 13 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG2 on residue ILE 13 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD1 on residue ILE 13 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OG1 on residue THR 14 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG2 on residue THR 14 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue LEU 15 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD1 on residue LEU 15 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD2 on residue LEU 15 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue GLU 16 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue GLU 16 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OE1 on residue GLU 16 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OE2 on residue GLU 16 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG1 on residue VAL 17 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG2 on residue VAL 17 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue GLU 18 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue GLU 18 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OE1 on residue GLU 18 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OE2 on residue GLU 18 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue PRO 19 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue PRO 19 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OG on residue SER 20 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue ASP 21 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OD1 on residue ASP 21 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OD2 on residue ASP 21 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OG1 on residue THR 22 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG2 on residue THR 22 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG1 on residue ILE 23 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG2 on residue ILE 23 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD1 on residue ILE 23 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue GLU 24 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue GLU 24 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OE1 on residue GLU 24 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OE2 on residue GLU 24 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue ASN 25 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OD1 on residue ASN 25 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: ND2 on residue ASN 25 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG1 on residue VAL 26 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG2 on residue VAL 26 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue LYS 27 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue LYS 27 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CE on residue LYS 27 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NZ on residue LYS 27 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue LYS 29 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue LYS 29 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CE on residue LYS 29 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NZ on residue LYS 29 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG1 on residue ILE 30 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG2 on residue ILE 30 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD1 on residue ILE 30 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue GLN 31 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue GLN 31 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OE1 on residue GLN 31 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NE2 on residue GLN 31 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue ASP 32 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OD1 on residue ASP 32 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OD2 on residue ASP 32 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue LYS 33 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue LYS 33 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CE on residue LYS 33 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NZ on residue LYS 33 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue GLU 34 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue GLU 34 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OE1 on residue GLU 34 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OE2 on residue GLU 34 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG1 on residue ILE 36 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG2 on residue ILE 36 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD1 on residue ILE 36 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue PRO 37 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue PRO 37 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue PRO 38 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue PRO 38 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue ASP 39 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OD1 on residue ASP 39 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OD2 on residue ASP 39 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue GLN 40 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue GLN 40 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OE1 on residue GLN 40 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NE2 on residue GLN 40 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue GLN 41 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue GLN 41 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OE1 on residue GLN 41 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NE2 on residue GLN 41 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue ARG 42 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue ARG 42 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NE on residue ARG 42 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CZ on residue ARG 42 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NH1 on residue ARG 42 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NH2 on residue ARG 42 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue LEU 43 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD1 on residue LEU 43 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD2 on residue LEU 43 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG1 on residue ILE 44 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG2 on residue ILE 44 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD1 on residue ILE 44 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue PHE 45 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD1 on residue PHE 45 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD2 on residue PHE 45 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CE1 on residue PHE 45 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CE2 on residue PHE 45 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CZ on residue PHE 45 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue LYS 48 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue LYS 48 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CE on residue LYS 48 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NZ on residue LYS 48 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue GLN 49 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue GLN 49 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OE1 on residue GLN 49 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NE2 on residue GLN 49 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue LEU 50 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD1 on residue LEU 50 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD2 on residue LEU 50 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue GLU 51 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue GLU 51 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OE1 on residue GLU 51 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OE2 on residue GLU 51 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue ASP 52 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OD1 on residue ASP 52 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OD2 on residue ASP 52 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue ARG 54 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue ARG 54 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NE on residue ARG 54 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CZ on residue ARG 54 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NH1 on residue ARG 54 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NH2 on residue ARG 54 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OG1 on residue THR 55 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG2 on residue THR 55 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue LEU 56 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD1 on residue LEU 56 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD2 on residue LEU 56 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OG on residue SER 57 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue ASP 58 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OD1 on residue ASP 58 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OD2 on residue ASP 58 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue TYR 59 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD1 on residue TYR 59 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD2 on residue TYR 59 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CE1 on residue TYR 59 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CE2 on residue TYR 59 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CZ on residue TYR 59 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OH on residue TYR 59 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue ASN 60 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OD1 on residue ASN 60 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: ND2 on residue ASN 60 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG1 on residue ILE 61 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG2 on residue ILE 61 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD1 on residue ILE 61 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue GLN 62 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue GLN 62 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OE1 on residue GLN 62 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NE2 on residue GLN 62 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue LYS 63 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue LYS 63 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CE on residue LYS 63 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NZ on residue LYS 63 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue GLU 64 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue GLU 64 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OE1 on residue GLU 64 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OE2 on residue GLU 64 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OG on residue SER 65 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OG1 on residue THR 66 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG2 on residue THR 66 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue LEU 67 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD1 on residue LEU 67 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD2 on residue LEU 67 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue HIS 68 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: ND1 on residue HIS 68 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD2 on residue HIS 68 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CE1 on residue HIS 68 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NE2 on residue HIS 68 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue LEU 69 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD1 on residue LEU 69 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD2 on residue LEU 69 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG1 on residue VAL 70 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG2 on residue VAL 70 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue LEU 71 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD1 on residue LEU 71 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD2 on residue LEU 71 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue ARG 72 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue ARG 72 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NE on residue ARG 72 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CZ on residue ARG 72 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NH1 on residue ARG 72 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NH2 on residue ARG 72 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue LEU 73 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD1 on residue LEU 73 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD2 on residue LEU 73 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CG on residue ARG 74 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CD on residue ARG 74 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NE on residue ARG 74 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: CZ on residue ARG 74 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NH1 on residue ARG 74 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: NH2 on residue ARG 74 core.conformation.Conformation: {0} [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: OXT on residue GLY:CtermProteinFull 76 core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 1 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 2 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 3 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 4 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 5 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 6 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 7 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 8 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 9 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 10 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 11 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 12 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 13 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 14 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 15 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 16 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 17 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 18 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 19 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 20 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 21 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 22 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 23 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 24 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 25 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 26 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 27 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 28 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 29 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 30 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 31 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 32 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 33 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 34 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 35 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 36 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 37 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 38 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 39 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 40 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 41 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 42 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 43 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 44 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 45 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 46 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 47 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 48 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 49 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 50 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 51 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 52 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 53 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 54 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 55 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 56 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 57 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 58 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 59 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 60 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 61 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 62 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 63 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 64 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 65 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 66 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 67 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 68 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 69 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 70 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 71 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 72 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 73 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 74 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 75 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.io.pose_from_sfr.PoseFromSFRBuilder: {0} [ WARNING ] can't find pose atom for file-residue 76 atom CEN (trying to store temperature in PDBInfo) core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 1 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 2 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 3 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG1 core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 4 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 5 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG1 core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 6 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 7 because of missing atom number 6 atom name OG1 core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 8 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 9 because of missing atom number 6 atom name OG1 core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 11 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 12 because of missing atom number 6 atom name OG1 core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 13 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG1 core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 14 because of missing atom number 6 atom name OG1 core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 15 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 16 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 17 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG1 core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 18 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 19 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 20 because of missing atom number 6 atom name OG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 21 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 22 because of missing atom number 6 atom name OG1 core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 23 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG1 core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 24 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 25 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 26 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG1 core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 27 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 29 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 30 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG1 core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 31 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 32 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 33 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 34 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 36 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG1 core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 37 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 38 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 39 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 40 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 41 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 42 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 43 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 44 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG1 core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 45 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 48 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 49 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 50 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 51 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 52 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 54 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 55 because of missing atom number 6 atom name OG1 core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 56 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 57 because of missing atom number 6 atom name OG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 58 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 59 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 60 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 61 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG1 core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 62 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 63 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 64 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 65 because of missing atom number 6 atom name OG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 66 because of missing atom number 6 atom name OG1 core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 67 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 68 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 69 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 70 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG1 core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 71 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 72 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 73 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.pack_missing_sidechains: {0} packing residue number 74 because of missing atom number 6 atom name CG core.pack.task: {0} Packer task: initialize from command line() core.scoring.ScoreFunctionFactory: {0} SCOREFUNCTION: ref2015 core.scoring.etable: {0} Starting energy table calculation core.scoring.etable: {0} smooth_etable: changing atr/rep split to bottom of energy well core.scoring.etable: {0} smooth_etable: spline smoothing lj etables (maxdis = 6) core.scoring.etable: {0} smooth_etable: spline smoothing solvation etables (max_dis = 6) core.scoring.etable: {0} Finished calculating energy tables. basic.io.database: {0} Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/hbonds/ref2015_params/HBPoly1D.csv basic.io.database: {0} Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/hbonds/ref2015_params/HBFadeIntervals.csv basic.io.database: {0} Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/hbonds/ref2015_params/HBEval.csv basic.io.database: {0} Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/hbonds/ref2015_params/DonStrength.csv basic.io.database: {0} Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/hbonds/ref2015_params/AccStrength.csv basic.io.database: {0} Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/rama/fd/all.ramaProb basic.io.database: {0} Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/rama/fd/prepro.ramaProb basic.io.database: {0} Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/omega/omega_ppdep.all.txt basic.io.database: {0} Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/omega/omega_ppdep.gly.txt basic.io.database: {0} Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/omega/omega_ppdep.pro.txt basic.io.database: {0} Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/omega/omega_ppdep.valile.txt basic.io.database: {0} Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/P_AA_pp/P_AA basic.io.database: {0} Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/P_AA_pp/P_AA_n core.scoring.P_AA: {0} shapovalov_lib::shap_p_aa_pp_smooth_level of 1( aka low_smooth ) got activated. basic.io.database: {0} Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/P_AA_pp/shapovalov/10deg/kappa131/a20.prop basic.io.database: {0} Database file opened: scoring/score_functions/elec_cp_reps.dat core.scoring.elec.util: {0} Read 40 countpair representative atoms core.pack.dunbrack.RotamerLibrary: {0} shapovalov_lib_fixes_enable option is true. core.pack.dunbrack.RotamerLibrary: {0} shapovalov_lib::shap_dun10_smooth_level of 1( aka lowest_smooth ) got activated. core.pack.dunbrack.RotamerLibrary: {0} Binary rotamer library selected: /opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyrosetta/database/rotamer/shapovalov/StpDwn_0-0-0/Dunbrack10.lib.bin core.pack.dunbrack.RotamerLibrary: {0} Using Dunbrack library binary file '/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyrosetta/database/rotamer/shapovalov/StpDwn_0-0-0/Dunbrack10.lib.bin'. core.pack.dunbrack.RotamerLibrary: {0} Dunbrack 2010 library took 0.195489 seconds to load from binary core.pack.pack_rotamers: {0} built 1391 rotamers at 68 positions. core.pack.pack_rotamers: {0} Requesting all available threads for interaction graph computation. core.pack.interaction_graph.interaction_graph_factory: {0} Instantiating DensePDInteractionGraph basic.thread_manager.RosettaThreadManager: {?} Creating a thread pool of 1 threads. basic.thread_manager.RosettaThreadPool: {?} Launched 0 new threads. core.pack.rotamer_set.RotamerSets: {0} Completed interaction graph pre-calculation in 1 available threads (1 had been requested). True
查看输出日志可以发现 [ WARNING ] discarding xx atoms at position xx in file
# 输出再次pack上侧链的全原子构象
# 输出从质心PDB文件读取、恢复的全原子构象