import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
from import output_notebook
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show
from bokeh.models import Label
from bokeh.charts import BoxPlot, output_file, show
import scipy.stats as stats
import math
from bokeh.charts import Histogram, output_file, show
import networkx as nx
import community
import folium
data = pd.read_pickle('../datasets/df_userID.pickle')
Index(['Race', 'Date', 'RaceYear', 'RaceMonth', 'Category', 'Distance', 'Name', 'Sex', 'Year', 'LivingPlace', 'Rank', 'Time', 'Pace', 'Place', 'MinTemp', 'MaxTemp', 'Weather', 'RaceID', 'UserID'], dtype='object')
In this section link each provenience city (saved as 'LivingPlace' in the dataset) to its own Canton. We will consider only the major Swiss cities in this analysis. The reader can refer to the following web page. This approximate procedure allows us to map roughly the 40% of the whole dataset, as we will verify. The geographical information is saved in an excel file named 'swisscities.xlsx', whereas the population of each own canton is saved in 'canton_population.xlsx'.
cities = pd.read_excel('../datasets/swisscities.xlsx')
cities = cities[['Village / Town','Canton']]
cities['City']=cities['Village / Town']
del cities['Village / Town']
Canton | City | |
0 | TG | Aadorf |
1 | AG | Aarau |
2 | BE | Aarberg |
3 | AG | Aarburg |
4 | BE | Aarwangen |
We extract all the living places in the dataset:
provenience = data.LivingPlace.unique()
Then we map each city to its own Canton, whenever it is possible; otherwise we set the corresponding Canton to 'nan' (null value).
general_mapping = {}
for city in provenience:
if city in list(cities.City):
general_mapping[city] = list(cities[cities.City==city].Canton)[0]
canton = []
for i in data.index:
canton = pd.Series(data=canton,index=data.index)
Finally we save a reduced version of the dataset, which will be slightly faster to manipulate:
geodata = data[data.LivingCanton!='nan']
As we anticipated, the length of the mapped subset of the dataset is around 40%:
Then we count all the occurrencies for any Canton in time and save the results in a suitable dataframe:
cantons_per_year = {}
for year in range(np.min(geodata.RaceYear),np.max(geodata.RaceYear)+1):
particip = []
years = range(np.min(geodata.RaceYear),np.max(geodata.RaceYear)+1)
for year in years:
cantons = geodata.LivingCanton.unique()
cantons = cantons[cantons!='nan']
time_evolution = pd.DataFrame()
for year in years:
if 'BE/NE' in cantons_per_year[year].index: # CORRECT HERE
cantons = cantons[cantons!='BE/NE']
time_evolution = time_evolution.set_index(cantons)
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | |
VS | 1308 | 3332 | 2965 | 3964 | 4626 | 4600 | 5535 | 6121 | 6697 | 7260 | 7146 | 8229 | 8534 | 7713 | 8108 | 7570 |
BE | 730 | 1100 | 1818 | 2363 | 2638 | 2935 | 3490 | 3235 | 3318 | 3777 | 3801 | 3847 | 3956 | 3842 | 4269 | 3705 |
FR | 176 | 757 | 901 | 1300 | 1400 | 1733 | 1830 | 2017 | 1733 | 1986 | 1835 | 2106 | 3210 | 3159 | 3208 | 2265 |
JU | 173 | 1453 | 1971 | 4543 | 4826 | 4940 | 6412 | 6578 | 6878 | 7771 | 5735 | 6512 | 7184 | 6879 | 7425 | 4078 |
AG | 170 | 737 | 831 | 1177 | 635 | 718 | 937 | 1947 | 1991 | 2336 | 2845 | 3435 | 4031 | 4381 | 4654 | 4123 |
Since each cantonal contribution is of course determined by the Canton's population, we want also to observe the normalized number of runners with respect to the local population. To do so, we upload another document where the population of each Canton is saved (data refer to 2015; see the following Wikipedia page):
# population density per canton
canton_population = pd.read_excel('../datasets/canton_population.xlsx')
canton_population = canton_population[['Canton','Population','Area']]
canton_population = canton_population.set_index('Canton')
With the following cells some bokeh plots are generated to visualize the time evolution of runners occurrencies both in general and by Canton across the years:
p = figure(title = 'Number of participants vs time', plot_width=400, plot_height=400)
p.title.align = "center"
p.title.text_font_size = "16px"
p.xaxis[0].axis_label = 'year'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label = 'runners'
p.xaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '14px'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '14px'
p.line(years, particip, color="navy", line_width=1.5), particip, size=10, color="navy", alpha=0.5)
There is a clear increasing trend from the 2000s up to 2015 for the global distribution. We now observe the same quantity by Canton. For the sake of clarity and cleaness of visualization, we report only the most significant Cantons:
colors = ['blue','red','green','orange','navy','chartreuse','darkmagenta','darkgoldenrod','darkslategrey','royalblue']
years = range(2000,2016)
p = figure(title = 'Runners from some Cantons vs time', plot_width=600, plot_height=600)
p.title.align = "center"
p.title.text_font_size = "18px"
p.xaxis[0].axis_label = 'year'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label = 'runners'
p.xaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
subindex = ['SO','BE','VD','VS','ZH','GE','TI','FR']
for k in range(len(subindex)):
i = subindex[k]
p.line(years, time_evolution.loc[i], legend = i, color=colors[k], line_width=2), time_evolution.loc[i], size=7, color=colors[k])
p.legend.location = "top_left"
p.legend.label_text_font_size = '16px'
In the following plot the population-normalized amount of runners is shown:
p2 = figure(title = 'Ratio runners / Canton population vs time', plot_width=600, plot_height=600)
p2.title.align = "center"
p2.title.text_font_size = "18px"
p2.xaxis[0].axis_label = 'year'
p2.yaxis[0].axis_label = 'runners/population'
p2.xaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
p2.yaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
subindex = ['JU','SO','VD','VS','FR','BE','GE','ZH']
for k in range(len(subindex)):
i = subindex[k]
p2.line(years, time_evolution.loc[i]/canton_population.loc[i].Population, legend = i, color=colors[k], line_width=2), time_evolution.loc[i]/canton_population.loc[i].Population, size=7, color=colors[k])
p2.legend.location = "top_left"
p2.legend.label_text_font_size = '16px'
# show the results
The plots show that the global increasing trend of people participation can be observed also with respect to the Swiss Cantons taken singularly, which is coherent with the expectations. Moreover, only some of the Swiss Cantons are significantly imposing this monotonic growth, as several ones have a far less net behaviour in time.
We are now interested in possible geographical analogies or differences among Swiss Cantons in terms of the 'Time' feature, which may be assumed as a good indicator of the runner's performance. For the sake of simplicity and computational affordability, we will restrict our analysis to the Marathon only, but by changing few lines of code one can extend easily the analysis to other competitions by changing the distance parameter (see below).
In order to achieve this goal, we will perform cross Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) tests to validate significant differences among the cantonal distributions (here the year variable is neglected). To translate this cross checks into a readable information, we will interpret the p-values dataframe as an adjacency matrix of a graph, whose nodes represent the Cantons and where the edge between node i and node j exists when their cross test p-value is above a fixed threshold α (5 by default).
Thereafter, we will apply the Louvain algorithm to identify hidden communities. The possible meaning of a community is related to geographical similarities among cantonal distributions, as we will verify later. We will also perform an essential sensitivity analysis of the community detection algorithm with respect to the p-value threshold. As a final check, we will treat each community as a whole population and will perform again the KS test on the macrocantons.
To visualize the communities, we will upload a suitable choropleth map where any color stands for a single community.
Here we focus on the female runners competing in the Marathons (42 km) and compare their times splitting them into groups per Canton. We work on a subset of the mapped dataframe.
df = geodata[(geodata.Sex=='F') & (geodata.Distance>=41.0) & (geodata.Distance<=43.0)]
df.Time = df.Time.apply(lambda x: x.total_seconds()/60) # display time in minutes
cantons = geodata.LivingCanton.unique()
cantons = cantons[cantons!='nan']
C:\Users\Utente\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ SettingWithCopyWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame. Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead See the caveats in the documentation: self[name] = value
Cantonal differences:
agg = df[['Time','LivingCanton']]
agg = agg.rename(columns={'Time':'mean time [minutes]','LivingCanton':'Canton'})
p = BoxPlot(agg, values='mean time [minutes]', label='Canton', outliers=False,legend=False,
color='cornflowerblue',title='mean time boxplot for female marathon (42 km)')
p.title.align = "center"
p.title.text_font_size = "18px"
p.xaxis[0].axis_label = 'Canton'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label = 'mean time [minutes]'
p.xaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
To justify the usage of non-parametric tests, we verify that the normality hypothesis does not hold. In particular we will display the heteroschedasticity plot (dispersion of residuals around the expected value 0) and compute the p-value of the related Shapiro-Wilk test. As anticipated, we will apply the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to test the null hypothesis that two cantonal samples are drawn from the same distribution. We will exploit the scipy library to do that.
In the following we define the samples per Cantonal division and compute the KS test p-values for all the pairs of Cantons, reporting the results in a dataframe. We proceed in this way because for multiple samples the KS test provides an answer for the existence of one arbitrary sample with a different mean with respect to the overall population, without identifying it. In some separate cells we take a look at the distribution of one arbitrary sample and compare it to a Gaussian, in order to understand if the normality hypothesis is valid or not (in which case we could apply the ANOVA).
samples = []
for k in cantons:
# the parameter Nc sets the Canton to be displayed as an example; feel free to change it between 0 and 25
Nc = 10
sample = samples[Nc]
p = figure(title = 'Heteroschedasticity for time variable, Canton '+str(cantons[Nc]), plot_width=500, plot_height=500)
p.title.align = "center"
p.title.text_font_size = "18px"
p.xaxis[0].axis_label = 'index'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label = 'residuals [minutes]'
p.xaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px',len(sample)), sample-np.mean(sample), size=5, color="navy", alpha=0.5)
Notice that for the Zurich Canton (ZH) the residuals are higher above than below 0, which induces to some suspects of non-normality. The peaks in the distribution only depend on the peculiar indexing we adopted, which is purely arbitrary, so that they do not reflect data patterns. Now we compute the p-value of the Shapiro-Wilk test:
Nc = 10
sample = samples[Nc]
(0.9078530073165894, 9.193130176876967e-30)
Given the exremely small value, we can assume the distribution is not normal. The same conclusion holds practically for all Cantons. In the following plot we display the histogram of the above sample:
# normality hypothesis: Gaussian distribution, Shapiro-Wilk test
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'time':sample})
p = Histogram(df2,values='time',color='navy',bins=30,
title='Time PDF for Canton ' +str(cantons[Nc]),
p.title.align = "center"
p.title.text_font_size = "18px"
p.xaxis[0].axis_label = 'time [minutes]'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label = 'density'
p.xaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
m = np.mean(sample)
sigma = np.std(sample)
def gaussian(y,m,sigma):
return 1/math.sqrt(2*math.pi*sigma*sigma)*math.exp(-(y-m)*(y-m)/2/(sigma*sigma))
yy = np.arange(np.min(sample), np.max(sample), 0.1)
gg = []
for k in range(len(yy)):
Notice that the distribution is skewed with respect to a Gaussian variable of equal mean and variance.
Now we perform the crossed KS tests for all the Cantons and save the p-values in a dataframe:
array(['VS', 'BE', 'FR', 'JU', 'AG', 'VD', 'SO', 'LU', 'ZG', 'NE', 'ZH', 'BL', 'TG', 'BS', 'TI', 'GE', 'GR', 'SH', 'AR', 'SG', 'AI', 'UR', 'SZ', 'GL', 'NW', 'OW'], dtype=object)
p_values = {}
for i in range(len(cantons)):
for j in range(i,len(cantons)):
P_VALUES = pd.DataFrame()
for j in range(len(cantons)):
col = []
for i in range(0,j):
p = p_values[(i,j)]
for i in range(j+1,len(cantons)):
p = p_values[(j,i)]
col = pd.Series(data=col,index=cantons)
We exploit the symmetry of the problem and compute the p-values only once; the diagonal entries are of course set to 1.0. We report a subset of the dataframe for visualization purposes only:
VS | BE | VD | ZH | |
VS | 1.000000e+00 | 8.155667e-01 | 3.803167e-02 | 4.333529e-08 |
BE | 8.155667e-01 | 1.000000e+00 | 3.513220e-07 | 1.405954e-64 |
VD | 3.803167e-02 | 3.513220e-07 | 1.000000e+00 | 9.659029e-08 |
ZH | 4.333529e-08 | 1.405954e-64 | 9.659029e-08 | 1.000000e+00 |
Now we set a threshold α=5% to mark all the significant p-values in the dataframe. This operation will allow us to observe which are the statistically significant differences among Cantons:
alpha = 0.05
for k in P_VALUES.columns:
P_VALUES[k] = P_VALUES[k].apply(lambda y: (y<0.05))
VS | BE | VD | ZH | FR | TI | |
VS | False | False | True | True | False | True |
BE | False | False | True | True | True | True |
VD | True | True | False | True | False | True |
ZH | True | True | True | False | True | False |
FR | False | True | False | True | False | False |
TI | True | True | True | False | False | False |
To turn these statistical interactions into a visual object, we transform the dataframe into a graph object (that is, the table above stands for an adjacency matrix), whose nodes represent the cantons and whose edges stand for the 'False' entry (that is, the KS cannot provide evidence for the two Cantons to have different distributions). We use the graph_tool library to deal with such an instance:
positions = {}
G = nx.Graph()
cantons = list(cantons)
for i in range(len(cantons)):
for i in range(len(cantons)):
for j in range(i+1,len(cantons)):
if P_VALUES[cantons[i]].loc[cantons[j]]==False:
We visualize now the graph in a geometrical fashion:
Since we want to bring out possible communities within the graph, we apply the modularity-based Louvain algorithm (see here for quick references, here for a more detailed one), as we want to discover subsets of the graph which are "well" interconnected, rather than determine a hierarchical structure (for which the Girvan-Newman algorithm would be fine, here for references). We define the optimal graph partition within communities and compute its modularity measure.
partition = community.best_partition(G)
for i in set(partition.values()):
print ("Community", i)
members = list_nodes = [nodes for nodes in partition.keys() if partition[nodes] == i]
print (members)
values = [partition.get(node) for node in G.nodes()]
colors = {0 : 'orange', 1 : 'royalblue'}
cols = []
for i in range(len(values)):
nx.draw(G, pos,cmap = plt.get_cmap('brg'), node_color = cols, node_size=1000, with_labels=True,edge_color='green')
print ("Modularity score:", community.modularity(partition, G))
Community 0 ['VD', 'VS', 'JU', 'BE', 'GE', 'SH', 'NE', 'SO', 'OW', 'GR', 'FR'] Community 1 ['GL', 'ZG', 'BL', 'AI', 'TI', 'ZH', 'TG', 'AG', 'LU', 'NW', 'BS', 'UR', 'AR', 'SZ', 'SG']
Modularity score: 0.19453100381639304
The modularity measure is not very high (>0.3), which means that the two components are not much more connected than expected with respect to the nodes number. To observe if this clustering is meaningful or not, we recompute the bokeh boxplots with this peculiar partition and observe what it happens:
agg = df[['Time','LivingCanton']]
communities = agg.LivingCanton.apply(lambda x: partition[x])
agg = agg.rename(columns={'Time':'mean time [minutes]','LivingCanton':'Canton'})
p = BoxPlot(agg, values='mean time [minutes]', label='Canton', outliers=False,legend=False,
color='community',title='mean time boxplot for female marathon (42 km)')
p.title.align = "center"
p.title.text_font_size = "18px"
p.xaxis[0].axis_label = 'Canton'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label = 'mean time [minutes]'
p.xaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
C:\Users\Utente\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ipykernel\ SettingWithCopyWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame. Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead See the caveats in the documentation: app.launch_new_instance()
Although the modularity measure is not very high, the graph partition seems to catch the difference between two populations, one "faster" than the other. This is quite interesting, as the statistical method we used brings out little geographical differences in the runners performance, as far as the female marathons are concerned. Our last step is then to visualize this difference with a choropleth map:
zone = []
for c in cantons:
geopartition = pd.DataFrame({'canton' : cantons, 'zone' : zone})
canton | zone | |
0 | VS | 1 |
1 | BE | 1 |
2 | FR | 1 |
3 | JU | 1 |
4 | AG | 0 |
In the following map the darkest color stands for the "faster" runners, whereas the lightest one for the "slower" runners. There is a clear geographical separation between the two regions, which is actually surprising:
array(['VS', 'BE', 'FR', 'JU', 'VD', 'SO', 'NE', 'GE', 'GR', 'SH', 'OW'], dtype=object)
map_geopart = folium.Map(location=[46.8, 8],zoom_start=8)
state_geo = r'ch-cantons.topojson.json'
columns=['canton','zone'],fill_color='YlGn', fill_opacity=0.7, line_opacity=0.2,
legend_name='Geographical zone',
To validate this result, we interpret now this communities as "macrocantons", each one endowed with its own statistical distribution. The samples here will thus be defined not by their Canton, but by their community index. We are going now to plot the macro-boxplots and perform a macroscopic KS-test:
p = Histogram(agg, values='mean time [minutes]', label='community',legend=True,
color='community',title='Community-based histograms (female 42 km)')
p.title.align = "center"
p.title.text_font_size = "18px"
p.xaxis[0].axis_label = 'Community'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label = 'mean time [minutes]'
p.xaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
comm =
samples = []
for k in comm:
samples.append(agg['mean time [minutes]'][])
p_values = {}
for i in range(len(comm)):
for j in range(i,len(comm)):
P_VALUES = pd.DataFrame()
for j in range(len(comm)):
col = []
for i in range(0,j):
p = p_values[(i,j)]
for i in range(j+1,len(comm)):
p = p_values[(j,i)]
col = pd.Series(data=col,index=comm)
0 | 1 | |
0 | 1.000000e+00 | 1.118723e-81 |
1 | 1.118723e-81 | 1.000000e+00 |
The KS test tracks a remarkable difference in the two distributions. According to this procedure, we can then conclude that the existence of two distinct distributions in the race time may be linked to certain geographical patterns. We remark that this result is influenced by the chosen non-parametric test (KS), by the selection of a threshold (which will be examined in the following section) and by the not so strong modularity of the associated graph. We think this result may be interesting in the extent it reflects a possible variegate composition of runners in terms of the geography of Switzerland.
We remark that our qualitative analysis may be sensitive to the α=5% threshold we have used to define 'interactions', intended as the impossibility to reject the null hypothesis of equal distributions. In this section we let vary the threshold among usual values (1−10%) in order to evaluate how much this analysis can be distorted by this choice. We will consider only the effect on the graph construction, without visualizing it with a choropleth map, for the sake of brevity.
samples = []
for k in cantons:
p_values = {}
for i in range(len(cantons)):
for j in range(i,len(cantons)):
# generate a list of dataframes, each one associated to a certain statistical threshold
alpha = [0.1,0.025,0.01]
for k in range(len(alpha)):
pv = pd.DataFrame()
for j in range(len(cantons)):
col = []
for i in range(0,j):
p = p_values[(i,j)]
for i in range(j+1,len(cantons)):
p = p_values[(j,i)]
col = pd.Series(data=col,index=cantons)
for k in range(len(alpha)):
for q in P_VALUES[k].columns:
P_VALUES[k][q] = P_VALUES[k][q].apply(lambda y: (y<alpha[k]))
for k in range(len(alpha)):
G = nx.Graph()
cantons = list(cantons)
for i in range(len(cantons)):
for i in range(len(cantons)):
for j in range(i+1,len(cantons)):
if P_VALUES[k][cantons[i]].loc[cantons[j]]==False:
for k in range(len(alpha)):
partition = community.best_partition(GRAPHS[k])
for i in set(partition.values()):
members = list_nodes = [nodes for nodes in partition.keys() if partition[nodes] == i]
values = [partition.get(node) for node in GRAPHS[k].nodes()]
colors = {0 : 'orange', 1 : 'royalblue', 2 : 'violet', 3 : 'lightgreen'}
cols = []
for i in range(len(values)):
nx.draw(GRAPHS[k], pos,cmap = plt.get_cmap('brg'), node_color = cols, node_size=1000, with_labels=True,edge_color='green')
print ("Modularity score:", community.modularity(partition, GRAPHS[k]))
alpha: 0.1 Modularity score: 0.2024481134516847
alpha: 0.025 Modularity score: 0.16884053870529656
alpha: 0.01 Modularity score: 0.13890478697832015
We notice that the modularity score decreases with decreasing the threshold α, which means that the isolated graph components are less significantly connected in terms of modularity as we impose a more severe bound (that is, more dataframe components turn into 'False', which imposes an edge). This translates into uncertainty for some nodes of the graph, which pass from one community to another. However, the two main components preserve their general structure, so that we can conclude our procedure is acceptably robust to little threshold variations.
Here we focus on the female runners competing in the Marathons (42 km) and compare their times splitting them into groups per Canton. We work on a subset of the mapped dataframe. The procedure is exactly the same as before.
df = geodata[(geodata.Sex=='M') & (geodata.Distance>=41.0) & (geodata.Distance<=43.0)]
df.Time = df.Time.apply(lambda x: x.total_seconds()/60) # display time in minutes
C:\Users\Utente\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ SettingWithCopyWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame. Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead See the caveats in the documentation: self[name] = value
Cantonal differences:
agg = df[['Time','LivingCanton']]
agg = agg.rename(columns={'Time':'mean time [minutes]','LivingCanton':'Canton'})
p = BoxPlot(agg, values='mean time [minutes]', label='Canton', outliers=False,legend=False,
color='cornflowerblue',title='mean time boxplot for male marathon (42 km)')
p.title.align = "center"
p.title.text_font_size = "18px"
p.xaxis[0].axis_label = 'Canton'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label = 'mean time [minutes]'
p.xaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
samples = []
for k in cantons:
Nc = 10
sample = samples[Nc]
p = figure(title = 'Heteroschedasticity for time variable, Canton '+str(cantons[Nc]), plot_width=500, plot_height=500)
p.title.align = "center"
p.title.text_font_size = "18px"
p.xaxis[0].axis_label = 'index'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label = 'residuals [minutes]'
p.xaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px',len(sample)), sample-np.mean(sample), size=5, color="navy", alpha=0.5)
Compute the p-value of the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality:
Nc = 10
sample = samples[Nc]
C:\Users\Utente\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\scipy\stats\ UserWarning: p-value may not be accurate for N > 5000. warnings.warn("p-value may not be accurate for N > 5000.")
(0.9425606727600098, 0.0)
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'time':sample})
p = Histogram(df2,values='time',color='navy',bins=30,
title='Time PDF for Canton ' +str(cantons[Nc]),
p.title.align = "center"
p.title.text_font_size = "18px"
p.xaxis[0].axis_label = 'time [minutes]'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label = 'density'
p.xaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
m = np.mean(sample)
sigma = np.std(sample)
def gaussian(y,m,sigma):
return 1/math.sqrt(2*math.pi*sigma*sigma)*math.exp(-(y-m)*(y-m)/2/(sigma*sigma))
yy = np.arange(np.min(sample), np.max(sample), 0.1)
gg = []
for k in range(len(yy)):
Now we perform the crossed KS tests and report the p-values in a dataframe:
p_values = {}
for i in range(len(cantons)):
for j in range(i,len(cantons)):
P_VALUES = pd.DataFrame()
for j in range(len(cantons)):
col = []
for i in range(0,j):
p = p_values[(i,j)]
for i in range(j+1,len(cantons)):
p = p_values[(j,i)]
col = pd.Series(data=col,index=cantons)
We report a subset of the dataframe for visualization purposes only:
VS | BE | VD | ZH | |
VS | 1.000000e+00 | 7.780417e-05 | 4.242553e-15 | 2.472563e-28 |
BE | 7.780417e-05 | 1.000000e+00 | 9.169921e-72 | 5.435501e-232 |
VD | 4.242553e-15 | 9.169921e-72 | 1.000000e+00 | 2.270884e-11 |
ZH | 2.472563e-28 | 5.435501e-232 | 2.270884e-11 | 1.000000e+00 |
Now we set a threshold α=5% to mark all the significant p-values in the dataframe. This operation will allow us to observe which are the statistically significant differences among Cantons:
alpha = 0.05
for k in P_VALUES.columns:
P_VALUES[k] = P_VALUES[k].apply(lambda y: (y<0.05))
VS | BE | VD | ZH | FR | TI | |
VS | False | True | True | True | True | True |
BE | True | False | True | True | True | True |
VD | True | True | False | True | True | True |
ZH | True | True | True | False | True | True |
FR | True | True | True | True | False | False |
TI | True | True | True | True | False | False |
positions = {}
G = nx.Graph()
cantons = list(cantons)
for i in range(len(cantons)):
for i in range(len(cantons)):
for j in range(i+1,len(cantons)):
if P_VALUES[cantons[i]].loc[cantons[j]]==False:
We apply again the Louvain algorithm to find hidden communities:
partition = community.best_partition(G)
for i in set(partition.values()):
print ("Community", i)
members = list_nodes = [nodes for nodes in partition.keys() if partition[nodes] == i]
print (members)
colors = {0 : 'violet', 1: 'lightgreen', 2: 'orange', 3 : 'royalblue'}
cols = []
for i in range(len(values)):
values = [partition.get(node) for node in G.nodes()]
nx.draw(G, pos,cmap = plt.get_cmap('brg'), node_color = cols, node_size=1000, with_labels=True,edge_color='green')
print ("Modularity score:", community.modularity(partition, G))
Community 0 ['VD', 'BL', 'AG', 'SH', 'NE'] Community 1 ['GL', 'ZG', 'AI', 'ZH', 'TG', 'LU', 'NW', 'GR', 'SZ', 'SG'] Community 2 ['VS', 'JU', 'TI', 'BE', 'GE', 'SO', 'OW', 'BS', 'UR', 'AR', 'FR']
Modularity score: 0.20213967940117225
Also in this case the modularity of the graph is not particularly high. Let visualize this difference in terms of the histograms:
agg = df[['Time','LivingCanton']]
communities = agg.LivingCanton.apply(lambda x: partition[x])
agg = agg.rename(columns={'Time':'mean time [minutes]','LivingCanton':'Canton'})
p = Histogram(agg, values='mean time [minutes]', label='community', legend=True,
color='community',title='Community-based histograms (male 42 km)')
p.title.align = "center"
p.title.text_font_size = "18px"
p.xaxis[0].axis_label = 'Canton'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label = 'mean time [minutes]'
p.xaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = '16px'
C:\Users\Utente\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ipykernel\ SettingWithCopyWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame. Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead See the caveats in the documentation: app.launch_new_instance()
zone = []
for c in cantons:
geopartition = pd.DataFrame({'canton' : cantons, 'zone' : zone})
canton | zone | |
0 | VS | 2 |
1 | BE | 2 |
2 | FR | 2 |
3 | JU | 2 |
4 | AG | 0 |
map_geopart = folium.Map(location=[46.8, 8],zoom_start=8)
state_geo = r'ch-cantons.topojson.json'
columns=['canton','zone'],fill_color='BuPu', fill_opacity=0.7, line_opacity=0.2,
legend_name='Geographical zone',
Also in this case some components emerge from the analysis. Moreover, they resemble in some sense the women distribution, but we suspect that in this case the single components have a weaker identity, since the distributions are more similar than for women (look at the boxlots). Maybe trying with a lower threshold the pattern changes (fell free to change it, as we will do next). As before, we apply a macroscopic KS test to validate this splitting:
comm =
samples = []
for k in comm:
samples.append(agg['mean time [minutes]'][])
p_values = {}
for i in range(len(comm)):
for j in range(i,len(comm)):
P_VALUES = pd.DataFrame()
for j in range(len(comm)):
col = []
for i in range(0,j):
p = p_values[(i,j)]
for i in range(j+1,len(comm)):
p = p_values[(j,i)]
col = pd.Series(data=col,index=comm)
2 | 0 | 1 | |
2 | 1.000000e+00 | 1.610129e-95 | 7.536204e-244 |
0 | 1.610129e-95 | 1.000000e+00 | 4.666615e-18 |
1 | 7.536204e-244 | 4.666615e-18 | 1.000000e+00 |
Also in this case the p-values are numerically 0, which allows us to conclude that the distributions are significantly different.
As done with the female marathon, we perform a brief sensitivity analysis with respect to the threshold α.
samples = []
for k in cantons:
p_values = {}
for i in range(len(cantons)):
for j in range(i,len(cantons)):
# generate a list of dataframes, each one associated to a certain statistical threshold
alpha = [0.1,0.025,0.01]
for k in range(len(alpha)):
pv = pd.DataFrame()
for j in range(len(cantons)):
col = []
for i in range(0,j):
p = p_values[(i,j)]
for i in range(j+1,len(cantons)):
p = p_values[(j,i)]
col = pd.Series(data=col,index=cantons)
for k in range(len(alpha)):
for q in P_VALUES[k].columns:
P_VALUES[k][q] = P_VALUES[k][q].apply(lambda y: (y<alpha[k]))
for k in range(len(alpha)):
G = nx.Graph()
cantons = list(cantons)
for i in range(len(cantons)):
for i in range(len(cantons)):
for j in range(i+1,len(cantons)):
if P_VALUES[k][cantons[i]].loc[cantons[j]]==False:
for k in range(len(alpha)):
partition = community.best_partition(GRAPHS[k])
for i in set(partition.values()):
members = list_nodes = [nodes for nodes in partition.keys() if partition[nodes] == i]
values = [partition.get(node) for node in GRAPHS[k].nodes()]
colors = {0 : 'orange', 1 : 'royalblue', 2 : 'violet', 3 : 'lightgreen', 4: 'navy'}
cols = []
for i in range(len(values)):
nx.draw(GRAPHS[k], pos,cmap = plt.get_cmap('brg'), node_color = cols, node_size=1000, with_labels=True,edge_color='green')
print ("Modularity score:", community.modularity(partition, GRAPHS[k]))
alpha: 0.1 Modularity score: 0.26144185484844823
alpha: 0.025 Modularity score: 0.20979591836734696
alpha: 0.01 Modularity score: 0.16164142779881016
In this case the variations of the threshold seem more determinant above the standard 5% (observe indeed the formation of 5 communities), but below 5% we retrieve regularity and coherence with a bipartite geographical pattern, as for the women analysis. We recall indeed that our definition of community is based on a KS p-value, whose associated threshold imposes which Cantons have to be considered as different and which as similar. By decreasing the threshold, the differences among communities vanish and identifying them becomes more difficult, which actually explains why the modularity decreases as well.