import numpy as np
import exafmm.laplace as laplace
"exafmm's submodule for Laplace kernel"
takes in two arguments: coordinates of source bodies src_coords
and charges (weights) of source bodies src_charges
. Both should be numpy.ndarray
. It returns a list of sources.
only requires an array of coordinates trg_coords
from input and returns a list of targets.
nsrcs = 100000
ntrgs = 200000
# generate random positions for particles
src_coords = np.random.random((nsrcs, 3))
trg_coords = np.random.random((ntrgs, 3))
# generate random charges for sources
src_charges = np.random.random(nsrcs)
# create a list of source instances
sources = laplace.init_sources(src_coords, src_charges)
# create a list of target instances
targets = laplace.init_targets(trg_coords)
and targets
are two lists, the type of each element is exafmm.laplace.Body
print(type(sources[0]), type(targets[0]))
<class 'list'> <class 'exafmm.laplace.Body'> <class 'exafmm.laplace.Body'>
To run FMM, we need to create a LaplaceFmm instance. The constructor takes in 3 integers, the expansion order p
, max number of bodies per leaf ncrit
, and the tree depth depth
, and a string filename
, the file name of the pre-computation matrix. Its default value is laplace_d_p[$p].dat
. This file will be created during setup()
For now, the topology of the adaptive tree is only determined by ncrit
. Changing depth
does not affect the tree structure. We keep this interface depth
for future use (a parameter that controls the domain decomposition when MPI is enabled).
fmm = laplace.LaplaceFmm(p=10, ncrit=200, filename="test_file.dat")
Given sources
, targets
and fmm
, the function setup()
handles three tasks:
It returns an octree, whose type is exafmm.laplace.Tree
tree = laplace.setup(sources, targets, fmm)
<class 'exafmm.laplace.Tree'>
The pre-computation file should be generated already.
ls *.dat
triggers the evaluation and returns the potential and gradient as an numpy.ndarray
of shape (ntrgs, 4)
The i-th row of trg_values
starts with the potential value of the i-th target, followed by its three gradient values.
trg_values = laplace.evaluate(tree, fmm)
array([ 7298.79741989, -9117.70340717, -2316.54604176, -1612.97018776])
Set verbose
to True
to show timings.
trg_values = laplace.evaluate(tree, fmm, True)
returns L2-norm the relative error of potential and gradient in a list, compared with the values calculated from direct method.
[1.599971542163853e-09, 1.5686554179176571e-07]
niters = 5
for i in range(niters):
print('-'*10 + ' iteration {} '.format(i) + '-'*10) # print divider between iterations
src_charges = np.random.random(nsrcs) # generate new random charges
laplace.update_charges(tree, src_charges) # update charges
laplace.clear_values(tree) # clear values
trg_values = laplace.evaluate(tree, fmm) # evaluate potentials
print("Error: ", fmm.verify(tree.leafs)) # check accuracy
---------- iteration 0 ---------- Error: [1.618751446467221e-09, 1.586287849001751e-07] ---------- iteration 1 ---------- Error: [1.6754867707208437e-09, 1.609071569273411e-07] ---------- iteration 2 ---------- Error: [1.6481379491975236e-09, 1.6048968403703656e-07] ---------- iteration 3 ---------- Error: [1.627084147780005e-09, 1.5683217437032964e-07] ---------- iteration 4 ---------- Error: [1.5953579903620995e-09, 1.5678691639592906e-07]