Ground Truthからtoy dataをサンプリングする
using PDMats
using Distributions
using LinearAlgebra
using Plots
using ProgressBars
┌ Info: Precompiling Plots [91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80] └ @ Base loading.jl:1242 ┌ Warning: Module JSON with build ID 1290864591119004 is missing from the cache. │ This may mean JSON [682c06a0-de6a-54ab-a142-c8b1cf79cde6] does not support precompilation but is imported by a module that does. └ @ Base loading.jl:1000 ┌ Info: Skipping precompilation since __precompile__(false). Importing Plots [91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80]. └ @ Base loading.jl:1017
μ1_gt = [0.; 5.]
μ2_gt = [-5.; 2.]
μ3_gt = [5.; -2.]
Σ1_gt = [1. 0.; 0. 2.]
Σ2_gt = [.5 .75; .75 2.]
Σ3_gt = [.5 .1; .1 .5]
π_gt = [.4, .35, .25]
mixture_components = MvNormal[
MvNormal(μ1_gt, Σ1_gt),
MvNormal(μ2_gt, Σ2_gt),
MvNormal(μ3_gt, Σ3_gt)
model_gt = MixtureModel(mixture_components, π_gt)
MixtureModel{MvNormal}(K = 3) components[1] (prior = 0.4000): FullNormal( dim: 2 μ: [0.0, 5.0] Σ: [1.0 0.0; 0.0 2.0] ) components[2] (prior = 0.3500): FullNormal( dim: 2 μ: [-5.0, 2.0] Σ: [0.5 0.75; 0.75 2.0] ) components[3] (prior = 0.2500): FullNormal( dim: 2 μ: [5.0, -2.0] Σ: [0.5 0.1; 0.1 0.5] )
N = 300
x_train = rand(model_gt, N)
scatter(x_train[1, :], x_train[2, :])
struct Gauss
μ::Vector{Float64} # Mean Vector
Λ::Matrix{Float64} # Precision Matrix
struct GMM
function plot_contours(gmm::GMM)
mvnormals = MvNormal[
) for k in 1:gmm.K]
for k in 1:gmm.K
contour!(-10:0.05:10, -10:0.05:10, (x,y)->pdf(mvnormals[k], [x,y]), color=k, colorbar=:none)
plot_contours (generic function with 1 method)
# Number of Classes
K = 3;
# Number of Dimensions
D = 2;
α0 = ones(K)
μ0 = zeros(D)
β0 = 1.0
ν0 = convert(Float64, D)
W0 = Matrix{Float64}(I, D, D)
2×2 Array{Float64,2}: 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
mixing_coeff = rand(Dirichlet(α0))
μk = zeros(K, D)
Λk = zeros(K, D, D)
for k in 1:K
Λk[k, :, :] = rand(Wishart(ν0, W0))
μk[k, :] = rand(MvNormal(μ0, PDMat(Symmetric(inv(β0 * Λk[k, :, :])))))
gaussians = Gauss[Gauss(μk[k, :], Λk[k, :, :]) for k in 1:K]
3-element Array{Gauss,1}: Gauss([0.4046659883960806, -0.961654220772715], [0.3491312112906832 -0.18671843604507998; -0.18671843604507998 1.3302493708829108]) Gauss([-0.12743218086454364, -0.7531103819114536], [4.421280938918708 1.255419955187791; 1.255419955187791 2.1938636944792997]) Gauss([-1.4866787608894032, -2.088343842220474], [1.751304088346409 -2.0692139326517136; -2.0692139326517136 2.904788349160639])
gmm = GMM(D, K, mixing_coeff, gaussians)
hidden_state = rand(Categorical(gmm.mixing_coeff), N);
plt = plot()
scatter!(x_train[1, :], x_train[2, :], markercolor=hidden_state)
function compute_log_likelihood(gmm::GMM, x_train::Array{Float64}, hidden_state::Array{Int64, 1})
log_lik = 0.0
mvnormals = MvNormal[
) for k in 1:K
for n in 1:N
log_lik += logpdf(mvnormals[hidden_state[n]], x_train[:, n])
log_lik += logpdf(Categorical(gmm.mixing_coeff), hidden_state[hidden_state[n]])
# Log likelihood of Normal-Wishart
for k in 1:K
log_lik += logpdf(MvNormal(μ0, PDMat(Symmetric(inv(gmm.components[k].Λ)))), gmm.components[k].μ)
log_lik += logpdf(Wishart(ν0, W0), gmm.components[k].Λ)
log_lik += logpdf(Dirichlet(α0), gmm.mixing_coeff)
return log_lik
compute_log_likelihood (generic function with 1 method)
function sample_hidden_state(gmm::GMM, x_train::Array{Float64})
hidden_sttate = zeros(Int32, N)
mvnormals = MvNormal[
) for k in 1:K]
# temporary variable
p_xi = zeros(N, K)
for k in 1:K
p_xi[:, k] = pdf(mvnormals[k], x_train)
for n in 1:N
p_xi[n, :] .*= gmm.mixing_coeff
for n in 1:N
mixing_coeff_post = p_xi[n, :] / sum(p_xi[n, :])
hidden_state[n] = rand(Categorical(mixing_coeff_post))
return hidden_state
sample_hidden_state (generic function with 1 method)
function sample_mixing_coeff(gmm::GMM, hidden_state::Array{Int64,1})
state_ids = Array{Int64,1}(1:gmm.K)
m = [count(x -> x == i, hidden_state) for i in state_ids]
α_post = α0 + m
new_mixing_coeff = rand(Dirichlet(α_post))
return GMM(gmm.D, gmm.K, new_mixing_coeff, gmm.components)
sample_mixing_coeff (generic function with 1 method)
function sample_gauss(gmm::GMM, x_train::Array{Float64}, hidden_state::Array{Int64,1})
new_μk = zeros(K, D)
new_Λk = zeros(K, D, D)
# temporary variables
state_ids = Array{Int64,1}(1:gmm.K)
m = [count(x -> x == i, hidden_state) for i in state_ids]
for k in 1:K
# Get data in the k-th class
x_k = x_train[:, hidden_state .== k]
# Compute the covariance matrix of the k-th class
S_k = x_k * x_k'
# Compute parameters of posterior distributions
β_post = β0 + m[k]
μ_post = (sum(x_k, dims=2) + β0 * μ0) / β_post
μ_post = μ_post[:, 1]
ν_post = ν0 + m[k]
W_post_inv = S_k + β0 * μ0 * μ0' - β_post * μ_post * μ_post' + inv(W0)
W_post = PDMat(Symmetric(inv(W_post_inv)))
# Sample parameters from posterior distributions
new_Λk[k, :, :] = rand(Wishart(ν_post, W_post))
new_μk[k, :] = rand(MvNormal(μ_post, PDMat(Symmetric(inv(β_post * new_Λk[k, :, :])))))
new_components = Gauss[Gauss(new_μk[k, :], new_Λk[k, :, :]) for k in 1:K]
return GMM(gmm.D, gmm.K, gmm.mixing_coeff, new_components)
sample_gauss (generic function with 1 method)
# 対数同時確率を最大にするパラメタとクラス割当て,そのときの対数事後確率を保存する
gmm_max = deepcopy(gmm)
hidden_state_max = copy(hidden_state)
loglik_max = compute_log_likelihood(gmm, x_train, hidden_state)
loglik_list = Array{Float64, 1}()
0-element Array{Float64,1}
anim = Animation()
# 初期状態のプロット
plt = scatter(x_train[1, :], x_train[2, :], markercolor=hidden_state, legend=:none)
title!("Iteration: 0")
frame(anim, plt)
for iter in tqdm(1:200)
# クラスタ割り当てのサンプリング
hidden_state = sample_hidden_state(gmm, x_train)
# 混合係数のサンプリング
gmm = sample_mixing_coeff(gmm, hidden_state)
# ガウス分布のパラメタのサンプリング
gmm = sample_gauss(gmm, x_train, hidden_state)
loglik = compute_log_likelihood(gmm, x_train, hidden_state)
if loglik > loglik_max
gmm_max = deepcopy(gmm)
hidden_state_max = copy(hidden_state)
loglik_max = compute_log_likelihood(gmm, x_train, hidden_state)
push!(loglik_list, loglik)
# ギプスサンプリングの現在の状態をプロット
plt = plot()
scatter!(x_train[1, :], x_train[2, :], markercolor=hidden_state, legend=:none)
title!("Iteration: $iter")
frame(anim, plt)
gif(anim, "gs_gmm.gif", fps=4);
100.00%┣███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▉┫ 199/200 03:35<00:01, 0.92 it/s]┫ 1/200 00:10<Inf:Inf, 0.00 it/s]┫ 2/200 00:11<37:31, 0.09 it/s]3/200 00:12<20:21, 0.16 it/s]5/200 00:14<11:45, 0.28 it/s]6/200 00:15<10:00, 0.32 it/s]9/200 00:18<07:17, 0.44 it/s]12/200 00:23<06:26, 0.49 it/s]15/200 00:25<05:34, 0.55 it/s]17/200 00:28<05:15, 0.58 it/s]19/200 00:29<04:56, 0.61 it/s]21/200 00:32<04:44, 0.63 it/s]22/200 00:33<04:38, 0.64 it/s]23/200 00:34<04:32, 0.65 it/s]┫ 24/200 00:35<04:26, 0.66 it/s]31/200 00:42<03:56, 0.72 it/s]32/200 00:43<03:55, 0.72 it/s]33/200 00:44<03:51, 0.72 it/s]34/200 00:45<03:47, 0.73 it/s]37/200 00:48<03:38, 0.75 it/s]40/200 00:52<03:33, 0.75 it/s]41/200 00:53<03:30, 0.76 it/s]44/200 00:56<03:22, 0.77 it/s]45/200 00:57<03:21, 0.77 it/s]46/200 00:58<03:20, 0.77 it/s]48/200 01:00<03:15, 0.78 it/s]49/200 01:01<03:13, 0.78 it/s]50/200 01:02<03:11, 0.79 it/s]51/200 01:03<03:08, 0.79 it/s]52/200 01:04<03:05, 0.80 it/s]54/200 01:06<03:01, 0.81 it/s]55/200 01:07<03:00, 0.80 it/s]57/200 01:09<02:57, 0.81 it/s]58/200 01:10<02:55, 0.81 it/s]59/200 01:11<02:52, 0.82 it/s]60/200 01:12<02:51, 0.82 it/s]61/200 01:13<02:49, 0.82 it/s]63/200 01:16<02:47, 0.82 it/s]74/200 01:27<02:31, 0.84 it/s]77/200 01:30<02:26, 0.84 it/s]78/200 01:31<02:25, 0.84 it/s]79/200 01:33<02:24, 0.84 it/s]81/200 01:35<02:22, 0.84 it/s]83/200 01:38<02:19, 0.84 it/s]84/200 01:39<02:18, 0.84 it/s]85/200 01:40<02:16, 0.84 it/s]86/200 01:41<02:15, 0.85 it/s]88/200 01:42<02:12, 0.85 it/s]92/200 01:47<02:07, 0.85 it/s]93/200 01:48<02:05, 0.85 it/s]97/200 01:51<02:00, 0.86 it/s]99/200 01:54<01:57, 0.86 it/s]102/200 01:57<01:53, 0.87 it/s]106/200 02:01<01:48, 0.87 it/s]109/200 02:04<01:44, 0.87 it/s]110/200 02:05<01:43, 0.87 it/s]111/200 02:06<01:42, 0.87 it/s]112/200 02:07<01:40, 0.88 it/s]114/200 02:09<01:38, 0.88 it/s]115/200 02:10<01:37, 0.88 it/s]118/200 02:13<01:33, 0.88 it/s]119/200 02:14<01:32, 0.88 it/s]122/200 02:18<01:29, 0.87 it/s]123/200 02:19<01:28, 0.88 it/s]125/200 02:21<01:25, 0.88 it/s]128/200 02:24<01:22, 0.88 it/s]132/200 02:28<01:17, 0.88 it/s]133/200 02:29<01:16, 0.88 it/s]┫ 136/200 02:34<01:13, 0.88 it/s]139/200 02:37<01:09, 0.88 it/s]141/200 02:39<01:07, 0.88 it/s]142/200 02:40<01:06, 0.88 it/s]145/200 02:43<01:02, 0.88 it/s]146/200 02:44<01:01, 0.88 it/s]148/200 02:46<00:59, 0.88 it/s]149/200 02:47<00:58, 0.88 it/s]150/200 02:48<00:56, 0.89 it/s]152/200 02:50<00:54, 0.89 it/s]156/200 02:54<00:49, 0.89 it/s]159/200 02:57<00:46, 0.89 it/s]┫ 161/200 02:59<00:44, 0.89 it/s]163/200 03:02<00:41, 0.89 it/s]164/200 03:03<00:40, 0.89 it/s]165/200 03:04<00:39, 0.89 it/s]┫ 166/200 03:05<00:38, 0.89 it/s]167/200 03:06<00:37, 0.89 it/s]171/200 03:10<00:32, 0.90 it/s]174/200 03:13<00:29, 0.90 it/s]175/200 03:14<00:28, 0.90 it/s]176/200 03:15<00:27, 0.90 it/s]180/200 03:18<00:22, 0.90 it/s]181/200 03:19<00:21, 0.91 it/s]182/200 03:20<00:20, 0.91 it/s]185/200 03:23<00:17, 0.91 it/s]186/200 03:23<00:15, 0.91 it/s]189/200 03:27<00:12, 0.91 it/s]191/200 03:29<00:10, 0.91 it/s]┫ 193/200 03:30<00:08, 0.91 it/s]┫ 194/200 03:31<00:07, 0.92 it/s]196/200 03:32<00:04, 0.92 it/s]200/200 03:35<00:00, 0.93 it/s]
┌ Info: Saved animation to │ fn = C:\Users\chikuwa\workspace\julia-work\gs_gmm.gif └ @ Plots C:\Users\chikuwa\.julia\packages\Plots\Ih71u\src\animation.jl:95
plot(loglik_list, legend=:none, title="log likelihood", xlabel="iteration")
plt = plot()
scatter!(x_train[1, :], x_train[2, :], markercolor=hidden_state, legend=:none)
GMM(2, 3, [0.31808502242344944, 0.4646838504405655, 0.21723112713598516], Gauss[Gauss([-4.845043218564879, 2.201609727235379], [1.1755058721930913 -0.3351624941394205; -0.3351624941394205 0.5820149230408094]), Gauss([-0.062440489382527574, 5.134625658497423], [1.303220469727405 0.038156905022820126; 0.038156905022820126 0.4474145186378794]), Gauss([5.0192664590204705, -1.7609293591790838], [0.9437098896474538 -0.28511133861479226; -0.28511133861479226 1.71965348616064])])