... and with the standard normal distribution under our belts, we can now turn to the more general form.
But first let's revisit variance once more and extend what we know.
As a case in point for (4), consider
Var(X+X)=Var(2X)=4 Var(X)≠2 Var(X)◼... and now we know enough about variance to return back to the general form of the normal distribution.
Solving for Z, we have
Z=X−μσFor the general normal distribution, we can standardize it to allow us to obtain both cdf and pdf.
Given X∼N(μ,σ2), we can get the cdf and pdf
cdf P(X≤x)=P(X−μσ≤x−μσ)=Φ(x−μσ)⇒pdf Φ′(x−μσ)=1σ 1√2π e−(x−μσ)22We can also do −X, but apply what we've just covered.
−X=−μ+σ(−Z)∼N(−μ,σ2)Later we will show that if Xj∼N(μ,σ2) are independent (consider j∈1,2), then X1+X2∼N(μ1+μ2,σ21+σ22).
Since Φ cannot be computed in terms of other functions, we have the 68-95-98.7% Rule.
If X∼N(μ,σ2), then as a rule of thumb Φ takes on the following values with relation to σ:
P(|X−μ|≤σ)≈0.68P(|X−μ|≤2σ)≈0.95P(|X−μ|≤3σ)≈0.987Suppose we have the following: ProbP0P1P1P3…X0123…X202122232…
And so you can see that the probabilities for X also are the same for X2. That means we should be able to do this:
E(X)=∑xx P(X=x)E(X2)=∑xx2 P(X=x)Let X∼Pois(λ).
Recall that Var(X)=EX2−(EX)2. We know that E(X)=λ, so all we need to do is figure out what E(X2) is.
E(X2)=∞∑k=0k2 e−λλkk!recall that ∞∑k=0λkk!=eλTaylor series for ex∞∑k=1k λk−1k!=eλapplying the derivative operator∞∑k=1k λkk!=λ eλmuliply by λ, replenishing it∞∑k=1k2 λk−1k!=λ eλ+eλ=eλ(λ+1)applying the derivative operator again∞∑k=1k2 λkk!=λeλ(λ+1)replenish λ one last time∴E(X2)=∞∑k=0k2 e−λλkk!=e−λλeλ(λ+1)=λ2+λVar(X)=E(X2)−(EX)2=λ2+λ−λ2=λ◼Let X∼Binom(n,p).
Find Var(X) using all the tricks you have at your disposal.
Let's try applying (4) from the above Rules of Variance.
We can do so because X∼Binom(n,p) means that the n trials are independent Bernoulli.
X=I1+I2+⋯+Inwhere Ij are i.i.d. Bern(p)⇒X2=I21+I22+⋯+I2n+2I1I2+2I1I3+⋯+2In−1Indon't worry, this is not as bad as it looks∴E(X2)=nE(I21)+2(n2)E(I1I2)by symmetry=np+2(n2)E(I1I2)since E(I2j)=E(Ij)=np+n(n−1)p2since I1I2 is the event that both I1 and I2 are successes=np+n2p2−np2Var(X)=E(X2)−(EX)2=np+n2p2−np2−(np)2=np−np2=np(1−p)=npq◼Let X∼Geom(p).
It has PDF qk−1p.
Find Var(X).
Proving LOTUS for the discrete case, we will show E(g(X))=∑xg(x)P(X=x).
Building on what we did when we proved linearity, we have
g(x)P(X=x)⏟grouped "super-pebble"=∑s∈Sg(X(s))P({s})⏟individual pebbles=∑x∑s:X(s)=xg(X(s))P({s})=∑xg(x)∑s:X(s)=xP({s})=∑xg(x)P(X=x)◼View Lecture 14: Location, Scale, and LOTUS | Statistics 110 on YouTube.