In this notebook i explore San Francisco city employee salary data, which can be found on kaggle:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot
import cufflinks as cf
import plotly.graph_objs as go
salaries = pd.read_csv('Salaries.csv')
C:\Users\gilew\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\ DtypeWarning: Columns (3,4,5,6,12) have mixed types. Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
Because of the DtypeWarning, I have to convert the types of the following columns: 3,4,5,6. I will take care of column 12 later.
for column in ['BasePay', 'OvertimePay', 'OtherPay', 'Benefits']:
salaries[column]=pd.to_numeric(salaries[column], errors='coerce')
Id | EmployeeName | JobTitle | BasePay | OvertimePay | OtherPay | Benefits | TotalPay | TotalPayBenefits | Year | Notes | Agency | Status | |
0 | 1 | NATHANIEL FORD | GENERAL MANAGER-METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY | 167411.18 | 0.00 | 400184.25 | NaN | 567595.43 | 567595.43 | 2011 | NaN | San Francisco | NaN |
1 | 2 | GARY JIMENEZ | CAPTAIN III (POLICE DEPARTMENT) | 155966.02 | 245131.88 | 137811.38 | NaN | 538909.28 | 538909.28 | 2011 | NaN | San Francisco | NaN |
2 | 3 | ALBERT PARDINI | CAPTAIN III (POLICE DEPARTMENT) | 212739.13 | 106088.18 | 16452.60 | NaN | 335279.91 | 335279.91 | 2011 | NaN | San Francisco | NaN |
3 | 4 | CHRISTOPHER CHONG | WIRE ROPE CABLE MAINTENANCE MECHANIC | 77916.00 | 56120.71 | 198306.90 | NaN | 332343.61 | 332343.61 | 2011 | NaN | San Francisco | NaN |
4 | 5 | PATRICK GARDNER | DEPUTY CHIEF OF DEPARTMENT,(FIRE DEPARTMENT) | 134401.60 | 9737.00 | 182234.59 | NaN | 326373.19 | 326373.19 | 2011 | NaN | San Francisco | NaN |
I create a heatmap, to see the distribution of Nans in our data.
sns.heatmap(salaries.isnull(), yticklabels=False, cbar=False)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1b756755e10>
There are two columns which are practically filled with Nans, so I decided to drop them. I also drop the Nan values in BasePay, since there is only few of them and Agency, since I do not need it. Next I will try to analize the Benefits column and decide whether I can fill in the values or drop the column.
salaries.drop(['Notes', 'Agency', 'Status'], axis=1, inplace=True)
salaries = salaries[np.isfinite(salaries['BasePay'])]
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1b75674f128>
We decite, that with a distribution like this, it is a good idea to fill the Nan benefits values with the mean values.
I decide to take a look at the datato make sure I got rid of all the Nan values.
sns.heatmap(salaries.isnull(), yticklabels=False, cbar=False)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1b756661390>
Now I take a look at the data, to get familiar with it.
Id | EmployeeName | JobTitle | BasePay | OvertimePay | OtherPay | Benefits | TotalPay | TotalPayBenefits | Year | |
0 | 1 | NATHANIEL FORD | GENERAL MANAGER-METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY | 167411.18 | 0.00 | 400184.25 | 25114.34451 | 567595.43 | 567595.43 | 2011 |
1 | 2 | GARY JIMENEZ | CAPTAIN III (POLICE DEPARTMENT) | 155966.02 | 245131.88 | 137811.38 | 25114.34451 | 538909.28 | 538909.28 | 2011 |
2 | 3 | ALBERT PARDINI | CAPTAIN III (POLICE DEPARTMENT) | 212739.13 | 106088.18 | 16452.60 | 25114.34451 | 335279.91 | 335279.91 | 2011 |
3 | 4 | CHRISTOPHER CHONG | WIRE ROPE CABLE MAINTENANCE MECHANIC | 77916.00 | 56120.71 | 198306.90 | 25114.34451 | 332343.61 | 332343.61 | 2011 |
4 | 5 | PATRICK GARDNER | DEPUTY CHIEF OF DEPARTMENT,(FIRE DEPARTMENT) | 134401.60 | 9737.00 | 182234.59 | 25114.34451 | 326373.19 | 326373.19 | 2011 |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 148045 entries, 0 to 148653 Data columns (total 10 columns): Id 148045 non-null int64 EmployeeName 148045 non-null object JobTitle 148045 non-null object BasePay 148045 non-null float64 OvertimePay 148045 non-null float64 OtherPay 148045 non-null float64 Benefits 148045 non-null float64 TotalPay 148045 non-null float64 TotalPayBenefits 148045 non-null float64 Year 148045 non-null int64 dtypes: float64(6), int64(2), object(2) memory usage: 12.4+ MB
salaries.drop('Id', axis=1).describe()
BasePay | OvertimePay | OtherPay | Benefits | TotalPay | TotalPayBenefits | Year | |
count | 148045.000000 | 148045.000000 | 148045.000000 | 148045.000000 | 148045.000000 | 148045.000000 | 148045.000000 |
mean | 66325.448841 | 5086.740800 | 3645.661408 | 25114.344510 | 75057.851048 | 94038.185067 | 2012.520653 |
std | 42764.635495 | 11473.181557 | 8019.498636 | 13364.208347 | 50409.761170 | 62683.477905 | 1.119390 |
min | -166.010000 | -0.010000 | -7058.590000 | -13.800000 | -618.130000 | -618.130000 | 2011.000000 |
25% | 33588.200000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 22747.200000 | 36958.160000 | 45077.410000 | 2012.000000 |
50% | 65007.450000 | 0.000000 | 817.170000 | 25114.344510 | 71644.710000 | 92675.510000 | 2013.000000 |
75% | 94691.050000 | 4695.710000 | 4242.900000 | 33507.310000 | 106028.000000 | 133085.410000 | 2014.000000 |
max | 319275.010000 | 245131.880000 | 400184.250000 | 96570.660000 | 567595.430000 | 567595.430000 | 2014.000000 |
I use the very convenient job title bin function from
def findJobTitle(row):
police_title = ['police', 'sherif', 'probation', 'sergeant', 'officer', 'lieutenant']
fire_title = ['fire']
transit_title = ['mta', 'transit']
medical_title = ['anesth', 'medical', 'nurs', 'health', 'physician', 'orthopedic', 'pharm', 'care']
court_title = ['court', 'legal']
automotive_title = ['automotive', 'mechanic', 'truck']
engineer_title = ['engineer', 'engr', 'eng', 'program']
general_laborer_title = ['general laborer', 'painter', 'inspector', 'carpenter',
'electrician', 'plumber', 'maintenance']
aide_title = ['aide', 'assistant', 'secretary', 'attendant']
for police in police_title:
if police in row.lower():
return 'police'
for fire in fire_title:
if fire in row.lower():
return 'fire'
for aide in aide_title:
if aide in row.lower():
return 'assistant'
for transit in transit_title:
if transit in row.lower():
return 'transit'
for medical in medical_title:
if medical in row.lower():
return 'medical'
if 'airport' in row.lower():
return 'airport'
if 'worker' in row.lower():
return 'social worker'
if 'architect' in row.lower():
return 'architect'
for court in court_title:
if court in row.lower():
return 'court'
if 'major' in row.lower():
return 'mayor'
if 'librar' in row.lower():
return 'library'
if 'guard' in row.lower():
return 'guard'
if 'public' in row.lower():
return 'public works'
if 'attorney' in row.lower():
return 'attorney'
if 'custodian' in row.lower():
return 'custodian'
if 'account' in row.lower():
return 'account'
if 'garden' in row.lower():
return 'gardener'
if 'recreation' in row.lower():
return 'recreation leader'
for automotive in automotive_title:
if automotive in row.lower():
return 'automotive'
for engineer in engineer_title:
if engineer in row.lower():
return 'engineer'
for general_laborer in general_laborer_title:
if general_laborer in row.lower():
return 'general laborer'
if 'food serv' in row.lower():
return 'food service'
if 'clerk' in row.lower():
return 'clerk'
if 'porter' in row.lower():
return 'porter'
if 'analy' in row.lower():
return 'analyst'
if 'manager' in row.lower():
return 'manager'
return 'other'
salaries['GeneralJobTitle'] = salaries['JobTitle'].map(findJobTitle)
pay_by_year=salaries[['Year', 'TotalPay']].groupby('Year').mean()
TotalPay | |
Year | |
2011 | 71744.103871 |
2012 | 74113.262265 |
2013 | 78808.285041 |
2014 | 75471.836912 |
sns.boxplot(x='Year', y='TotalPay', data=salaries, showfliers=False)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1b755166ef0>
I can notice the upward trend in the TotalPay in years 2011-2013, but in 2014 the TotalPay mean slightly decreased.
salaries_jobs_years=salaries[['GeneralJobTitle', 'TotalPay', 'Year']].groupby(['GeneralJobTitle', 'Year']).mean()
TotalPay | ||
GeneralJobTitle | Year | |
account | 2011 | 56177.342558 |
2012 | 63186.929962 | |
2013 | 66857.307417 | |
2014 | 63641.837870 | |
airport | 2011 | 92273.242673 |
2012 | 94104.593235 | |
2013 | 98160.944660 | |
2014 | 94067.513077 | |
analyst | 2011 | 79492.329936 |
2012 | 81830.453873 | |
2013 | 87654.166634 | |
2014 | 83168.412823 | |
architect | 2011 | 96071.390972 |
2012 | 113270.148969 | |
2013 | 125333.457143 | |
2014 | 124302.629417 | |
assistant | 2011 | 43198.079421 |
2012 | 40129.112925 | |
2013 | 40410.167382 | |
2014 | 39600.355957 | |
attorney | 2011 | 126626.434486 |
2012 | 133973.170860 | |
2013 | 144234.833244 | |
2014 | 138208.046967 | |
automotive | 2011 | 78395.460507 |
2012 | 81830.392473 | |
2013 | 84965.658302 | |
2014 | 83083.261233 | |
clerk | 2011 | 40999.051714 |
2012 | 42632.039917 | |
... | ... | ... |
medical | 2013 | 79212.934761 |
2014 | 77210.463099 | |
other | 2011 | 66222.015069 |
2012 | 75053.523929 | |
2013 | 80126.012794 | |
2014 | 78234.947040 | |
police | 2011 | 109707.702262 |
2012 | 110355.916599 | |
2013 | 119961.317699 | |
2014 | 113887.308085 | |
porter | 2011 | 40985.904961 |
2012 | 42379.496088 | |
2013 | 46010.055586 | |
2014 | 45553.476173 | |
public works | 2011 | 36133.666306 |
2012 | 37266.939199 | |
2013 | 35909.203407 | |
2014 | 34340.963239 | |
recreation leader | 2011 | 10438.966533 |
2012 | 11370.921782 | |
2013 | 12207.075927 | |
2014 | 12449.075208 | |
social worker | 2011 | 60714.044061 |
2012 | 61365.984920 | |
2013 | 63954.010630 | |
2014 | 62010.384171 | |
transit | 2011 | 70427.436251 |
2012 | 74160.880798 | |
2013 | 77607.464635 | |
2014 | 71134.737660 |
104 rows × 1 columns
salaries_jobs_by_year=salaries[['GeneralJobTitle', 'TotalPay', 'Year']].groupby(['Year', 'GeneralJobTitle']).mean()
job_names=salaries_jobs_by_year.xs(2011, level='Year').index.values.tolist()
trace1 = go.Bar(
y=salaries_jobs_by_year.xs(2011, level='Year')['TotalPay'],
trace2 = go.Bar(
y=salaries_jobs_by_year.xs(2012, level='Year')['TotalPay'],
trace3 = go.Bar(
y=salaries_jobs_by_year.xs(2013, level='Year')['TotalPay'],
trace4 = go.Bar(
y=salaries_jobs_by_year.xs(2014, level='Year')['TotalPay'],
data = [trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4]
layout = go.Layout(
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
cf.iplot(fig, filename='grouped-bar')
Now I made sure that the Total Pay was building up in almost every group until 2014, when it dropped a little bit.
The job groups which were affected the most by whatever happened in 2014 are: Court and Firefighters.
We can also notice, that only the Library and Recreation Leader group maintained it's upward trend.
The jobs which remained almost unaffected were: Assistants and Guards.
salaries_jobs_benefits=salaries[['GeneralJobTitle', 'BasePay', 'OvertimePay', 'Benefits']].groupby(['GeneralJobTitle']).mean()
BasePay | OvertimePay | Benefits | |
GeneralJobTitle | |||
account | 61613.504421 | 287.140250 | 25708.762000 |
airport | 84780.208073 | 6566.248195 | 30316.527111 |
analyst | 82264.012407 | 166.780416 | 29064.369347 |
architect | 114872.575135 | 73.958757 | 35758.150797 |
assistant | 37802.116122 | 1831.490932 | 16931.972103 |
attorney | 132583.724982 | 54.810232 | 36687.825837 |
automotive | 68174.963729 | 9124.607881 | 27314.619298 |
clerk | 42546.542254 | 1090.232306 | 20997.084503 |
court | 64585.883368 | 199.010068 | 25710.071452 |
custodian | 41832.585984 | 1526.100917 | 22156.731947 |
engineer | 80059.337953 | 2414.459648 | 27963.838882 |
fire | 107372.900930 | 25623.372684 | 34720.246376 |
food service | 42747.673862 | 1746.415862 | 23226.094070 |
gardener | 50754.503024 | 2010.765047 | 23284.807426 |
general laborer | 75538.164022 | 6700.997761 | 27975.448840 |
guard | 16689.208360 | 1791.476922 | 9832.407203 |
library | 39851.052761 | 1.457051 | 19297.451219 |
manager | 118890.980502 | 37.074164 | 39049.842377 |
medical | 68053.483246 | 2123.112259 | 23100.226239 |
other | 70091.195464 | 2890.044988 | 26482.241173 |
police | 93186.880378 | 11636.756749 | 30192.136074 |
porter | 38968.082877 | 3260.083322 | 20179.401089 |
public works | 30809.095124 | 3133.818901 | 14508.889048 |
recreation leader | 11374.130731 | 2.426723 | 8759.502923 |
social worker | 57299.132002 | 2809.181354 | 24439.990860 |
transit | 57626.474168 | 12847.276152 | 27828.666833 |
trace1 = go.Bar(
name='Base Pay'
trace2 = go.Bar(
name='Overtime Pay'
trace3 = go.Bar(
data = [trace1, trace2, trace3]
layout = go.Layout(
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
cf.iplot(fig, filename='grouped-bar')
The most important insights from these plots are:
-Firefighters, Policeman and Transit are groups which work overtime the most.
-Attorney, Manager, Architect and Firefighters are gropus which earn the most Base Pay.
-The groups which earn the least are Guards and Recreation Leader.
import gender_guesser.detector as gender
d = gender.Detector(case_sensitive=False)
salaries['Gender']=salaries['EmployeeName'].apply(lambda x: x.split()[0]).apply(lambda x: d.get_gender(x.lower()))
salaries_job_gender=salaries[(salaries['Gender']=='male') | (salaries['Gender']=='female')][['GeneralJobTitle', 'TotalPay', 'Gender']].groupby(['GeneralJobTitle', 'Gender']).mean()
TotalPay | ||
GeneralJobTitle | Gender | |
account | female | 62720.881249 |
male | 61554.983552 | |
airport | female | 89959.928741 |
male | 97818.146010 | |
analyst | female | 81847.317095 |
male | 84359.228566 | |
architect | female | 113353.711455 |
male | 114559.383938 | |
assistant | female | 45963.404888 |
male | 37698.158883 | |
attorney | female | 134018.130759 |
male | 138007.626231 | |
automotive | female | 72252.454815 |
male | 81672.705192 | |
clerk | female | 47233.568245 |
male | 37452.355623 | |
court | female | 69189.877951 |
male | 65668.484733 | |
custodian | female | 45257.969013 |
male | 45336.296070 | |
engineer | female | 71264.697426 |
male | 89319.615244 | |
fire | female | 139360.142473 |
male | 149907.709934 | |
food service | female | 39156.752889 |
male | 54430.824388 | |
gardener | female | 50016.638519 |
male | 55155.304686 | |
general laborer | female | 80573.823189 |
male | 87667.235885 | |
guard | female | 16436.266490 |
male | 23580.319757 | |
library | female | 46529.025088 |
male | 36206.884371 | |
manager | female | 121272.730786 |
male | 122426.874990 | |
medical | female | 73540.648174 |
male | 80181.323528 | |
other | female | 70579.012167 |
male | 79993.082152 | |
police | female | 95458.979664 |
male | 120337.144226 | |
porter | female | 47195.294830 |
male | 44687.008480 | |
public works | female | 41433.817635 |
male | 32639.754413 | |
recreation leader | female | 11693.305312 |
male | 12549.577932 | |
social worker | female | 63067.066715 |
male | 62496.266117 | |
transit | female | 63954.873872 |
male | 76903.350026 |
salaries_gender=salaries[(salaries['Gender']=='male') | (salaries['Gender']=='female')][['GeneralJobTitle', 'TotalPay', 'Gender']].groupby(['Gender', 'GeneralJobTitle']).mean()
trace1 = go.Bar(
y=salaries_gender.xs('male', level='Gender')['TotalPay'],
trace2 = go.Bar(
y=salaries_gender.xs('female', level='Gender')['TotalPay'],
data = [trace1, trace2]
layout = go.Layout(
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
cf.iplot(fig, filename='grouped-bar')
I can easily notice that there is evidence of pay discrimination based on gender.
In only 4 gropus (15%) women earn noticeably more than men.
In 9 groups (35%) women and men earn more or less the same amount of money.
In remaining 13 (50%!) groups men earn significantly more than women.
The biggest difference can be seen in the engineer group.
The job groups in which the most people earn supranormal amount of moneyare clearly Firemen, Policemen and Medical.