Provide a specific set of recommendations on how to improve The Client's business based on the provided data. Provide the recommendations and any supporting analyses and assumptions.
#import the necessary modules
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import os
import warnings
#the dts list denotes the columns that represent datetimes. Because the datetime format provided is not standard,
#we will not adjust them when we instatiate the dataframe; we will adjust each column with pd.to_datetime.
dts = ["Customer placed order datetime",
"Placed order with restaurant datetime",
"Driver at restaurant datetime",
"Delivered to consumer datetime"]
#instatiate the dataframe from the provided excel
df = pd.read_excel("Sample deliveries data - 1 month (1) (2).xlsx")
#Convert datetime columns to appropriate data types, and convert from base UTC to the Client's operational time zone (PT)
for col in dts:
df[col] = pd.to_datetime(df[col], format = "%d %H:%M:%S", utc=True).dt.tz_convert('US/Pacific')
print(f'Unique delivery regions: {df["Delivery Region"].unique()}')
print(f'{len(df[df["Delivery Region"]=="None"])} entries do not have region data')
df["Delivery Region"].replace({"None": np.nan}, inplace=True)
print("\n# Missing values for each column:")
Unique delivery regions: ['Mountain View' 'Palo Alto' 'San Jose' 'None'] 26 entries do not have region data # Missing values for each column:
Customer placed order datetime 0 Placed order with restaurant datetime 40 Driver at restaurant datetime 4531 Delivered to consumer datetime 0 Driver ID 0 Restaurant ID 0 Consumer ID 0 Delivery Region 26 Is ASAP 0 Order total 0 Amount of discount 0 Amount of tip 0 Refunded amount 0 dtype: int64
Per the above, I consider the uncertainty inherent in imputing values less of a concern than removing up 25% of data.
Note: For a more detailed analysis, we could additionally factor in delivery region and time-of-day to impute average delivery time. As I am limited on time, I will go with the simple region approach denoted in
# Impute Delivery Region
df["Delivery Region"].fillna(df["Delivery Region"].mode()[0], inplace=True)
# Impute Driver at Restaurant
# Step 1: Create delivery Driver_time_elapsed column
df["Driver_time_elapsed"] = df["Delivered to consumer datetime"] - df["Driver at restaurant datetime"]
# Step 2: Create an integer column for feature engineering
df["Driver at restaurant datetime"] = df["Delivered to consumer datetime"] - df["Driver_time_elapsed"].median()
# Impute order placed w/restaurants for ASAP deliveries
print(f'ASAP status of orders missing order placement data: \n{df[df["Placed order with restaurant datetime"].isnull()]["Is ASAP"].value_counts()}')
ASAP status of orders missing order placement data: False 38 True 2 Name: Is ASAP, dtype: int64
Only two values missing order placement time are ASAP orders; this number is immaterial to any analysis. I will drop them. Let's confirm all the null values are gone now.
Customer placed order datetime 0 Placed order with restaurant datetime 40 Driver at restaurant datetime 0 Delivered to consumer datetime 0 Driver ID 0 Restaurant ID 0 Consumer ID 0 Delivery Region 0 Is ASAP 0 Order total 0 Amount of discount 0 Amount of tip 0 Refunded amount 0 Driver_time_elapsed 4531 dtype: int64
Great! All the null values are gone. I'll do a quick sanity check on the dataframe and make sure all the info still looks right after our transformations
# Make sure all the data looks correct.
# QAing with the provided excel shows that the datetime conversion is a difference of 8 hours.
# This which is correct if Daylight savings time is not active.
Customer placed order datetime | Placed order with restaurant datetime | Driver at restaurant datetime | Delivered to consumer datetime | Driver ID | Restaurant ID | Consumer ID | Delivery Region | Is ASAP | Order total | Amount of discount | Amount of tip | Refunded amount | Driver_time_elapsed | |
0 | 1899-12-31 18:59:12-07:53 | 1899-12-31 19:07:25-07:53 | 1899-12-31 19:19:58-07:53 | 1899-12-31 19:42:20-07:53 | 279 | 50 | 6738 | Mountain View | True | 16.33 | 0.0 | 0.82 | 0.0 | 00:27:11 |
1 | 1900-01-13 08:05:57-07:53 | 1900-01-13 10:03:45-07:53 | 1900-01-13 10:41:39-07:53 | 1900-01-13 11:04:01-07:53 | 303 | 96 | 64746 | Palo Alto | True | 76.14 | 0.0 | 6.45 | 0.0 | 00:32:22 |
Everything's looking good. A quick sanity check on the timezones shows that the UTC to PT conversion clocks in at -8 hours, which fits if daylight savings time is not active (Pacific time is currently PST).
def order_check(num, df):
return(f"Total # of orders check: {num}/{len(df)}")
Since orders can be placed in advance, monthly operational data can be best inferred by the date an order is delivered to a consumer
#Dataframe contains month values given in UTC; some values
#(e.g. 1st day of the month, 2AM UTC) would actually belong to the previous operational month in Pacific Time
pst_df = df[df["Delivered to consumer datetime"].dt.year != 1899]
print (f'The largest day # in the dataset in PT is: {pst_df["Delivered to consumer datetime"]}')
print (f"of the {len(df)} entries provided, {len(pst_df)} are in the operational month")
The largest day # in the dataset in PT is: 30 of the 18078 entries provided, 17698 are in the operational month
#Create pivot table with count of data entries per day ID
day_quant_table = pst_df.pivot_table(index = pst_df["Delivered to consumer datetime"], aggfunc = "count")
weekday_quant_table = pst_df.pivot_table(index = pst_df["Delivered to consumer datetime"].dt.weekday, aggfunc = "count")
#Confirm that sum of orders equals the total number of orders in the dataframe (18078)
print(order_check(day_quant_table["Restaurant ID"].sum(), pst_df))
#Graph by day
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(14,4))
for table, ax in zip([day_quant_table, weekday_quant_table], axes):, table["Restaurant ID"])
axes[0].set(title="Orders by day of month", xlabel="Day of Month", ylabel="# Orders per day");
axes[1].set(title="Orders by day of week (relative weekday number)", xlabel="Day of Week", ylabel="Total monthly orders");
Total # of orders check: 17698/17698
Note: Day 30 in this example may be underrepresented by design, as our extract is pulled on UTC data. Thus, in the same way that this month's extract included some of last month's data, at least someof the Day 30 operational data for this month would be included in the next month's data, as UTC is ahead of PST.
Using the knowledge that the largest day contained in the date columns is 30, we know that we are operating in a month with 31 days. Thus, we know this data comes from either September, April, June, and November.
The data also seems to follow two patterns a 7-day basis: 1. Starting with Day #4, every 7th day appears to see a relative spike in orders 2. Starting with Day #7, every 7th day represents a relative trough in order demand
We have a clear relative trend of order volume by relative weekday, but what month and year is this data exerpt taken from? Knowing the time will provide clarity as to which weekdays are most valuable.
We know that this data comes from either Sept, April, June, or November
The data is exposing a clear demand trend that seems to hold for almost the entire duration of the data provided. Knowing which month would allow us to determine which weekdays the Client sees peak demand and likewise, which weekdays demand suffers. Knowing what month this data is from would also allow us to cross-reference our demand data with likely confounding variables, such as holidays. For example, the massive decline in demand seen in Days 20 and 30 could be explained by national holidays
pst_df["order_lt"] = pst_df["Placed order with restaurant datetime"] - pst_df["Customer placed order datetime"]
pst_df["order_lt_min"] = pst_df["order_lt"].dt.seconds/60
#order lead times are only relevant for orders placed for immediate delivery;
# the current dataset does not have data to analyze orders placed for delayed delivery
pst_df[pst_df["Is ASAP"]]["order_lt"].describe()
count 14104 mean 0 days 00:04:28.898468 std 0 days 06:03:04.639094 min -30 days +04:56:24 25% 0 days 00:01:17 50% 0 days 00:03:14 75% 0 days 00:09:09 max 2 days 19:59:58 Name: order_lt, dtype: object
Looks like there may be some data integrity issues - some orders seem to have placed an order with the restaurant significantly before the customer even placed the order. I'll drop all the values that have orders placed with restaurants before the customer places their order.
time_df = pst_df.drop(pst_df[pst_df["Placed order with restaurant datetime"] < pst_df["Customer placed order datetime"]].index)
time_df[time_df["Is ASAP"]]["order_lt"].describe()
count 14103 mean 0 days 00:07:31.447209 std 0 days 00:35:37.410277 min 0 days 00:00:06 25% 0 days 00:01:17 50% 0 days 00:03:14 75% 0 days 00:09:09 max 2 days 19:59:58 Name: order_lt, dtype: object
That looks better! Immediate takeaways are that some orders are placed almost immediately (6 seconds!), though over 75% of all orders take over a minute to place with the restaurant. If we can partner more closely with our partner restaurants and integrate their order queue directly to the Client's App, we can reduce order delays to almost 0!
Let's see if there are any other specific insights we can glean
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize = (14,4))
chart_regions = time_df[time_df["Is ASAP"]].groupby("Delivery Region").mean()["order_lt_min"]
chart_restaurants = time_df[time_df["Is ASAP"]].groupby("Restaurant ID").mean()["order_lt_min"]
titles = ["Average delay placing order at restaurant, by region", "Average delay receiving Client order, by partner restaurant"]
print(f"# orders placed in each region:\n{time_df['Delivery Region'].value_counts()}")
for chart, ax, title in zip([chart_regions, chart_restaurants], axes, titles):, chart)
# orders placed in each region: Palo Alto 11218 Mountain View 3668 San Jose 2801 Name: Delivery Region, dtype: int64
Regions: Palo Alto seem to have the lowest average delivery time, but it's still over 6 minutes. As the Client already has significant market penetration in Palo Alto, it should prioritize developing relationships in Mountain View and San Jose to continue to improve customer and partner experience and further penetrate these markets
Restaurants: Most restaurants have around a 10 minute delay, but a handful have scary high delays in receiving Client orders. Let's identify what restaurants those are, and work with them to fix whatever issue is causing these massive delays
print (f"There are {len(chart_restaurants[chart_restaurants > 10])} restaurants with average order lead times > 10 min.")
print(f"They received a total of {pst_df['Restaurant ID'].isin(chart_restaurants[chart_restaurants > 10].index).sum()} orders")
#Identify high-lead time restaurants with the highest volume of orders
big_delays = pst_df[pst_df["Restaurant ID"].isin(chart_restaurants[chart_restaurants > 10].index)].\
pivot_table(index="Restaurant ID", values = "Consumer ID", aggfunc="count").\
sort_values("Consumer ID", ascending=False).rename({"Consumer ID": "# orders received"},axis=1).head(10)
print(f"\nThese 10 retaurants account for {big_delays['# orders received'].sum()} of the 2866 orders above:")
There are 78 restaurants with average order lead times > 10 min. They received a total of 2866 orders These 10 retaurants account for 1701 of the 2866 orders above:
# orders received | |
Restaurant ID | |
9 | 710 |
5 | 187 |
194 | 184 |
30 | 156 |
221 | 96 |
90 | 89 |
224 | 75 |
264 | 71 |
239 | 68 |
109 | 65 |
Work with the above 10 restaurants and determine ways to best reduce delays from the time a customer places an order with the Client to the time the partner restaurant receives it. I hypothesize the best way to do this is to integrate the partner restaurant's order queue with the Client's order API, as this would cause orders to be placed with the partner restaurant instantaneously. However, more research is required.
# Review how many orders were placed in each region
pst_df["Delivery Region"].value_counts()
Palo Alto 11226 Mountain View 3670 San Jose 2802 Name: Delivery Region, dtype: int64
pst_df["tip % of order"] = pst_df["Amount of tip"] / pst_df["Order total"] * 100
money_kpis = ["Order total", "tip % of order", "Refunded amount", "Amount of discount"]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,4, figsize=(14,4))
legend_order = []
for region in pst_df["Delivery Region"].unique():
for kpi, ax in zip(money_kpis, axes):
temp = pst_df[pst_df["Delivery Region"]==region]
ax.plot(temp.pivot_table(index=temp["Delivered to consumer datetime"], values=kpi, aggfunc="mean"), alpha=.5)
ax.set(ylabel="Average $USD (mean)")
ax.set(xlabel="Day of Month")
ax.set(title=f"Month - {kpi}")
ax.legend(legend_order, loc="upper right");
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,4, figsize=(14,4))
legend_order = []
for region in pst_df["Delivery Region"].unique():
for kpi, ax in zip(money_kpis, axes):
temp = pst_df[pst_df["Delivery Region"]==region]
ax.plot(temp.pivot_table(index=temp["Delivered to consumer datetime"].dt.weekday, values=kpi, aggfunc="mean"), alpha=.5)
ax.set(ylabel="Average $USD (mean)")
ax.set(xlabel="Weekday (relative number)")
ax.set(title=f"Weekday - {kpi}")
Focus growth into San Jose - the community seems to tip drivers with a a much higher % of the order total than consumers in other communities
Reevaluate discount frequency in Palo Alto and Mountain View areas. Palo Alto has almost 300% of Mountain View's order volume, but has higher average discounts almost every day. Either increase discount frequency in Mountain View to increase product update, or decrease discount frequency in Palo Alto if it is determined that market has reached maturity
Explore alternative delivery fee structures for different areas based on average order size. Assuming current delivery fees are a constant factor of order price and delivery time, the Client may want to consider region-specific policy to normalize income across different cost-of-living zones. Orders placed in San Jose are $10+ cheaper than those placed in Mountain View and Palo Alto.
Note: Tips in San Jose may be a higher % of cost due to having extra money due to the cheaper meals. Before changing delivery fee structures, an elasticity exercise should be conducted.
#find all entries where customers asked for a refund
refund_df = pst_df[pst_df["Refunded amount"] > 0]
print(f"{len(refund_df)} refunds were issued to {refund_df['Consumer ID'].nunique()} unique customers")
print("The customers who refunded more than two orders this month are as follows: ")
all_refunds = refund_df["Consumer ID"].value_counts()
#identify people who may be abusing the system by logging more than 2 refunds in a month
potential_abusers = all_refunds[all_refunds > 2]
#cross reference potential abusers with the total number of orders placed
abuse_check = pst_df[pst_df["Consumer ID"].isin(potential_abusers.index)].pivot_table(index="Consumer ID",
values="Refunded amount",
abuse_check = abuse_check.join(potential_abusers)
abuse_check.rename({"Refunded amount": "Total Orders", "Consumer ID": "Refunded Orders"}, axis=1, inplace=True)
abuse_check["Refund %"] = abuse_check["Refunded Orders"] / abuse_check["Total Orders"] * 100
abuse_check.sort_values(by="Refund %", ascending=False)
486 refunds were issued to 436 unique customers The customers who refunded more than two orders this month are as follows:
Total Orders | Refunded Orders | Refund % | |
Consumer ID | |||
91848 | 9 | 3 | 33.333333 |
12420 | 10 | 3 | 30.000000 |
959 | 11 | 3 | 27.272727 |
2999 | 14 | 3 | 21.428571 |
96518 | 14 | 3 | 21.428571 |
5673 | 21 | 4 | 19.047619 |
14296 | 20 | 3 | 15.000000 |
10294 | 21 | 3 | 14.285714 |
929 | 50 | 5 | 10.000000 |
Of those who made more than 2 refunds in the month, the numbers are within the realm of reason - although the Client may to investigate whether customers with high refund %s are legitimate. Speaking of, let's take a quick gander at all refunds and see what the deal is with those who placed 2 or less.
refund_df["Delivery_Minutes"] = refund_df["Driver_time_elapsed"].dt.seconds/60
abuse_check2 = pst_df[pst_df["Consumer ID"].isin(all_refunds.index)].pivot_table(index="Consumer ID",
values="Refunded amount",
abuse_check2 = abuse_check2.join(all_refunds)
# Rename columns to approrpriate names
abuse_check2.rename({"Refunded amount": "Total Orders", "Consumer ID": "Refunded Orders"}, axis=1, inplace=True)
# Check how many accounts are refunding 100% of their orders
abuse_check2 = abuse_check2.join(pst_df.groupby("Consumer ID")["Order total", "Refunded amount"].sum())
abuse_check2 = abuse_check2.join(refund_df.groupby("Consumer ID")["Delivery_Minutes"].mean())
abuse_check2.rename({"Refunded amount": "Sum of refunds", "Order total": "Sum of order totals", "Delivery_Minutes":"Avg Delivery time of refunds (min)"}, axis=1, inplace=True)
abuse_check2["Refund frequency"] = abuse_check2["Refunded Orders"] / abuse_check2["Total Orders"] * 100
abuse_check2["Refund % of cost"] = abuse_check2["Sum of refunds"] / abuse_check2["Sum of order totals"] * 100
# Sort accounts/refunds by longest Driver_time_elapsed
print("Refunders with highest average delivery time (of refunded items)")
display(abuse_check2.drop(["Sum of order totals", "Sum of refunds"], axis=1)\
.sort_values("Avg Delivery time of refunds (min)", ascending=False).head(10))
print("Refunders with lowest average delivery time (of refunded items)")
display(abuse_check2.drop(["Sum of order totals", "Sum of refunds"], axis=1)\
.sort_values(["Avg Delivery time of refunds (min)"], ascending=True).head(10))
Refunders with highest average delivery time (of refunded items)
Total Orders | Refunded Orders | Avg Delivery time of refunds (min) | Refund frequency | Refund % of cost | |
Consumer ID | |||||
11055 | 19 | 1 | 91.416667 | 5.263158 | 1.241308 |
27808 | 1 | 1 | 70.966667 | 100.000000 | 17.917936 |
80030 | 12 | 1 | 69.050000 | 8.333333 | 10.479329 |
63544 | 2 | 1 | 68.783333 | 50.000000 | 82.104679 |
3293 | 4 | 1 | 67.483333 | 25.000000 | 38.199823 |
83931 | 1 | 1 | 65.983333 | 100.000000 | 93.872191 |
27329 | 3 | 1 | 62.916667 | 33.333333 | 33.677616 |
12891 | 8 | 1 | 62.533333 | 12.500000 | 13.962405 |
1103 | 22 | 1 | 60.950000 | 4.545455 | 5.995870 |
10990 | 8 | 2 | 59.950000 | 25.000000 | 7.116392 |
Refunders with lowest average delivery time (of refunded items)
Total Orders | Refunded Orders | Avg Delivery time of refunds (min) | Refund frequency | Refund % of cost | |
Consumer ID | |||||
14241 | 3 | 1 | 5.533333 | 33.333333 | 6.253155 |
111695 | 1 | 1 | 6.833333 | 100.000000 | 88.310929 |
13592 | 1 | 1 | 7.216667 | 100.000000 | 17.637828 |
459 | 17 | 2 | 7.666667 | 11.764706 | 2.586442 |
2186 | 6 | 1 | 8.800000 | 16.666667 | 4.124251 |
111584 | 2 | 1 | 8.866667 | 50.000000 | 11.977292 |
14188 | 3 | 1 | 9.500000 | 33.333333 | 12.055160 |
9938 | 3 | 1 | 9.666667 | 33.333333 | 5.880594 |
9267 | 2 | 1 | 9.950000 | 50.000000 | 12.549571 |
4087 | 38 | 2 | 10.116667 | 5.263158 | 4.060977 |
The customers at the top end of delivery times are all refunding orders that took over 50 minutes to arrive - likely legit. But it does look like at least one of these accounts has a refund frequency of 100. Let's see how common that is
abuse_check2[abuse_check2["Refund frequency"] == 100].drop("Refund % of cost", axis=1).describe()[["Total Orders", "Avg Delivery time of refunds (min)"]]
Total Orders | Avg Delivery time of refunds (min) | |
count | 86.0 | 62.000000 |
mean | 1.0 | 28.814516 |
std | 0.0 | 13.861363 |
min | 1.0 | 6.833333 |
25% | 1.0 | 19.083333 |
50% | 1.0 | 25.691667 |
75% | 1.0 | 34.441667 |
max | 1.0 | 70.966667 |
Looking at 100% refunded accounts, it isn't surprising that all of these accounts only placed 1 order. Nor is it surprising that some of these refunds were issued for long delivery times - 70 minutes is a lot!
What is surprising is that 75% of these refunds were issued for food deliveries that took less than 34 minutes. Given the traffic in the Bay area, 35 minutes is not altogether unreasonable. Did these consumers receive the wrong order? Did they have an unpleasant experience? Were they just abusing the app? We can't know with this dataset, but it deserves further exploration in the future.