The Pymatgen python library allows to setup
solid-state calculations using a flexible set of classes as well as an API
to an online data base of structures. Its Structure
and Lattice
objects are directly supported by the DFTK load_atoms
and load_lattice
functions, such that DFTK may be readily used to run calculation on systems
defined in pymatgen. Using the pymatgen_structure
function a conversion
from DFTK to pymatgen structures is also possible. In the following we
use this to create a silicon supercell and find its LDA ground state
using direct minimisation. To run this example Julia's PyCall
needs to be able to find an installation of pymatgen
First we setup the silicon lattice in DFTK.
using DFTK
a = 10.263141334305942 # Lattice constant in Bohr
lattice = a / 2 .* [[0 1 1.]; [1 0 1.]; [1 1 0.]]
Si = ElementPsp(:Si, psp=load_psp("hgh/lda/Si-q4"))
atoms = [Si => [ones(3)/8, -ones(3)/8]];
Next we make a [2, 2, 2]
supercell using pymatgen
pystruct = pymatgen_structure(lattice, atoms)
pystruct.make_supercell([2, 2, 2])
lattice = load_lattice(pystruct)
atoms = [Si => [s.frac_coords for s in pystruct.sites]];
┌ Warning: `vendor()` is deprecated, use `BLAS.get_config()` and inspect the output instead │ caller = npyinitialize() at numpy.jl:67 └ @ PyCall /home/runner/.julia/packages/PyCall/3fwVL/src/numpy.jl:67
Setup an LDA model and discretize using
a single k-point and a small Ecut
of 5 Hartree.
model = model_LDA(lattice, atoms)
basis = PlaneWaveBasis(model; Ecut=5, kgrid=(1, 1, 1))
PlaneWaveBasis discretization: Ecut : 5.0 Ha fft_size : (32, 32, 32) kgrid type : Monkhorst-Pack kgrid : [1, 1, 1] num. irred. kpoints : 1 Discretized Model(lda_xc_teter93, 3D): lattice (in Bohr) : [0 , 10.2631 , 10.2631 ] [10.2631 , 0 , 10.2631 ] [10.2631 , 10.2631 , 0 ] unit cell volume : 2162.1 Bohr³ atoms : Si₁₆ atom potentials : ElementPsp(Si, psp=hgh/lda/si-q4) num. electrons : 64 spin polarization : none temperature : 0 Ha terms : Kinetic(1) AtomicLocal() AtomicNonlocal() Ewald() PspCorrection() Hartree(1) Xc([:lda_xc_teter93], 1, nothing)
Find the ground state using direct minimisation (always using SCF is boring ...)
scfres = direct_minimization(basis, tol=1e-5);
Iter Function value Gradient norm 0 1.127665e+02 1.606264e+00 * time: 0.6813020706176758 1 1.102113e+01 9.131531e-01 * time: 1.9149129390716553 2 -1.220498e+01 1.003073e+00 * time: 2.5312600135803223 3 -3.431502e+01 7.718194e-01 * time: 3.4145729541778564 4 -4.808367e+01 5.306985e-01 * time: 4.330345153808594 5 -5.708626e+01 1.905927e-01 * time: 5.2445759773254395 6 -5.987112e+01 1.060438e-01 * time: 5.848098993301392 7 -6.090861e+01 5.019898e-02 * time: 6.447036027908325 8 -6.129330e+01 5.690215e-02 * time: 7.047147035598755 9 -6.159423e+01 3.711250e-02 * time: 7.6310529708862305 10 -6.180460e+01 2.781044e-02 * time: 8.25081992149353 11 -6.196505e+01 1.742607e-02 * time: 8.833728075027466 12 -6.202623e+01 1.612862e-02 * time: 9.419173955917358 13 -6.208966e+01 1.361778e-02 * time: 10.022592067718506 14 -6.212275e+01 1.399923e-02 * time: 10.64862608909607 15 -6.215683e+01 1.274281e-02 * time: 11.240405082702637 16 -6.218055e+01 1.113331e-02 * time: 11.818444013595581 17 -6.219644e+01 7.867465e-03 * time: 12.443083047866821 18 -6.220863e+01 6.479617e-03 * time: 13.03515911102295 19 -6.221581e+01 7.018942e-03 * time: 13.640233993530273 20 -6.222156e+01 8.555744e-03 * time: 14.274359941482544 21 -6.222693e+01 8.129904e-03 * time: 14.878632068634033 22 -6.223305e+01 6.875692e-03 * time: 15.519186019897461 23 -6.223939e+01 6.258161e-03 * time: 16.127515077590942 24 -6.224536e+01 5.625647e-03 * time: 16.754805088043213 25 -6.225068e+01 4.487478e-03 * time: 17.370190143585205 26 -6.225468e+01 3.762597e-03 * time: 17.985623121261597 27 -6.225731e+01 2.608814e-03 * time: 18.609884023666382 28 -6.225884e+01 2.552003e-03 * time: 19.22965097427368 29 -6.225982e+01 1.754205e-03 * time: 19.824806928634644 30 -6.226047e+01 1.777548e-03 * time: 20.458758115768433 31 -6.226090e+01 1.375625e-03 * time: 21.07746696472168 32 -6.226118e+01 1.029226e-03 * time: 21.656898975372314 33 -6.226139e+01 8.291170e-04 * time: 22.243086099624634 34 -6.226152e+01 5.685170e-04 * time: 22.854833126068115 35 -6.226159e+01 4.788458e-04 * time: 23.467275142669678 36 -6.226163e+01 3.158293e-04 * time: 24.047385931015015 37 -6.226165e+01 2.020799e-04 * time: 24.682228088378906 38 -6.226166e+01 1.715368e-04 * time: 25.28341794013977 39 -6.226166e+01 1.022627e-04 * time: 25.914152145385742 40 -6.226166e+01 8.447038e-05 * time: 26.54927897453308 41 -6.226166e+01 7.183904e-05 * time: 27.177632093429565 42 -6.226166e+01 6.062900e-05 * time: 27.8263840675354 43 -6.226167e+01 4.902286e-05 * time: 28.424849033355713 44 -6.226167e+01 3.748563e-05 * time: 29.03422999382019 45 -6.226167e+01 3.233952e-05 * time: 29.61795997619629 46 -6.226167e+01 2.514306e-05 * time: 30.203439950942993 47 -6.226167e+01 1.679244e-05 * time: 30.83185911178589 48 -6.226167e+01 1.195956e-05 * time: 31.44237995147705 49 -6.226167e+01 1.100932e-05 * time: 32.03841805458069 50 -6.226167e+01 6.349492e-06 * time: 32.65385413169861 51 -6.226167e+01 4.615798e-06 * time: 33.2709641456604 52 -6.226167e+01 4.007953e-06 * time: 33.85377311706543 53 -6.226167e+01 3.444816e-06 * time: 34.46028804779053
Energy breakdown (in Ha): Kinetic 25.7671068 AtomicLocal -18.8557675 AtomicNonlocal 14.8522645 Ewald -67.1831486 PspCorrection -2.3569765 Hartree 4.8485369 Xc -19.3336819 total -62.261666457831