Neural Networks: Mini-batches, Momentum & learning Rate Decay¶We've got a multi-layer neural network that can learn to classify the "hard" data. However, training is a bit unstable. Let's implement some tricks of the trade to help improve the training process. Thanks to Eric Postma for suggesting this direction!
These training improvements require adjusting some functions that we've already defined. In this notebook we will copy/paste a new version of each function that is being adjusted so that we can compare to the old version. We'll comment important changes in the code.
First, all the boilerplate from the previous notebooks. Maybe it's getting time to use a
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
The toy dataset
def rescale(X):
return (X - X.mean(axis=0)) / (X.var(axis=0))
n_samples = 1000
X0 = np.random.normal(loc=[0,0], scale=[2,0.5], size=(int(n_samples/2), 2))
X11 = np.random.normal(loc=[0,4], scale=[0.5,1], size=(int(n_samples/4), 2))
X12 = np.random.normal(loc=[0,-4], scale=[0.5,1], size=(int(n_samples/4), 2))
X1 = np.vstack([X11, X12])
X = np.vstack([X0, X1])
X = rescale(X)
y0 = np.zeros(shape=(int(n_samples/2), 1))
y1 = np.ones(shape=(int(n_samples/2), 1))
yhat = np.vstack([y0, y1])
# shuffle the data
inds = np.random.permutation(np.arange(n_samples))
X = X[inds]
yhat = yhat[inds]
X0 = X[(yhat==0).reshape(-1)]
X1 = X[(yhat==1).reshape(-1)]
plt.scatter(*X0.T, label='0', alpha=0.4); plt.scatter(*X1.T, label='1', alpha=0.4)
Activations & cost function
def relu(z):
return np.where(z>0, z, 0)
def drelu_dz(z):
return np.where(z>0, 1, 0)
def sig(z):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))
def dsig_dz(z):
return sig(z) * (1 - sig(z))
def J(y, yhat):
eps = 1e-8
return -(yhat*np.log(y+eps) + (1-yhat)*np.log(1-y+eps))
def dJ_dy(y, yhat):
eps = 1e-8
return (1-yhat)/(1-y+eps) - yhat/(y+eps)
Model initialization, forward & backward passes. Set the random seed so that we always initialize to the same values, so that we can compare different training strategies fairly.
def init_model(shape):
w = {}
b = {}
for layer in range(1, len(shape)): # no weights for the input layer
w[layer] = np.random.normal(0, 0.5, size=(shape[layer-1], shape[layer])) # dim: from_units, to_units
b[layer] = np.random.normal(0, 0.5, size=(shape[layer], 1)) # dim: to_units, 1
return w,b
def forwardn(x0, w, b):
n_layers = len(w)
x_prev = x0
for l in range(1, n_layers):
x_l = relu(, w[l]) + b[l].T) # output of a hidden layer
x_prev = x_l
return sig(, w[n_layers]) + b[n_layers].T) # output of output layer
def backwardn(x0, w, b, y, yhat, alpha):
n_layers = len(w)
z = {}
x = {0:x0}
# x and z values for calculating derivatives
for l in range(1, n_layers+1):
z[l] =[l-1], w[l]) + b[l].T
x[l] = relu(z[l])
delta = {}
# deltas and updates
for l in range(n_layers, 0, -1): # start with last layer and move backward
if l == n_layers: # base case
delta[l] = dJ_dy(y, yhat)*dsig_dz(z[n_layers])
else: # recursive case
delta[l] =[l+1], delta[l+1]) * drelu_dz(z[l]).T
# update weights and biases
w[l] -= alpha * np.multiply(delta[l], x[l-1]).T
b[l] -= alpha * delta[l]
return w, b
Training function
def trainn(X, yhat, shape, alpha, n_epoch):
n_samples = X.shape[0]
n_input = X.shape[1]
# keep track of performance during training
costs = np.zeros(shape=(n_epoch,1))
# random nonzero initialization
w,b = init_model(shape)
for epoch in range(n_epoch):
for i in range(n_samples):
x0 = X[i,:]; yh = yhat[i]
y = forwardn(x0, w, b) # prediction for one sample
w, b = backwardn(x0, w, b, y, yh, alpha) # take step
# ### Some niceness to see our progress
# Calculate total cost after epoch
predictions = forwardn(X, w, b) # predictions for entire set
costs[epoch] = np.mean(J(predictions, yhat)) # mean cost per sample
# report progress
accuracy = np.mean(predictions.round() == yhat) # current accuracy on entire set
print('\rTraining accuracy after epoch {}: {:.4%}'.format(epoch, accuracy), end='')
return w, b, costs
Train the MLP from the previous notebook
shape = (2,3,4,1)
alpha = 0.01
n_epoch = 150
%time w, b, costs = trainn(X, yhat, shape, alpha, n_epoch)
plt.plot(costs); plt.title('Mean cost per sample after each epoch');
Training accuracy after epoch 149: 99.4000% CPU times: user 12.9 s, sys: 739 ms, total: 13.6 s Wall time: 13 s
x1 = np.linspace(-4,4,250)
x2 = np.linspace(-1.5,1.5,250)
fun_map = np.empty((x1.size, x2.size))
for n,i in enumerate(x1):
for m,j in enumerate(x2):
fun_map[m,n] = forwardn([i,-j], w, b)
X0 = X[(yhat==0).reshape(-1)]
X1 = X[(yhat==1).reshape(-1)]
plt.imshow(fun_map, extent=[x1.min(), x1.max(), x2.min(), x2.max()],
vmin=0, vmax=1, aspect='auto')
plt.contour(x1, -x2, fun_map, levels=[0.5], colors=['r'], linewidths=2)
plt.scatter(*X0.T, label='0', alpha=0.4); plt.scatter(*X1.T, label='1', alpha=0.4)
So far we have been doing stochastic gradient descent (SGD), which takes one step per sample. However, this can be a bit chaotic: we make a lot of updates using not a lot of data. We can start to smooth our process out by using so-called mini-batches (small groups of data points), and taking a step in the average direction dictated by doing backprop on each of those points.
We first adjust our backward pass to accept multiple samples, and update w
and b
with the mean steps.
Our new backprop functions, backward_mini
will now accept a matrix X0
as input, calculate the updates for each row, and average over those before making one update to w
and b
Let's update our notation and call the update rule
wℓ → wℓ−αdwℓ(and similar for b). This will allow us to talk more generally about changes to the update rule.
Consider mini-batches of mbatch samples, and let's consider weights between layers with nℓ−1 and nℓ units. In the SQG case, δℓ had a shape of (nℓ,1) (the same shape as bℓ). Now we stack our calculated δs so that we get a matrix of shape (nℓ,mbatch), one column per sample. The block of samples itself has shape (mbatch,nℓ−1). Recalling that dwℓ=δℓxℓ−1, we see the the dimension of size mbatch is summed over (effectively summing over all the samples). For that reason we adjust the update rule to
dwℓ=δℓxℓ−1/mbatchso that we get an average instead of a sum. The approach for db is simpler: we simply take a mean over the axis corresponding to the features. It's important here to take the mean using delta[l].mean(axis=1, keepdims=True)
, where keepdims=True
prevents numpy from making annoying 0-dimensional vectors after the mean.
Because the steps we take are averaged over several samples, they are more stable than in stochastic gradient descent, so we can afford a larger learning rate and still expect to converge onto a solution.
def backward_mini(X0, w, b, y, yhat, alpha):
n_layers = len(w)
batch_size = len(yhat)
z = {}
x = {0:X0}
delta = {}
# x and z values for calculating derivatives
for l in range(1, n_layers+1):
z[l] = np.matmul(x[l-1], w[l]) + b[l].T # matmul instead of dot
x[l] = relu(z[l])
# deltas and updates
for l in range(n_layers, 0, -1): # start with last layer and move backward
if l == n_layers: # base case
# delta is a column, so make the deltas from the samples go along axis 1 by transposing
delta[l] = (dJ_dy(y, yhat) * dsig_dz(z[n_layers])).T
else: # recursive case
delta[l] = np.matmul(w[l+1], delta[l+1]) * drelu_dz(z[l]).T
dw = np.matmul(delta[l], x[l-1]).T / batch_size # mean over samples
db = delta[l].mean(axis=1, keepdims=True) # mean over samples
# update weights and biases
w[l] -= alpha * dw
b[l] -= alpha * db
return w, b
The training script requires minimal adjustment. We add an extra parameter batch_size
and use it to loop through the training set taking steps of that size, passing these blocks to the backward function.
def train_mini(X, yhat, shape, alpha, n_epoch, batch_size):
n_samples = X.shape[0]
n_input = X.shape[1]
# keep track of performance during training
costs = np.zeros(shape=(n_epoch,1))
# random nonzero initialization
w,b = init_model(shape)
for epoch in range(n_epoch):
for i in range(0, n_samples, batch_size):
X_batch = X[i:i+batch_size,:]
yh = yhat[i:i+batch_size]
y = forwardn(X_batch, w, b) # prediction for mini-batch
w, b = backward_mini(X_batch, w, b, y, yh, alpha) # take step
# ### Some niceness to see our progress
# Calculate total cost after epoch
predictions = forwardn(X, w, b) # predictions for entire set
costs[epoch] = np.mean(J(predictions, yhat)) # mean cost per sample
# report progress
accuracy = np.mean(predictions.round() == yhat) # current accuracy on entire set
print('\rTraining accuracy after epoch {}: {:.4%}'.format(epoch, accuracy), end='')
return w, b, costs
We will use a batch-size of 32, and increase the learning rate α from 0.01 to 0.1. Note that at α=0.1, the previous SGD training run doesn't even converge!
batch_size = 32
shape = (2,3,4,1)
alpha = 0.1
n_epoch = 2000
%time w_mini, b_mini, costs_mini = train_mini(X, yhat, shape, alpha, n_epoch, batch_size)
plt.plot(costs_mini, label='Mini-batch gradient descent')
plt.plot(costs, label='SGD')
plt.title('Mean cost per sample after each epoch');
Training accuracy after epoch 1999: 99.7000% CPU times: user 11.8 s, sys: 1.95 s, total: 13.7 s Wall time: 12.1 s
x1 = np.linspace(-4,4,250)
x2 = np.linspace(-1.5,1.5,250)
fun_map_mini = np.empty((x1.size, x2.size))
for n,i in enumerate(x1):
for m,j in enumerate(x2):
fun_map_mini[m,n] = forwardn([i,-j], w_mini, b_mini)
plt.imshow(fun_map, extent=[x1.min(), x1.max(), x2.min(), x2.max()],
vmin=0, vmax=1, aspect='auto')
plt.contour(x1, -x2, fun_map, levels=[0.5], colors=['r'], linewidths=2)
plt.scatter(*X0.T, label='0', alpha=0.4); plt.scatter(*X1.T, label='1', alpha=0.4)
plt.title('Decision function SGD');
plt.imshow(fun_map_mini, extent=[x1.min(), x1.max(), x2.min(), x2.max()],
vmin=0, vmax=1, aspect='auto')
plt.contour(x1, -x2, fun_map_mini, levels=[0.5], colors=['r'], linewidths=2)
plt.scatter(*X0.T, label='0', alpha=0.4); plt.scatter(*X1.T, label='1', alpha=0.4)
plt.title('Decision function mini-batch gradient descent')
We see that we can go through many more epochs in the same amount of wall-clock time, as we take far fewer update steps per epoch. However, the convergence happens in around the same number of epochs, so in the same amount of time we can make much more progress. Comparing the plots, we see that the gradients are a bit sharper, i.e. the model is much more sure of itself, and we also have improved our accuracy.
The idea behind momentum is to take update steps that are an average over the current step calculated from backprop, and the previous step. The motivation is that small oscillations should cancel out, while actual progress should not be affected by the averaging.
In practice this is done by taking an exponentially weighted moving average of the dw and db obtained by backprop, and updating using the average step. The weighting is parameterized by the momentum parameter β. At step t, the updates are:
dwmom[t]=βdwmom[t−1]+(1−β)dwbackprop[t]So the dw calculated from backprop τ steps ago appears as a term in the weighted sum with a weight βτ. A typical value for β is around 0.9, which corresponds to having the last approximately 10 steps significantly contributing to dw.
In our implementation we now need to keep track of what the previous dw and db were for each layer, and update these values using the newly calculated ones from backprop. We do this by keeping them in a dictionary.
def backward_mom(X0, w, b, y, yhat, dw, db, alpha, beta):
n_layers = len(w)
batch_size = len(yhat)
z = {}
x = {0:X0}
delta = {}
# x and z values for calculating derivatives
for l in range(1, n_layers+1):
z[l] = np.matmul(x[l-1], w[l]) + b[l].T
x[l] = relu(z[l])
# deltas and updates
for l in range(n_layers, 0, -1): # start with last layer and move backward
if l == n_layers: # base case
delta[l] = (dJ_dy(y, yhat) * dsig_dz(z[n_layers])).T
else: # recursive case
delta[l] = np.matmul(w[l+1], delta[l+1]) * drelu_dz(z[l]).T
# Updates from backprop
dw_new = np.matmul(delta[l], x[l-1]).T / batch_size
db_new = delta[l].mean(axis=1, keepdims=True)
# Exp. weighted average
dw[l] = beta*dw[l] + (1-beta)*dw_new
db[l] = beta*db[l] + (1-beta)*db_new
# update weights and biases
w[l] -= alpha * dw[l]
b[l] -= alpha * db[l]
return w, b, dw, db
def train_mom(X, yhat, shape, alpha, n_epoch, batch_size, beta):
n_samples = X.shape[0]
n_input = X.shape[1]
# keep track of performance during training
costs = np.zeros(shape=(n_epoch,1))
# random nonzero initialization
w,b = init_model(shape)
# initialize dw and db to zero
dw = {l:np.zeros_like(wl) for l,wl in w.items()}
db = {l:np.zeros_like(bl) for l,bl in b.items()}
for epoch in range(n_epoch):
for i in range(0, n_samples, batch_size):
X_batch = X[i:i+batch_size,:]
yh = yhat[i:i+batch_size]
y = forwardn(X_batch, w, b) # prediction for mini-batch
w, b, dw, db = backward_mom(X_batch, w, b, y, yh, dw, db, alpha, beta) # take step
# ### Some niceness to see our progress
# Calculate total cost after epoch
predictions = forwardn(X, w, b) # predictions for entire set
costs[epoch] = np.mean(J(predictions, yhat)) # mean cost per sample
# report progress
accuracy = np.mean(predictions.round() == yhat) # current accuracy on entire set
print('\rTraining accuracy after epoch {}: {:.4%}'.format(epoch, accuracy), end='')
return w, b, costs
batch_size = 1
shape = (2,3,4,1)
alpha = 0.03
beta = 0.9
n_epoch = 150
%time w_mom, b_mom, costs_mom = train_mom(X, yhat, shape, alpha, n_epoch, batch_size, beta)
plt.plot(costs_mom, label='SGD with momentum')
plt.plot(costs, label='SGD')
plt.title('Mean cost per sample after each epoch');
Training accuracy after epoch 149: 99.4000% CPU times: user 21.2 s, sys: 1.16 s, total: 22.4 s Wall time: 21.5 s
x1 = np.linspace(-4,4,250)
x2 = np.linspace(-1.5,1.5,250)
fun_map_mom = np.empty((x1.size, x2.size))
for n,i in enumerate(x1):
for m,j in enumerate(x2):
fun_map_mom[m,n] = forwardn([i,-j], w_mom, b_mom)
plt.imshow(fun_map, extent=[x1.min(), x1.max(), x2.min(), x2.max()],
vmin=0, vmax=1, aspect='auto')
plt.contour(x1, -x2, fun_map, levels=[0.5], colors=['r'], linewidths=2)
plt.scatter(*X0.T, label='0', alpha=0.4); plt.scatter(*X1.T, label='1', alpha=0.4)
plt.title('Decision function SGD');
plt.imshow(fun_map_mom, extent=[x1.min(), x1.max(), x2.min(), x2.max()],
vmin=0, vmax=1, aspect='auto')
plt.contour(x1, -x2, fun_map_mom, levels=[0.5], colors=['r'], linewidths=2)
plt.title('Decision function SGD with momentum')
plt.scatter(*X0.T, label='0', alpha=0.4); plt.scatter(*X1.T, label='1', alpha=0.4)
Again the more stable steps afforded us a higher learning rate, but we see that the effect was less pronounced than with mini-batching for this problem. Furthermore, although we made a lot of initial progress, we see that the training was a little unstable towards the end. This is an indication that the learning rate was actually slightly too large at that point. To help deal with this problem, we turn to learning rate decay.
Learning rate decay involves gradually decreasing the learning rate α as the epochs go by. This allows for starting with a higher learning rate, to make big gains at the start of training, and then as we approach the minimum to slow down learning and start making more fine-grained adjustments to get as close as possible to the true minimum.
One approach is to define a number of steps and make the steps after a set number of epochs. We will take a smoother approach, and have the learning rate decay exponentially. This process is governed by another parameter, the decay rate γ. After each epoch we multiply the decay rate by 1−γ:
α→(1−γ)αThen after n epochs, α's value is (1−γ)n of its original value. We have been training with α=0.01 and 150 epochs.
To demonstrate, let's choose our γ and initial α so that our decaying α will cross our constant alpha about halfway through training. It's a bit hard to see on a linear scale, but a log scale makes it clear what's going on:
epochs = np.arange(0,150)
gamma = 0.015
alpha = 0.03
plt.subplot(1,2,1, )
plt.plot(alpha*(1-gamma)**epochs, label='Decaying alpha')
plt.plot(0.01*np.ones_like(epochs), label='Constant alpha')
plt.ylabel('alpha'); plt.xlabel('Number of epochs');
plt.plot(alpha*(1-gamma)**epochs, label='Decaying alpha')
plt.plot(0.01*np.ones_like(epochs), label='Constant alpha')
plt.ylabel('alpha'); plt.xlabel('Number of epochs')
To implement decay, we only need to tweak our training script a little, as the backpropagation is unaffected. Before we being looping through the epochs, we initialize the variable learning rate, and after each epoch we multiply this value by (1-gamma)
. Let's test it out with our values from above!
def train_dec(X, yhat, shape, alpha, n_epoch, batch_size, beta, gamma):
n_samples = X.shape[0]
n_input = X.shape[1]
# keep track of performance during training
costs = np.zeros(shape=(n_epoch,1))
# random nonzero initialization
w,b = init_model(shape)
# initialize dw and db to zero
dw = {l:np.zeros_like(wl) for l,wl in w.items()}
db = {l:np.zeros_like(bl) for l,bl in b.items()}
alph = alpha
for epoch in range(n_epoch):
for i in range(0, n_samples, batch_size):
X_batch = X[i:i+batch_size,:]
yh = yhat[i:i+batch_size]
y = forwardn(X_batch, w, b) # prediction for mini-batch
w, b, dw, db = backward_mom(X_batch, w, b, y, yh, dw, db, alph, beta) # take step
# Decay the learning rate
alph *= (1 - gamma)
# ### Some niceness to see our progress
# Calculate total cost after epoch
predictions = forwardn(X, w, b) # predictions for entire set
costs[epoch] = np.mean(J(predictions, yhat)) # mean cost per sample
# report progress
accuracy = np.mean(predictions.round() == yhat) # current accuracy on entire set
print('\rTraining accuracy after epoch {}: {:.4%}'.format(epoch, accuracy), end='')
return w, b, costs
batch_size = 1
shape = (2,3,4,1)
gamma = 0.015
alpha = 0.03
beta = 0
n_epoch = 150
%time w_dec, b_dec, costs_dec = train_dec(X, yhat, shape, alpha, n_epoch, batch_size, beta, gamma)
plt.plot(costs_dec, label='SGD with decay')
plt.plot(costs, label='SGD')
plt.title('Mean cost per sample after each epoch');
Training accuracy after epoch 149: 99.8000% CPU times: user 22 s, sys: 1.54 s, total: 23.6 s Wall time: 22.3 s
x1 = np.linspace(-4,4,250)
x2 = np.linspace(-1.5,1.5,250)
fun_map_dec = np.empty((x1.size, x2.size))
for n,i in enumerate(x1):
for m,j in enumerate(x2):
fun_map_dec[m,n] = forwardn([i,-j], w_dec, b_dec)
plt.imshow(fun_map, extent=[x1.min(), x1.max(), x2.min(), x2.max()],
vmin=0, vmax=1, aspect='auto')
plt.contour(x1, -x2, fun_map, levels=[0.5], colors=['r'], linewidths=2)
plt.scatter(*X0.T, label='0', alpha=0.4); plt.scatter(*X1.T, label='1', alpha=0.4)
plt.title('Decision function SGD');
plt.imshow(fun_map_dec, extent=[x1.min(), x1.max(), x2.min(), x2.max()],
vmin=0, vmax=1, aspect='auto')
plt.contour(x1, -x2, fun_map_dec, levels=[0.5], colors=['r'], linewidths=2)
plt.title('Decision function SGD with decay')
plt.scatter(*X0.T, label='0', alpha=0.4); plt.scatter(*X1.T, label='1', alpha=0.4)
We see again that we converged more quickly, but this time without the wobbles brought about by jumping over the minimum with a large step size towards the end of training. We also got a record high accuracy so far!
Of course, training set accuracy isn't everything, we have to be sure that we aren't overfitting. For this, we examine some regularization techniques in the next notebook.