This Jupyter Notebook provides an interactive script to assign translations to the characters recognized by the syrocr getchars
# First, import some libraries
import os.path, json
from syrocr.images import Im, AvgIm
# usage: display(image)
from IPython.core.display import display
# Then, locate directories and file names
img_dir = 'example'
json_dir = 'example'
src_img_ext = '.tif'
lines_file_ext = '_lines.json'
textlines_file_ext = '_textlines.json'
tables_file = os.path.join(json_dir, 'test_tables.json')
# ... and load the tables file to the tables dict
with open(tables_file, 'r') as f:
tables = json.load(f)
# Define some functions
# TODO textsize should be available in line dict
def get_textsize(linetype, section):
if section == 'main' and linetype in ('text', 'pagenr'):
textsize = 'normal'
textsize = 'small'
return textsize
# we are mainly interested in the 'main' section,
# so for now we ignore 'marginl' and 'marginr'
section = 'main'
def get_filenames():
with os.scandir(img_dir) as sd:
for dir_entry in sorted(sd, key = lambda x:
if dir_entry.is_file() and
basename = os.path.splitext([0]
img_file = dir_entry.path
lines_file = os.path.join(json_dir, basename + lines_file_ext)
textlines_file = os.path.join(json_dir, basename + textlines_file_ext)
yield basename, img_file, lines_file, textlines_file
def get_key(basename, line_num, c_num, entry, table):
c_id, d, keyoverride, box = entry
c = table[c_id]
if c['key'] is None:
print(f'page {basename} line {line_num} character {c_num} id {c_id}')
avgim = AvgIm(c['avgim']['base64_str'], c['avgim']['baseline'], c['avgim']['width'], c['avgim']['height'])
key = input().split()
table[c_id]['key'] = {
'tr': '' if not key else key.pop(0),
'script': '' if not key or key[0].isdigit() else key.pop(0),
'dist': None if not key else int(key.pop(0)),
return table[c_id]['key']
# Now, we go over the json files, and for every character
# without key, prompt for translation
for basename, img_file, lines_file, textlines_file in get_filenames():
im = Im(img_file)
with open(lines_file, 'r') as f:
lines = json.load(f)
with open(textlines_file, 'r') as f:
text = json.load(f)
for line, textline in zip(lines, text):
if line['type'] != 'column' or line['main'] is None:
textsize = get_textsize(line['type'], section)
table = tables[textsize]
print('Line', line['num'], 'textsize', textsize)
for i, entry in enumerate(textline[section]):
key = get_key(basename, line['num'], i, entry, table)
if key is not None:
# Final letters: kaf, indicated with capital K; nun, indicated with capital N; mem, capital M
# Dotless dalath/rish: indicated with capital D
# TODO misplaced dot below Sade, that should be shifted from before to after Sade: #>
# TODO misplaced? dot below mem (with dot above), that properly belongs to following nun(?): m^# (id 312)
# cell for checking or updating values
c_id = 13
c = tables['small'][c_id]
# When all is good, save the tables directory back to file.
# dialogue to prevent accidental writing to tables file
if input(f'Type \'yes indeed\' to save the tables dict to {tables_file}:\n') == 'yes indeed':
with open(tables_file, 'w') as f:
json.dump(tables, f)
print('Not saved.')
# Search for ambiguously encoded characters
for basename, img_file, lines_file, textlines_file in get_filenames():
with open(lines_file, 'r') as f:
lines = json.load(f)
with open(textlines_file, 'r') as f:
text = json.load(f)
for line, textline in zip(lines, text):
if line['type'] != 'column':
textsize = get_textsize(line['type'], section)
table = tables[textsize]
stack = None
for i, entry in enumerate(textline[section]):
c_id, connections, keyoverride, box = entry
tr = table[c_id]['key']['tr'] if table[c_id]['key'] else None
script = table[c_id]['key']['script'] if table[c_id]['key'] else None
pr_tr = table[stack[0]]['key']['tr'] if stack and table[stack[0]]['key'] else None
if ((pr_tr and pr_tr[-1] == '+' and tr != '+' + pr_tr[:-1])
or ('+' in tr[:-1] and (not pr_tr or not '+' in pr_tr))
or '?' in tr or (pr_tr and pr_tr[0] == '^') or (script == '' and tr.endswith('>'))):
if stack:
print('prev:', stack, table[stack[0]]['key'])
print(basename, line['num'], i, entry, table[c_id]['key'])
im = Im(img_file)
stack = entry
# Search for ambiguously encoded characters
for basename, img_file, lines_file, textlines_file in get_filenames():
with open(lines_file, 'r') as f:
lines = json.load(f)
with open(textlines_file, 'r') as f:
text = json.load(f)
for line, textline in zip(lines, text):
if line['type'] != 'column':
textsize = get_textsize(line['type'], section)
table = tables[textsize]
stack = None
for i, entry in enumerate(textline[section]):
c_id, connections, keyoverride, box = entry
tr = table[c_id]['key']['tr'] if table[c_id]['key'] else None
pr_tr = table[stack[0]]['key']['tr'] if stack and table[stack[0]]['key'] else None
# if basename == 'mitchell2_test-05' and line['num'] == 44 and i in range(0,18): # tr == '$': # i == 14: #
# print(basename, line['num'], i, entry, table[c_id]['key'])
### SEARCH C_ID ###
# if c_id == 290:
# if stack and stack[0] == 159:
# if stack and pr_tr == '+S?N':
if tr == 'y' and stack and pr_tr == 'S':
if stack:
print('prev:', stack, table[stack[0]]['key'])
print(basename, line['num'], i, entry, table[c_id]['key'])
im = Im(img_file)
stack = entry
# if tr == 'w' and connections[0]:
# if stack:
# print('prev:', stack, table[stack[0]]['key'])
# print(basename, line['num'], i, entry, table[c_id]['key'])
# # print(f' - [[\'{basename}\', {line["num"]}, {i}, {c_id}], \'q\']')
# im = Im(img_file)
# display(im.crop(line['main']))
# stack = entry