Notebook --- title: "Plotting and Pandas" teaching: 3000 exercises: 0 questions: - "How do we make scatter plots in Matplotlib? How do we store data in a Pandas `DataFrame`?" objectives: - "Select rows and columns from an Astropy `Table`." - "Use Matplotlib to make a scatter plot." - "Use Gala to transform coordinates." - "Make a Pandas `DataFrame` and use a Boolean `Series` to select rows." - "Save a `DataFrame` in an HDF5 file." keypoints: - "When you make a scatter plot, adjust the size of the markers and their transparency so the figure is not overplotted; otherwise it can misrepresent the data badly." - "For simple scatter plots in Matplotlib, `plot` is faster than `scatter`." - "An Astropy `Table` and a Pandas `DataFrame` are similar in many ways and they provide many of the same functions. They have pros and cons, but for many projects, either one would be a reasonable choice." - "To store data from a Pandas `DataFrame`, a good option is an HDF file, which can contain multiple Datasets." --- {% include %}