Simple gravity pendulum: d2θdt2=−glsinθ.
Initial condition for −1<ymax<1 θ(0)=0,˙θ(0)=√gl2ymax
Exact solution: θ(t)=2arcsin(ymaxsn(√glt|k=ymax))
second(a) = a[begin+1]
@time using Printf
@time using DifferentialEquations
@time using StaticArrays
@time using Parameters
@time using Elliptic
@time using Plots
@time pyplot(fmt=:svg)
@time using Unitful{Quantity{T}}) where T = zero(T)
const m = u"m"
const s = u"s"
val(x) = x
val(x::Unitful.AbstractQuantity) = x.val
@time using PhysicalConstants
g = PhysicalConstants.CODATA2018.StandardAccelerationOfGravitation
VERSION = v"1.7.0-DEV.1129" 0.001262 seconds (1.61 k allocations: 117.172 KiB, 135.22% compilation time) 8.646942 seconds (21.28 M allocations: 1.542 GiB, 4.93% gc time) 0.021959 seconds (33.37 k allocations: 1.902 MiB, 97.53% compilation time) 0.000396 seconds (251 allocations: 16.391 KiB) 0.003836 seconds (3.21 k allocations: 282.844 KiB, 28.24% compilation time) 3.418940 seconds (6.87 M allocations: 508.058 MiB, 7.96% gc time) 4.658772 seconds (12.27 M allocations: 735.629 MiB, 3.57% gc time, 0.35% compilation time) 0.022045 seconds (33.37 k allocations: 1.902 MiB, 97.57% compilation time) 0.312106 seconds (459.72 k allocations: 30.415 MiB)
WARNING: Wrapping `Vararg` directly in UnionAll is deprecated (wrap the tuple instead).
Standard acceleration of gravitation (g_n) Value = 9.80665 m s^-2 Standard uncertainty = (exact) Relative standard uncertainty = (exact) Reference = CODATA 2018
# parameters with dimensions
g = PhysicalConstants.CODATA2018.StandardAccelerationOfGravitation # = 9.80665 m/s²
l = 1.0m
θ0 = 0.0
ymax = 0.9999 # this setting is very stiff!
dθ0 = √(g/l)*2ymax
t0 = 0.0s
t1 = 30.0s
# dimensionless parameters
p = val.((g, l))
tspan = val.((t0, t1))
v0 = val.([dθ0])
u0 = val.([θ0])
vu0 = val.([dθ0, θ0])
(; p, ymax, vu0)
(p = (9.80665, 1.0), ymax = 0.9999, vu0 = [6.262487929909805, 0.0])
# exact solution for θ0 = 0, dθ(0)/dt = √(g/l)*2y_max
sn(u, k) =, k^2)
θ_exact_sol(p, t, ymax) = ((g, l) = p; 2asin(ymax*sn(√(g/l)*t, ymax)))
t = range(tspan...; length=1001)
plot(t, θ_exact_sol.(Ref(p), t, ymax); label="exact solution", ylim=(-4, 5.5))
plot!(; size=(400, 250))
┌ Warning: `vendor()` is deprecated, use `BLAS.get_config()` and inspect the output instead │ caller = npyinitialize() at numpy.jl:67 └ @ PyCall C:\Users\genkuroki\.julia\packages\PyCall\BD546\src\numpy.jl:67
# total energy
E(v, u, p, t) = ((g, l) = p; v[1]^2/2 - (g/l)*(cos(u[1]) - 1))
E (generic function with 1 method)
# plot function
function plot_pendulum(sol, ymax; title="solution: θ(t)")
@unpack tspan, p = sol.prob
t = range(tspan..., length=501)
dθ = (t -> sol(t)[1]).(t)
θ = (t -> sol(t)[2]).(t)
θ_exact = θ_exact_sol.(Ref(p), t, ymax)
P = plot(t, [θ θ_exact]; label=["numerical" "exact"], ls=:auto, ylim=(-4, 6.5))
plot!(xtick=0:2:30, ytick=-10:10)
title!(title; titlefontsize=12)
v0, u0 = first.((dθ, θ))
E_exact = fill(E(v0, u0, p, 0.0), length(t))
E_numerical = E.(dθ, θ, Ref(p), t)
Q = plot(t, E_numerical - E_exact; label="")
title!("total energy error"; titlefontsize=12)
plot(P, Q; size=(800, 250), layout=(1, 2))
plot_pendulum (generic function with 1 method)
# u = [dθ/dt, θ]
# du = [d²θ/dt², dθ/dt]
function f!(du, u, p, t)
g, l = p
du[1] = -(g/l)*sin(u[2])
du[2] = u[1]
ode_prob = ODEProblem(f!, vu0, tspan, p)
@time sol = solve(ode_prob)
@time sol = solve(ode_prob)
@time sol = solve(ode_prob)
@show length(sol.t)
plot_pendulum(sol, ymax)
24.767610 seconds (57.54 M allocations: 3.365 GiB, 3.73% gc time) 0.000175 seconds (1.16 k allocations: 122.750 KiB) 0.000151 seconds (1.16 k allocations: 122.750 KiB) length(sol.t) = 113
# u = [dθ/dt, θ]
# du = [d²θ/dt², dθ/dt]
function f!(du, u, p, t)
g, l = p
du[1] = -(g/l)*sin(u[2])
du[2] = u[1]
ode_prob = ODEProblem(f!, vu0, tspan, p)
@time sol = solve(ode_prob, RKO65(); dt=0.05)
@time sol = solve(ode_prob, RKO65(); dt=0.05)
@time sol = solve(ode_prob, RKO65(); dt=0.05)
@show length(sol.t)
plot_pendulum(sol, ymax)
2.895777 seconds (6.72 M allocations: 386.049 MiB, 3.10% gc time) 0.000254 seconds (4.84 k allocations: 487.719 KiB) 0.000253 seconds (4.84 k allocations: 487.719 KiB) length(sol.t) = 601
# u = [dθ/dt, θ]
# du = [d²θ/dt², dθ/dt]
function f(u, p, t)
g, l = p
du = SVector(
ode_prob = ODEProblem(f, SVector{2}(vu0), tspan, p)
@time sol = solve(ode_prob)
@time sol = solve(ode_prob)
@time sol = solve(ode_prob)
@show length(sol.t)
plot_pendulum(sol, ymax)
3.441609 seconds (10.25 M allocations: 628.632 MiB, 4.34% gc time) 0.000074 seconds (187 allocations: 40.328 KiB) 0.000068 seconds (187 allocations: 40.328 KiB) length(sol.t) = 114
# u = [dθ/dt, θ]
# du = [d²θ/dt², dθ/dt]
function f(u, p, t)
g, l = p
du = SVector(
ode_prob = ODEProblem(f, SVector{2}(vu0), tspan, p)
@time sol = solve(ode_prob, RKO65(); dt=0.05)
@time sol = solve(ode_prob, RKO65(); dt=0.05)
@time sol = solve(ode_prob, RKO65(); dt=0.05)
@show length(sol.t)
plot_pendulum(sol, ymax)
0.651616 seconds (2.57 M allocations: 153.325 MiB, 5.61% gc time) 0.000243 seconds (622 allocations: 124.797 KiB) 0.000112 seconds (622 allocations: 124.797 KiB) length(sol.t) = 601
# u = [θ], v = [dθ/dt]
# du = [dθ/dt], dv = [d²θ/dt²]
f2!(dv, v, u, p, t) = ((g, l) = p; dv[1] = -(g/l)*sin(u[1]))
soode_prob = SecondOrderODEProblem(f2!, v0, u0, tspan, p)
@time sol = solve(soode_prob)
@time sol = solve(soode_prob)
@time sol = solve(soode_prob)
@show length(sol.t)
plot_pendulum(sol, ymax)
5.784741 seconds (26.73 M allocations: 1.312 GiB, 6.42% gc time) 0.000185 seconds (2.01 k allocations: 210.750 KiB) 0.000179 seconds (2.01 k allocations: 210.750 KiB) length(sol.t) = 113
# u = [θ], v = [dθ/dt]
# du = [dθ/dt], dv = [d²θ/dt²]
f2!(dv, v, u, p, t) = ((g, l) = p; dv[1] = -(g/l)*sin(u[1]))
soode_prob = SecondOrderODEProblem(f2!, v0, u0, tspan, p)
@time sol = solve(soode_prob, Yoshida6(); dt=0.1)
@time sol = solve(soode_prob, Yoshida6(); dt=0.1)
@time sol = solve(soode_prob, Yoshida6(); dt=0.1)
@show length(sol.t)
plot_pendulum(sol, ymax)
1.609789 seconds (6.28 M allocations: 325.435 MiB, 4.86% gc time) 0.000181 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 215.203 KiB) 0.000211 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 215.203 KiB) length(sol.t) = 301
# u = [θ], v = [dθ/dt]
# du = [dθ/dt], dv = [d²θ/dt²]
f1!(du, v, u, p, t) = @. du = v
f2!(dv, v, u, p, t) = ((g, l) = p; dv[1] = -(g/l)*sin(u[1]))
dynode_prob = DynamicalODEProblem(f2!, f1!, v0, u0, tspan, p)
@time sol = solve(dynode_prob)
@time sol = solve(dynode_prob)
@time sol = solve(dynode_prob)
@show length(sol.t)
plot_pendulum(sol, ymax)
3.786276 seconds (7.95 M allocations: 421.076 MiB, 11.20% gc time) 0.000202 seconds (2.01 k allocations: 210.750 KiB) 0.000185 seconds (2.01 k allocations: 210.750 KiB) length(sol.t) = 113
# u = [θ], v = [dθ/dt]
# du = [dθ/dt], dv = [d²θ/dt²]
f1!(du, v, u, p, t) = @. du = v
f2!(dv, v, u, p, t) = ((g, l) = p; dv[1] = -(g/l)*sin(u[1]))
dynode_prob = DynamicalODEProblem(f2!, f1!, v0, u0, tspan, p)
@time sol = solve(dynode_prob, Yoshida6(); dt=0.1)
@time sol = solve(dynode_prob, Yoshida6(); dt=0.1)
@time sol = solve(dynode_prob, Yoshida6(); dt=0.1)
@show length(sol.t)
plot_pendulum(sol, ymax)
1.197207 seconds (2.85 M allocations: 153.838 MiB, 1.93% gc time) 0.000305 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 215.203 KiB) 0.000161 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 215.203 KiB) length(sol.t) = 301
# u = [θ], v = [dθ/dt]
H(v, u, p, t) = ((g, l) = p; v[1]^2/2 - (g/l)*(cos(u[1]) + 1))
hamil_prob = HamiltonianProblem(H, v0, u0, tspan, p)
@time sol = solve(hamil_prob)
@time sol = solve(hamil_prob)
@time sol = solve(hamil_prob)
@show length(sol.t)
plot_pendulum(sol, ymax)
3.876122 seconds (9.92 M allocations: 534.090 MiB, 3.83% gc time) 0.000228 seconds (2.01 k allocations: 211.141 KiB) 0.000214 seconds (2.01 k allocations: 211.141 KiB) length(sol.t) = 113
# u = [θ], v = [dθ/dt]
H(v, u, p, t) = ((g, l) = p; v[1]^2/2 - (g/l)*(cos(u[1]) + 1))
hamil_prob = HamiltonianProblem(H, v0, u0, tspan, p)
@time sol = solve(hamil_prob, Yoshida6(); dt=0.1)
@time sol = solve(hamil_prob, Yoshida6(); dt=0.1)
@time sol = solve(hamil_prob, Yoshida6(); dt=0.1)
@show length(sol.t)
plot_pendulum(sol, ymax)
1.235402 seconds (2.95 M allocations: 159.639 MiB, 2.50% gc time) 0.000278 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 215.516 KiB) 0.000295 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 215.516 KiB) length(sol.t) = 301
function f!(du, u, p, t)
g, l = p
du[1] = -(g/l)*sin(u[2])
du[2] = u[1]
p = (g, l) = (9.80665, 1.0)
ymax = 0.9999
v0 = [√(g/l)*2ymax]
u0 = [0.0]
tspan = (0.0, 30.0)
(0.0, 30.0)
function my_simple_RK4(f!, u0, tspan, p; dt=0.1)
t = range(tspan...; step=dt)
n = length(t)
u = similar(typeof(u0)[], n)
u[1] = u0
du1, du2, du3, du4 = similar(u0), similar(u0), similar(u0), similar(u0)
dt_half = dt/2
for k in 2:n
u_prev, t_prev = u[k-1], t[k-1]
f!(du1, u_prev , p, t_prev )
f!(du2, u_prev + du1*dt_half, p, t_prev + dt_half)
f!(du3, u_prev + du2*dt_half, p, t_prev + dt_half)
f!(du4, u_prev + du3*dt , p, t_prev + dt )
u_next = @. u_prev + (du1 + 2du2 + 2du3 + du4)*dt/6
u[k] = u_next
(; t, u)
my_simple_RK4 (generic function with 1 method)
using SimpleDiffEq
dt = 0.1
sol = solve(ODEProblem(f!, vu0, tspan, p), SimpleRK4(); dt)
my_sol = my_simple_RK4(f!, vu0, tspan, p; dt)
@show sol.t == my_sol.t
@show sol.u ≈ my_sol.u
plot_pendulum(sol, ymax; title="simple Ringe-Kutta order 4 (dt = $dt)")
sol.t == my_sol.t = true sol.u ≈ my_sol.u = true
using SimpleDiffEq
dt = 0.05
sol = solve(ODEProblem(f!, vu0, tspan, p), SimpleRK4(); dt)
my_sol = my_simple_RK4(f!, vu0, tspan, p; dt)
@show sol.t == my_sol.t
@show sol.u ≈ my_sol.u
plot_pendulum(sol, ymax; title="simple Ringe-Kutta order 4 (dt = $dt)")
sol.t == my_sol.t = true sol.u ≈ my_sol.u = true
using SimpleDiffEq
dt = 0.1
sol_simpleRK4 = solve(ODEProblem(f!, vu0, tspan, p), SimpleRK4(); dt)
sol_RK4 = solve(ODEProblem(f!, vu0, tspan, p), RK4(); dtmax=1.1dt)
@show length(sol_simpleRK4.t)
@show length(sol_RK4.t)
t = range(tspan..., length=1001)
dθ_simpleRK4 = (t -> sol_simpleRK4(t)[1]).(t)
θ_simpleRK4 = (t -> sol_simpleRK4(t)[2]).(t)
dθ_RK4 = (t -> sol_RK4(t)[1]).(t)
θ_RK4 = (t -> sol_RK4(t)[2]).(t)
θ_exact = θ_exact_sol.(Ref(p), t, ymax)
P = plot(t, [θ_simpleRK4 θ_RK4 θ_exact];
label=["SimpleRK4" "RK4" "exact"], ls=[:solid :dash :dashdot], ylim=(-3.5, 7))
plot!(xtick=0:2:30, ytick=-10:10)
title!("Simple and adaptive stepping order-4 Runge-Kutta's (dt = $dt)"; titlefontsize=8)
E_exact = fill(E(v0, u0, p, 0.0), length(t))
E_simpleRK4 = E.(dθ_simpleRK4, θ_simpleRK4, Ref(p), t)
E_RK4 = E.(dθ_RK4, θ_RK4, Ref(p), t)
Q1 = plot(t, E_simpleRK4 - E_exact; label="")
title!("total energy error of SimpleRK4"; titlefontsize=8)
plot!(ylim=(-0.05, 0.005))
Q2 = plot(t, E_RK4 - E_exact; label="")
title!("total energy error of RK4"; titlefontsize=8)
plot!(ylim=(-0.05, 0.005))
plot(P, Q1, Q2; size=(800, 250), layout=@layout[a [b; c]], tickfontsize=7)
length(sol_simpleRK4.t) = 301 length(sol_RK4.t) = 299
using SimpleDiffEq
dt = 0.05
sol_simpleRK4 = solve(ODEProblem(f!, vu0, tspan, p), SimpleRK4(); dt)
sol_RK4 = solve(ODEProblem(f!, vu0, tspan, p), RK4(); dtmax=1.01dt)
@show length(sol_simpleRK4.t)
@show length(sol_RK4.t)
t = range(tspan..., length=1001)
dθ_simpleRK4 = (t -> sol_simpleRK4(t)[1]).(t)
θ_simpleRK4 = (t -> sol_simpleRK4(t)[2]).(t)
dθ_RK4 = (t -> sol_RK4(t)[1]).(t)
θ_RK4 = (t -> sol_RK4(t)[2]).(t)
θ_exact = θ_exact_sol.(Ref(p), t, ymax)
P = plot(t, [θ_simpleRK4 θ_RK4 θ_exact];
label=["SimpleRK4" "RK4" "exact"], ls=[:solid :dash :dashdot], ylim=(-3.5, 7))
plot!(xtick=0:2:30, ytick=-10:10)
title!("Simple and adaptive stepping order-4 Runge-Kutta's (dt = $dt)"; titlefontsize=8)
E_exact = fill(E(v0, u0, p, 0.0), length(t))
E_simpleRK4 = E.(dθ_simpleRK4, θ_simpleRK4, Ref(p), t)
E_RK4 = E.(dθ_RK4, θ_RK4, Ref(p), t)
Q1 = plot(t, E_simpleRK4 - E_exact; label="")
title!("total energy error of SimpleRK4"; titlefontsize=8)
plot!(ylim=(-0.001, 0.0001))
Q2 = plot(t, E_RK4 - E_exact; label="")
title!("total energy error of RK4"; titlefontsize=8)
plot!(ylim=(-0.001, 0.0001))
plot(P, Q1, Q2; size=(800, 250), layout=@layout[a [b; c]], tickfontsize=7)
length(sol_simpleRK4.t) = 601 length(sol_RK4.t) = 600
f2!(dv, v, u, p, t) = ((g, l) = p; dv[1] = -(g/l)*sin(u[1]))
p = (g, l) = (9.80665, 1.0)
ymax = 0.9999
v0 = [√(g/l)*2ymax]
u0 = [0.0]
tspan = (0.0, 30.0)
dt = 0.1
Explicit_RungeKutta = [
# Euler
# Anas5
# RKO65
23-element Vector{Type}: Midpoint Heun Ralston RK4 BS3 OwrenZen3 OwrenZen4 OwrenZen5 DP5 Tsit5 FRK65 PFRK87 TanYam7 DP8 TsitPap8 Feagin10 Feagin12 Feagin14 BS5 Vern6 Vern7 Vern8 Vern9
for integrator in Explicit_RungeKutta
soode_prob = SecondOrderODEProblem(f2!, v0, u0, tspan, p)
sol = solve(soode_prob, integrator())
@printf "%28s:" integrator
@time sol = solve(soode_prob, integrator())
plot_pendulum(sol, ymax; title="$integrator()") |> display
Midpoint: 0.001479 seconds (16.75 k allocations: 1.762 MiB) Heun: 0.001125 seconds (15.79 k allocations: 1.672 MiB) Ralston: 0.001233 seconds (16.77 k allocations: 1.764 MiB) RK4: 0.000428 seconds (2.06 k allocations: 219.203 KiB) BS3: 0.000290 seconds (2.60 k allocations: 271.969 KiB) OwrenZen3: 0.000636 seconds (7.94 k allocations: 825.234 KiB) OwrenZen4: 0.000323 seconds (3.73 k allocations: 392.547 KiB) OwrenZen5: 0.000611 seconds (3.17 k allocations: 327.203 KiB) DP5: 0.000168 seconds (1.23 k allocations: 130.766 KiB) Tsit5: 0.000226 seconds (1.98 k allocations: 208.984 KiB) FRK65: 7.280693 seconds (21.00 M allocations: 2.050 GiB, 69.38% gc time) PFRK87: 2.286901 seconds (7.00 M allocations: 710.817 MiB) TanYam7: 0.000217 seconds (713 allocations: 74.141 KiB) DP8: 0.000419 seconds (1.16 k allocations: 118.516 KiB) TsitPap8: 0.000159 seconds (540 allocations: 58.547 KiB) Feagin10: 0.000236 seconds (612 allocations: 66.859 KiB) Feagin12: 0.000178 seconds (664 allocations: 75.797 KiB) Feagin14: 0.000355 seconds (750 allocations: 90.844 KiB) BS5: 0.000158 seconds (1.50 k allocations: 156.688 KiB) Vern6: 0.000221 seconds (2.04 k allocations: 211.516 KiB) Vern7: 0.000236 seconds (2.05 k allocations: 215.609 KiB) Vern8: 0.000193 seconds (1.70 k allocations: 184.609 KiB) Vern9: 0.000329 seconds (1.58 k allocations: 176.250 KiB)
┌ Warning: Interrupted. Larger maxiters is needed. └ @ SciMLBase C:\Users\genkuroki\.julia\packages\SciMLBase\grNUR\src\integrator_interface.jl:331 ┌ Warning: Interrupted. Larger maxiters is needed. └ @ SciMLBase C:\Users\genkuroki\.julia\packages\SciMLBase\grNUR\src\integrator_interface.jl:331 ┌ Warning: Interrupted. Larger maxiters is needed. └ @ SciMLBase C:\Users\genkuroki\.julia\packages\SciMLBase\grNUR\src\integrator_interface.jl:331 ┌ Warning: Interrupted. Larger maxiters is needed. └ @ SciMLBase C:\Users\genkuroki\.julia\packages\SciMLBase\grNUR\src\integrator_interface.jl:331
RKN_integrator = [
10-element Vector{DataType}: Nystrom4 IRKN3 IRKN4 ERKN4 ERKN5 Nystrom4VelocityIndependent Nystrom5VelocityIndependent DPRKN6 DPRKN8 DPRKN12
for integrator in RKN_integrator
soode_prob = SecondOrderODEProblem(f2!, v0, u0, tspan, p)
sol = solve(soode_prob, integrator(); dt=0.1)
@printf "%28s:" integrator
@time sol = solve(soode_prob, integrator(); dt)
plot_pendulum(sol, ymax; title="$integrator(dt=$dt)") |> display
Nystrom4: 0.000207 seconds (2.15 k allocations: 215.594 KiB) IRKN3: 0.000135 seconds (2.15 k allocations: 215.906 KiB) IRKN4: 0.000183 seconds (2.17 k allocations: 217.141 KiB) ERKN4: 0.000061 seconds (558 allocations: 57.750 KiB) ERKN5: 0.000080 seconds (642 allocations: 65.703 KiB) Nystrom4VelocityIndependent: 0.000173 seconds (2.15 k allocations: 215.422 KiB) Nystrom5VelocityIndependent: 0.000144 seconds (2.16 k allocations: 216.266 KiB) DPRKN6: 0.000124 seconds (1.34 k allocations: 143.172 KiB) DPRKN8: 0.000074 seconds (599 allocations: 63.734 KiB) DPRKN12: 0.000073 seconds (345 allocations: 41.312 KiB)
symplectic_integrator = [
17-element Vector{DataType}: SymplecticEuler VelocityVerlet VerletLeapfrog PseudoVerletLeapfrog McAte2 Ruth3 McAte3 CandyRoz4 McAte4 CalvoSanz4 McAte42 McAte5 Yoshida6 KahanLi6 McAte8 KahanLi8 SofSpa10
for integrator in symplectic_integrator
soode_prob = SecondOrderODEProblem(f2!, v0, u0, tspan, p)
sol = solve(soode_prob, integrator(); dt=0.1)
@printf "%28s:" integrator
@time sol = solve(soode_prob, integrator(); dt)
plot_pendulum(sol, ymax; title="$integrator(dt=$dt)") |> display
SymplecticEuler: 0.000120 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 214.891 KiB) VelocityVerlet: 0.000113 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 214.906 KiB) VerletLeapfrog: 0.000127 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 214.984 KiB) PseudoVerletLeapfrog: 0.000142 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 214.984 KiB) McAte2: 0.000178 seconds (2.17 k allocations: 215.672 KiB) Ruth3: 0.000145 seconds (2.15 k allocations: 215.312 KiB) McAte3: 0.000203 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 215.000 KiB) CandyRoz4: 0.000171 seconds (2.15 k allocations: 215.281 KiB) McAte4: 0.000180 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 215.094 KiB) CalvoSanz4: 0.000191 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 215.125 KiB) McAte42: 0.000156 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 215.125 KiB) McAte5: 0.000171 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 215.203 KiB) Yoshida6: 0.000163 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 215.234 KiB) KahanLi6: 0.000173 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 215.375 KiB) McAte8: 0.000217 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 215.625 KiB) KahanLi8: 0.000219 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 215.750 KiB) SofSpa10: 0.000382 seconds (2.14 k allocations: 216.562 KiB)