Matthew Wampler-Doty
Abstract. In this paper, the statistical behavior of of a mining protocol due to Vitalik Buterin (2014), dubbed Random Circuit, is investigated. It is revealed to follow a form of the geometric distribution. Several means of parameter estimation are demonstrated, and a statistical model for pooled mining is presented. Finally, a control mechanism for both average pooled mining time and variance is suggested. This opens the doorway to subsequent study of control protocols based on this mechanism.
It is well known that BitCoin was designed so with a simple control mechanism for keeping issuance at a constant expected rate, based on a difficulty D. In the BitCoin design, a single miner can expect mining time to follow a geometric distribution. In fact, any pool of miners can also be modeled as following a geometric distribution in their mining time.
This paper presents a generalization of the BitCoin mining protocol intended to provide relief to the issue of mining time variance. This is accomplished by looking at mining protocols governed by two difficulty variables, rather than just one. A generalization of the geometric distribution describing BitCoin is presented, and shown to faithfully capture the behavior of the new proposed mining protocols. Finally, we show that the new mining protocols provide a simple mechanism for controlling mining time variance to a desired value.
In this section we present Vitalik Buterin's (2014) Random Circuit (RC) mining protocol. The system is admittedly rather complicated; this is because its original intent was to thwart an easy implementation in an ASIC. We have modified it slightly to reuse our bitcoin_hash
helper function where appropriate, and to have the same two parameter difficulty API we provided for IterCoin. The idea behind RC is to run a random O(S
) computation requiring O(S
) space.
from random import randint
def bitcoin_hash(block_header,nonce):
import hashlib
return int('0x' + hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(str(block_header + nonce)).digest()).hexdigest(), 16)
max_val = 2**256
class SeedObj():
"A class for managing a random number state, using a linear congruential generator"
def __init__(self, seed):
self.seed = seed
self.a = 3**160
self.c = 7**80
self.n = 2**256 - 4294968273 # secp256k1n, why not
def rand(self, r):
self.seed = (self.seed * self.a + self.c) % self.n
return self.seed % r
def encode_int(x):
"A helper function to provide a standard 64-bit big-endian encoding for numbers"
o = ''
for _ in range(8):
o = chr(x % 256) + o
x //= 256
return o
ops = {
"plus": lambda x,y: (x + y) % 2**64,
"times": lambda x,y: (x * y) % 2**64,
"xor": lambda x,y: x^y,
"and": lambda x,y: x&y,
"or": lambda x,y: x|y,
"not": lambda x,y: 2**64-1-x,
"nxor": lambda x,y: (2**64-1-x) ^ y,
"rshift": lambda x,y: x >> (y % 64)
def gentape(W, H, SEED):
"Generate a random tape of binary instructions"
s = SeedObj(SEED)
tape = []
for i in range(H):
op = ops.keys()[s.rand(len(ops))]
r = s.rand(100)
if r < 20 and i > 20:
x1 = tape[-r]["x1"]
x1 = s.rand(W)
x2 = s.rand(W)
tape.append({"op": op, "x1": x1, "x2": x2})
return tape
def runtape(TAPE, SEED, S):
import hashlib
s = SeedObj(SEED)
mem = [s.rand(2**64) for _ in range(S)]
dir = 1
for i in range(S // 100):
for j in (range(100) if dir == 1 else range(99, -1, -1)):
t = TAPE[i * 100 + j]
mem[t["x1"]] = ops[t["op"]](mem[t["x1"]], mem[t["x2"]])
if 2 < mem[t["x1"]] % 37 < 9:
dir *= -1
return int('0x' + hashlib.sha256(''.join(encode_int(x) for x in mem)).hexdigest(), 16)
def PoWVerify(block_header, nonce, S, D):
tape = gentape(S, S, bitcoin_hash(block_header, nonce))
h = runtape(tape, bitcoin_hash(block_header, nonce), S)
return h < max_val / D
def rc_mine(block_header, S, D):
nonce = 1
while not PoWVerify(block_header, nonce, S, D):
nonce += 1
return nonce
# Example Run
rc_mine(randint(0,max_val), 10, 10)
The statistical behavior of our two proposed two parameter difficulty systems can be understood using a geometric random distribution. Let T be a random variable describing the mining time for one of our two algorithms. In either case, we may model it as following a CDF:
Here D reflects the conventional difficulty D
parameter due to Nakamoto, S reflects the number of steps S
in itercoin and RC, and ˆC represents the amount of time to compute a single step; we will call it the compute power.
We can think of T as having support on a discrete set of values ˆCSZ+={ˆCS,2ˆCS,3ˆCS,…}. This reflects the observation that the mining process involves a discrete number of trials: either the miner successfully mines on their first try, or their second try, etc. This allows us to recover a conventional geometric distribution PDF:
The first statistic we investigate is the median. This is selected because it is well known that the geometric distribution converges to an exponential distribution as D tends to infinity, and exponential distributions often have extreme outliars. Since the median tends to be robust to outliars, it should be expected to be more stable even for large values of D. Given our model, we can calculate the median for T to be:
This suggests that the median should increase linearly with S. This is straightforward to test with Monte Carlo; we first give timing programs so we can test our mining protocols in vivo:
from timeit import timeit
def time_rc_mine(S,D):
return timeit('rc_mine(randint(0,max_val), %d, %d)' % (S,D),
'from random import randint ; from __main__ import rc_mine, max_val',
We begin with looking at the behavior of Random Circuit's median mining time, keeping D=2 constant while varying S. We expect median mining time to increase linearly with S. Moreover, since D is known, we can easily recover an estimate of ˆC:
rc_S_difficulties = range(10,370,50)
rc_S_samples = [[time_rc_mine(S,2) for _ in range(1000)] for S in rc_S_difficulties]
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
import numpy as np
from pylab import polyfit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
rc_S_medians = map(np.median, rc_S_samples)
rc_S_medians_A, rc_S_medians_k = \
polyfit(rc_S_difficulties, rc_S_medians, 1)
plt.plot(rc_S_difficulties, rc_S_medians)
[rc_S_medians_A*S + rc_S_medians_k
for S in rc_S_difficulties], '-r')
plt.title('$S$ vs. Median Mining Time (Linear)')
rc_S_medians_C = - rc_S_medians_A * np.log2(1-1./2)
print "Estimated Ĉ:", rc_S_medians_C
Estimated Ĉ: 2.22365345274e-05
The behavior with respect to D is more complicated. Depending on how large D is, different patterns of behavior emerge. If D is large, then log2(1−1/D)≈0, making it hard to recover ˆC from median estimates. A reasonable limit approximation is available, however. Let p=1D, this means that as D tends to infinity then p tends to 0. The Laurent series expansion of −1log2(1−p) around p=0 is given by:
Hence for large D, we should expect Median[T]∝log(2)ˆCSD. This implies empirically for a collection of samples with varying values of D that ˆC can be recovered via a simple linear regression.
rc_D_difficulties = range(1,502,50)
rc_D_samples = [[time_rc_mine(1,D) for _ in range(1000)] for D in rc_D_difficulties]
rc_D_medians = map(np.median, rc_D_samples)
plt.plot(rc_D_difficulties, rc_D_medians)
rc_D_medians_A, rc_D_medians_k = \
polyfit(rc_D_difficulties, rc_D_medians, 1)
[rc_D_medians_A*S + rc_D_medians_k
for S in rc_D_difficulties], '-r')
plt.title('$D$ vs. Median Mining Time (Linear)')
rc_D_medians_C = rc_D_medians_A / np.log(2)
print "Estimated Ĉ:"
print " using S medians:", rc_S_medians_C
print " using D medians:", rc_D_medians_C
Estimated Ĉ: using S medians: 2.22365345274e-05 using D medians: 3.09285469223e-05
As we can see, the results of both estimations of ˆC are similar.
The next two statistics we investigate are the mean and variance. Given our model, these are given as follows:
The mean E[T] is a linear function of both S and D, respectively, and the variance Var[T] is a quadratic function of both S and D. In every case another estimate of ˆC can be recovered using regresion.
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10,5))
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.4)
rc_S_means = map(np.mean, rc_S_samples)
rc_D_means = map(np.mean, rc_D_samples)
ax1.plot(rc_S_difficulties, rc_S_means)
ax2.plot(rc_D_difficulties, rc_D_means)
rc_S_vars = map(np.var, rc_S_samples)
rc_D_vars = map(np.var, rc_D_samples)
ax3.plot(rc_S_difficulties, rc_S_vars)
ax4.plot(rc_D_difficulties, rc_D_vars)
rc_S_means_A, rc_S_means_k = \
polyfit(rc_S_difficulties, rc_S_means, 1)
[rc_S_means_A*S + rc_S_means_k
for S in rc_S_difficulties], '-r')
rc_S_means_C = rc_S_means_A / 2 # Recall that we set D=2 for these samples
rc_D_means_C, rc_D_means_k = \
polyfit(rc_D_difficulties, rc_D_means, 1)
[rc_D_means_C*D + rc_D_means_k
for D in rc_D_difficulties], '-r')
rc_S_vars_A, rc_S_vars_B, rc_S_vars_k = \
polyfit(rc_S_difficulties, rc_S_vars, 2)
[rc_S_vars_A*S*S + rc_S_vars_B*S + rc_S_vars_k
for S in rc_S_difficulties], '-r')
rc_S_vars_C = np.sqrt(rc_S_vars_A / 2) # Recall that we set D=2 for these samples
rc_D_vars_A, rc_D_vars_B, rc_D_vars_k = \
polyfit(rc_D_difficulties, rc_D_vars, 2)
[rc_D_vars_A*D*D + rc_D_vars_B*D + rc_D_vars_k
for D in rc_D_difficulties], '-r')
rc_D_vars_C = np.sqrt(rc_D_vars_A)
ax1.set_title('$S$ vs. Mean Mining Time (Linear)')
ax2.set_title('$D$ vs. Mean Mining Time (Linear)')
ax3.set_title('$S$ vs. Mining Time Variance (Quadratic)')
ax4.set_title('$D$ vs. Mining Time Variance (Quadratic)')
print "Estimated Ĉ:"
print " using S medians:", rc_S_medians_C
print " using S means:", rc_S_means_C
print " using S variance:", rc_S_vars_C
print " using D medians:", rc_D_medians_C
print " using D means:", rc_D_means_C
print " using D variance:", rc_D_vars_C
Estimated Ĉ: using S medians: 2.22365345274e-05 using S means: 1.14086116496e-05 using S variance: 1.30566190394e-05 using D medians: 3.09285469223e-05 using D means: 3.07988837849e-05 using D variance: 3.17806087131e-05
As we can see from above there are a variety of ways to estimate ˆC. From our estimate we can perform statistical hypothesis testing using the closed form cummulative distribution function and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test, as in Wampler-Doty (2014).
import scipy.stats
import pandas
C = rc_S_medians_C
S_data = []
for S, samples in zip(rc_S_difficulties, rc_S_samples):
cdf = lambda t: 1 - (1 - (1. / 2))**(t / (S * C))
ks_statistic, p_value = scipy.stats.kstest(samples, cdf)
S_data.append({"Difficulty D": 2,
"Difficulty S": S,
"KS Statistic": ks_statistic,
"P-Value": p_value})
Difficulty D | Difficulty S | KS Statistic | P-Value | |
0 | 2 | 10 | 0.377975 | 0 |
1 | 2 | 60 | 0.313981 | 0 |
2 | 2 | 110 | 0.314904 | 0 |
3 | 2 | 160 | 0.304511 | 0 |
4 | 2 | 210 | 0.302906 | 0 |
5 | 2 | 260 | 0.296714 | 0 |
6 | 2 | 310 | 0.298224 | 0 |
7 | 2 | 360 | 0.295487 | 0 |
D_data = []
for D, samples in zip(rc_D_difficulties, rc_D_samples):
cdf = lambda t: 1 - (1 - (1. / D))**(t / C)
ks_statistic, p_value = scipy.stats.kstest(samples, cdf)
D_data.append({"Difficulty D": D,
"Difficulty S": 1,
"KS Statistic": ks_statistic,
"P-Value": p_value})
Difficulty D | Difficulty S | KS Statistic | P-Value | |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1.000000 | 0.000000e+00 |
1 | 51 | 1 | 0.159877 | 0.000000e+00 |
2 | 101 | 1 | 0.165789 | 0.000000e+00 |
3 | 151 | 1 | 0.137124 | 0.000000e+00 |
4 | 201 | 1 | 0.130921 | 1.998401e-15 |
5 | 251 | 1 | 0.147080 | 0.000000e+00 |
6 | 301 | 1 | 0.108973 | 8.504752e-11 |
7 | 351 | 1 | 0.148628 | 0.000000e+00 |
8 | 401 | 1 | 0.110684 | 3.990630e-11 |
9 | 451 | 1 | 0.119436 | 6.905587e-13 |
10 | 501 | 1 | 0.147076 | 0.000000e+00 |
Lower P-values imply that the geometric distribution model is more likely to be correct.
We next turn to the statistics of mining pools. The following result effectively characterizes a mining pool as behaving like a single miner:
Lemma: Fix S and D. Let {Ti:i∈I} be a pool of miners, each with geometrically distributed mining times, and each with a respective compute power ˆCi. Then Tmin=mini∈ITi follows a geometric random distribution with CDF:
With a pooled compute power ˆCpooled=(∑i∈IˆC−1i)−1
Proof. We prove the result in the special case of just two miners, since the arbitrary case is a straightforward generalization. Let their compute powers be ˆC1 and ˆC2, respectively. We have that P[Tmin<t]=1−P[T1≥t & T2≥t]
Assuming the two times are independent we have P[T1≥t & T2≥t]=P[T1≥t]P[T2≥t]=(1−1/D)x/(SˆC1)(1−1/D)x/(SˆC2)=(1−1/D)(x/S)(1/ˆC1+1/ˆC2)
We want 1/ˆCpooled=1/ˆC1+1/ˆC2, hence ˆCpooled=(ˆC−11+ˆC−12)−1
It is helpful to look at special cases in understanding the above formula. Imagine that the pool consisted of n miners each taking exactly 1 μs to mine a coin at D=S=1. Then the pool would effectively be able to mine a coin at 1/n μs. Of course, the result holds even in extremely heterogeneous pools, it is just harder to understand the effective compute power with a simple closed form.
One problem the approximation presented in the above lemma is that it neglects the fact that P[T<mini∈ISˆCi]=0. Fundamentally, the compute pool cannot mine any faster than its fastest miner. In the classic BitCoin model this didn't matter, since effectively S=1 and mini∈IˆCi can be taken to be small. However, since Random Circuit has the option of enforcing S to be arbitrarily large, this factor must be taken into account.
Together, mean and variance give rise to two equations with two free variables. This suggests an alternative approach to BitCoin's difficulty model, which relies entirely on controlling E[T]. Random Circuit has the possibility of controlling both E[Tpooled] and Var[Tpooled].
Let μ be the target average mining time, and let σ2 be the target mining variance. Solving the mean and average equations above gives:
This is somewhat intuitive; demanding σ=0 requires that D=1, which means that the miner always succeeds on their first try and mining time is completely deterministic. By the same token if mining is completely deterministic then we can still achieve our expected mining time target by just calculating how many steps it would take to run out the clock, which is given by μ/ˆC.
The chief problem with this proposal is that for small values of D, this invalidates the exponential model that Nakamoto appeals to in his classic argument for the safety of the block chain protocol. Moreover, this likely invalidates BitCoin's technique of estimating ˆCpooled using an average.
Random Circuit gives a well behaved statistical model, and has the novelty of offering not one but two parameters for difficulty control. More research is required for determining how Random Circuit's second difficulty parameter S can be leveraged effectively in a rate control mechanism that does not compromise blockchain security. Preliminary results appear promising.