%erp5_url %notebook_set_reference NB-OTHERZ %erp5_user zope %erp5_password insecure # Get ERP5 Object context # Get the data stream you uploaded the wav # "209" is the ID at the ERP5 context.data_stream_module["209"] # Query on catalog for the Data Stream with reference "wavdemo" result = context.portal_catalog.getResultValue( portal_type="Data Stream", reference='wavdemo') # We don't direct receive the object, that's why we get the object # here. data_stream = result.getObject() data_stream # BAD BAD BAD BAD!! # Not out of core, as you return all data as string (So you should avoid do like this) datastream_as_string = data_stream.getData() print "Total is %s" % len(datastream_as_string) print type(datastream_as_string) # Now we try with out-of-core!! stream = data_stream.data l = 0 for chunk in stream.iterate(): # out of core l += len(chunk) print "Total is %s" % l print type(stream) # Import needed libraries to use later import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.fftpack import fft # Import also scipy to read the audio file import scipy import scipy.io from scipy.io.wavfile import read ############################################################# # Create an class for wrapper the file api # So we can pass a out-of-core objects that behave like average file. # This also don't guarantee that "scipy.io.wavfile.read" will try to # keep things on core. ############################################################# class BigFileReader: def __init__(self, bigfile): self.bigfile = bigfile self.pos = 0 def tell(self): return self.pos def seek(self, pos): # TODO whence # TODO check for out of range self.pos = pos def read(self, n): chunkv = [] for chunk in self.bigfile.iterate(self.pos, n): chunkv.append(chunk) data = ''.join(chunkv) self.pos += len(data) return data # Simple call read() fs, data = read(BigFileReader(data_stream.data)) # Get only channel array = data.T[0] # not out of core ############################################################### # Create and save the array to wendelin to make it out-of-core # Using this persistent API you can save and append little by little # one array that continuously grow. out_of_core_array = context.data_array_module.newContent( array=array, portal_type="Data Array", title="pydata-wav2") cmplx = fft(out_of_core_array.getArray()) spectrum = abs(cmplx[:(len(cmplx)/2)-1]) # not out of core ##### Also save spectrum array. # Save the spectrum array to make it now out of core out_of_core_spectrum_array = context.data_array_module.newContent( array=spectrum, portal_type="Data Array", title="pydata-spectrum2") # Let us just Plot it as usual figure = plt.figure() ax1 = figure.add_subplot(211) ax2 = figure.add_subplot(212) ax1.plot(out_of_core_array.getArray()) ax2.plot(out_of_core_spectrum_array.getArray()) # figure.show() don't present inline rendering.... # So we use instead: context.Base_renderAsHtml(plt) # now quick save on image_module un a dummy way. figure.savefig("/tmp/somenamec.png") context.image_module.newContent(title="plot", portal_type="Image", data=open("/tmp/somenamec.png").read()) # We can recover an array saved into and re-replot the chart # Query is assincronous, we must wait the object be catalogued # So it can take a while to work in this example. array_to_replot = context.portal_catalog.getResultValue( title="pydata-wav2", portal_type="Data Array").getObject() figure = plt.figure() ax1 = figure.add_subplot(211) ax1.plot(array_to_replot.getArray()) # figure.show() don't present inline rendering.... # So we use instead: context.Base_renderAsHtml(plt)