#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Syntax cheat sheet # In[ ]: # Functions: they are only run when called and are used to repeat work # A function can have 0, 1, or as many arguments as you want. def FUNCTION_NAME(ARGUMENT1, ARGUMENT2, ...): FUNCTION_BODY # Optional return FUNCTION_VALUE # Technically optional, but you should always put a return # In[2]: # Examples of functions # The identity function def identity(x): return x # A function that sums 0 to x, inclusive def sumToXInclusive(x): s = 0 for i in range(x + 1): s += i return # In[3]: # Example of calling a function sumToXInclusive(5) # In[ ]: # In[ ]: # Control flow: control flow is used to change the behavior of a program based on a condition # CONDITION are expressions that result in boolean values # Exactly 0 or 1 of the bodies will execute # While elif and else are optional, if you have them, the bodies are not if CONDITION1: IF_BODY # NOT optional # elifs are optional, and you can have as many of them as you want elif CONDITION2: ELIF_BODY # the else is optional and is a catch all. If no other bodies execute, the else body will execute else: ELSE_BODY # In[ ]: # Examples of control flow if True: print('This will print') if False: print('This will NOT print') else: print('This will print') if True: print('This will print') elif True: print('This will NOT print') # In[ ]: # In[ ]: # For loops: used for repetitive behavior over an array, string, or range for VARIABLE in {LIST, STRING, range}: LOOP_BODY # In[ ]: # Examples of for loops for i in [4, 6, 1]: print(i) for x in 'mango': print(x) for x in range(5): print(x) # In[ ]: # In[ ]: # While loops: used for repetitive behavior # WARNING: they can run forever, be careful of how you use them while CONDITION: WHILE_LOOP_BODY # In[ ]: # While loop example i = 0 while i < 10: print(i) i += 1