#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # df006_ranges # Use Range to limit the amount of data processed. # # This tutorial shows how to express the concept of ranges when working with the RDataFrame. # # # # # **Author:** Danilo Piparo (CERN) # This notebook tutorial was automatically generated with ROOTBOOK-izer from the macro found in the ROOT repository on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 11:07 AM. # In[1]: import ROOT def fill_tree(treeName, fileName): df = ROOT.RDataFrame(100) df.Define("b1", "(int) rdfentry_")\ .Define("b2", "(float) rdfentry_ * rdfentry_").Snapshot(treeName, fileName) # We prepare an input tree to run on # In[2]: fileName = "df006_ranges_py.root" treeName = "myTree" fill_tree(treeName, fileName) # We read the tree from the file and create a RDataFrame. # In[3]: d = ROOT.RDataFrame(treeName, fileName) # ## Usage of ranges # Now we'll count some entries using ranges # In[4]: c_all = d.Count() # This is how you can express a range of the first 30 entries # In[5]: d_0_30 = d.Range(30) c_0_30 = d_0_30.Count() # This is how you pick all entries from 15 onwards # In[6]: d_15_end = d.Range(15, 0) c_15_end = d_15_end.Count() # We can use a stride too, in this case we pick an event every 3 entries # In[7]: d_15_end_3 = d.Range(15, 0, 3) c_15_end_3 = d_15_end_3.Count() # The Range here acts first on the (whole) RDataFrame graph: # Not only actions (like Count) but also filters and new columns can be added to it. # In[8]: d_0_50 = d.Range(50) c_0_50_odd_b1 = d_0_50.Filter("1 == b1 % 2").Count() # An important thing to notice is that the counts of a filter are relative to the # number of entries a filter "sees". Therefore, if a Range depends on a filter, # the Range will act on the entries passing the filter only. # In[9]: c_0_3_after_even_b1 = d.Filter("0 == b1 % 2").Range(0, 3).Count() # Ok, time to wrap up: let's print all counts! # In[10]: print("Usage of ranges:") print(" - All entries:", c_all.GetValue()) print(" - Entries from 0 to 30:", c_0_30.GetValue()) print(" - Entries from 15 onwards:", c_15_end.GetValue()) print(" - Entries from 15 onwards in steps of 3:", c_15_end_3.GetValue()) print(" - Entries from 0 to 50, odd only:", c_0_50_odd_b1.GetValue()) print(" - First three entries of all even entries:", c_0_3_after_even_b1.GetValue())