STATION = 15 # gvdveen import sapphire import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import datetime as dt %matplotlib inline data = sapphire.quick_download(STATION) # Download data van een andere dag # start = dt.datetime(2019, 3, 20) # end = dt.datetime(2019, 3, 21) # sapphire.download_data(data, '/s%d' % STATION, start, end) print(data) node_naam = '/s%d/events' % STATION node_naam event_tabel = data.get_node(node_naam) event_tabel event_tabel[0] event_tabel[1] first_event = event_tabel[0] first_event['timestamp'] event_tabel[0][6] # 7de kolom van 1ste rij first_event = event_tabel[0] first_event['n1'] print(first_event['n1']) print(event_tabel[0][6]) first_event['pulseheights'] print("pulshoogte detector 1: %d ADC (eerste event)" % first_event['pulseheights'][0]) events = ts = events['timestamp'] ts[:30] ns = events['nanoseconds'] ns[:30] plt.figure(figsize=(10,4)) plt.hist(ns, histtype='step') plt.ylabel('aantal') plt.xlabel('nanoseconds deel van de timestamp') plt.title('ESD Events van een enkele dag van station %d' % STATION) plt.figure(figsize=(10,4)) plt.hist(ts, bins=24, histtype='step') plt.ylabel('aantal') plt.xlabel('timestamp [s]') plt.title('ESD Events van een enkele dag van station %d' % STATION) eerste_ts = ts[0] eerste_ts # linker en rechter grenzen van bins van 1 uur (3600 s) breed vanaf de eerste timestamp (1 dag) bins = [eerste_ts + 3600 * h for h in range(25)] plt.figure(figsize=(10,4)) plt.hist(ts, bins=bins, histtype='step') plt.ylabel('aantal') plt.xlabel('tijd vanaf middernacht [h]') plt.xticks(bins, range(25)) plt.title('ESD Events van een enkele dag van station %d' % STATION) n1 = event_tabel.col('n1') plt.figure(figsize=(10,4)) plt.hist(n1, bins=np.arange(0.3, 5., .1), histtype='step') plt.title('Station %d: Number of particles in detector 1' % STATION) plt.xlabel('number of particles (MIP)') plt.ylabel('counts') ph = event_tabel.col('pulseheights') ph1 = ph[:, 0] ph2 = ph[:, 1] plt.figure(figsize=(10,4)) plt.hist(ph1, bins=np.arange(0, 2000., 20.), histtype='step', log=True) plt.hist(ph2, bins=np.arange(0, 2000., 20.), histtype='step', log=True) plt.title('Station %d: Pulseheights' % STATION) plt.xlabel('Pulseheight (ADC)') plt.ylabel('counts') plt.legend(['detector 1', 'detector 2' ]) plt.ylim(10, 1e4)