using LinearAlgebra struct ExtendedGaussImage Normal::Array{Float64,2} where T <: Union{Int,Float64} Area::Union{Array{T,2},Array{T,1}} where T <: Union{Int,Float64} function ExtendedGaussImage((Normal, Area)) if size(Normal)[2] != length(Area) error("Number of surface normal does not match number of surface area. ") end if sum([norm(Normal[:,i]) for i in 1:length(Area)] - ones(length(Area))) > 1e-10 error("Normal not unit vector") end if sum(Normal*Area) > 1e-10 error("It is not a valid convex polyhedron (Does not satisfy sum of surfaces normal times area equals 0") end new(Normal,Area) end end function randEGI(faces::Int64) for i = 1:(10*faces) global Normed = zeros(3,1) for j = 1:faces N = rand(3)*2 .-1 N = N ./ norm(N) Normed = [Normed N] end global Normed = Normed[:,2:end] v2 = rand(faces - 3, 1) v1 = inv(Normed[:, 1:3])*(-Normed[:, 4:end]*v2) global v = [v1;v2] if (sum(v .> zeros(faces,1)) == faces) break end end return Normed,v end faces = 6 img = ExtendedGaussImage((Float64.([1 -1 0 0 0 0; 0 0 1 -1 0 0; 0 0 0 0 1 -1]),Float64.([1,1,1,1,1,1][:,:]))) faces = 4 img = ExtendedGaussImage((Float64.([1 0 0 -1; 0 1 0 -1 ; 0 0 1 -1 ]),Float64.([1/2,1/2,1/2,√3/2][:,:]))) using Polyhedra, QHull, Makie function Surface(p::QHull.Polyhedron) S = Float64[] for pi in eachindex(halfspaces(p)) global n = get(p, pi).a n = n/norm(n) get(p, pi).β global pts = incidentpoints(p, pi) global b = pts[2] - pts[1] b = b/norm(b) global a = cross(n, b) norm(a) append!(S, Float64(Polyhedra.volume(polyhedron(vrep([[a b]'*pt for pt in pts]), QHull.Library())))) end return S end function Volume(H::Array{Float64,1}, S::Array{Float64,1}) return 1/3*(H'*S) end function Volume(p::QHull.Polyhedron) faces = length(hrep(p).b) H = MixedMatHRep(hrep(p)).b ./[norm(MixedMatHRep(hrep(p)).A[i,:]) for i in 1:faces] S = Float64[] for pi in eachindex(halfspaces(p)) global n = get(p, pi).a n = n/norm(n) get(p, pi).β global pts = incidentpoints(p, pi) global b = pts[2] - pts[1] b = b/norm(b) global a = cross(n, b) norm(a) append!(S, Float64(Polyhedra.volume(polyhedron(vrep([[a b]'*pt for pt in pts]), QHull.Library())))) end return 1/3*(H'*S) end function Polyhedron(H,N) h = hrep(N', [norm(N[:,i]) for i in 1:length(H)] .* H) p = polyhedron(h, QHull.Library()) return p end function Normal(p::QHull.Polyhedron) faces = length(hrep(p).b) return [MixedMatHRep(hrep(p)).A[i,:]./norm(MixedMatHRep(hrep(p)).A[i,:]) for i in 1:faces] end function randPolyhedron(faces) egi = randEGI(faces) img = ExtendedGaussImage(egi) for i in 1:(10*faces) H = rand(faces) global p = Polyhedron(H, img.Normal) if length(Surface(p)) == faces break end end return p, ExtendedGaussImage((img.Normal, Surface(p)[:,:])) end faces = 6#if faces = 4, it reconstruct immediately p, img = randPolyhedron(faces) function RenderPolyhedron(p::QHull.Polyhedron) m = Polyhedra.Mesh(p) scene = mesh(m, color=:white) end RenderPolyhedron(p) H = ones(faces) q = Polyhedron(H, img.Normal) RenderPolyhedron(q) Normal(q) Normal(p) Surface(q) Base.length(q::QHull.Polyhedron) = 1 Base.iterate(q::QHull.Polyhedron) = (q, nothing) function Little(k, ϵ, img::ExtendedGaussImage) faces = length(img.Area) H = ones(faces) p1 = img.Area / sum(img.Area) KLArray = [] KL = 0.05 qArray = QHull.Polyhedron[] q = Polyhedron(H, img.Normal) while KL >= ϵ H = H / (Volume(q))^(1/3) q = Polyhedron(H, img.Normal) ∇ = 1/3*Surface(q) Δ = ∇ - (img.Area * norm(∇))/ norm(img.Area) H = vec(H + k .* Δ) H = H / (Volume(q))^(1/3) q = Polyhedron(H, img.Normal) p2 = Surface(q) / sum(Surface(q)) KL = sum([p2[i]*log(p2[i]/p1[i]) for i in 1:faces]) @show p2 ./ p1 @show KL append!(KLArray, KL) append!(qArray, q) end return qArray, KLArray end k = 0.5 ϵ = 1e-11 qArray, KL = Little(k, ϵ, img) typeof(qArray) m = Polyhedra.Mesh(qArray[end]) scene = mesh(m, color=:white) using Plots Plots.plot(1:length(KL), KL, label = "KL Divergence") using Makie for i in 1:length(qArray) @show i scene = Scene() m = Polyhedra.Mesh(qArray[i]) mesh!(scene, m, color=:white)*".png", scene) sleep(1/24) end qArray using JuMP m = Model() @variable(m, H[1:faces] >= 0) @constraint(m, Polyhedra.volume(polyhedron(hrep(img.Normal', [norm(img.Normal[:,i]) for i in 1:faces] .* H), QHull.Library())) == 1) @objective(m, Min, H'*img.Area) solve(m)