#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Plotting system in REP # # REP has simple internal represntation of plots prepared in report. # # In this notebook some details are given. This may help you to use REP efficiently, but **it is not needed to use REP** at all. # There are different plotting backends supported: # * __matplotlib__ (default, de-facto standard plotting library), # * __ROOT__ (the library used by CERN employer), # * __bokeh__ (open-source package with interactive plots) # # # Typically this works like: # ```python # plot_object = report.roc() # plot_object.plot() # ``` # # So, report functions return an object, which contains all the information to be plotted. # It's internal structire is always as simple as possible and can be inspected. # # To draw the plot with different backends use the following functions: # * __matplotlib__ plot() # * __ROOT__ plot_tmva() # * __bokeh__ plot_bokeh() # # Also __mpld3__ library allows you to turn matplotlib plots into interactive (see examples below). # In[1]: # magic function to show matplotlib plots in the notebook get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') # In[2]: import numpy import matplotlib import mpld3 # # FunctionsPlot # # Contains plots of lines (with labels, axes, etc.) # In[3]: from rep.plotting import FunctionsPlot # In[4]: n_points = 200 x_array = numpy.linspace(-5, 5, n_points) first_func = (x_array, numpy.sin(6 * numpy.tanh(x_array))) second_func = (x_array, numpy.sinc(x_array)) third_func = (numpy.sin(x_array) * numpy.linspace(0, 1, n_points), numpy.cos(x_array) * numpy.linspace(0, 1, n_points)) function_plot = FunctionsPlot({'first': first_func, 'second': second_func}) # ### matplotlib # In[5]: function_plot.plot(new_plot=True) # ### matplotlib using mpld3 interactive plots # In[6]: function_plot.plot(new_plot=True, xlim=(-5, 5), ylim=(0., 1.), title='example', xlabel='x', ylabel='y', fontsize=15) mpld3.display() # ### bokeh interactive plots # In[7]: function_plot.plot_bokeh(figsize=(15, 10), xlabel='x', title='Example', ylim=(-0.5, 0.5)) # ### TMVA style # In[8]: function_plot.plot_tmva(new_plot=True, figsize=(6, 6), title='TMVA example', xlabel='x variable', ylabel='y variable', ) # ## separate two lines # In[9]: function_plot1 = FunctionsPlot({'first': first_func}) function_plot2 = FunctionsPlot({'second': second_func}) function_plot3 = FunctionsPlot({'third': third_func}) # In[10]: # put new_plot to separate figures for lines in matplotlib function_plot1.plot(new_plot=True) function_plot2.plot(new_plot=True, xlabel='x') # In[11]: function_plot1.plot(new_plot=True) function_plot2.plot(new_plot=True, xlabel='x', show_legend=False) # In[12]: function_plot1.plot_bokeh() function_plot2.plot_bokeh(title='bokeh', xlabel='x', ylabel='points', xlim=(-5, 0), fontsize=13, show_legend=False) # # GridPlot # # Organizes lots of plots in grid. Used when need to show many plots of same nature, this saves space :) # In[13]: from rep.plotting import GridPlot, HStackPlot, VStackPlot grid = GridPlot(2, function_plot1, function_plot2, function_plot3) # In[14]: # parameters doesn't work here, set them for each plot in grid grid.plot(title='grid', xlabel='x', ylim=(0.2, 0.8)) # In[15]: function_plot1.xlabel = 'x' function_plot2.xlabel = 'y' # these parameters will be ignored function_plot1.figsize = (8, 6) function_plot2.figsize = (4, 3) grid = GridPlot(2, function_plot1, function_plot2, function_plot3) # Only inner parameters of plot is used in grid, so grid ignores all parameters in plot(...) # fot the exception of `show_legend` and `fontsize`. grid.plot(xlabel='try', ylim=(0.2, 0.8)) # In[16]: # can be done with mpld3 # grid.plot(show_legend=False, fontsize=10, figsize=[12, 10]) # mpld3.display() # In[17]: grid.plot_bokeh() # # HStackPLot, VStackPlot # # Incorporates other plots and aligns them horizontally / vertically # In[18]: hstack = HStackPlot(function_plot1, function_plot2, function_plot3) # In[19]: hstack.plot(title='stack', xlabel='x', ylim=(0.2, 0.8)) # In[20]: # hstack.plot(show_legend=False, fontsize=20) # mpld3.display() # In[21]: hstack.plot_bokeh() # In[22]: vstack = VStackPlot(function_plot1, function_plot2, function_plot3) # In[23]: vstack.plot(new_plot=True, figsize=(6, 12), title='stack', xlabel='x', ylim=(0.2, 0.8)) # In[24]: vstack.plot(new_plot=True, figsize=(6, 12), show_legend=False, fontsize=10) mpld3.display() # In[25]: # vstack.plot_bokeh(figsize=(8, 13)) #


# In[26]: from rep.plotting import ColorMap matrix = numpy.ndarray(shape=(3, 3), buffer=numpy.random.random(size=9)) cm = ColorMap(matrix, labels=['feature {}'.format(index) for index in range(3)]) # In[27]: cm.plot(show_legend=False) # In[28]: cm.plot(show_legend=False) mpld3.display() # In[29]: cm.plot_bokeh() #


# In[30]: from rep.plotting import BarPlot data = {'normal': (numpy.random.normal(0, 0.5, 100), numpy.ones(100), 'filled'), 'gamma': (numpy.random.gamma(1.0, 2.0, 100), numpy.ones(100), '')} bar = BarPlot(data) # In[31]: bar.plot() # In[32]: bar.plot() mpld3.display() # In[33]: from rep.plotting import BarComparePlot data = {'normal': {'one': 23, 'two': 34, 'three': 45}, 'gamma': {'one': 11, 'two': 23, 'three': 33}} bar_c = BarComparePlot(data, sortby='normal') # In[34]: bar_c.plot() # In[35]: bar_c.plot() mpld3.display() # In[36]: # bar_c.plot_bokeh() # # ErrorPlot # In[37]: from rep.plotting import ErrorPlot err = ErrorPlot({'uniform': (numpy.random.random(size=3), numpy.random.random(size=3), numpy.random.random(size=3), numpy.random.random(size=3))}, size=5) # In[38]: err.plot() # In[39]: err.plot() mpld3.display() #


# In[40]: from rep.plotting import ScatterPlot x_val = numpy.random.uniform(0.0, 1000.0, 100) y_val = numpy.random.uniform(0.0, 1000.0, 100) sp = ScatterPlot({'first': (x_val, y_val), 'second': (y_val, x_val)}, alpha=1, size=30) # In[41]: sp.plot() # In[42]: sp.plot() mpld3.display() # In[43]: sp.plot_bokeh() # # Function2D_Plot # In[44]: from rep.plotting import Function2D_Plot def func(x, y): return numpy.sin(x + y*y) func_plot = Function2D_Plot(func, xlim=(0, 5), ylim=(0, 5), xsteps=100, ysteps=100, vmin=0.5, vmax=1) # In[45]: func_plot.plot() # # Histogram2d Plot # In[46]: from rep.plotting import Histogram2D_Plot hist2d_plot = Histogram2D_Plot([numpy.random.normal(size=1000), numpy.random.normal(size=1000)], bins=15, range=[[-1.5, 1.5], [-1, 2]]) # In[47]: hist2d_plot # In[48]: hist2d_plot.plot() mpld3.display() # # Matplotlib interactive # # One more plotting option is to use magic function for interactive matplotlib # # * interactive figures shall be created with pyplot.figure, so use `new_plot=True` for correctness # * after saving to file/refreshing interactive plot is replaced with image # In[49]: # %matplotlib notebook # In[50]: # hist2d_plot.plot(new_plot=True)