using Distributions, DynamicPPL # The marginal-conditional simulator defined by DynamicPPL # See for the expected form of the model definition. @model function BetaBinomial(θ=missing, x=missing) θ ~ Beta(2, 3) x ~ Binomial(3, θ) return θ, x end # The successive-conditional simulator # 1. Bug-free posterior sampler # Beta(α + x, β + n - x) is the true posterior. rand_θ_given(x) = rand(Beta(2 + x, 3 + 3 - x)) # 2. Buggy posterior sampler rand_θ_given_buggy(x) = rand_θ_given(min(3, x + 1)) # Test function g(θ, x) = cat(θ, x; dims=1) using MCMCDebugging res = perform(GewekeTest(5_000), BetaBinomial, rand_θ_given; g=g) using Plots plot(res, BetaBinomial(); size=(300, 300), title="Bug-free sampler") res_buggy = perform(GewekeTest(5_000), BetaBinomial, rand_θ_given_buggy) compute_statistic!(res_buggy, g) plot(res_buggy, BetaBinomial(); size=(300, 300), title="Buggy sampler") @info "MMD" mmd_of(res) mmd_of(res_buggy)