import spacegrids as sg import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt figsize(8, 4) D = sg.info_dict() D ls /home/wim/PROJECTS/test_project/ P = sg.Project(D['my_project']) P.load('O_temp') P.load('theta') TEMP = P['DPO']['O_temp'] TEMP2 = P['Lev.cdf']['theta'] TEMP # a field TEMP.shape # show the shape of the numpy array containing the data. This is a 3D field TEMP.grid # show the grid on which the temp data is defined TEMP2.grid TEMP2.grid[0].axis # the registered experiments can be viewed here P['DPO'].show() # the loaded fields can be viewed here P['DPO'].axes for c in P['DPO'].axes: exec + ' = c' X sg.contourf(sg.squeeze(TEMP[Z,0])) clb = plt.colorbar() clb.set_label(TEMP.units) sg.contourf(sg.squeeze(TEMP[X,50])) # a section at index 50. clb = plt.colorbar() clb.set_label(TEMP.units) (TEMP[0,:,:]).shape == (TEMP[Z,0]).shape P.load('O_sal',slices=(Z,0,X,50)) P['DPO'].show() P['DPO']['O_sal_sliced'].grid # Determine zonal mean mT of TEMP. mTEMP = TEMP/X mTEMP2 = TEMP2/X # mask out the world ocean outside the Atlantic with NaN and take zonal mean. mTEMP_masked=(TEMP[Y,33:].maskout(node = (X,85,Y,30) ) )/X # node is a point in the Atlantic # --- start figure --- lbl = ord('a') pan = 0 height = 2 width = 1 rows = 2 cols = 1 ax = plt.subplot2grid((height, width), (int(np.floor(pan/cols)), pan%cols) ) # use the sg wrapper for the contour function. cs= sg.contourf(mTEMP[Z,:10],linestyles='solid',showland=True); # slice only upper ocean plt.tick_params(axis='x',labelbottom='off') plt.xlabel('') plt.ylabel('Depth (m)') tle = plt.title('('+ chr(lbl) +') Global upper ocean temp ') lbl += 1 pan += 1 ax = plt.subplot2grid((height, width), (int(np.floor(pan/cols)), pan%cols) ) cs= sg.contourf(mTEMP_masked[Z,:10],linestyles='solid',showland=True); # slice only upper ocean # Overiding the xlabel assigned by sg: plt.xlabel('Latitude') tle = plt.title('('+ chr(lbl) +') Atlantic upper ocean temp ') mTEMP.grid # the dimensionality of the zonal mean is less P['DPO'].insert( ('mtemp', mTEMP ) ) P['DPO'].show() sg.contourf(sg.squeeze(P['DPO']['O_temp'][Z,0]-P['DPC']['O_temp'][Z,0]),cmap =,levels = range(-8,9,1)) clb = plt.colorbar(ticks = range(-8,9,2)) clb.set_label(TEMP.units) TEMP2.shape P.load(['G_kmt','A_slat']) KMT = P['DPO']['G_kmt'] SAT = P['DPO']['A_slat'] nc = 10 sg.contourf(SAT, num_cont = nc,cmap = cs=sg.contour(SAT,linestyles='solid', num_cont = nc, colors = 'k') plt.clabel(cs,fmt='%1.0f') sg.contour(sg.finer_field(KMT), colors='k',levels=[0.5,] ) dmTEMP = mTEMP.regrid(mTEMP2.grid) - mTEMP2 dmTEMP = mTEMP(mTEMP2.grid) - mTEMP2 cont_int = np.arange(-6.,6.,1.) cmap = # Colormap red yellow blue reversed pl1 = sg.contourf(dmTEMP, levels = cont_int, cmap = cmap); clb = plt.colorbar(ticks = cont_int) clb.set_label(TEMP.units) plt.xlim([-80.,70.]) plt.xticks([-60,-30,0,30,60]) plt.ylabel('Depth (m)') tle = plt.title(' Zonal avg. T difference model - observations') dmTEMP.grid # the resulting grid is that of the Lev data sTEMP = TEMP[Z,0]# slice to obtain surface temperature dTEMP = sTEMP - mTEMP[Z,0] dTEMP = sTEMP - (sg.squeeze(mTEMP[Z,0])).regrid(sTEMP.grid) pl1 = sg.contourf(sg.squeeze(dTEMP), cmap = clb = plt.colorbar() clb.set_label('C') tle = plt.title('Sea Surface Temperature difference from zonal mean') # Give the experiment objects convenient names E, E2: E = P['DPO'];E2 = P['DPC'] varname = 'O_velY' # load velocity by netcdf name. P.load(varname) # obtain velocity as sg field object V from project. V = E[varname] V2 = E2[varname] # take the meridional stream function by taking zonal grid-integral X*V # and the vertical primitive of the result along Z using the pipe. PSI = Z|(X*V)*1e-6 PSI2 = Z|(X*V2)*1e-6 lvls = np.arange(-100,100,4) xlims = [-80,70] ylims = [-4500., -0.] # --- start figure --- lbl = ord('a') pan = 0 height = 2 width = 1 rows = 2 cols = 1 F = PSI ax = plt.subplot2grid((height, width), (int(np.floor(pan/cols)), pan%cols) ) # use the sg wrapper for the contour function. cs= sg.contour(F,linestyles='solid',showland=True,levels = lvls,colors='k'); plt.clabel(cs,fmt='%1.1f'); plt.xlim(xlims) plt.ylim(ylims) plt.tick_params(axis='x',labelbottom='off') plt.xlabel('') plt.ylabel('Depth (m)') tle = plt.title('('+ chr(lbl) +') MOC Drake Passage open ') lbl += 1 pan += 1 F = PSI2 ax = plt.subplot2grid((height, width), (int(np.floor(pan/cols)), pan%cols) ) cs= sg.contour(F,linestyles='solid',showland=True,levels = lvls,colors='k'); plt.clabel(cs,fmt='%1.1f'); plt.xlim(xlims) plt.ylim(ylims) # Overiding the xlabel assigned by sg: plt.xlabel('Latitude') tle = plt.title('('+ chr(lbl) +') MOC Drake Passage closed ') SAT1=SAT[Y,:40];SAT2=SAT[Y,40:50];SAT3=SAT[Y,50:] SAT_cat = sg.concatenate([SAT1,SAT2,SAT3]) (SAT_cat/X).draw() for c in E.cstack: exec +' = c' depth[:] # depth coordinate points latitude[:10] # latitudinal coordinate points (truncated) latitude*longitude latitude*longitude*depth latitude**2 TEMP.grid (TEMP[:]).shape len(depth[:]) TEMP_shuffled = TEMP(latitude*longitude*depth) TEMP_shuffled.grid (TEMP_shuffled[:]).shape F = TEMP*V F.grid F2 = TEMP_shuffled*V F2.grid V.grid (V*TEMP).grid P['Lev.cdf'].cstack P['DPO'].cstack[:4] # truncated list of coord objects depth.axis X*(latitude*longitude) # load heat flux by netcdf name. P.load('F_heat') # obtain oceanic heat flux as sg field object HF from project. HF = P['DPO']['F_heat'] HF2 = P['DPC']['F_heat'] HF.grid pl = sg.contourf(HF,levels = range(-200,200,20),cmap = clb = plt.colorbar() clb.set_label(HF.units) HF_shifted = sg.roll(HF,coord = X,shift = 50) pl = sg.contourf(HF_shifted,levels = range(-200,200,20),cmap = clb = plt.colorbar() clb.set_label(HF.units) HF_shifted.grid # Determine the total oceanic poleward heat transport via the y-primitive and X-intergral, and scale to Petawatt. PHT = Y|(HF*X)*1e-15 PHT2 = Y|(HF2*X)*1e-15 pl1, = sg.plot(PHT,color = 'b'); pl2, = sg.plot(PHT2,color='r'); plt.grid() plt.xlim([-80.,80.]) plt.xticks([-60,-30,0,30,60]) plt.ylabel('PW') tle = plt.title(' Ocean PHT (PW) ') lgnd = plt.legend([pl1,pl2],['DP open','DP closed'],loc=2) PHT = latitude|(HF*longitude)*1e-15 latitude.der # the derivative on the sphere in the latitudinal direction X.der HF_shifted2 = longitude.coord_shift(HF,50) HF_shifted2.grid # obtain coord in X direction X*(HF_shifted2.grid) # compare the ndarray content of the X components of the two shifted grids X*(HF_shifted2.grid) == X*(HF_shifted.grid) ((X*(HF_shifted2.grid))[:] == (X*(HF_shifted.grid))[:]).all() HF_sliced = HF_shifted[Y,:36] pl = sg.contourf(HF_sliced,levels = range(-200,200,20),cmap = clb = plt.colorbar() clb.set_label(HF.units) tle = plt.title('Heat flux in Southern Ocean') HF3 = HF[X,:50,Y,:36] HF3.grid len(Y*HF3.grid) sTEMP = longitude.sum(TEMP) sTEMP.grid help(longitude.vsum) my_grid = latitude*longitude my_grid.vsum(TEMP)[:] my_grid.vsum(TEMP).grid TEMP.grid.vsum(TEMP.ones()) TEMP.ones()*(X*Y*Z) TEMP.grid.vsum(TEMP)/TEMP.grid.vsum(TEMP.ones()) # more succinctly: TEMP.grid.mean(TEMP) TEMP/(X*Y*Z) # Calculate derivative in X direction: dTEMPdX = X.der(TEMP) dTEMPdX.grid # compute the vertical temperature profile and plot it. vpTEMP = TEMP/(Y*X) pl, = sg.plot(vpTEMP) lb = plt.xlabel('degrees C');tle = title('Vertical profile of average ocean temp') # take the vertical derivative of the vertical temperature profile and plot it. pl, = sg.plot(Z.der(vpTEMP)) lb = plt.xlabel('degs C per m');tle = plt.title('Vertical temperature gradient') # test whether nparray content is the same. Excluding the first nan value. ((Z^vpTEMP).value[1:] == (Z.der(vpTEMP)).value[1:]).all() # test whether the depth coord method vcumsum yields the same result as Z| (depth.vcumsum(vpTEMP)[:] == (Z|vpTEMP)[:]).all() # load the ocean velocity in the X direction. P.load('O_velX') # obtain horizontal velocity fields U = P['DPC']['O_velX'] V = P['DPO']['O_velY'] # create a 2 dimensional vector field defined on 3 dimensional space my_vector_field = U*V my_vector_field U.direction V.direction TEMP.direction # This gives a field U*U (U*V)*(U*V) my_vector_field.direction() # Instatiate an X-derivative operator object ddX = sg.Der(X) ddX ddX*TEMP ddX(TEMP) ddX*ddX # Create second order X-derivative d2dX2 = ddX*ddX # Apply it to the temperature field d2dX2*TEMP # Succesive calls of the ddX object ( (d2dX2*TEMP).value == ( ddX(ddX(TEMP)) ).value ).any() # Create Z-derivative object ddZ = sg.Der(Z) # Apply the derivative operator and plot the result pl, = sg.plot(ddZ*vpTEMP) lb = plt.xlabel('degs C per meter') sg.Pick(X)*my_vector_field ddX = sg.Der(X) # derivative in X ddY = sg.Der(Y) # etc ddZ = sg.Der(Z) pX = sg.Pick(X) # pick the component with direction X from vfield object (projection) pY = sg.Pick(Y) # etc. pZ = sg.Pick(Z) mX = sg.Mean(X) # take zonal mean of any field argument or right-multiplicant. mY = sg.Mean(Y) # etc mZ = sg.Mean(Z) sX = sg.Integ(X) # take integral sY = sg.Integ(Y) sZ = sg.Integ(Z) intX = sg.Prim(X) # take primitive function of any field argument intY = sg.Prim(Y) intZ = sg.Prim(Z) set2X = sg.SetDirection(X) # change the direction attribute of field argument to X set2Y = sg.SetDirection(Y) set2Z = sg.SetDirection(Z) set2scalar = sg.SetDirection(sg.ID()) Avg = mZ*mX*mY # a 3D average curl = ddX*set2scalar*pY - ddY*set2scalar*pX # curl operator expressed in basic operators div = ddX*set2scalar*pX + ddY*set2scalar*pY # divergence div3 = ddX*set2scalar*pX + ddY*set2scalar*pY + ddZ*set2scalar*pZ grad = set2X*ddX + set2Y*ddY # gradient. To be used on single field objects. # Take surface slices sU = U[Z,0] sV = V[Z,0] surface_vectors = sU*sV (div*surface_vectors).direction pl = sg.contourf(sg.squeeze((div*surface_vectors)[Y,10:-10]))