#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # CAR FAC AGC - Cascade of Asymmetric Resonators with Fast Acting Compression and Automatic Gain Control # === # # This notebook is based on Chapter 19 of Dick Lyons' [Human and Machine Hearing book](http://www.machinehearing.org). Page numbers in the code comments refer to the pages of the Author’s 2018 corrected manuscript of this book. # # Notebook by André van Schaik, [International Centre for Neuromorphic Systems](https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/icns). # # Now that we have added the Inner and Outer Hair Cell models, we are ready to implement the full CARFAC model from Chapter 15 shown below: # #


# # To do so, we implement the following structure: # #

AGC blocks

# # The AGC filter transfer function of the combined filter loop is given by: # # \begin{aligned} # H(s)&=\frac{1}{\tau_1 s+1}+\frac{2}{\left(\tau_2 s+1\right)\left(\tau_1 s+1\right)}+\frac{4}{\left(\tau_3 s+1\right)\left(\tau_2 s+1\right)\left(\tau_1 s+1\right)}+\frac{8}{\left(\tau_4 s+1\right)\left(\tau_3 s+1\right)\left(\tau_2 s+1\right)\left(\tau_1 s+1\right)} \\ # & =\frac{a_3 s^3+a_2 s^2+a_1 s+a_0}{\left(\tau_4 s+1\right)\left(\tau_3 s+1\right)\left(\tau_2 s+1\right)\left(\tau_1 s+1\right)} \\ # & =\frac{a_3 s^3+a_2 s^2+a_1 s+a_0}{\left(64 \tau_1 s+1\right)\left(16 \tau_1 s+1\right)\left(4 \tau_1 s+1\right)\left(\tau_1 s+1\right)} \\ # \end{aligned} # # with # # $$\left[a_3, a_2, a_1, a_0\right]=\left[4096 \tau_1^3, 3392 \tau_1^2, 500 \tau_1, 15\right]$$ # # The pole locations are: # # $$\left[\frac{-1}{64 \tau_1}, \frac{-1}{16 \tau_1}, \frac{-1}{4 \tau_1}, \frac{-1}{1 \tau_1}\right]$$ # # while the zeros are at: # # $$\left[\frac{-1}{24.59 \tau_1}, \frac{-1}{7.20 \tau_1}, \frac{-1}{1.54 \tau_1}\right]$$ # # Each temporal filter output is also spatially filtered as shown here: # #

AGC spatial filter

# # Note, the variable $c$ was already used in Chapter 18 on the IHC, but is a different variable here. I call it $c_{AGC}$ below to avoid confusion. # Surprisingly, the spatial filtering coefficients $c_L$ and $c_R$ for the CARFAC are not given in the book. Instead, I needed to look these up in the [CARFAC code supplied by Google](https://github.com/google/carfac/blob/master/python/np/carfac.py). # # The temporal filter time constants, taking into account decimation of the sampling rate at the stages $k \in [0, 3]$ are: # # $$ # c_{AGC}[k] =\frac{8 \times 2^k}{f_s * \tau_{AGC}} # $$ # # The spatial filter first defines a shift (spatial offset) and spread of the filter as: # # \begin{aligned} # shiftr_{AGC}[k] &= c_{AGC}[k] \times (1.65 - 1) \times \sqrt{2}^k \\ # spread_{sq\_AGC}[k] &= c_{AGC}[k] \times (1.65^2 + 1) \times 2^k \\ # \end{aligned} # # I do not know where the value 1.65 comes from. # # Then the coefficients are calculated as: # # \begin{aligned} # c_L[k] &= (spread_{sq\_AGC}[k] + {shiftr_{AGC}[k]}^2 - shiftr_{AGC}[k])/2 \\ # c_R[k] &= (spread_{sq\_AGC}[k] + {shiftr_{AGC}[k]}^2 + shiftr_{AGC}[k])/2 \\ # c_I[k] &= 1 - c_L[k] - c_R[k] # \end{aligned} # To measure the linearised transfer functions of the adapted cochlea, we first play a 700 Hz pure tone stimulus through the cochlea, after which we fix the value of b for each section, and then run the log sine sweep signal through the cochlea as before to measure the transfer function. First we create this stimulus and define the parameters as before. Since the role of the AGC is to increase damping, we start with very little damping. # In[1]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'widget') from pylab import * from scipy import signal import colorsys from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D fs = 48000.0 # sample frequency dur = 2 # simulation duration npoints = int(fs * dur) # stimulus length # create input tone f0 = 700 # tone frequency t1 = arange(npoints) / fs # sample times gain = 0.1 # input gain stimulus = gain * sin(2 * pi * f0 * t1) nsec = 100 # number of sections in the cochlea between xlow = 0.1 # lowest frequency position along the cochlea and xhigh = 0.9 # highest frequency position along the cochlea x = linspace(xhigh, xlow, nsec) # position along the cochlea 1 = base, 0 = apex f = 165.4 * (10**(2.1 * x) - 1) # Greenwood for humans a0 = cos(2 * pi * f / fs) # a0 and c0 control the poles and zeros c0 = sin(2 * pi * f / fs) damping = 0.2 # damping factor r = 1 - damping * 2 * pi * f / fs # pole & zero radius (actual) r1 = 1 - damping * 2 * pi * f / fs # pole & zero radius minimum (set point) h = c0 # p285 h = c0 puts the zeros 1/2 octave above poles g = (1 - 2 * a0 * r + r * r) / (1 - (2 * a0 - h * c0) * r + r * r) # p285 this gives 0dB DC gain for BM scale = 0.1 # p297 NLF parameter offset = 0.04 # p297 NLF parameter b = 1.0 # automatic gain loop feedback (1=no undamping). d_rz = 0.7 * (1 - r1) # p294 relative undamping f_hpf = 20 # p313 20Hz corner for the BM HPF c_hpf = 1 / (1 + (2 * pi * f_hpf / fs)) # corresponding IIR coefficient c = 20 tau_res = 10e-3 # p314 transmitter creation time constant a_res = 1 / (fs * tau_res) # p314 corresponding IIR coefficient tau_IHC = 80e-6 # p314 ~8kHz LPF for IHC output c_IHC = 1 / (fs * tau_IHC) # p314 corresponding IIR coefficient # Next, we add the parameters and variables for the AGC. # In[2]: # AGC loop parameters tau_AGC = .002 * 4**arange(4) # p316 # The remaining parameters are found in Google code, but not in the book. # The AGC filters are decimated, i.e., running at a lower sample rate, so the coefficients are calculated as: c_AGC = 8 * 2**arange(4) / (fs * tau_AGC) # spatial filtering shiftr_AGC = c_AGC * 0.65 * np.sqrt(2)**np.arange(4) spread_sq_AGC = c_AGC * (1.65**2 + 1) * 2**np.arange(4) c_L = (spread_sq_AGC + shiftr_AGC**2 - shiftr_AGC)/2 c_R = (spread_sq_AGC + shiftr_AGC**2 + shiftr_AGC)/2 c_I = 1 - c_L - c_R # Before we run the simulation, we initialise the variables as needed. # In[3]: W = zeros(nsec) # BM filter internal state V = zeros(nsec) # BM filter internal state Vold = zeros(nsec) # BM filter internal state at t-1 BM = zeros((nsec, npoints)) # BM displacement BM_hpf = zeros((nsec, npoints)) # BM displacement high-pass filtered at 20Hz tr_used = zeros(nsec) # transmitter used tr_reservoir = ones(nsec) # transmitter available IHC = zeros((nsec, npoints)) # IHC output IHCa = zeros((nsec, npoints)) # IHC filter internal state BM[-1] = stimulus # put stimulus at BM[-1] to provide input to BM[0] BM[-1, -1] = 0 # hack to make BM_hpf[nsec-1,0] work In8 = zeros(nsec) # Accumulator for ACG4 In16 = zeros(nsec) # Accumulator for AGC3 In32 = zeros(nsec) # Accumulator for AGC2 In64 = zeros(nsec) # Accumulator for AGC1 AGC = zeros((nsec,npoints)) # AGC filter internal state AGC0 = zeros(nsec) # AGC filter internal state AGC1 = zeros(nsec) # AGC filter internal state AGC2 = zeros(nsec) # AGC filter internal state AGC3 = zeros(nsec) # AGC filter internal state # And then we simulate the whole system for each sample time and for all cochlear sections. # In[4]: for t in range(npoints): v_OHC = V - Vold Vold = V.copy() sqr = (v_OHC * scale + offset)**2 NLF = 1 / (1 + (scale * v_OHC + offset)**2) r = r1 + d_rz * (1-b) * NLF g = (1 - 2 * a0 * r + r * r) / (1 - (2 * a0 - h * c0) * r + r * r) for s in range(nsec): Wnew = BM[s - 1, t] + r[s] * (a0[s] * W[s] - c0[s] * V[s]) V[s] = r[s] * (a0[s] * V[s] + c0[s] * W[s]) W[s] = Wnew BM[s, t] = g[s] * (BM[s-1, t] + h[s] * V[s]) BM_hpf[:, t] = c_hpf * (BM_hpf[:, t-1] + BM[:, t] - BM[:, t-1]) u = (BM_hpf[:, t] + 0.175).clip(0) # p313 v_mem = u**3 / (u**3 + u**2 + 0.1) # p313, called 'g', but g is already used for the BM section gain tr_released = v_mem * tr_reservoir # p313, called 'y', but renamed to avoid confusion tr_used = (1 - a_res) * tr_used + a_res * c * tr_released tr_reservoir = 1 - tr_used # p313, called 'v' in the book IHCa[:, t] = (1 - c_IHC) * IHCa[:, t-1] + c_IHC * tr_released IHC[:, t] = (1 - c_IHC) * IHC[:, t-1] + c_IHC * IHCa[:, t] In8 += IHC[:,t] / 8.0 # accumulate input if t%64 == 0: # subsample AGC1 by factor 64 AGC3 = (1 - c_AGC[3]) * AGC3 + c_AGC[3] * In64 # LPF in time domain AGC3 = c_L[3] * roll(AGC3, 1) + c_I[3] * AGC3 + c_R[3] * roll(AGC3, -1) # LPF in spatial domain In64 *= 0 # reset input accumulator for AGC3 if t%32 == 0: # subsample AGC2 by factor 32 AGC2 = (1 - c_AGC[2]) * AGC2 + c_AGC[2] * (In32 + 2 * AGC3) # LPF in time domain AGC2 = c_L[2] * roll(AGC2, 1) + c_I[2] * AGC2 + c_R[2] * roll(AGC2, -1) # LPF in spatial domain In64 += In32 # accumulate input for AGC3 In32 *= 0 # reset input accumulator for AGC2 if t%16 == 0: # subsample ACG3 by factor 16 AGC1 = (1 - c_AGC[1]) * AGC1 + c_AGC[1] * (In16 + 2 * AGC2) # LPF in time domain AGC1 = c_L[1] * roll(AGC1, 1) + c_I[1] * AGC1 + c_R[1] * roll(AGC1, -1) # LPF in spatial domain In32 += In16 # accumulate input for AGC2 In16 *= 0 # reset input accumulator for AGC1 if t%8 == 0: # subsample AGC0 by factor 8 AGC0 = (1 - c_AGC[0]) * AGC0 + c_AGC[0] * (In8 + 2 * AGC1) # LPF in time domain AGC0 = c_L[0] * roll(AGC0, 1) + c_I[0] * AGC0 + c_R[0] * roll(AGC0, -1) # LPF in spatial domain AGC[:,t] = AGC0 # store AGC output for plotting In16 += In8 # accumulate input for AGC1 In8 *= 0 # reset input accumulator for AGC0 b = AGC0 # b of OHC is equal to AGC0 r = r1 + d_rz * (1 - b) * NLF # feedback to BM g = (1 - 2 * a0 * r + r * r) / (1 - (2 * a0 - h * c0) * r + r * r) # gain for BM else: AGC[:,t] = AGC[:, t - 1] # After letting the cochlea adapt to the 700 Hz pure-tone stimulus, we freeze $b$, which freezes the damping of each section to the value at the end of the pure-tone stimulation. Then we play a sweep through the cochlea to measure its frequency response. # In[10]: # Now measure the frequency response of the cochlear filters # create a log-sine-sweep f0 = 10 # sweep start frequency f1 = fs / 2 # sweep end frequency stimulus = signal.chirp(t1, f0, t1[-1], f1, method='logarithmic', phi=-90) # wl = 1000 # window length # stimulus[:wl] *= sin(linspace(0, .5 * pi, wl)) # ramp up start # stimulus[-wl:] *= cos(linspace(0, .5 * pi, wl)) # ramp down end # reset all these states W0 = zeros(nsec) # BM filter internal state W1 = zeros(nsec) # BM filter internal state W1old = zeros(nsec) # BM filter internal state at t-1 BM = zeros((nsec, npoints)) # BM displacement BM_hpf = zeros((nsec, npoints)) # BM displacement high-pass filtered at 20Hz tr_used = zeros(nsec) # transmitter used tr_reservoir = ones(nsec) # transmitter available IHC = zeros((nsec, npoints)) # IHC output IHCa = zeros((nsec, npoints)) # IHC filter internal state # now play sweep through cochlea while keeping b fixed to measure the frequency response BM[-1] = stimulus # put stimulus at BM[-1] to provide input to BM[0] BM[-1, -1] = 0 # hack to make BM_hpf[nsec-1, 0] work for t in range(npoints): v_OHC = V - Vold Vold = V.copy() sqr = (v_OHC * scale + offset)**2 NLF = 1 / (1 + (scale * v_OHC + offset)**2) r = r1 + d_rz * (1-b) * NLF g = (1 - 2 * a0 * r + r * r) / (1 - (2 * a0 - h * c0) * r + r * r) for s in range(nsec): Wnew = BM[s - 1, t] + r[s] * (a0[s] * W[s] - c0[s] * V[s]) V[s] = r[s] * (a0[s] * V[s] + c0[s] * W[s]) W[s] = Wnew BM[s, t] = g[s] * (BM[s-1, t] + h[s] * V[s]) BM_hpf[:, t] = c_hpf * (BM_hpf[:, t-1] + BM[:, t] - BM[:, t-1]) u = (BM_hpf[:, t] + 0.175).clip(0) # p313 v_mem = u**3 / (u**3 + u**2 + 0.1) # p313, called 'g', but g is already used for the BM section gain tr_released = v_mem * tr_reservoir # p313, called 'y', but renamed to avoid confusion tr_used = (1 - a_res) * tr_used + a_res * c * tr_released tr_reservoir = 1 - tr_used # p313, called 'v' in the book IHCa[:, t] = (1 - c_IHC) * IHCa[:, t-1] + c_IHC * tr_released IHC[:, t] = (1 - c_IHC) * IHC[:, t-1] + c_IHC * IHCa[:, t] # use the FFT of the stimulus and output directly to calculate the transfer function FL = ceil(log2(npoints)) # define FFT length output = BM # use this signal as the output signal myFFT = fft(zeros((nsec, int(2**FL)))) for s in range(nsec): myFFT[s] = fft(output[s], int(2**FL)) / fft(stimulus, int(2**FL)) # calculate the BM impulse response IR = real(ifft(myFFT)) IR[:, 0] = zeros(nsec) # remove artefact # First we plot the same data as before: BM gain and phase response, impulse response and IHC output in response to the sweep: # In[11]: # plot the data if fignum_exists(1): close(1) figure(1, figsize=(10, 4)) # Bode plot of BM displacement ax1 = subplot(1, 2, 1) freq = linspace(0, fs / 2, int((2**FL) / 2)) semilogx(freq, 20 * log10(abs(myFFT.T[0 : int((2**FL) / 2), :]) + 1e-10)) title('BM gain (in dB)') ylim([-100, 60]) xlabel('f (in Hz)') ax2 = subplot(1, 2, 2,sharex = ax1) semilogx(freq, unwrap(angle(myFFT.T[0 : int((2**FL) / 2), :]), discont=5, axis=0)) title('BM phase (in rad)') ylim([-5, 2]) xlabel('f (in Hz)') tight_layout() if fignum_exists(2): close(2) figure(2, figsize=(10, 3)) # BM impulse response L = 2000 plot(arange(L) * 1000 / fs, IR[:, 0 : L].T) xlabel('t (in ms)') title('BM impulse response') tight_layout() if fignum_exists(3): close(3) figure(3, figsize=(10, 3)) # IHC output plot(t1 * 1000, stimulus, 'r') plot(t1 * 1000, IHC.T) xlabel('t (in ms)') title('IHC response') tight_layout() # Note the clear dip in maximum gain for the sections that are most sensitive to frequencies near 700 Hz. Next we plot the output of the AGC loop versus section number and time. The top figure shows the 3d version of this, and the bottom figure the cross sections. You can see that the output becomes stable after 0.4s of the presentation of the pure tone. # In[7]: if fignum_exists(4): close(4) fig = figure(4, figsize=(8, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') t = linspace(0, 1, 10, False) * dur X,Y = meshgrid(linspace(0, nsec, nsec, False), t) ax.plot_surface(X, Y, AGC[:, (t * fs).astype(int)].T, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0) ax.set_xlabel("section number") ax.set_ylabel("Time (s)") ax.set_zlabel("AGC output") tight_layout() if fignum_exists(5): close(5) figure(5, figsize=(8, 4)) for t in range(10): plot(AGC[:, int(t * npoints / 10)], label="%0.2f" % (t * npoints / 10 / fs), color=colorsys.hls_to_rgb(t / 10.0, .5, .5)) legend(title='Time (s)', loc='lower right') title ('AGC output at different times') xlabel('section number') tight_layout() print(AGC.shape) # Finally, we plot the distribution of b across the sections at the end of the pure tone stimulation: # In[8]: if fignum_exists(6): close(6) figure(6, figsize=(8, 4)) plot(b) title('b') xlabel('section number') tight_layout() # In[9]: if fignum_exists(7): close(7) figure(7, figsize=(10, 4)) # BM impulse response L=600 plot(arange(L) * 1000 / fs, IR[5::20, 0 : L].T) xlabel('t (in ms)') title('BM impulse response') tight_layout() # These notebooks are available at https://github.com/vschaik/CARFAC.