Latex('$\\alpha^2 + \\eta$') HTML('

Hello, world!

') new MIMEContainer('text/html', '

Hello World!

') new MIMEContainer(MIMEContainer.MIME.TEXT_HTML, '

Hello World!

') new MIMEContainer('text/latex', '$\\alpha^2 + \\eta$') FileLinks("../groovy") FileLink("PlotFeatures.ipynb") Markdown("It's **very** easy to do **bold** and *italics*:") Math('F(k) = \\int_{-\\infty}^{\\infty} f(x) e^{2\\pi i k} dx') IFrame('', '100%', 400) ScribdDocument("71048089", width: '50%', height: 400, start_page: 5, view_mode: 'slideshow') VimeoVideo("139304565", width: 400, height: 300) YoutubeVideo("gSVvxOchT8Y", start: 1800, autoplay: 1, width: 800, height: 600) Video('') SVG("") SVG("../resources/img/atom.svg") Image("") Image("../resources/img/widgetArch.png") import; import; import; def imgFile = new File("../resources/img/widgetArch.png"); def bytes = Files.toByteArray(imgFile); Image(bytes)