# this is the probelm we need to solve import random import select import signal import sympy import sys class Unbuffered(object): def __init__(self, stream): self.stream = stream def write(self, data): self.stream.write(data) self.stream.flush() def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.stream, attr) def random_prime(bits): return sympy.nextprime(2 ** bits + random.randint(0, 2 ** bits)) def encrypt(bits, m): p = random_prime(bits) q = random_prime(bits) n = p * q assert m < n print n print m ** 3 % n print (m + 1) ** 3 % n def main(): signal.alarm(180) sys.stdout = Unbuffered(sys.stdout) for i in range(1, 10): bits = 50 * i m = random.randint(0, 4 ** bits) encrypt(bits, m) rfd, _, _ = select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 10) if rfd: try: x = int(raw_input()) except ValueError: print "\033[31;1mEnter a number, ok?\033[0m" exit() if x == m: print "\033[32;1mGreat:)\033[0m" continue else: print "\033[31;1mso sad :(\033[0m" exit() else: print "\033[31;1mToo slooooooooooow :(\033[0m" exit() bits = 512.512 m = int(open('flag').read().encode('hex'), 16) encrypt(bits, m) print "\033[32;1mGood Luck!\033[0m" main() from gmpy2 import mpz, divm from sympy import * # suppose m**3 =c and (m+1) ** 3 =d x, c,d = symbols('x,c,d') f1 = x**3-c f2 = (x+1)**3-d # finding gcd of f1, f2 q,r = div(f1, f2) print r q2, r2=div( (x+1)**3-d, r) # m is the root of linear equation r2 r2= Poly(3*r2, x) # Given n = 2346958776283104186640235260573 c = 1085431292732484513462488498356 d =2179163442056091844263758576965 # so, we can compute m as following # The formulat is simply: -r2.all_coeffs()[0]/-r2.all_coeffs()[1] mod n m=divm(2*c + d - 1, d-c+2, n) pow(m, 3, n) == c and pow(m+1, 3, n) == d # now doing this automatically import telnetlib tel = telnetlib.Telnet("", 5454) for i in range(1, 10): n = mpz(tel.read_until('\n').strip()) c = mpz(tel.read_until('\n').strip()) d = mpz(tel.read_until('\n').strip()) m = divm(2*c + d - 1, d-c+2, n) tel.write('%d\n'%m) ans = tel.read_until('\n') print i, ans n = mpz(tel.read_until('\n').strip()) c = mpz(tel.read_until('\n').strip()) d = mpz(tel.read_until('\n').strip()) m = divm(2*c + d - 1, d-c+2, n) ans = tel.read_until('\n') print ans, n,c,d print m # get our flag print ("%x"%m).decode('hex')